Number of People

Chapter 1217: geng character scroll to marry

  Chapter 1217 Geng Scroll Marriage

Seeing that her husband was lost in thought, Shen Yixiu was also a little apprehensive: "Master, this is just some news my father got from his hometown, and it may not be accurate, but I feel that although it seems to be saying that the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River are powerful in the court. Big, but Master Shoufu and Master Cifu are relatively fair. Jiangnan has heavy taxes, and Jiangnan scholars have a lot of resentment. They are still explaining the current situation in the north to Jiangnan scholars objectively and truthfully, at least from this point. Generally speaking, they still stand in the interests of the overall situation. As for asking them to completely protect the north, it is not realistic in itself. After all, they are from the south of the Yangtze River..."

   "Is this what my father-in-law said?" Feng Ziying couldn't believe that this was what her wife, who usually didn't care much about current affairs, thought.

"Not exactly, there are some mentions in my father's letter, that is, the scholars in the central and northern regions and the Huguang scholars have a lot of prejudice against the first assistant, the second assistant, and the Jiangnan scholars, but even if the old Qige is replaced as the first assistant , can it make a big difference? It is an indisputable fact that the taxes in the south of the Yangtze River are heavy, especially in places like Suzhou and Huzhou. Many small people hang their land on the heads of big families, which means they cannot bear this kind of pressure..."

Great Zhou gave preferential treatment to scholars, and the gentry had a policy of tax reduction and exemption, especially for labor service. This is why everyone worked so hard to find a scholar status. As long as they passed the examination of scholar, they could be exempted from labor service, and those who won Juren were eligible for relief. Taxes on the land at home.

   "If the levy continues, Jiangnan may really be in chaos."

  Shen Yixiu's words are a reminder, how could Feng Ziying not know? But before finding other ways to make money, the heavy financial pressure forced the court to keep looking at Jiangnan and Huguang, especially Jiangnan.

  Under this kind of internal and external troubles, the Great Zhou court was like a bowstring that was stretched too tightly, and it might break apart in the slightest accident.

  The unfavorable situation in the Southwest War continues to add weight to this string, and the room for the court to maneuver seems to be getting smaller and smaller.

Feng Ziying can imagine that Guan Yingzhen should also be under a lot of pressure. The increase in the price of the franchise fee and the increase in the national debt are all issues that have to be considered under the pressure from the cabinet, the Ministry of Finance, and even the Ministry of War. Taxation, and this is bound to stimulate the turbulent scholarly public opinion in the south of the Yangtze River.

  Feng Ziying also couldn't help but sighed deeply. After all, life was born at an untimely time, and we encountered an era of various contradictions and problems.

  Feng Ziying is really envious of those protagonists in time-travel novels, who are so frequently worshiped by younger brothers, and the protagonists kill all directions. Why did they come through time-traveling by themselves and become such useless and suffocating characters?

I have tried my best to show my talents to the world, raise my hopes and fame, weave a wide network of contacts, and hold my thick legs everywhere to seize the opportunity. In the eyes of countless people, I am already a genius in the sky, and my career is rising, but why is there still a kind of exhaustion? And the situation doesn't seem to be improving at all?

   Is it true that manpower will eventually be poor, and the way of heaven will eventually be determined? Shouldn't it be said that man will conquer nature?

The pilot project of Yongping Mansion is something that Feng Ziying thinks is going well, but the land of Yongping Mansion is still too small for the whole big week, and the time is only less than a year, no matter what she has done. It is impossible to touch stones into gold even if you have the ability.

It can be said that with the help of Shanshan merchants and Foshan Zhuangji, and even the military bureau of the Ministry of War for joint development, I have already explored all the potential and resources to the maximum extent, but it takes time to accumulate slowly. Rome is not a day If it can be built, even if I let myself take over as Zhu Zhiren's magistrate, within three to five years, the development of Yongping Mansion will hardly see great results, and it will not be enough to leverage the changes in the entire Great Zhou pattern.

Sometimes Feng Ziying herself feels tired. Although Qi Yongtai, Guan Yingzhen, Qiao Yingjia, and Chai Ke are close to her, to be precise, they only partially agree with some of her views, and they are not even fellow travelers. In this sense, this kind of teacher-student friendship or the old-fashioned relationship between the township party and the old party belongs to this tradition, which can only be regarded as a personal friendship.

  Even among the classmates who I have given high hopes to, none of them fully agree with and support me. It will take time and success to accumulate slowly.

However, Feng Ziying believes that her success in Yongping Mansion has made a good start. It has not only created a good reputation for herself in the ruling and opposition parties, but also attracted many people's attention to her way, making them also I saw the hope of "taking shortcuts" in my official career.

The most important thing in Dazhou's assessment of local officials is taxation and public order. With limited land and fixed taxation standards, how to make this point a breakthrough without causing public order instability, countless people are struggling. But Feng Ziying not only achieved this in just one year, but also solved the problem of tens of thousands of refugees for the court, which made it impossible for anyone to question Feng Ziying's contribution to this.

Of course there will be criticisms, the dissatisfaction of the gentry is the biggest hidden danger, but fortunately Qi Yongtai is the leader of the northern scholastics, and the northern Zhili is where his foundation is, and Qiao Yingjia is sitting in the Metropolitan Procuratorate. It can still be suppressed, so this also made Feng Ziying's dazzling today.

Feng Ziying also realizes that her next goal may not only make herself more dazzling and better, but also need to pull a group of like-minded people to work together with her, even if they only agree on some points of view, it is worth fighting for and As for the development, I can completely let them gradually accept my views and opinions through ear and ear influence, and the most convincing is undoubtedly what I am doing now and have succeeded.

  For Feng Ziying, although there are many troubles and troubles, they are not imminent. The big thing at the moment is still getting married.

Shen Yixiu gave birth to a daughter, although Feng Ziying was overjoyed, but it also made the big and small Duan family happy and also a little regretful. It has been a while since Feng Ziying married a wife and took concubines. Shen Yixiu was pregnant and gave birth, two concubines and three housemaids, none of them were pregnant, if it wasn't for the big and small Duan's understanding of Shen Yixiu's temperament, they would really suspect that Shen Yixiu was behind it.

But in any case, marrying Xue's sisters into the family is a big deal. Even Shen Yixiu can't take care of the second wife's affairs. Shen Yixiu shouldn't be pregnant again in a short time. I pinned my hopes on the sisters of the Xue family, especially Xue Baochai's rich charm made Duan very satisfied. This physique looks like a multi-children, so the attitude has changed from the initial disapproval to the current eagerness look forward to.

  The sun finally rose.

  The weather is beautiful. The past few days were full of wind and snow, but since the day before yesterday, the weather has cleared up.

  The sky is blue and the sun is shining. The two days of sunshine have made the entire capital city bright and clean.

  The street has been cleaned up, at least in the Fengcheng Hutong, it is very comfortable to look at. The Feng family once again accepted a bride, which also made the entire Fengcheng Hutong noisy.

Compared with the Song and Ming dynasties, the wedding customs in the Great Zhou Dynasty have some changes. It is important to go out to greet the bride at an auspicious time in the morning, and then take the bride home. At noon, relatives and old friends come to congratulate. Like marrying Shen Yixiu, the mansion also has arrangements, but there are more than 20 tables in a restaurant in the nearby Wudinghou Hutong outside, and guests who come to the banquet, if relatives and old relatives from afar, will also help arrange accommodation.

  Personal welcome is the mainstream in this era, but in the south there is also the custom of letting the elders of the family marry the bride back without going in person, but in the north and towns, the custom of personally welcoming is still adopted.

If it is an ordinary family, there are donkey carts and horse carts, and there are horses and donkeys, which are not uniform. Of course, for Feng Ziying, they must go on horseback, and the bride is naturally picked up in a sedan chair. This has become the mainstream of official families in this era. The way of marriage.

The Xue family moved out from the Rongguo Mansion a few days earlier. In fact, Xue Pan moved to the Lige Old Alley in Xiaoyongfang after marrying the daughter of the Xia family. It is adjacent to Taipu Temple in the north and Taiye Pool in the east The environment is very good, but the house is not too big.

But the second wife of Xue's family lives in Shibei Hutong in Dashiyongfang, but this time the bride is marrying the daughter of Xue's parents' house, and Xue Baoqin is married as a dowry, so naturally they are also waiting in Xue's house in Lige Old Hutong to marry and marry. up.

  The bride-welcoming team came out of Fengcheng Hutong and headed south along the northern section of Xuanwumenli Street. Although the weather was fine, the wind was still blowing hard, making Feng Ziying's cheeks stiff with cold, but the smile on her face was beyond words.

  The mighty group of people immediately attracted the attention of countless people in the neighborhood, and as soon as they went to Xuanwumen Street, they became a crowd of people.

   "Hey, it's the Feng family getting married,..."

   "Which Feng family? You don't even know Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan? Do you know Kaihai? Do you know that this time the Mongols came in and fought a defeated battle? It was Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan who did it..."

   "Oh, it was written by Xiao Feng, so why don't you know? I remember that the Feng family got married the year before last?"

   "What do you know? They are a family with three families and only seedlings, so the Holy One specially approved the concubine,..."

   "Tsk tsk, so you can marry two wives? I've heard of this kind of situation in the village, but it seems that the Feng family's three wives all have titles. This is a new thing,..."

   "That is, if it is not the case, why do you need to be concurrent? Then the title must be inherited by heirs, right?..."

   "Look at this posture, I don't know which family the woman is from?"

   "I heard that the surname is Xue, and they are from a wealthy family in Jinling, but I haven't heard much about it in our capital city..."

"Hey, how can a talent like Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan marry that southern barbarian? Could it be that our high-ranking families in the capital city don't have any daughters that satisfy him? If it were me, even if I took the initiative to come to the door, I would have to marry him." A family affair,..."

   "You don't want to **** and look for yourself. She looks like a scumbag, and your daughter is also worthy of the Feng family's eyes. Being a maid is enough..."

  (end of this chapter)

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