Number of People

Chapter 1234: Geng Zi Juan Yun Zhi Jue Zhong (updated)

  Chapter 1234 Geng Zi Juan Yunzhi Juezhong (updated)

  Aunt Xue and Xue Baochai talked calmly here, while Xue Cuishi and Xue Baoqin talked in more detail over there.

  The mid-day sun was warm and warm, and it was rare for the capital city to be windless. The sun fell on the body, and Baoqin helped her mother to take a walk in the back garden behind the mansion.

  The garden is not big, but only one or two acres of land. The stone path forms a "field" character in the flower garden, extending in all directions.

  However, the winter in the capital city is too cold, and there is nothing to appreciate in the flower garden except wintersweet, but the bright red branches that Ling Han blooms alone are really eye-catching, and there are signs of spring.

"Bao Qin, do you think Brother Keng likes you paying too much attention to business matters?" Xue Cui was a little worried that her daughter was too aggressive, so she put all her thoughts on this, and the result might displease the Feng family. Especially if Feng Ziying doesn't like it, then the loss outweighs the gain.

"My daughter has thought about it, and the husband doesn't seem to care much about this, and he even appreciates her daughter. Because of this, my daughter wants to be unique in this, and do something according to her own ideas, without having to do everything. Do it according to my sister's thoughts." Baoqin's eyes were still a little hesitant at first, but finally gradually became firm.

Xue Cui understands her daughter's spirit, and being a concubine is a big shortcoming, but it also has advantages, that is, she doesn't have to think about everything like a concubine wife, so she will inevitably lose some vigor, but being a concubine does not have so much Without scruples, you can even get the favor of men.

Her daughter has followed her husband all over the world since she was a child, and even her son is not as knowledgeable as her, but her status as a woman restricts her. Now that she has entered Feng's family, if Feng Ziying really supports her in such a maverick, then maybe Bao Qin can't let her go. Finding a different path will also give Bao Qin an advantage in competing with other women.

Feng Ziying is not a mediocre ordinary person, and there is no shortage of beautiful women around him, but if he can satisfy him in terms of wisdom, knowledge and work ability, then Baoqin may indeed be able to win this favor alone, which is of greater significance .

"Bao Qin, you have to think about it carefully. Many men are duplicity. On the one hand, they want to show their magnanimity, but they may not be willing to see you go to that step. The Feng family is not an ordinary family, and they also need to take care of their faces. , if you show your face in public, what will the Feng family think?"

   Xue Cui had to remind her daughter.

It's not that Baoqin has never considered this aspect, but from her own observations, Feng Ziying really doesn't care much about it. Of course, it is definitely unrealistic to let yourself go out to the public by yourself, but you can manage behind the scenes and arrange people you trust to go out It is feasible to manage, even including his own brother.

She knew very well that if she didn't take advantage of such an advantage, she wouldn't be able to be on the same psychological level as Shen Yixiu, Lin Daiyu, and Baochai. She really didn't succeed, but at least she tried hard and failed, that was God's will, and she had a clear conscience.

It is not her nature to give up without trying. Of course, she also knows that relying on this alone can only make Xianggong have a different perception of herself. As a woman, she has to work **** the other hand. If she can If you have a son by your side, and at the same time have expertise to help your husband's career, then you will be invincible.

"Mother, my daughter knows what to do. Don't worry, mother. At that time, my daughter may be able to work together with my brother, and my brother may benefit from it later." Baoqin knew that she had turned the topic to her brother. The mind will become active, and then become self-supporting.

   "Oh? Can you really work with your brother?" Sure enough, Xue Cui's interest increased sharply, "Is that different from what your brother did in Shandong?"

   "There are definitely differences, but in the future, I think the son and daughter will be able to take care of each other, and even promote each other, and complement each other." Baoqin smiled happily, "My husband has a good impression of my brother, and I don't mind it,..."

"Amitabha, if we can really do this, then our Xue family's second wife will be safe." Xue Cui chanted a Buddha's name, "Your brother ordered Fang Shi, and it is time to get married next year, and I hope to make a marriage. When it comes to some things, don't let the Fang family look down on them. Although he can't see anything on the surface, he is still a little anxious because he knows his son like his mother. Your uncle doesn't care much about Denglai, and neither does your brother. Without any light, many things are not so smooth,..."

"Mother, uncle has all gone to Huguang now. He didn't stay in Shandong for a long time, and the locals just wanted to please him for the face of Governor Denglai. I'm afraid he won't even be bothered to perfunctory now that he's gone. , To do things, you have to work **** your own, and Xianggong also said that even if he can provide some convenience, but in the end, you still have to rely on your own hard work, blindly relying on others is not reliable."

  Baoqin's words made Xue Cuishi a little displeased, and she glared at Baoqin: "Now that your wings are stiff, don't you even want to help your brother?"

Baoqin was angry and funny when faced with her mother's concern for her elder brother, "Mother, my daughter has only been married for two or three days, so why are her wings so hard? Naturally, it is necessary to help her elder brother, but does the daughter say Is it unreasonable? Even in front of my brother, I am afraid that my brother will say that what my daughter said is right, and my daughter has also told my brother that the things in Shandong are not done overnight, so it is not appropriate to act too hastily. If it is that simple, others I have done it a long time ago. My brother is still young, and my husband also said that my brother is a smart and capable person. You might as well do things first, and then you can cut the wood with a rope, and the work will come naturally."

   Xue Cuishi also knew that she was a little anxious, just because Xue Biao was going to get married next year, and she was afraid of being looked down upon by the Fang family.

"Besides, mother doesn't have to worry about the Fang family. As far as my daughter knows, the person in charge of the Fang family is still Xianggong's classmate in the Ministry of Criminal Justice. The Fang family won't say anything if they think highly of elder brother."

Baoqin also knew that her resignation from the Mei family had cast a shadow on her mother, and the Xue family was also hit hard. She was afraid that her brother would also suffer the same fate, but she knew that such things would never happen again. With such a great reputation, the speaker of Fang's family is also a classmate of Xianggong, how could he not understand what this means, if he really didn't mean it, he would not have agreed to this marriage in the first place.

"I hope so. If your brother's marriage fails, mother will not feel at ease. Fortunately, you have finally found a good family. Hearing that brother Keng treats you very well and likes you, mother will feel at ease." Take it easy."

  The two walked to the middle intersection of the word "Tian" in the garden, surrounded by wintersweet blooms, which looked like a brilliant flower sea in the sun, making people dazzled.

Just when Baoqin was immersed in this sea of ​​flowers, Xue Cuishi was not in such a good mood, he hesitated for a while and then asked in a low voice: "Baoqin, Brother Keng probably won't go to the long room to rest these few days. Bar?"

  Bao Qin didn't come back to her senses for a while, and asked in surprise: "Why does mother ask this?"

   "What Mother means is that if Brother Keng doesn't go to the long room, you have to count the time and try to get Brother Keng to rest in your room, spend more time on the bed, and strive for a good day to conceive..."

   Xue Cui's unabashed words made Baoqin couldn't help stomping, "Mother, what are you talking about?"

Facing her daughter's anger, Xue Cui didn't take it seriously: "What's the matter? Husband and wife, Dun Lun, it's a matter of course. I'm your mother, so can't I teach my daughter? I think your aunt still hopes that Baochai will take the lead, but she can't do things like this." It's too polite, if you can live up to your expectations and be able to give birth to a son, you will definitely be more favored by the wives and concubines in the Feng family in the future."

On this matter, Bao Qin refused to listen to her mother. She had a feeling that Xianggong didn't seem to care too much about who gave birth to a son. Look at his love for Shen Yixiu's daughter. It's not artificial Yes, it is sincere love. In a sense, children may be more likely to be favored because of their mothers, rather than mothers are more expensive (favored) because of their children (daughters).

  Because of this, she is more willing to seek the appreciation and favor of her husband from herself.

   Besides, she doesn't want to make trouble with her sister because of this kind of thing. My sister knows it well, and she can't make a big deal out of a small one.

  But at this time, Baoqin will naturally not argue with her mother, and her mother is also kind.

Lunch was eaten at Xue's house. The two old mother-in-laws in Taishui were more and more pleasing to Feng Ziying's eyes. Got it.

The two brothers-in-law also persuaded them to drink in every possible way. After this meal, they actually drank too much. They could only sleep in Xue's house for the whole afternoon, and they didn't get up until the sun was about to set in the afternoon. .

  Naturally, he rested in Baochai's house again that night.

After two days of rest, Baochai is still young, but for example, when the jade melon first broke, it is already much better. Naturally, it is the love between the two. Looking at this body like the white jade Guanyin, it is tactful and joyful under her body. The satisfaction makes her Feng Ziying couldn't help but want to score a few times.

It's just that these good times are fleeting, and this holiday also flies by. Feng Ziying spends most of her time resting in Baochai Baoqin's house, and occasionally goes to Shen Yixiu's. However, Shen Yixiu's body has not yet recovered, so naturally he must mention Qing Wen's business.

It's just that Feng Ziying newly married the second daughter of Baochai and Baoqin, Eryou over there has been somewhat neglected, and Jin Chuaner, Yunshang, Xiangling and others have not been lucky for a long time. Time has no such intentions yet, so I can only shirk it temporarily and think about it after the turn of the year.

  (end of this chapter)

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