Number of People

Chapter 1229: The gengzi scroll competition starts now

  Chapter 1229 The competition for the Geng scroll begins now

Seeing her husband's unwavering expression, Baochai and Baoqin knew that her husband must have encountered something bothering her, and they both knew and didn't say much. They just took off their robes for her husband, and naturally Ying'er and Lingguan brought hot water. Wash your hands and bring your shoes for a change.

The matter of the Ministry of War has nothing to do with my husband. If it is really a matter related to military affairs in the Yongping Mansion, the husband will probably have prepared for it long ago, and he will not be ignorant when the Ministry of War recruits. Both Baochai and Baoqin have this confidence in their husbands, so most of the husband's worries are state affairs.

This kind of pride has never been experienced by Baochai and Baoqin sisters before. In the past, Xue's family contacts were just merchants, and even those with some identities were just martial arts friends from the past, and most of them were from declining families. , such as the Wang family and the Jia family are considered very good.

  It’s different now. It’s true that there are great Confucian scholars talking and laughing, and there are no casual people. The people who contact and communicate are basically court officials, and many of them are even important officials of the third and fourth ranks.

  Not to mention the Xue family, even for a family like the Jia family, it is impossible to get in touch with a character like Liubu Shilang.

Wai Lang, a member of the Ministry of Industry like Jia Zheng, still looks like that, but Shang Shu Shi Lang and others don't take an official like you who didn't have an imperial examination background at all, and they usually don't even bother to talk to you. Even a colleague in the department also speaks with self-evident pride.

  At the very least, they all come from Juren background. How can they like you, a martial arts disciple who has never passed the exam for a scholar?

  Feng Ziying was indeed upset.

The half-day discussion did not achieve much results. The three major chieftains are joining forces, which is bound to attract more small and medium-sized chieftains to join in. Now not only Sichuan and Huguang are threatened, but more importantly, the situation in Guizhou is quite serious. Seriously, and once Guizhou falls, Yunnan will be hard to protect, and the entire Southwest will be in a deadlock. Even if the imperial court can regain it in the end, the price paid may be ten times higher than that of the Ningxia rebellion. The current Dazhou can still stand Starting such a toss?

   This is still secondary, the key is that Wang Ziteng's ulterior motives are the most worrying.

If Wang Ziteng is really flirting with these chieftains, it means that Niu Jizong's strength and martial arts have some tacit understanding and even collusion with Prince Yizhong, which also means that Prince Yizhong is no longer Satisfied with the status quo, it is time to start making troubles, and thinking that Tang Binyin, who had been very close to Prince Yizhong in Beijing, has been very active in Jinling recently, and Jia Jing "died of illness", has to make people feel anxious.

Feng Ziying didn't know if Lieutenant Long Jin noticed any abnormalities in it, but as Emperor Yonglong, who had always been very vigilant against Prince Yizhong and the Supreme Emperor, it was impossible for him to be unaware. Slacking off.

Emperor Yonglong can slack off in court affairs, and even let go to the six ministries of the cabinet. Anyway, no matter how he struggles, this is still the world of Zhang Shen's lineage. In the future, if the imperial power wants to fight with the prime minister, there will naturally be methods. The most urgent thing now is to ensure his The continuation of the throne.

In the battle between Prince Yizhong and Emperor Yonglong, the only ones who will get the cheapest are the southwestern chieftains and the Jianzhou Jurchen and Mongols outside the border, and even the Japanese on the sea. But for Prince Yizhong and Emperor Yonglong, the difference between them is The struggle between them determines the survival of the lineage of both sides, and no one can back down.

  The game between the two brothers also depends on the Supreme Emperor who has been silent.

  Because the Beijing camp in the capital city has always been controlled by the Supreme Emperor, but with the disastrous defeat of the 80,000 troops of the Beijing camp in the Santun camp, 60,000 people were captured, which directly caused subtle changes in the military power in the capital city.

Chen Jixian's Fifth Army Battalion was greatly weakened, and the Shenji Battalion, which was always considered to be the troops of the Supreme Emperor, was completely destroyed, while the Shenshu Battalion loyal to Emperor Yonglong was not damaged at all. This change in power made Yonglong For the first time, Emperor Yonglong occupied a dominant position in the capital city, especially after rebuilding Shenji Battalion, the military power controlled by Emperor Yonglong will be further improved. At that time, it doesn't matter whether Chen Jixian's five military battalions are loyal to Emperor Yonglong or not. .

Feng Ziying doesn't believe that the Supreme Emperor and Prince Yizhong can't see this. Maybe the Supreme Emperor can only adopt an ostrich policy among the two sons and don't care about which side, but Prince Yizhong will definitely not sit back and watch this happen. .

  So maybe after realizing this, Prince Yizhong will definitely not sit still, and it is inevitable to make some small moves to further win over these powerful martial arts.

  But what does Prince Yizhong plan to do? Is it really going to flee south to the south of the Yangtze River and come to rule the river?

  Thinking of this, Feng Ziying couldn't help but be a little vigilant. If this situation really happens, it will be really dangerous. Once Jiangnan is controlled by Prince Yizhong and the supply to the capital and even the Nine Sides is cut off, the world will immediately be in chaos.

It’s just that such things cannot come up with a solution in a short while, and more importantly, if you take the initiative to get involved, the consequences will be even more difficult to predict. Now both sides are counting on each other, so Yonglong Emperor will work hard to strengthen himself The weight of Yizhong, while Prince Yizhong has various layouts, all of which are accumulating strength, waiting for the most suitable time to appear.

Feng Ziying doesn't think that the current self can have the power to turn things around. The power and resources in his hands that can really mobilize soldiers to play a role are far from enough. Even if he pulls his father, but as time goes by, this situation will become more and more difficult. It would be more beneficial to him, so he would rather procrastinate to gain time and take the initiative. This initiative refers to the initiative of himself and the Feng family, not that of Emperor Yonglong or Prince Yizhong.

What's more important is that he already has a big family, and he can no longer do whatever he wants without any scruples like he did during the Linqing civil uprising. Now he has two wives, one more to marry, and another With a concubine and even a lovely daughter Feng Qiwu, he couldn't act rashly.

  Once the wrong bet fails, the entire family will be implicated, and he needs to be responsible for the family behind him.

   Don't underestimate the wisdom of people in this era. Maybe they can't compare with yourself, a traveler, in terms of science and technology and vision, but they are not weaker than anyone in terms of officialdom and tactics.

  The soup of lotus seeds and white fungus was served, hot and full of aroma. Feng Ziying took a sip, and then slowly tasted it comfortably.

   "Is your husband's business not going well?" Baochai sat aside, Baoqin was next to Baochai, and asked in a low voice.

"It's not my business, I'm just going to listen in and give some advice by the way, but what if I know about this kind of thing?" Feng Ziying shook her head with some interest: "The situation in the Southwest is unfavorable, and the court underestimated it. It's a bit of a feeling of being stuck in a quagmire, which is not a good sign."

Both Baochai and Baoqin are not the kind of women who know nothing about external affairs, especially Baoqin pays special attention to foreign affairs in childhood. She knows that the long house Shen is born as an official, so she naturally has an advantage in this respect, so If you want to bridge the gap with the long room, you should pay attention to all aspects.

"Didn't the imperial court send a lot of troops there? Uncle's Denglai Army, I also heard that the Western Frontier Army has also gone, and the local army in Huguang and Sichuan is so large. Isn't it just some Tusi army over there? unfavorable?"

Feng Ziying was quite surprised by Baoqin's question. The Denglai Army was nothing more than that, and he knew that the Guyuan Army had also gone. Although "Today's News" also published Dibao, it didn't say much. I didn't expect Baoqin to pay attention to it. arrive.

  Facing Feng Ziying's astonishment and admiration gaze, Baoqin was even more excited. She knew that she had gained extra points in the mind of her husband.

Baochai also realized this point, she knew Baoqin's thoughts very well, and even Baoqin didn't shy away from her, and said bluntly that in the next two years before Lin Daiyu married into the Feng family, the sisters' rival would be Shen Yixiu of the long house .

  Although Baochai doesn't agree with Baoqin's aggressiveness, she also admits that for now, if Erfang wants to gain a firm foothold and be on an equal footing with Changfang, she must base herself on her own advantages.

  Sisters marrying together is a great advantage, but the lintel of family background is a great disadvantage. Now Shen Yixiu has given birth to a daughter, which is an advantage, but she will not be able to conceive again in a short period of time, which is another opportunity for the second wife.

At the same time, because of Shen Yixiu's background as an official, especially because his father was a senior member of the fourth rank, he must have common topics and language with the minister in many aspects, so it is imperative to make up for the disadvantages in this aspect, so Baoqin will take the initiative To start a topic here is to prove to Feng Ziying that he is not inferior to Shen Yixiu in this respect.

"I can't see that my sister has some knowledge in this area." Feng Ziying praised, "The power of the imperial court is definitely not comparable to that of the chieftain, but the geographical environment, climate, and large scattered areas all restrict the imperial court's hands and feet. It's like an adult wrestling with a child. It seems that the adult can easily defeat the child, but the child chooses a cramped environment, and the adult is even tied half of the hands and feet. This situation is hard to say, it depends on the court. It's time to break free."

  Bao Qin smiled sweetly, "Then Mr. Xiang means that the court will still win in the end?"

  Feng Ziying nodded happily: "Of course."

"Then why should you worry too much? No matter how protracted the war is, the imperial court will continue to fight. Isn't the imperial court's frontier army known as the elite? If one is not enough, then two, and if two are not enough, three. In the end, we must win, and we must not give up halfway." Otherwise, how can the imperial court win the trust of the people and build prestige among the people? And the imperial court must not lose its prestige." Baoqin's tone was affirmative, a tone of course.

  Feng Ziying couldn't help giving Bao Qin a thumbs-up. This girl's judgment and cognition are really much better than some court officials, at least better than those officials who are looking forward to recruiting at this time.

  (end of this chapter)

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