Number of People

Chapter 1225: gengzi scroll lure

  Chapter 1225 Geng-character volume lure

"Ziying, you don't want to marry the sisters of the Xue family and then neglect the long house Wanjun. You have to go there." Xiao Duan looked at Feng Ziying's handsome appearance, and the more she looked at it, the happier she was, " But the most urgent thing is to give birth to a son as soon as possible, no matter if it is the first wife or the second wife, or whether it is the first son or the second son, as long as you can give birth to a son, it is very good."

  Feng Ziying glanced at her aunt, "Didn't my aunt say that it is best to have a son first? Why has the attitude changed now?"

"Of course the son-in-law is the best, but Wan Jun just gave birth to a child, and he has to rest for at least a year. The two aunts in your eldest room have been with you in Yongping Mansion for a year, why haven't you seen anything?" Xiao Duan also hesitated, "This time Baochai and Baoqin will accompany you to Yongping. It would be best if Baochai can conceive as soon as possible. Pregnant, that is fate."

  The other people Xiaoduan mentioned are actually the maids around him, such as Jin Chuaner, Xiangling, Yunshang, Yinger and Lingguan brought by Baochai and Baoqin.

According to the rules, these girls are all close-fitting girls, so they will inevitably have to go to bed sometimes, but generally speaking, before the mistress gives birth to an offspring, they will deliberately avoid pregnancy, but this Feng family's situation is special, Shen Yixiu is the first to get pregnant, but But she gave birth to a daughter, and Eryou has not made a move so far. Now Baochai and Baoqin in Erfang are pregnant, but if there is no movement, if the other maids accidentally become pregnant, they are really pregnant. It's really hard to say whether it should give birth to a boy and a half girl.

   It is estimated that these maids are also beating drums in their hearts now, so Xiao Duan said that, the Feng family really hoped to have an heir to inherit the incense earlier.

   Regarding Xiao Duan's words, Feng Ziying was also noncommittal.

To be honest, he also thinks it's a difficult thing, if Jin Chuan'er or Xiang Ling are really going to give birth to a son before Shen Yixiu and Baochai, I'm afraid that this kind of pressure will put Jin Chuan'er and Xiang Ling under pressure They would rather wait until the mistress gave birth to a child before thinking about it without any pressure.

"Auntie, let's just let things like this happen. Wanjun is recovering very well, and Baochai and Baoqin are also in good health here. I think they will make mother and auntie feel at ease soon..." Feng Ziying smiled, "Let's talk , the father did not rush to urge this matter in the letter, and the son is still young, only 20 years old. In the future, maybe ten or eight second daughters will be born around the knees of the mother and aunt. When the time comes, the mother and aunt should not be pestered get upset."

The big and small Duan family all laughed, "Ziying, if you can really have ten or eight children, you can wake up laughing when you fall asleep for your mother, and marry into your Feng family for your mother, and your uncle and uncle will have no descendants. As for Wei Niang, the ancestors of the Feng family have accumulated virtue. With you as the only seedling, I look forward to having grandchildren under my knees. To be honest, being a mother doesn't care about concubines. As long as it is of the blood of our Feng family, my mother likes it , Who can tell clearly about their prospects in the future, whether it's studying or joining the army, the Feng family's children have never been short, maybe there will be a few more Shangshu generals?"

Da Duan's words moved Feng Ziying a little. He didn't expect his mother to be so enlightened now. This was not the case before. It seems that the marriage of Shen Yixiu's childbirth daughter and Xue's sisters increased her mother's confidence. What I said earlier was also very pleasing to her, that's why she became so open-minded.

"Mother and aunt, don't worry, the son knows well, and will eventually satisfy the mother and aunt. Wanjun is also in good health, and it will be much easier to regenerate in the future. As for Baochai and Baoqin, I think they can also give birth to grandchildren for the mother and aunt. Let my mother and aunt be happy together." Feng Ziying could only slap her chest and embrace everything.

  While the mother and son were talking, they came to communicate outside, and Mr. Duan came.

  Duan Xigui also came to say hello to the two aunts, and of course it was more of an opportunity to talk to his cousin Feng Ziying.

"The climate in Guangzhou is very hot, but the products are extremely rich. Nanyang has particularly close contacts with Guangzhou. Haitong Yinzhuang Guangzhou has been very popular since it was established, especially for Fanshang. I think the center of gravity of this sea trade will sooner or later be transferred Guangzhou, whether it is Ningbo or Quanzhou, I am afraid that it will gradually be inferior to Guangzhou,..."

  Duan Xigui and Feng Ziying lingered at the big and small Duan family's place for a while, and they came out to say hello, and Duan Xigui followed Feng Ziying out all the way, introducing the situation in Guangzhou.

"Flangji people are now entrenched in Luzon. Luzon is rich in gold and silver. Maritime merchants often smuggle them. Hongmaofan sits in Manlaja. It is said that some English people have begun to infiltrate Sri Lanka and Java in recent years. There are conflicts in Hongmaofan, but generally speaking, there is not much impact of conflicts,..."

"However, there are many small states and small countries in Nanyang, and they change frequently. In many places, you will sing and I will appear on the stage, making people dizzy and overwhelmed. The status of Luzon is becoming more and more stable, and even we Han people are subject to its rule there, but some Tubang tribes are not convinced, and there are still fights, but it is difficult to shake the overall situation; , and the Java side is all dominated by Hongmaofan,..."

   Although Duan Xigui has been in Guangzhou for less than two years, he has become an expert in Nanyang.

Feng Ziying also specifically explained when he went to Guangzhou that the development of Haitong Yinzhuang Guangzhou is of course important, but the most important thing is to use Haitong Yinzhuang Guangzhou to establish extensive business relationships with Nanyang merchants. One of the important responsibilities is to use the radiation and influence of Haitong Yinzhuang in Dazhou to tie these fan merchants to Haitong Yinzhuang as much as possible. At the same time, we must actively use the contacts and intelligence networks of these maritime merchants to understand Nanyang. All kinds of intelligence information in the region, including nautical charts, climate, products, population, the relationship between various tribal forces, and the basic situation of some important people must be collected and archived one by one for later use.

Regarding the many thoughts and intentions of his cousin, although some Duan Xigui didn't understand, some thought it was unnecessary, and some didn't take it seriously, but looking at the development pattern of his cousin in the past few years, Duan Xigui knew The gap between oneself and the other party cannot be measured by reason, so it is all carried out out-and-out.

   "How is the situation in Sulu?" This is something Feng Ziying is very concerned about.

"It's not very good. The Frangji people are encroaching, but the Sulu people are very tenacious in their resistance. In addition, Boni also made some moves in the south, but the specific situation is too short, and there is a lack of more information, so it's hard to say. .”

  Duan Xigui shook his head, Feng Ziying also felt a little regretful, but he knew that it was very rare for Duan Xigui to achieve such a situation in just two years.

Regarding the situation in Nanyang, although there has been a tradition of maritime business connecting to Nanyang and refugees going to Nanyang from the pre-Ming Dynasty to the Great Zhou Dynasty, more of them are still scattered, and the local government has always been in conflict with the connection with Nanyang. and opposition, because they are worried that more refugees will go to Nanyang, resulting in a large loss of population.

Although in the event of a disaster year, the refugees make local officials feel uncomfortable, but if you want them to take the initiative to let these refugees go to Nanyang, they firmly oppose it, worrying that this is a loss of population and will be punished by the court, so this ambivalence makes local officials The government is more like an ostrich with its head buried in the sand, deceiving its ears and stealing its bell.

"Cousin, you have done a good job. In the future, Nanyang may be a direction that the imperial court will focus on. The products of Nanyang can complement our Central Plains. And I have never thought that it is a bad thing for the people of the Great Zhou to go out. Nanyang has always been Most of them are unclaimed lands, if the people of the Great Zhou can gain a firm foothold there, it might be regarded as the expansion of the territory of the Great Zhou, and even the imperial court should reward them..."

  Feng Ziying's words made Duan Xigui's eyes brighten, "Brother Keng, does the imperial court have a clear policy order to deal with this kind of situation? If three or five hundred people occupy a land and donate soil to contribute, what reward will there be?"

"The imperial court does have some ideas, but it will take a long time to implement specific policies, and you also know that the imperial court is not thinking about it now. The Japanese invaders, the Mongols in Liaodong and the Jurchens in Jianzhou are still ready to move, and there is no peace anywhere, so the imperial court has to be given a chance to breathe. After a few years of delay, the imperial court can focus on these matters." Feng Ziying He said very firmly: "If my cousin also wants to take this opportunity to gain fame, it might be an opportunity."

"Brother Keng, I have always believed in your words." Duan Xigui said happily: "I dare not say anything else, but I know that if Nanyang wants to donate soil to contribute to fame, I think it will not a problem,…"

"Uh, cousin, there are rules. You can't just ask a few people to bring a map, and then an island as big as Zhima will come to fool the court. Don't treat the court as a fool. The Ministry of Households will also send people to check and understand. According to the situation Come on, let me give you a simple example, if cousin you can find a large piece of land like Dongfan to donate soil for use, then I can guarantee that a duke will definitely not be able to escape in the future."

  Feng Ziying smiled authentically.

  Duan Xigui's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but licked his lips.

It is simply impossible for merchants like them who are unable to study and do not know how to fight to win fame, but now they have such an opportunity, it is undoubtedly the pie in the sky, but with a land as large as Dongfan, Duan Xigui also I know that no matter how big Nanyang is, I'm afraid it's something that can't be met, but after all, there is a hope, even if it's a little smaller, it can be passed down to future generations, even if it's a little smaller, and it can be passed down to future generations. In his situation , money is not too important, what is lacking is fame and title.

  (end of this chapter)

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