Number of People

Chapter 1233: Geng Scroll

  Chapter 1233 Geng Scroll

  After talking together for a while, Xue Cuishi took Baoqin and left first, leaving a space for Aunt Xue and Baochai to talk alone.

Aunt Xue has been through the battlefield for a long time, so she naturally understands that the complex relationship in a big family like the Feng family cannot be as easy and simple as Baochai and Baoqin said before. It was the embarrassing second room that was mixed between the traditional Zhengshuo long room and the Feng family's third room, so it was naturally more subtle.

  Under such a complicated and special situation, let alone stand out in the Feng family, even if you want to gain a firm foothold in the Feng family, it is not an easy task.

   Fortunately, Aunt Xue also knows that her daughter and Bao Qin are smart and quick-witted people, both in terms of talent and personality, and they are both first-class. If the two join forces, they are not afraid of losing money to the Feng family.

   "Baoqin is not very quiet?"

Hearing her mother's dull voice, Baochai raised her eyebrows slightly in surprise, and glanced at her mother's calm face. Suddenly, Baochai felt that her mother seemed to have aged a lot, perhaps because she had been serving her brother all these years. Worrying about her own marriage, she was usually very nervous, but now that she suddenly got married, she finally had a good result, and she must have relaxed a lot.

"It doesn't count." Baochai pondered for a while, "Xianggong likes Baoqin's lively and straightforward temperament. Baoqin also wants to take this opportunity to establish a good impression in Xianggong's mind first? Her daughter probably knows her thoughts. Although she didn't say it clearly in front of her daughter, she also vaguely mentioned that her daughter only told her not to be too outstanding. After all, we just married, but Baoqin is so old, so she naturally understands the truth. My daughter believes that she can handle it well,... "

   "I didn't say she did something wrong, I just said you yourself?" Aunt Xue was still indifferent.

"Mother, a daughter is different from Baoqin. No matter how well Baoqin does, she can't hide her daughter. The daughter is the first wife, and she is the concubine..." Baochai's eyes were a little more confident, and the light was shining brightly. "Besides, don't mothers trust their daughters? Those who stand out are easily spoiled, and those who are brave are easily broken. It's not that Bao Qin doesn't understand this truth, but she feels that as long as she can be loved by her husband, it's worth it, because her status is not that good. Same, as for the daughter, you can't do that."

Only at this time did Aunt Xue show a look of satisfaction on her face, and nodded: "Well, Baochai, it's good that you understand this truth, you are a first wife and big wife, you can't let your in-laws and brother Keng feel too frivolous, it's right Yes, but you also said that Brother Keng likes Baoqin's liveliness, so you shouldn't be too old-fashioned. I know you are quiet, but you are less than twenty years old, and you are more lively. Maybe Brother Keng will prefer,…"

  Baochai didn't expect her mother to think of this level. After thinking for a while, she nodded, "Daughter understands,..."

"Okay, Baochai, you are the most reassuring mother. It is reasonable to say that mother does not need to talk to you, but now the Xue family is basically firmly tied to the Feng family. Your brother and brother are now They all rely on Brother Keng, and you have also seen that you are married, not only the famous officials, gentry and merchants in the capital city have come, even the emperor has specially given gifts to the emperor, and now the Xue family can also rise. Jingui some time ago You also resolutely disagree with your brother taking a concubine, and you let go yesterday,..."

  Aunt Xue's words made Baochai speechless. She knew her sister-in-law was very powerful, and her elder brother was ruled into obedience, but having no heirs was a big deal. There was absolutely no way for her mother to back down, so taking a concubine was imperative.

  But Xia Jingui disagrees, so you will have to make trouble in the house, and this is what my mother doesn't want to see. I didn't expect that the momentum brought about by my marriage would actually make Xia Jingui cower and back down.

  This means that his status in the Feng family is directly related to the peace of his elder brother's house, so Baochai can't help but laugh.

   "Oh, sister-in-law let go?" Baochai nodded slightly, "That's good, mother can seize the time to choose one or two suitable innocent families for brother, and bring them into the family earlier, so as to continue the incense for Xue's family,..."

   "Mother thinks so too." Aunt Xue wiped her eyes, "If Wenlong can have one or two heirs as soon as possible, Mother will go to see your father in the future, and she can have an explanation."

  Seeing that her mother was a little sad, Baochai quickly comforted her: "Mother, don't be like this. My brother is much better now than before. Besides, my brother is still young, and he will marry a wife and take concubines. By then, my mother will have a full house of children and grandchildren."

"Well, that's all for Wenlong's side, but you must step up. The Feng family is closely related to our Xue family. If you have face in the Feng family, Wenlong's side will be much quieter. How about your sister-in-law? I also know that if there is no one who can hold her back, she will cause trouble, and it is only up to you."

Aunt Xue sees this clearly. Now the Xia family and Eunuch Xia in the palace are very close. The business is not small, and they are quite powerful in Beijing. It is said that they have climbed up with Eunuch Xia for some reason. Relatives, that's why Xia Jingui is so arrogant, and often contradicts her own words, but she has a lot of rules when facing Baochai, and she usually greets her with a smile, obviously not because of Baochai, but because of Baochai's back Feng's family.

As long as Baochai's status in Feng's family is stable, then Xia's family and Xia Jingui will not dare to act presumptuously, and Xue Pan and himself will be safe at home. I'm going to be a demon.

Baochai understood the meaning of her mother's words. As a sister-in-law, she was not a role of keeping her own. The Feng family made Xia Jingui a little afraid.

   "Mother, don't worry, my daughter knows what to do." Baochai sighed softly.

"Baochai, the most important thing is to give birth to an heir as soon as possible. I think your aunt is quite willing to let Baoqin take the lead. Other things are easy to talk about, but this one cannot be let go." Aunt Xue paused, as if hesitating for a long time Then he added: "At least you can't give up intentionally. If Bao Qin can really give birth to an heir, it's her chance. If you give birth, then she can't say anything."

The titles and meanings of the legitimate son and the eldest son, the legitimate son and the eldest son of the concubine, have different meanings for each person. For Baochai, for Baoqin, for Feng Ziying, and for the Feng family, the meanings are different in their hearts. Because of this, Aunt Xue and Baochai were also quite conflicted.

   "Mother, you think too much, and neither your daughter nor Baoqin have thought that far." Baochai was still a little uncomfortable with this kind of topic, and turned her head slightly, not wanting to take up this topic.

"Hmph, you didn't think so far, but Baoqin and your aunt might not have thought of it." Aunt Xue shook her head, "Besides, if you fall behind, in case the long house, besides Shen's, wouldn't there be others?" Are there those two bearded girls? Although there has been no movement for a year, no one can say for sure about the pregnancy. Shen Shi was pregnant only two or three months after getting married. It seems that those who can bear children are the ones who would have imagined it so soon? It can be seen that this is still a man's favor,..."

"You and Baoqin can't be negligent. Besides, isn't that girl Qingwen also in Shen's house? If Shen wants to take care of her body this year, maybe she will let Qingwen sleep with her. Qingwen looks like that, At first glance, she is a foxy girl. I heard that he fell into Brother Keng's eyes when he was still at Jia's house. Now that she has Shen's connivance, it is even more justifiable. Let this girl give birth to the eldest son first, then Baoqin will become a joke."

  Aunt Xue's words made Baochai feel helpless, how could she prevent such things?

Qingwen didn't have a good impression of Jia's mansion. Whether it was Wang's family, Jia's mother, or a few girls, they all felt that this girl was too coquettish, with a vicious face that used to charm the master, and because of her temper Fiery and stubborn, she doesn't forgive others with her mouth, that's why she was kicked out, and even few people interceded for her.

  Who would have thought that she would go to Shen's mansion and suddenly become Shen's personal maid?

What's more troublesome is that I don't know why Xianggong fell in love with this girl, and he seems to like it quite a lot. This is also the news from Xiangling, saying that although Jin Chuaner is very popular with Xianggong, Xianggong seems to be very fond of Qingwen. It's a little special, even Xiangling can't tell what's so special about it, it's just a feeling.

If you feel this way, now that Shen's body is inconvenient, I'm afraid that the favor of Xianggong in the long room will be given to Qingwen, maybe even Eryou can't compare, that kind of situation Next, if Mrs. Shen intends to suppress Erfang, maybe she really dares to let Qingwen get pregnant first.

Baochai pondered, of course, this is only a possibility, the greater possibility is that Shen does not want anyone in the eldest house to have a son better than her, so she will stop the concubines and maids in the elder room, no They conceived and did not allow other women to conceive until she had given birth to a son herself.

  However, this will risk the possibility that Mr. Erfanghui will give birth to a son, especially if Mr. Baoqin or even a girl like Yinger gives birth to a son.

   So this is also a dilemma.

"Mother, don't worry about these things. My daughter and Baoqin know how to deal with them. Besides, Xianggong is a sensible person, so you don't have to care about small things. If you deliberately pretend like this, I'm afraid it's not beautiful." Chai comforted her mother: "No matter what, my daughter and Baoqin will not suffer as long as they are united. Besides, sister Shen's family may not be what you think. If it is what you said, then daughter I really don't care anymore, my husband would not like such a woman."

   Xue Baochai thought for a while before speaking, but Aunt Xue was rendered speechless.

  (end of this chapter)

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