Number of People

Chapter 1224: Man Tingfang

  Chapter 1224 Man Tingfang

  Ecstasy At this moment, when the Luo belt is lightly separated, the sachet is untied, and Baochai's body is hugged, the word Qin Guan echoes in his heart, this is probably the best portrayal.

Compared with Shen Yixiu, Baochai, who is slightly shorter, is obviously heavier, and his slightly plump body should be the best evaluation of Baochai. When he saw the face like a silver basin, it was blushing like a cloud, and his eyelashes were like feather fans, and they seemed to be closed. It's still open, the breath of cherry lips like Danzhu, and the unique body fragrance mixed with Lengxiangwan is even more tangy, making people dizzy.

  Red tents are shaking, fish and candles are flickering, brocade quilts are folded over thousands of waves, jade legs are sideways on Longhu Mountain...

  Golden needles are picked in the dark, jade stamens are just blooming, and white silk is three thousand, but the scars of the pill are looming,...

  Chen frowned slightly, her red lips babbled slowly,...

I have to say that this is a sweetheart bestowed by God. When Feng Ziying was in full swing, Xue Baochai couldn't bear it. Looking at the beautiful woman in the tent, the jade light melted, and I was afraid it was the sweetheart who was called the white jade beauty in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". It's hard for the lady.

  The beauty in her arms was already exhausted and fell into a deep sleep, but Feng Ziying was full of energy, Yu Yong was excellent,...

  Xiang Ling at the door of the room was already blushing and frowning, full of spring, and the inhuman Yinger was even more creepy, her head almost hanging down to her chest.

This matter of listening to the bed is naturally a duty-bound maid, and Xiangling has long been combed by Feng Ziying's house, so she is naturally familiar with such things, but at this time today, Feng Ziying is still full of ideas, and she must To take care of the bride's wishes, I can only hold Baochai to suppress my desires and fall asleep soundly.

  Seeing that the two in the red tent finally embraced and fell asleep, Xiangling and Yinger breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiangling glanced at Yinger, whose legs were stiff and clasped her hands to cover her ears, walked over in small steps, and suddenly pulled Yinger's arm, so that Yinger, who had been lowering her head and trembling slightly, almost cried out in fright. Seeing that it was Xiangling who hit Xiangling bitterly, lowered his voice and shouted: "Xiangling, you little hoof, you scared me to death!"

"What scares you to death? Do you think it's because the girl can't bear it, and the master wants to pull you into bed?" Although Xiangling seems to be innocent, sometimes she speaks in a dull manner. The recklessness of chess is rougher.

Shocked by Xiangling's words, Ying'er grabbed Xiangling's arm tightly, but she was afraid of waking up the two on the bed, so she could only whisper viciously in her ear: "Little hooves, are you getting more and more serious now? Getting more and more presumptuous? Don't rely on being combed by the master, you don't know the heights of the world,..."

   "You're coming soon, sooner or later..." Xiangling sighed blankly and said, "Young girl is so delicate and expensive, how can she stand it..."

   The words didn't go on, Xiangling is naturally someone who has been there, and she has seen Eryou's bed, and her ability is also difficult to subdue. But this is all intended, this close girl is the most confidant around grandma, and grandma will not shy away from the most private things, such things are naturally inevitable.

After all, Ying'er is inhumane, and by the light of the fish and candles in the room, watching Xiangling talking about those things doesn't look like she is suffering, and she usually only hears half of the girl's words before she gets married. Or it was just that in the garden, I occasionally heard those women and women talking inappropriately in private, and I could occasionally hear a sentence or two, but these girls would never dare to speak nonsense in front of them.

"Xiangling, you said the girl is like before..." Yinger didn't have the nerve to continue, but Xiangling laughed, "My daughter's family will have to go through that hurdle, and she will be fine in the future, and you will know in a few days .”

"Bah, dirty little hooves..." Ying'er also heard Dai Xiangling's teasing meaning, and spat, "The girl is still looking forward to continuing the incense for the Feng family earlier, and only one child is born in the long room." Qianjin, the wife and concubine must be looking forward to our second room giving birth to a son as soon as possible. I heard Ming Huan say that the wife has calculated the horoscopes of the girl and Miss Qin, and said that the girl is destined to have a son. Come out of our second room."

  Xiangling glanced at Yinger, who was still half-knowledgeable, covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "Actually, it doesn't matter, maybe the girl can still hope that you can..."

  It’s just that it would be too embarrassing to say such things. Rao Xiangling is considered a woman, and she is too embarrassed to say it in front of Yinger, who will still get along with her in the future. She can only experience such things by herself.


When Feng Ziying woke up, the sky had not yet turned bright, and it was still dark outside the window, but the biological clock woke him up. After a slight movement, he felt the body of the beautiful woman in his arms stiffen. Although her eyes were closed, her eyelids were still tight. But she trembled slightly, knowing that Baochai had woken up.

  The shoulders are a little numb from the pressure. Don't say that a beauty is not heavy, and I can bear it with the ape body and wolf waist. It's still very uncomfortable to be on the shoulders all night. If you don't believe me, try it.

  Sleeping while embracing each other sounds very sweet and warm, but if you really want to be like this all night, the feeling will be different, at least the feeling of wanting to move but only sighing is very uncomfortable.

Feng Ziying is naturally not the kind of person who doesn't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, knowing that Baochai's lingering night will definitely not be able to bear it anymore, so she has to be gentle with her hands and eyes. It is redundant at this time.

  The two hugged and cuddled each other like this, tenderly loving each other, but they had a special feeling.

"The concubine feels more at ease at this time, and even this sleep is extraordinarily sweet and peaceful." Baochai murmured softly, her brows and eyes were full of the charm of a little woman after her first taste of the jade melon. When she was a girl, she seemed to have a little more charm.

"It's still early, we still have a long life in the future, the younger sister has to bear children for the husband to carry on the family line, the husband used to call the younger sister and aunt, oh, now it's time to change the name to mother-in-law, like sister and mother-in-law Promise this Uncle Yunchuan that he will also have an heir to attack the noble, right?" Feng Ziying couldn't help rubbing Baochai's smooth and round belly, "My wife said to ask someone to tell your fate, that you can have a son, and I say that you can have a son." Having a daughter is determined by God, as a husband I like it, if I speak from my heart, a husband prefers a daughter,..."

Baochai has also heard such rumors, saying that her husband is very fond of Shen Yixiu's daughter, and today she heard her husband say this, and she is really curious: "Is it true that Xianggong is really not worried about inheriting the family and continuing the Feng family's incense?" ?”

Feng Ziying smiled calmly: "My sister is worrying too much, why should I be worried? If you can have a daughter, you will naturally have a son, which means that Wanjun and I are both healthy. As long as I am healthy, this family of three, and Baoqin and Eryou, no matter how bad it is, there are Jin Chuaner, Xiangling and Yunshang. How can they not have a son? But I hope that my sister will give me more children. If we can combine the quiet temperament with my sister, then the temperament of my son and daughter will be much better in the future."

  Such private words can most make the daughter's family fall in love at this time, and Baochai is no exception.

Husband hopes that he will have more children, so it is natural to cherish him. I am a legitimate wife, and those who give birth to children are all legitimate sons and daughters. In the future, my son will inherit the title of Uncle Yunchuan, the second wife. It is best for a father with such a literary talent to study, but even if he can't read books, he can still have a title as a guarantee.

  For example, the reason why the Xue family declined faster than the other families was that they lacked a title, and the title is the foundation of a family.

   Even the Wang family used to have a county earl title, the Jia family was a duke of two states, and the Shi family was a duke of two families, only Ziwei Sheren, the ancestor of the Xue family, was not a title, but an official position.

  Once the grandparents passed away, they vanished. It was all thanks to the successors who maintained their positions as imperial merchants and managed their business well, so they were not expelled from the four major families. But even so, they still couldn’t compare with the other three.

  As long as he can give birth to a son, the title of Marquis Yunchuan will be stable. If he can study, this title can also be reserved for other brothers who cannot study.

  The two of them have gentle words, especially better than Zhang Chang's thrush, and their boudoir love is not well known.

Seeing that the sky was bright, Baochai wanted to get up in a hurry. On the second day of the wedding, she was going to serve tea to Wenggu. handle, especially with the example of Shen Yixiu in front of him.

   Baochai also heard that Shen Yixiu is quite popular with his wives and concubines. This kind of competition will start from the first day of marrying into Feng's house and will continue until death.

  Just moving her body, she felt the pain unbearably, and she fell back on the bed. Feng Ziying also thought it was funny, so she hurriedly called Xiangling and Yinger to wait on Baochai to clean and comb.

It is much more convenient to have a person like Xiangling come to take care of her. What she has experienced before can naturally help Baochai to settle down. This innovation is so profound that even walking is a bit inconvenient, but Baochai still insists Enduring and going to the Houfu together with Feng Ziying to serve tea to the two wives and concubines, the elder and younger Duan were very happy, especially when they saw Baochai's physique and posture, they all felt that they were capable of giving birth to a son.

   After all this tossing, Feng Ziying let Xiangling, Yinger and Ruiguan wait for Baochai to go back to her room to rest.

  Baoqin here also came to say hello early, but seeing Baochai like this, she couldn't help but feel a little panic in her heart.

   On the first day after marriage, it is natural to hang around at home, no matter how important things are, they have to be put aside.

   It is also rare to have such leisure time. In the past, when I returned to Beijing, it would be full of guests and friends. Today, everyone can understand and won't come to bother me.

After sending Baochai back to the house to comfort her, Feng Ziying also went to the flower hall of the back mansion to accompany her mother and aunt to have a conversation, which has not been like this for a long time since she became an official and went to Yongping , and I was so happy that the big and small Duan clans were all smiling and sighing.

  (end of this chapter)

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