Number of People

Chapter 1232: Geng Zijuan Weiwei

  Chapter 1232 Geng Scroll Subtle

   Seeing the mother and son four were a little excited, Feng Ziying also wisely did not go to bother, the two brothers-in-law were by the side, Feng Ziying was not alone.

   "Wenlong, the business here in Daguanlou is booming. Are you interested in taking charge of it alone? I don't think Brother Liu may be willing to toss about in this theater all the time, and he will leave eventually."

Compared with Xue Pan's performance in the book "Dream of Red Mansions", at least he is not so muddled. In addition, the Xia family, Xia Jingui, is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and the only thing that treats Xue Pan submissively is that Xia Jingui has never been pregnant. Aunt Xue was a little anxious and planned to take two concubines for Xue Pan, but Xia Jingui refused to agree, and the two sides were still competing.

"Don't worry, Ziying, I know my own business, so I just go for a walk every day. If I can do it, Brother Liu will naturally arrange it. If I can't do it, it will only be a bad thing. I am not capable of it." , Brother Liu really wants to quit, this theater can only be sold, or someone can only hire someone to take care of it, but I think the business is good now, so it would be a pity to sell it."

   Xue Pan's words were also well-regulated, which surprised Feng Ziying and Xue Biao.

It should be said that Xue Pan's performance in the past two or three years has been greatly restrained compared to the absurdity he was in Jinling, especially after getting married, Xia Jingui's strength made Xue Pan even more afraid. The changes in the environment after the city, coupled with Feng Ziying's beating and restraint, made Xue Pan gradually get on the right track, and Xia Jingui intensified this situation.

Now Xue Pan is at most drunk and drunk, and he can't cause much trouble. Besides, he usually sleeps in in the morning, walks around the theater in the afternoon, and if there is a drinking party in the evening, he will have a good time. There is also a group of cronies and friends, but basically they all have a sense of propriety, so life is enjoyable.

   "Well, what the eldest brother said is also reasonable. Even if the second brother Liu doesn't want to run the business anymore, he can find someone to help take care of it. This can be regarded as a very rich fixed income every year."

Xue Biao also felt that it would be a pity if this Daguanlou was sold. Now there are not many ordinary businesses in the capital city that can make stable profits. Many of them make money this year and lose money next year. Can be good at dancing with long sleeves, make friends with the children of many high-ranking families in Beijing?

At least in terms of connections, it can help the Xue family a lot. Although Xue Pan is a bit dull, but with Feng Ziying's relationship to take care of him, even Daguanlou's biggest competitor, the boss of Mingyuelou, Lord Zhongshun, has to give some face. Said that this is the most suitable for Xue Pan.

   "It's true, then I have to ask someone to take care of it. At that time, I might as well give some shares, which can also tie people's hearts."

  Feng Ziying pondered that the Daguan Tower is also a weather vane. Many religions and scholars like to hang out in this area. If it is used well, it is a good place to get all kinds of news and gossip in the capital city. Information can often come from these places.

There are more than one million people living in Jingshi City. Merchants and travelers from the whole Zhou Dynasty are all proud to have been to Jingshi City, and their contacts can bring news from all over the world, and places like Daguanlou where you can play, eat and drink are undoubtedly the most A gathering place for easy communication, as well as various underground social conditions and public opinions are often fermented in this kind of place.

   Such a platform is a natural intelligence gathering place, so Wang Wenyan attaches great importance to Daguanlou.

  The three were chatting on one side, while the two mother and daughter pairs on the other side also went into the room and asked about their married life in detail.

  It is inevitable to ask some topics that my daughter's family is ashamed to mention, but it is very important to Xue Wang and Xue Cui.

The uncle's attitude towards his daughter, his daughter's status after marriage, how to get along with the eldest house, and the attitudes of Mrs. Feng's family and his concubine towards the two rooms are all related to the future happiness of the daughter and the future of the Xue family. fate.

"Xianggong treated his daughter and Baoqin very well, the emperor even gave him special gifts, his wife and concubine are also very friendly, and both daughter and Baoqin have already served tea." Baochai wiped away her tears and slowly regained her composure , but the joy on his face did not diminish.

   "Then they treat you and Baoqin..." Xue Cui asked eagerly.

  She knew that her daughter was very strong-tempered, and now she was acting as a concubine for others, and there was a long-term wife who came from a scholarly family and official background, so she was especially worried that her daughter would not get along well with Feng's family.

"Auntie, don't worry, Xianggong likes Baoqin very much. He said that Baoqin is sensible and can discuss current affairs with Xianggong. It will have a great impact." Baochai was aware of her aunt's worries.

From the current point of view, Feng Ziying really likes herself and Baoqin very much, or else she has shown a very affectionate and close attitude in the past few days. After her and Baoqin's newly married bridal chamber, she felt a little unwell. I'm afraid that the man is not so patient, and he won't take care of him so carefully, but he really takes it for granted when he puts it on Xianggong. This makes Baochai and Baoqin very moved, and it also shows that Xianggong really cares about them of.

   Baochai's words made Baoqin raise her eyebrows. Discussing current affairs and being a think tank seems to be a compliment, but how should I listen to this.

  Discussing things like current affairs was originally a private conversation between me and my husband, but I didn't expect my husband to tell my cousin, and I don't know if it was my husband's unintentional words, or he trusted my cousin more than myself?

  And when the think tank talks inside and outside, it always feels a little different.

   Maybe the cousin is a little jealous too?

  Bao Qin felt joy for no reason. It was not easy to make her cousin feel jealous, but she had always shown her generosity.

   "Oh? Really?" Naturally, Xue Cui couldn't understand the mystery, but only knew that her daughter was very much liked by my uncle, which was not easy.

  Baochai and Baoqin are both outstanding figures. Xue Cui knows that her niece is not simple. Although her daughter is also smart and wise, she may not be able to compare with the other party, especially the other party is still a wife.

   "Auntie, can this be fake? Baoqin knows better in her heart. Seeing how beautiful her smile is, she knows that she is sweeter than honey in her heart." Baochai said with a smile.

Seeing her mother's expectant and caring eyes looking over, Baoqin could only nod: "Mother, don't worry, my daughter knows how to do a good job. My husband treats my sister and daughter very well, and my wife and concubine also said that we should put the long room and the second room's house together as soon as possible." If the resources are divided, the second room will be handed over to the elder sister and daughter, but the elder sister and daughter still feel that it is inappropriate, so let's take it easy. If you can wait until sister Lin gets married, and the third house is all ready, come again. It's better to say that."

Xue Cui was also very happy to see her daughter so sensible, "Baoqin, you and Baochai have something to discuss together. It’s easy to say that Baochai and Baoqin are still confident in all aspects of their old age, but only about this heir, Baochai, you and Baoqin can’t slack off. You guys have to hurry up, it would be best if the eldest son could be born in the second room."

   Xue Cui's words did not mention who would be the heir of the second wife, but Baochai's heart was like a mirror.

My aunt may even hope that Baoqin will be her husband. Anyway, the son she gave birth to is a legitimate son, so it doesn’t matter. If Baoqin’s husband’s son is not a legitimate son, he is still the eldest son of a concubine. The eldest son of the concubine can almost establish the most valuable status besides the son of the concubine.

"Although Auntie is relieved, since Baoqin and I have married into Feng's residence, we will naturally fulfill our responsibilities, but it will take time..." Baochai couldn't say something too clearly, her cheeks were slightly hot, Baochai murmured : "Msg. Shen took good care of my sister and our bodies. Sister Shen gave birth not long ago, so my husband said that he didn't want her to get pregnant again for a year, so as not to affect our health,..."

   Both Aunt Xue and Xue Cui knew it in seconds, which means that there is no possibility of a son-in-law within a year, but this is an opportunity for Baochai and Baoqin, um, especially Baochai's opportunity.

  Although it is said that the second and third houses of the eldest house belong to one house, and the offspring they have are irrelevant, but for Feng Ziying, the eldest son certainly holds a special weight in his mind.

"Baochai, it's good that you understand the seriousness of it." Aunt Xue finally spoke, and she looked at her daughter with a little more concern and love in her eyes, "Brother Keng is a good boy, and he has always cared about you, and mother knows it too. But in the Feng Mansion, you have to learn to manage the housework, learn to be harmonious with your sister-in-law, learn to be filial to your parents-in-law, so that Brother Keng can rest assured that he can work with his grandfather, and don't care about small profits in front of him..."

  Aunt Xue didn’t quite agree with her sister-in-law’s point of view. In her opinion, how could someone like Feng Ziying fail to see through the mystery? Now that Baochai is already deeply loved and can stand on his heels, no matter how bad it is, as long as he gives birth to a son, he will be a concubine. As for the concubine, it doesn't matter much to Aunt Xue. The eldest son is of course good, but if it is a step later, it will be regarded as the first son of the second room, and there will be no disadvantages. As for Baoqin, it is a little different. If you can give birth to a noble son early, this concubine will be more promising in the future if the eldest son is born. Qin will definitely give it a try.

The hidden words in Aunt Xue's words made both Xue Cuishi and Xue Baoqin aware of something. It seems that Auntie doesn't want to be too loud, but Baoqin doesn't care. Facing Shen Yixiu's recovery and Lin Daiyu's marriage, if the two sisters If they have to go their own way and can't work together, then the two families will really break up.

  (end of this chapter)

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