Number of People

Chapter 1230: Geng Scroll Godsend

  Chapter 1230 Geng Scroll Godsend

Baochai had some unspeakable feeling in her heart. Baoqin's aura seemed to be aimed at the eldest house, but as a concubine, she logically said that such a big role should be done by her own wife and big wife. But Baoqin felt a little bit ahead of her.

Naturally, Baochai can't say that Baoqin did something wrong. She and Baoqin had a tacit understanding before, and they should be calm about the competition from the long house, and use multiple approaches to make use of their respective strengths, but now it seems that Baoqin is ready to more fully, without even realizing it.

"Baoqin's words are true, but the imperial court also has its own difficulties. The use of troops in wars is actually for logistical supplies. In the final analysis, it is for money. But now the imperial court is short of financial resources, and it is stretched to meet the needs of the nine sides. If the war in the southwest is corrupt, I don't know. How many people in the cabinet and the Ministry of Households will be unable to sleep." Feng Ziying simply explained: "If you do the math on Baoqin, in the ten years from the 39th year of Yuanxi to the 8th year of Yonglong, our capital, Yangzhou, How much food prices have risen in the three prefectures of Wuchang, we know that fighting a war is easier said than done, without enough money, it is impossible to fight,..."

  Bao Qin's eyes lit up, "What does Mr. Xiang mean to say that the price of food will rise sharply this year because of the unfavorable situation in the southwest?"

  Feng Ziying was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing. This girl's thinking is really sharp, and she has enough sense of business. She immediately thought of grain prices, and Xue's family has farms and grain shops in Jinling and Suzhou.

After thinking for a while, Feng Ziying slowly said: "Even if the situation in the Southwest War goes smoothly, it will not be resolved in three to five months, which means that at least the war will not be resolved during the summer harvest next year, and the grain price in Huguang will definitely be affected. The food price in Huguang affects the price of food in the whole week, so there must be a rise, but if the situation is unfavorable, it may be delayed until the end of next year or even the year after next, which means that the two grain producing areas of Huguang and Sichuan will be affected , a sharp rise in food prices is inevitable,..."

   "Master, can we buy food first and stockpile it..." Bao Qin bit her lip, her eyes sparkling.

   Baochai felt relieved, she knew that Feng Ziying definitely didn't like this kind of hoarding, and Baoqin was afraid that doing so would backfire.

Sure enough, Feng Ziying frowned slightly, apparently Baoqin's way of doing this made him dissatisfied, although he also admitted that the Xue family didn't do this kind of thing, other people in this business would do it, and even did it more out of the ordinary, but Emotionally, he still doesn't like to see her, especially his own woman, but Xue's family is a merchant family, so of course he doesn't want to let go of making money like this.

   "Baoqin, this kind of business is detrimental to morality. The Feng family will definitely not do it. If the Xue family wants to do it, it should not be too fanciful..." Feng Ziying said lightly.

"Ms. misunderstood, the Feng family is indeed not suitable, but the Xue family's business is not entirely for profit. Since the Xue family has entered the capital city, they also hope to leave a good reputation in the capital city. What does the younger sister mean? We might as well stockpile grain first, and in the end, if the price of grain in the capital city rises too high, we can sell it at a low price to suppress the price of grain, or we can use some of the grain to help the poor. It’s a big deal not to earn these few silvers. Sometimes reputation is better than silver. More importantly, especially in the most benevolent place in the capital,..."

  Bao Qin had a smile on her face, and she was very optimistic about her idea.

  Feng Ziying didn't expect Baoqin to have such far-reaching considerations, so she had a better impression of Baoqin, and nodded: "If my sister has such a heart, it's a husband who treats a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart."

"Mr. Xiang is serious. Although Xue's family is now a merchant family, at least their ancestors were also officials. Although they are not as noble as those scholars, but under the circumstances within their power, to solve the court's problems and share the king's worries. I don’t intend to take this kind of ignorant money, but if I take this opportunity to use the money I earn to help the poor, it will be a kindness.”

  Bao Qin smiled sweetly, casually took the bowl Feng Ziying had finished drinking and handed it to the elder officer beside her.

"Well, Baochai, the idea of ​​Baoqin is enough to shame more than 90% of the grain merchants in Beijing." Feng Ziying laughed, "Okay, Baoqin, you can do it. If you need help, the husband in Huguang will also help you." There are also some personal connections, which can also help one or two."

Baoqin is very determined, this can be regarded as successfully breaking into the circle of classmates and friends of Xianggong. Of course, she can't come forward, but Xue's family can also take this opportunity to get online with these contacts of Xianggong, and if she wants to compete with Changfang, then This step is necessary, the Xue family is weak in this aspect, but it is precisely the strength of the Shen family, so I can only take a slant.

Seeing that this topic finally came to an end, Xue Baochai breathed a sigh of relief for no reason. Even she herself was aware of this, and couldn't help but be horrified. She had become a little wary of Baoqin for no reason. Could it be that she still Worried that she will steal my husband's love and respect from me?

Baoqin seemed to be aware of this too, and she restrained her gossip a lot later, and handed over more topics to Baochai. The three of them were in harmony and had a good conversation. It's time for Feng Ziying to go to Dongkuayuan to rest.

  From the side of the main house through the verandah of the central courtyard and across the east courtyard, Baoqin became nervous subconsciously as soon as she stepped into the east courtyard, and even her own steps became a little stiff.

  By the time he entered his room, two arm-thick red candles had already been lit, the candles were dripping down, and the light and shadow flickered, making the gauze curtain on Ba Bu's bed shrouded in a layer of hazy light and mist.

The two maids beside Baoqin, Lingguan and Douguan, were born as opera singers, and had never been "influenced" by such high-ranking and wealthy families over time. The wife forcefully "indoctrinates and brainwashes" them what to do as a substitute maid for a girl when she is newly married, which makes the second daughter feel terrified and unable to stop.

  At this time, I saw that my own girl also looked like she didn't know where to put her hands and feet, and the second daughter was also stunned for a long time and didn't know what to say to help open the situation, which made Feng Ziying amused.

Anyway, he has experienced several times of familiarity, so naturally he will not let this embarrassing situation continue. Seeing Baoqin shyly and shyly refusing to greet him under the lamp, it is quite different from the image he used to talk about in front of him. A desire to possess suddenly arose in Feng Ziying's chest.

It's just that no matter how anxious I am, the necessary demeanor is indispensable, and this kind of woman must have some beautiful longing for the wedding night. Feng Ziying also hopes to leave a good impression on the other party, and find some common topics to slowly cut into , is the best strategy.

"Brother Tiao and Weifu have always said that my younger sister and father-in-law have traveled far and wide, and have a wide range of knowledge. My husband only understands it today. Even many officials in the court are not as good as my younger sister. In the future, my husband and younger sister can learn more.  … "

Feng Ziying raised her hand and held Baoqin's catkin in her hand, Baoqin was so surprised that she reacted casually after struggling, and then relaxed, "I also hope that I can share more worries for my husband, and my husband has to do big things. Following my father is just going to more places, but if we want to talk about real government affairs, it is out of the question."

"My sister is self-effacing. I would not be able to explain the many truths before, if someone else did..." Feng Ziying was quite emotional, "Now my husband hopes that there will be more like-minded colleagues who can work together to do it together. Some things that are beneficial to the country and the people, the feeling of being alone is really uncomfortable, as a husband in Yongping Mansion, I also feel deeply,..."

Baoqin was fascinated by Feng Ziying's words that referred to her as herself, and she looked at Feng Ziying with beautiful eyes, with a passion for it. Feng Ziying quickly glanced at the two maids who were huddled by the door, and said in a low voice : "However, today we don't talk about state affairs, we only focus on family affairs, we cultivate ourselves and manage our family to rule the country and the world. Today, we only cultivate ourselves and govern our family. Both my wife and my husband hope that they can blossom and bear fruit as soon as possible..."

   This sentence made Bao Qin tremble slightly, her cheeks burned, but she couldn't help her at this moment, so she could only hang her head shyly and keep her mouth shut.

   Before the maids by the door could react, Feng Ziying put her hands into her knees, wrapped Baoqin's armpit with the other hand, picked up this light body, and went straight into the inner room.

Lingguan and Douguan both looked at each other, unable to exclaim in surprise, they could only cover their mouths, and wanted to follow to the door of the inner room, but felt a little shy, but they didn't dare to follow the advice of the women in the Xue family and Jia's house. If he didn't comply, he could only grit his silver teeth and follow to the door.

  I saw Luo Chang dancing lightly, with her scarf fluttering, flying out of the hazy gauze tent...,

   While the second girl’s mouth was dry, her gums were slow, her tent was shaking slightly, and she was even whispering, begging for mercy,...

Seeing the tears of the beautiful woman in her embrace, but unwilling to show weakness, Feng Ziying also had to admit that this woman's strong heart really can't stop anything, it's just that Baoqin asked about Baochai's situation. He replied casually, not knowing how to make Baoqin, who was still weak and pitiful before, high-spirited, with the momentum of fighting for a lifetime and enjoying the king's day.

  ..., embraced by the nephrite lamp,..., gently pushed the man, heard the sound of splashing, trembling, slightly startled, red, trying and changing again,...

  Compared to Baochai's nephrite jade, Baoqin is more exquisite and crystal-clear, and her plump and energetic body is like a deer tactfully and joyously under her,...

  Feng Ziying was a little worried before, after all, Baoqin is more than two years younger than Baochai, even younger than Daiyu and Tanchun, but soon he noticed the difference in this girl,...

  ..., rouge under the sun and fresh on the rain.

  The night snow outside the house is getting less and less, and the spring is getting stronger inside the house.

  Mandarin ducks dance neck-to-neck, emerald acacia cages; the fragrance of clothes is still stained with musk deer, and the pillow is still greasy and red.

Looking at the beautiful woman with smudged cheeks and a pair of jade arms embracing her, she fell into a deep sleep. At this time, the beautiful jade dimple, which is comparable to Baochai and Daiyu, showed a thrilling charm, which made Feng Ziying really have a good life. Thanks to the Mei family for their impulsiveness, if it wasn't for the Mei family's blindness, how could they send this girl to his pillow?

  (end of this chapter)

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