Number of People

Chapter 1228: Geng Zijuan super hidden danger

  Chapter 1228 The Geng Scroll is super hidden

  After sleeping so refreshedly, Feng Ziying even had the urge to just lie on the bed and rest for a while. Anyway, this is also a holiday, so I can relax myself so that my nerves will not be too tense and too hard.

   It's just that the more you want to relax, the less you can get it. Before he could make up his mind to get up, he heard the sound of hurried footsteps outside the study.

  As soon as Feng Ziying heard this kind of footsteps, she knew that something good was going to happen, and those who could disturb her at this time could hardly get away from the Ministry of War.

  As expected, Baoxiang ran in panting and informed the left servant of the Ministry of War to summon him to go to the office of the Ministry of War to discuss military affairs immediately.

  Knowing that she is a newlywed, but still coming to spoil the scenery, Feng Ziying guessed that it was not something particularly urgent, so she would not come to find herself, but so what?

  I am not a god, and it is impossible to turn beans into soldiers, so I can at most offer some ideas.

Where there is a leak, it is also the problem of the imperial court itself. In fact, everyone knows that many problems will come out sooner or later, but they are unable to solve them. Fill it up first.

  Hearing that Feng Ziying was going out, Baochai and Baoqin followed.

"It's okay, Mr. Chai from the Ministry of War is recruiting, and I don't have to go. If it's someone else, I can push it away, but the affairs of the Ministry of War are mostly related to military affairs in the frontier areas or the Southwest War situation. Although my husband is the Tongzhi of Yongping Mansion , but first of all, it is an official appointed by the imperial court, and it is an inescapable duty to serve the imperial court to share its worries."

Baochai and Baoqin heard that the Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War was recruiting urgently, so they naturally understood that it must be an urgent military matter, and they thought of their husband first, which is undoubtedly a kind of honor. , which made the two daughters proud and honored.

   "Business is important, Xianggong just go, my concubine and Baoqin are waiting for my husband at home, presumably Master Chai can also be considerate of Xianggong's difficulties, today is the auspicious time for Baoqin, Xianggong must not forget..."

The first half of Baochai's words are correct, but the second half of the sentence is inevitably a bit joking. Feng Ziying is naturally thick-skinned and doesn't care, but Baoqin's face is flushed by Baochai's teasing, and her beautiful eyes are full of affection. I can hold my sister's arm tightly and shake it.

This shaking affected Baochai's inconvenience, and Baochai also took a breath, but Feng Ziying couldn't help laughing: "Sister, let's go back to the room and rest, my husband is still on vacation anyway, this voluntary help is quite interesting." , there will be no delay, the tenderness is like water, the wedding is like a dream, I endure the magpie bridge to return, my husband and Baoqin haven't met each other like the golden wind and jade dew,..."

  Qin Guan's words were used by Feng Ziying at this time, so it was unavoidably a bit explicit. Besides, this is a family, and Bao Qin was so ashamed that she covered her face with her sleeves and stomped her feet in anger.

  Feng Ziying also knew that what she said was a bit too much, so she quickly restrained herself: "Well, the two sisters should go back to the room quickly, because my husband will come back as soon as possible..."

   While talking, Feng Ziying slipped away, leaving Baochai and Baoqin's second daughter, Yinger and Lingguan behind.

"Sister, you said that Xianggong is not good at poetry, why is he so familiar with Qin Guan's poems? I heard that Xianggong often has good lines in Qingtan Academy and Enrong Banquet, but he refuses to admit that he wrote them,... "

  Baoqin looked at the background of Feng Ziying's disappearance, just now she took off her wide sleeves to cover her face, and asked while supporting Baochai.

"After studying hard for more than ten years, is there any Jinshi Hanlin who doesn't understand poetry? Xianggong's teacher is old Qige!" Baochai was very sure, "It's nothing more than that Xianggong is better at current policy theory, and I feel that this poem is more important to me. Military affairs are of no benefit, so I just don’t want to spend more time on them, otherwise, with my husband’s talent, is there any reason why I can’t be good at it?”

"My sister is right. Your husband is born to do big things. There is no need to spend too much time on it. An occasional good sentence is enough to convince the public." Baoqin also agrees, "The fate of the people in the world is by no means a few poems." Empowerment can change, but it still depends on national policies to realize it,..."

After experiencing the resignation of the Mei family, she hated those pedantic scholars even more. In comparison, Mei Hanlin is now only a member of the Five Grades of Shuntian Mansion, and the one she wants to marry is only his **** son. It was for his concubine, but it was also for Feng Ziying, who was also the fifth rank, and everyone knew that Feng Ziying's official career was much brighter than that of Mei Zhiye, not to mention that his concubine was a mediocre person.

  If Xianggong can really enter the cabinet to pay homage to the prime minister in the future, then countless people will know how wise and correct their choice will be.

  Feng Ziying arrived at the office of the Ministry of War by car.

  The Office of the Ministry of War and the Clan Mansion are far away from each other. They are both close to East Chang'an Street.

This area is facing the Sheji Altar and the Taimiao, squeezed between Dashiyongfang and Nanxunfang. Banwei, Qifang, in addition to the other five of the six departments of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, there are also Honglu Temple, Qintianjian, Zongrenfu, Luanjiaku, Yuyaoku, Taiyuan Hospital, Shanglinyuanjian, Imperial Academy, and Zhanshifu. Gather here.

  The office of the Ministry of War is actually not that big. Except for the office area of ​​the Fourth Division on both sides, the main hall and flower hall in the middle and the two rows of houses next to it are the offices of the ministers, ministers and some officials.

  Compared to the tense atmosphere when he came to the Ministry of War last time, although he saw people coming and going this time, the expressions of the officials passing by did not show much anxiety and panic, and Feng Ziying felt much more at ease.

   Meeting Wang Yingxiong head-on made Feng Ziying quite happy: "Feixiong, when did you come back? I didn't see you yesterday..."

Wang Yingxiong apologized first, and then said: "I just returned to Beijing last night, I didn't come to remember and catch up with your happy event, and I was called by all the adults early this morning to discuss the military situation. I'm afraid you don't know that Shui'an's family seems to be there too. Together with Yang Yinglong and Yongshunshe family, this rebellion may spread to Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Huguang provinces."

  Although it was expected, Feng Ziying's heart sank. Lian Guoshi and Yang Sichang took the time to briefly mention this matter to him yesterday. At that time, he was just worried that the Shui'an family would get involved, but now it has been implemented.

The strength of the Shui'an family is not inferior to that of the Yang family in Bozhou. Once the An family is involved, the whole Guizhou will be in danger. Guizhou only started to reform the land in the pre-Ming Dynasty, and the situation itself is very complicated. , it will inevitably affect the entire southern Sichuan and western Huguang, and it will be a big trouble.

These three are just the most powerful ones among the Southwest chieftains, and there are countless other small chieftains. They are more concerned with the attitude of these big chieftains. Once Dazhou cannot show the strength to suppress these big chieftains, These little toasts will immediately turn to these big toasts.

   "This is expected. Master Zhang and Master Chai should be prepared." Feng Ziying comforted Wang Yingxiong. Wang Yingxiong is from Chongqing. Once the three major chieftains participate in the rebellion, Chongqing may be in danger.

   "It doesn't stop there." Wang Yingxiong had a strange look on his face, as if he was thinking about something.

   "What's the matter, Feixiong? Is there anything else you can't hide from me?" Feng Ziying pretended to be displeased.

"Ziying, I went to the southwest this time, and traveled a lot of places. I went to see Brother Chucai, Lord Sun, and Father Yang Wenqiang. My feet were covered with thick calluses, and I learned a lot about the You can’t see anything you can’t hear in the capital city, so when you come back, you also report to the minister and several doctors.”

Wang Yingxiong shook his head with a sullen face: "I used to live in my hometown for so many years, but I never felt that it was so complicated. Now I feel that the people under the chieftain's rule are miserable, and the people under the rule of the officials are also suffering. There is still some misunderstanding. After this trip,...the local people, especially those Miao Yao, have no loyalty to the imperial court at all, and even have extreme hostility and hatred,..."

Feng Ziying understood the meaning of Wang Yingxiong's words, that is, the government's governance in the southwest was relatively poor or even failed. After winning this battle, Yunnan and Guizhou may become like the former Ming Dynasty's Jiugang, Babaidadian, and Dagula, which gradually lost control.

   "It's not surprising. The reform itself is a gradual process. It can only be promoted when the time is ripe. If it is not mature and forced to promote, it will cause chaos instead."

Feng Ziying sees this issue very openly. Only when the agricultural and industrial and commercial economies of Dazhou develop to a certain stage, and a crushing gap is formed for the minority areas in these border areas, they will gradually be overwhelmed by these advanced and developed economies. Attracted by models and business contacts, and then accept these advanced scientific things.

   "But now that the chaos is over, the chaos in the Southwest is inevitable. If the imperial court loses this battle..."

Feng Ziying was surprised by Wang Yingxiong's depression. The other party didn't seem to have the temperament to retreat easily when encountering setbacks. , don’t you believe that the imperial court can’t take down these mobs?”

  "The mob? Not necessarily, Ziying." Wang Yingxiong shook his head, hesitated for a while, and then lowered his voice: "I suspect that the Denglai Army is deliberately avoiding the battle, and even has some kind of tacit understanding with these chieftains!"

  One stone stirred up thousands of waves, even though Feng Ziying was calm, she was also confused by this sentence: "Fei Xiong, do you have evidence?! This is not a lie!"

"Of course not. If there was, I would have reported it to the two adults." Wang Yingxiong said fiercely: "I just have a feeling that Denglaijun's behavior is too weird, but if you want to find a reason to explain those situations, it's justified. , but that would be too much of a coincidence."

  This bad mood lasted until Feng Ziying returned home at night, and saw Baochai and Baoqin's two beautiful dimples before it was considered slightly better.

  (end of this chapter)

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