Number of People

Chapter 1235: Geng scroll thick fog

  Chapter 1235 Geng Scroll Dense Fog

  The spring break of the Great Zhou Dynasty is the same as that of the previous Ming Dynasty. It started on the 24th day of the twelfth lunar month and will continue until the 20th day of the first lunar month, which is close to the 20th holiday. For Feng Ziying, this is undoubtedly very wonderful.

There was only a few days between the marriage leave and the spring break, so he simply went back to Yongping Mansion, dealt with the affairs there a little bit, listened to the introduction of Wu Yaoqing and the others, and Long Jinwei's verification, and then Returned to the capital city.

Zhu Zhiren is very generous in arranging Feng Ziying to just finish the spring break with peace of mind. After all, Feng Ziying has worked hard this year. For him, this may also become his last Spring Festival in Yongping Mansion, and the big plan for the next year will begin. , if there is no accident, he will be promoted, so he is naturally willing to stand on the last post at this time.

Fortunately, Zuo Liangyu's branch has been assigned to the First Division of the Jizhen Army and the various departments that have been successively formed in the Beijing Camp. The security situation in the entire Yongping Mansion is very good. They are trying to perform well so that they can return to the Beijing camp in the future, so they are very disciplined.

   It is rare to get such a vacation with plenty of time. It is too difficult for Feng Ziying. In addition, the birth of a daughter and marriage are squeezed together, and there are many trivial matters, which have to be dealt with one by one.

Now that the Xue family sisters are married, they have a closer relationship with the Jia family, but they are also more subtle. After all, I also implicitly mentioned the Spring Festival with Jia She, but Jia She used Xing Xiuyan to prevaricate, although it is not enough. It is said to tear the face, but it must be a little embarrassing for both parties.

Fortunately, the matter of redeeming people has not been affected much, and it is still proceeding step by step, and Zai Sai still received various discounted materials from Yongping Mansion according to the agreement, but the issue of releasing people is still unclear. procrastinating.

"The situation in Yongping Mansion is fairly stable. Both He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji have been inspected by the Ministry of War, and they may be awarded guerrillas..." Feng Ziying turned around in the study, with her hands behind her back, thoughtful, "No Thinking that Your Majesty has such a deep impression on these two people, I just mentioned it once before His Majesty, and His Majesty remembered it. I went to the Ministry of War the day before yesterday, and Master Yuan said that He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji were the first to be appointed by the Emperor, and they might become The main force of the newly formed Shenji Battalion in the future."

  Wang Wenyan was a little surprised, "The two guerrilla divisions are only 6,000 to 7,000 people. How can they be considered as the main force? If the Shenji Battalion is organized according to the original structure, it should be at least 30,000 people?"

"Of course it's not limited to these two parts. The emperor intends to keep the Shenji Battalion firmly in his hands." Feng Ziying smiled softly, "It is estimated that there will be ten parts, and the independent ones will only control one battalion." In the guerrilla department, there will also be two or three departments in the hands of the generals, and they will end up differently. All in all, the emperor has suffered enough that the Beijing camp is not in his hands. If people intervene, even the Ministry of War is just going through the motions, and all military officers above the guerrilla level need to be approved by the emperor before they can be appointed."

   "He and Yang were recommended by adults?" Wang Wenyan wanted to ask He and Yang directly if they belonged to adults, but he thought it was inappropriate, so he changed his statement.

"He and Yang are both rare non-martial men in the Beijing camp, and they are quite capable. The Santun camp was able to break through, and then they took the opportunity to beat the Horqin people in Yongping, otherwise they would not Maybe I got this opportunity, but I just explained the performance of the two of them to the emperor and the Ministry of War in a realistic manner."

  Feng Ziying did not answer directly, but Wang Wenyan understood the meaning.

  If the generals of the defeated army hadn’t been given a chance by their lord, they would be in the body of guilt now, how could they have a chance to be promoted? That's not counting the thousands of soldiers under their command. Many of them were replenished from the redeemed pawns. It is rumored that the adults single-handedly talked with the Mongols about redeeming them. Naturally, these people They are all grateful to Dade, it can be said that the adults are quite powerful.

"My lord, the Shenji camp is still far behind. What should we do next?" Wang Wenyan didn't know why Feng Ziying spent so much time on the Beijing camp. In his opinion, Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu were more important. Because these two departments are now in Jizhen, and now Jizhen’s independence has increased significantly. Although You Shigong is the old department of Feng Ziying’s father Feng Tang, Feng Tang has favored him, but now the Ministry of War and the emperor are joining forces. With great control over Jizhen, if Feng Ziying wants to help her father, she should work **** Jizhen's side.

   "The emperor will make arrangements. All in all, Wu Xun will basically be excluded, and the candidates recommended by the Ministry of War may not satisfy the emperor. Let's see."

  Feng Ziying knew that if she stretched out her hand in the Beijing camp again, she would probably cause fear. A civil servant meddling in military affairs is very eye-catching in itself.

The arrangement of Yang Zhaoji and He Huchen in the Shenji Camp was just a precautionary move by him. If he had any intentions, he couldn't say it right now. It's always right to be prepared. He always felt that it was just in case it would come in handy someday. The game between Prince Zhong and Emperor Yonglong was turbulent, and they might meet face to face one day. There is no harm in having trustworthy people in the Beijing camp, and these two people are worth a helping hand.

   "There is always something wrong with the situation in Beijing and China. I don't know if you feel it?"

  Wang Wenyan began to report what he had learned in the capital city, which was also his main job.

   "Well, there must be gains in classical Chinese, let's listen to it."

Feng Ziying knew that Wang Wenyan's political sense was extremely sensitive, and he was born to play politics. The only thing that made people regret was that he failed in his studies. After that, he became Lin Ruhai's chief aide in the Salt Envoy Siyamen of the Huaihe River and Huaihe River. It would be a pity if such a person could not be put to good use.

In fact, Wang Wenyan is equivalent to the core of his personal staff, including Cao Yu, Wu Yaoqing, Qian Guisheng, Gu Dengfeng and others are all responsible for him, and at the same time Feng Ziying also has to continuously summarize what he has mastered from the court level and channels When it comes to Wang Wenyan's place, news including his father's coming from Liaodong will also gather here, and analyze and judge through Wang Wenyan.

It can be said that basically everything about Feng Ziying has almost no secrets from Wang Wenyan. If it wasn't for Lin Ruhai's guarantee and Feng Ziying's knowledge of Wang Wenyan's historical performance in his previous life, he would not have given up on Wang Wenyan when he didn't have too much contact with him. With a heavy responsibility, of course, various performances and tests in the later period also proved that Wang Wenyan is trustworthy.

   "Well, first of all, Prince Yizhong has become low-key, but people like Shou Wang, Fu Wang, Li Wang and Lu Wang are very active..."

  Wang Wenyan got straight to the point, and Feng Ziying asked with a smile: "Then what does Wenyan think is the reason? Or what does it mean?"

"It's hard to say, Jingying, um, that is, if Shenjiying is rebuilt and controlled by the emperor, it is almost impossible for Prince Yizhong to have any ideas. Even the Supreme Emperor will be powerless to influence anything, let alone the Supreme Emperor. The current performance seems to be more like avoiding the duel between the emperor and Prince Yizhong."

Wang Wenyan hesitated for a moment before saying: "But Prince Yizhong still has a strong influence in Wu Xun. Niu Jizong, Wang Ziteng, and most of the four kings, eight princes and twelve princes are closer to Prince Yizhong. Of course, this may I can’t explain anything, but Niu Jizong, Wang Ziteng, and Xuanfu Town, Shanxi Town, Datong Town still have many Wu Xun’s children holding military power, even Ji Town, so we have to guard against it.”

  Feng Ziying asked leisurely: "In classical Chinese, it can be known that there are more Wu Xun children in the Southern Guard?"

  Wang Wenyan was taken aback for a moment, then asked nervously, "Your Excellency is also worried about Nanbian?"

   "Oh? Wenyan also noticed something?" Feng Ziying immediately straightened her face, "I just have some guesses without any basis, but why did Wenyan say that?"

"I don't know if my lord has noticed? The departure of the autumn tax from several prefectures in Jiangnan this year has been delayed, and the autumn tax from Huguang has also been asked by the Ministry of War to stop it on the spot and mainly use it for the southwest war. What about the capital?" "Wang Wenyan stroked his beard, his small eyes flashed with cunning, "I also heard that the Jiangshui Division and Jiangbei Town, or Huaiyang Town, are also calling for reconstruction. The Nanjing Ministry of War has already Three times I have written to request immediate implementation, and the Ministry of Household Affairs in Nanjing should be the mastermind behind the delay of the autumn tax by the Jiangnan provinces..."

"I'm afraid the Nanjing household department doesn't have the guts to do so, right?" Feng Ziying murmured, "According to past practice, the tax revenue from Nanzhi in summer and autumn will be kept in Nanku, while Zhejiang, Huguang, and Jiangxi will release 90%, 80%, and 70% respectively. What's the point of the delay in these prefectures for Taicang, the household department of the capital, and the remaining Nanku?"

Wang Wenyan also frowned, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Since the situation is unclear, classical Chinese is not easy to judge, but when classical Chinese was still in Yangzhou, I heard that many prefectures and counties in the south of the Yangtze River had a lot of debts, and they were demolished." The wall complements the west wall, and there are many holes in the southern library of the Nanjing household department, next year will be a big plan, and now the north-south dispute is fierce, I am afraid that Nanjing and the southern provinces will be the focus of inspections."

   "You mean that there are some places that can't be covered up, and you have to do something?" Feng Ziying's face was full of gloom, which was not a good sign.

"My lord, this can only be our guess. It is reasonable to say that from the former chief assistant Shen Yiguan to the current chief assistant, Mr. Ye, he has always taken care of Jiangnan. As far as I know, the government has asked for an increase in Jiangnan's taxes several times. Negative, Jiangnan does not rise, and Huguang naturally cannot rise, which will make the court extremely tight. If there is no buffer brought by opening the sea, I am afraid that the situation will be even more ugly, but if there is a problem with the first or second government in Jiangnan, it can be said to be doubtful. But five or six big houses are like this, I am afraid it is difficult to explain it like this?"

  Wang Wenyan's words made Feng Ziying think deeply.

  (end of this chapter)

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