Number of People

Chapter 1231: Geng character volume Xuanhe, glory

  Chapter 1231 The Geng Scroll is Xuanhe, Glory

  Fantasy, as if in another life, Feng Ziying fell asleep with her arms around the beauty again in the fantasy dreams of countless previous lives.

   This sleep lasted until dawn, only to be awakened by the charming voice of the beautiful woman beside her.

"My husband is awake?" It seemed that she was a little guilty because she disturbed her husband, but she saw that Baoqin had already stood up, with most of her shoulders exposed, only the pair under the pink neck covered by the brocade quilt, slightly scattered Her black hair, coiled and sparse on her snow-white cheeks, neck and shoulders, presents a strange and glamorous style at this moment.

This shouldn't have appeared on Baoqin, who has always been pure and plain, but the shy, fresh, soft and charming bridal breath of Yugua after the first taste of the cloud and rain fully bloomed at this moment, making everyone who has read it all Feng Ziying couldn't help but her heart skipped a beat, she wished she could hug him into her arms immediately.

   "Well, everyone slept a little longer today, breaking the rules." Feng Ziying blinked meaningfully.

Bao Qin was ashamed, but she was also somewhat proud and joyful. Of course, it is a good thing for a husband to be infatuated with himself. Although it is not a long-term solution for a woman to serve others with sex, if she has this advantage and does not make good use of it, she is even more stupid. A successful woman must perfectly combine beauty and wisdom, which is what Baoqin is looking forward to.

   "Then Xianggong should just relax and give himself a vacation. Don't treat yourself too harshly." Baoqin lay down again and leaned her cheek on Feng Ziying's shoulder.

"It is difficult for people who are not self-disciplined to be successful. Proficiency in business is based on diligence and lack of play, and success in thinking is destroyed in follow-up. This is the teaching of the ancients and sages." Feng Ziying laughed and said: "But there is another saying, one piece and one relaxation, the way of civil and martial arts , What is right and wrong, sister can teach me?"

Bao Qin flashed her pretty eyes, "It's not contradictory. The former is for the long-term, while the latter is a short-term adjustment. If the latter is used as an excuse to overthrow the former, it can only be said that this person has not done what the former has done at all." Heart and perseverance, I think that my husband is definitely not that kind of person."

"Sister has so much confidence in me." Feng Ziying laughed loudly, sliding her hands into the brocade quilt and rubbing Baoqin's slender legs, buttocks, waist and back. Like water, Wu Yan wins the snow, breaking the new orange with a slender hand, and breaking the snow orange with a knife, this seems to have a lot of meaning, isn't it the best portrayal of my sudden rain and storm last night?

The snowy cheeks are getting redder, the beautiful eyes are full of love, and the red lips are biting lightly. Feng Ziying is on the verge of swords, but he also knows that last night was a little too presumptuous. Purify the heart mantra, let yourself stabilize your mind.

   "Lingguan, Douguan!"

"Grandma, grandma, the servants are here." Rushing footsteps sounded in the outer room, the brocade curtain was lifted, and the girl who dared not lift her head came in and stood there, "Aren't you going to prepare hot water for your grandma to clean and clean? "

   "Master Hui, the hot water is ready, and the servant will bring it in immediately." The voice of those words was trembling, a little more shy and frightened, and a little less clear and crisp.

I have to say that Baoqin's recovery ability is much stronger than Baochai's. In the afternoon, Feng Ziying saw that Baoqin could bear the discomfort and sat in front of the desk to write a letter and began to arrange for Xue's shop in Jinling and Suzhou to buy from Huguang and Guangdong. Enter Mi Mai and start hoarding food.

  The second house of Xue’s family in Jingshi City didn’t have many followers, so they still wanted to cooperate with Xue’s family’s house, and consciously began to cover their positions.

  Actually, Feng Ziying also reminded Zhang Jingqiu and Chai Ke of this situation.

Although all the warehouses along the water transport route are relatively abundant at present, Dazhou is very sensitive to the demand for food, especially in the capital city. Once there is a disturbance, it will cause people's turmoil, but too much storage will cause too much loss every year, so this How to grasp a good degree is also difficult, and it is also a lot of thought on the storage in various places every year.

However, Feng Ziying felt that if the war in the Southwest was really delayed, the risk of food shortage would suddenly increase, and it might not even be that big, but the impact of this psychological state would prompt the people to subconsciously buy food and store it up, which in turn would Increasing the degree of food shortage, which in turn arouses greater panic, eventually leads to no food to sell, and then climbs to sky-high prices, so it is also necessary to plan ahead.

   It has been a rule since ancient times to return home three days after the wedding, and Feng Ziying is no exception.

Go back to Li Ge Old Hutong in Xiaoyongfang. Xue’s parents’ room and second room are waiting there, so when the carriage arrived at Li Ge Old Hutong, the outside of Xue’s house was already bustling with people, even more lively than during the Chinese New Year. .

  Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan’s name is really not something to brag about in the capital, it’s better among scholars, but it’s really a bit magical among ordinary people.

I don’t understand poetry but I’m still a second-class Jinshi, and the museum selects Shujishi. The small disturbance at the Enrong Banquet has also been circulated among scholars, breaking the rumors that Feng Ziying is not good at poetry, but Feng Ziying herself always pretends to be someone else on the side of the road. He refused to admit what he did, which made him a little more unrestrained and unrestrained. In the end, he went straight to the Imperial Academy because of his military exploits and suggestions.

That's all, but this year's Mongolian soldiers invaded the south and suffered a disastrous defeat at the foot of Qian'an City. They were defeated, captured 60,000 prisoners, and finally had to defeat the Mongols Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan to go to the enemy camp alone to negotiate to redeem these 60,000 prisoners. What kind of heroism is this?

   It is said that if it wasn’t for Xiao Feng Xiu’s famous writing, which shocked the Mongolian nobles, the 60,000 Jingying soldiers would follow the example of the Changping Battle and be killed by the murderous Mongols.

   You must know that the family members of the 60,000 soldiers and soldiers in the capital are counted as 100,000 to 200,000.

What's more, some storytellers in teahouses and restaurants have already compiled two storybooks about Xiaofeng Xiuzhuan's original creation of the enemy camp's tongue-fighting heroes and soldiers and Xiaofeng Xiuzhuan's fierce battle against Mongolian soldiers in Qian'an City, and began to talk in teahouses and restaurants. up.

  Because of this, after the Mongols retreated, Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan’s name inside and outside the capital almost reached a peak. I really feel that I am not in the capital, but the capital is spreading my story.

"I'm coming,…"

   "The girls are back!"

   "Let's take a look at Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, we didn't meet each other two days ago,..."

   "Hey, the two girls of the Xue family really have a good chance. Ehuang and Nvying will serve one husband together, and it will be a good story,..."

   "Isn't that what's wrong? I heard that Xiao Fengxiu married two girls, and even the emperor gave him a special gift to congratulate him, and there were two gifts, both girls had. Tsk tsk, this is the first time ever!"

Feng Ziying didn't expect that there would be several times more people outside the house than when they got married. At the time of the marriage, they didn't deliberately publicize it, so only the neighbors knew about it. After three days, the emperor gave a gift, and the two daughters shared the news. Waiter, these stories have already spread like wildfire in these three days.

The New Year's Eve of the capital city is the busiest. There are a lot of business travelers, and the speed of transmission is faster. In addition, the Feng family also has restrictions on guests. Under it, it fermented all of a sudden.

Sitting in the sedan chair, the two daughters of Baochai and Baoqin looked out through the window curtains of the sedan chair, and looked at the crowds of people on the street. The noisy words came to their ears accompanied by bursts of sighs, and their hearts were both nervous and proud. He was proud and satisfied, and even the discomfort on his body was relieved a lot.

  Since the Xue family purchased a mansion in Lige Old Hutong, they have also invited their neighbors, but the Xue family, which is still somewhat famous in Jinling, is nothing to be concerned about in the capital city, and they are basically ignored.

For example, the courtyard on the left of Xue’s mansion is the Hu family who once served as the right servant of the household department during the Yuanxi period. Now there is still a nephew who serves as Yuanwailang in the Ministry of Rites. The Lin’s mansion on the right is more famous. A political envoy, after returning to Beijing, he also served as the right minister of the Ministry of Rites and in charge of the Hanlin Academy. Now Lin's eldest son is still the minister of Honglu Temple.

The Xue family can only be regarded as a low-level family in this Lige old alley. Almost all the old residents of the mansion here have official positions. If it weren't for the fact that the Xue family is now located because the master passed away, the son did not learn well and lost all his family property. , had no choice but to choose another place to live, and would never sell such a mansion to an imperial merchant.

  Even so, when the Xue family bought the house, they still encountered hostility from the surrounding neighbors. Some people even thought that an imperial merchant was not qualified to live in this old Li Ge alley, and asked the Xue family to sell this house exclusively.

But when the news came out that the Xue family's twin sisters were going to marry Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan, the attitudes of the neighbors around them changed drastically. Not only did the Hu family take the initiative to visit, but even the grandson of the Lin family also came to pay a special visit. You know His father is also one of the Nine Ministers, Honglu Temple Minister.

Xue Pan and Xue Biao had been waiting at the door for a long time, Feng Ziying got off her horse, and naturally someone led the horse and entered through the corner gate, and the two small sedan chairs also entered through the corner gate. , can only go through the corner door.

The onlookers outside the door were in the highest mood when Feng Ziying got off the horse and waved his hands. They all shouted congratulations and expressed their gratitude. Tiao was quick-witted, and took out a few strings of copper coins to distribute to these people respectively to express their gratitude, and these people left slowly with more than enough satisfaction.

Baochai and Baoqin got out of the sedan chair when they arrived at the middle courtyard. Over there, Aunt Xue and Xue Cuishi were already at the bottom of the steps. Seeing their faltering daughter get off the sedan chair, they couldn't help crying like rain, saying "my son!" So they hugged their mother and began to cry. Baochai and Baoqin couldn't help themselves, choking with their mother's arms.

On the contrary, Xue Pan and Xue Biao are not so sad, on the contrary, they feel that the reputation of the Xue family has been greatly increased by returning home this time. It will not be long before the story of Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan returning to the Xue family will be circulated in the capital city, and it will be popular among people. relish.

  (end of this chapter)

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