Number of People

Chapter 1240: The Gengzi scroll can only be harmed if there is a comparison

  Chapter 1240 The G-word scroll can only be hurt if there is a comparison

  As the atmosphere relaxed, Shen Yixiu exchanged glances with Xue Baochai who was opposite, and then Shen Yixiu also nodded to Xue Baoqin with a smile to show his goodwill.

Tusu wine, acacia soup, ruyi cake, and auspicious fruit are the first things to be brought up. These are things that herald good weather and good health for the family next year. Naturally, they are going to take the lead. Tables have already been arranged for visits. The scarlet embroidered doily had also been laid out, and following Da Duan's orders, the servants began to bring up various dishes.

In addition to the table of the masters, there will be many other tables next to it. Some big girls with good looks and girls with a face are all next to the table of the masters, and people like Feng Shou, Feng You, Ruixiang, Bao Xiang and these male servants sat in the middle courtyard because of the difference between men and women.

Apart from the four auspicious omens, there are various snacks served first, such as lotus root powder and cinnamon sugar cake, goose oil roll with loose flesh, crab meat dumplings, jujube paste yam cake, etc., and then there are cold dishes, such as bad duck letter and bad goose palm. , Bad quail, waxed pig face, pickled sturgeon, etc., filed in, and quickly covered the table.

   When the snacks and cold dishes are almost served, it's time for the servants to come to pay New Year's greetings to their wives and grandmas.

Minglang Minghuan had already prepared gold and silver locks for Duan and Daan, and here Qingwen Yunshang, Yinger Xiangling and Lingguan also prepared the same things for Shen Yixiu, Baochai and Baoqin. Of course, in terms of rewards, you can't surpass your wife and aunt.

  Compared to wives and grandmas who pay New Year's greetings, the other important thing is to pay out annual bills. This is also the habit of the Feng family brought back from the army. If you want the subordinates to do their best for you, this hurdle at the end of the year is indispensable.

There were not many servants in the Feng family before, mainly the long-term followers of Feng Tang, as well as a few old servants of the Feng family. The number has increased sharply, but this habit has continued. Of course, this will be distributed according to each person's status and role, but compared with other families, the Feng family has strict rules, but the treatment is not bad.

  The distribution of the year's bills has been completed on the first day, which is also to allow the servants to make arrangements as soon as possible. Many of them have to send the money back home, which also needs to be arranged in advance.

Seeing a group of servants who came up to pay New Year's greetings, the big and small Duan's eyebrows were all smiles, especially the wet nurse brought out the granddaughter and walked away, which was a way to express to the whole family that the Feng family had another young master, Duan Shi is in a better mood.

"Minglang, tell me to go on. This year, we have added people to our mansion. In addition to Girl Chai and Girl Qin, I also have a granddaughter. Our Feng family also has a third generation. Well, today I am in front of you guys. They are all here, Wanjun, Baochai, Baoqin, and the second and third sisters. After tonight, next year will be next year. I hope you all can spread the branches and branches for the second and second rooms of the long house as soon as possible, and continue the incense for the Feng family. , so this year's New Year's money will be paid 30% more, it can be regarded as praying for the old granddaughter, bless her safe and sound, and hope that at this time next year, there will be a few more people in the mansion,..."

   Once done, people naturally cheered.

Originally, the Feng family had strict rules, and the treatment was good. During the holidays, including the birthdays of the servants, the mansion would express something, because many of the servants of the Feng family were from the Jia family, and they also had connections with the Jia family. There is contrast.

  The Jia family has gone from bad to worse in the past few years. Whether it is the monthly or year-end annual, or even this kind of small money, the lucky money has not increased.

Like the earliest small festivals in the Jia Mansion, there will be some small festivals, such as the dragon raising its head on the second day of February, the Flower Festival on the 15th of February, the Cold Food Festival, the Shangsi Festival on the 3rd of March, Qixi Festival, and Zhongyuan. Silver and copper coins were used to buy a piece of clothing for everyone to beat the teeth, but almost all of them were canceled in the past two years, and the rewards of several major festivals have also shrunk a lot, so in comparison, the situation of the Feng residence is much better.

It was also the first time that Baochai and Baoqin lived such a life in Feng's mansion. Although they asked about the rules in advance, and the wife and concubine also explained it, it still surprised Baochai and Baoqin. They lived so much in Rongguo mansion. In 2010, it is natural to know the rules and routines of the Jia family. Looking at the New Year's money in Feng's house alone, it is almost twice as much as that of Jia's house.

   This is not a small amount, and they also heard that the Feng family also rewards them on ordinary festivals, and they are not light. It is no wonder that during the time they have been in the Feng family, they feel that the rules of the Feng family are particularly strict.

For example, men in the inner courtyard are absolutely not allowed to enter, and boys and girls are not allowed to go out casually. If they want to go out, they need to be approved by the wives or grandmas in the mansion, and they have to report and record before they can go out; Carrying out according to the rules in the army, although it was hard work, these servants didn't have many complaints. If they were to do this in Jia's house, they would have already started to make trouble.

Baochai Baoqin and the others became members of the Feng family for the first time, so they will naturally not be stingy in giving lucky money to the servants. Although there is a general rule, each person will be different because of their different identities and emotional likes and dislikes. .

  For example, Yinger and Xiangling must be different from Ruiguan and Douguan, and Xiangling was taken over by Feng Ziying, so Feng Ziying naturally had to give him another share.

   "It's no wonder that the servants in the mansion are so active and willing to work. Calculated in this way, compared with Rongguo Mansion, the servants with the same status are almost twice as high..."

  Bao Qin quietly whispered beside her sister.

"That's natural. If there is no reward for hard work, who would be willing to work from dawn to dusk? It is because there are enough rewards, so if you want to eat the ignorant money from the master's family, you must also consider that not only may you be punished and sent to the government if you are discovered, but such a Is it worthwhile to lose a good job that earns a stable amount of money? I heard from my husband that this is called high salary and honesty, and there is indeed some truth to it, but my husband also said that this cannot be eliminated, and can only be avoided from the rules and regulations. "

Baochai nodded slightly: "Every night at four o'clock in Zichou and Yinmao, those who watch the night in the mansion have to come out to watch the night, and those who are on duty at night can't sleep. I think Rongguo Mansion used to have these rules, but they have never been enforced. However, the women who were on duty at night often secretly drank alcohol and became dizzy. They just fell asleep and couldn't wake up even when there was thunder, but this has never happened in our mansion. On the second day and the third day, just rest and sleep, I heard that there are still many people who would rather work the night shift."

"Sister is right, but this is only enough money. If it is changed to Jia's mansion, I'm afraid..." Baoqin shook her head: "I heard that the second grandma Lian is going to hand over her official affairs, and there is no one there yet. After deciding who will take over, my aunt prefers Tan Yatou, but she also feels that Tan Yatou is hard to convince the public, and wants sister-in-law Zhu to take the lead and Tan Yatou to assist,..."

   Baochai shook her head, but there was a complex expression on her face: "It's hard, a clever woman can't cook without rice, whether it's Zhu sister-in-law or Tan girl, it's rare to do this job well."

   Just as the two sisters Baochai and Baoqin were talking about comparing the situation of the Jia family and the Feng family, the Rongguo Mansion at this time also celebrated the New Year.

After the whole family worshiped the ancestral hall, everyone lined up to pay New Year's greetings to the ancestors and wives. The gentlemen did not participate in these things. The servants went to their own masters, told this joke, and presented some small objects made by themselves. If you find an opportunity to win the smiles of your ancestors or wives, you will be able to win a lot of money, even if you can get more rewards.

  Compared to the high spirits of the Feng Mansion, although the Rongguo Mansion is full of hustle and bustle, there is a lingering feeling of being stretched that cannot be concealed.

   A team of subordinates kowtowed and bowed, and then offered auspicious words, which made the ancestors smile and joke a few words. The wives and grandmas next to them all smiled and echoed a few words, and then the gold, silver and copper coins were distributed.

   "Second sister-in-law, this year's gold and silver coins are still distributed like this?" Sitting next to Wang Xifeng, Tanchun couldn't help frowning: "Didn't it mean that the house can't afford it?"

"Hmph, if you can't afford it anymore, then you have to pass this year, even this year. Isn't this intentional to let the old ancestor down?" Wang Xifeng's face was like a spring breeze, and there was no clue, but The words that came out of his mouth were like squeezed out of ice slag: "Three girls, the gold and silver carp are a little smaller than in the past, everyone knows it well, except for the ancestors, or the ancestors have long understood, but Just pretend not to know, the house is difficult, everyone understands,..."

  Hearing what Wang Xifeng said, Tanchun really wanted to stab the other party. Isn’t it your second sister-in-law who is going through the needles and threads among the batches of military officers redeemed in the capital city? Could it be that you can still waste your energy to do such things for someone, and not get a piece of it?

Many people in the mansion know about this matter now, even the wives and grandmas. It is not clear whether the ancestors knew about it or not, but based on Tanchun's speculation, it is estimated that the ancestors knew about it and pretended not to. I know, otherwise, in Wang Xifeng's current situation, if she doesn't want to find a way to get more money in her hands, once Lian's second brother comes back, how will she live the rest of her life after leaving Jia's house?

  Because of this, Tanchun suppressed the urge to speak out directly, and just sighed in his heart.

   "Sister-in-law, what if this situation drags on?"

"Third girl, is my wife determined to let you manage the public school?" Wang Xifeng understood as soon as she heard this, "I'm afraid I need to clarify some things with the master and wife, so that in the end the deficit will become bigger and bigger, and you will become a It's a mess that can't be explained."

   Tanchun shook his head, with a bit of speechless bitterness on his face, "No, sister-in-law will be responsible in the future, I just help sister-in-law Zhu manage accounts in my spare time, strive to increase income and reduce expenditure,..."

  (end of this chapter)

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