Number of People

Chapter 1241: The New Year's Eve in Rongguo Mansion

  Chapter 1241 The New Year's Eve in Rongguo Mansion

In fact, Wang Xifeng has long known that it is impossible for her aunt to hand over all the power to Tanchun. Firstly, Tanchun does not have much experience in this area, secondly, Li Wan is a serious daughter-in-law, and thirdly, Tanchun will marry sooner or later, and it is not hers. She is her own daughter, so she has an explanation to the outside world, and it is not bad to put it in the name of assisting Li Wan's housekeeper.

   But with Li Wan's temperament, Wang Xifeng doesn't think she can manage the family well.

  Now the Jia family is no better than before, their spirits are a little loose, and the servants are not easy to manage. Although punishing the Lai family has some effect, it is a long-standing evil that has been formed for a long time. It cannot be completely improved once the Lai family is gone.

After going to the Lai family, there are naturally the Wu family (Wu Xindeng), the Yu family (Yu Xin), the Lin family (Lin Zhixiao), and the Wang family (Wang Shanbao). Even though they are not as rampant as the Lai family, they still leak out like ants moving house. .

  The income of Jia’s shops and Zhuangzi in various places is now lower than before, but the expenses are increased by one imperial concubine.

  Especially in the past few years, the monthly bill has not been raised, and the arrears are often defaulted. The subordinates complain and scold in their mouths.

A few years ago, this situation was also related to Wang Xifeng. She used the money to lend money from time to time, but she really didn't do this in the past two years. In addition, after working with Feng Ziying and earning a large sum of money, she also felt that there was no need to do things that would take too much risk if she could not earn two dollars.

   It's just that if she doesn't do this thing, it can't reverse the decline in the mansion.

The proceeds from the investigation and investigation of the Lai family, except for some that were taken away by Jia She, were all in the public house. However, with the sale of a lot of shops and Zhuangzi, some of the things in the old lady's house that were originally mortgaged also needed to be redeemed, otherwise it would be too much. It's too explicit, so the monthly expenses are basically the bonus left by Lai's family.

This kind of life of sitting and eating is exhausting, Wang Xifeng is unwilling to carry this layer of skin, and Jia Lian will definitely come back in the next year, so she simply pays the bill first and asks others to check it out, and let Li Wan He and Tanchun also went to take care of it, so that they could understand how Wang Xifeng survived for so many years, whether the Rongguo Mansion's home is good or not, and how to manage it.

  After the twentieth of the first lunar month, Wang Xifeng will formally hand over the power, and Li Wan will take over, with Tanchun assisting, but this has not been announced to the outside world, at least for the next 20 days, Wang Xifeng will have to take charge first.

Watching the servants who came forward to pay New Year's greetings to their ancestors kowtow in a series, and then took the gold, silver and copper coins from the hands of the mandarin ducks, the firecrackers outside the courtyard began to ignite and ring, and the smoke slowly diffused in. The air in the entire courtyard It has a unique smell of Chinese New Year.

The old ancestor's yard needs to be more particular. Girls and servants are holding gold, silver and copper coins, and they can get a general idea by pinching them a little. Laughing, turning his back on his ancestors, he has already lost his face.

But in the courtyard next door, Jia Lian was not there, so the male servants handed over to Jia She to handle such things. Many people changed their faces in front of them, and there were quite a few who swore and swore, but Jia She was already used to it. Urging and arranging for Wu Xindeng to finish this matter.

   This is destined to be a New Year's Eve that many people are not satisfied with, but it is still New Year's Eve after all.

At any rate, the New Year's Mansion still distributed some lucky money to everyone. The younger ones were not so thoughtful, and they all cheered happily. Those who set off firecrackers, guessed lantern riddles, wandered with lanterns, played cards to keep the new year, played mahjong, etc. When it came time to ring the bell, it was much more lively than Feng's.

"As soon as Bao girl and the others left, it seemed that the garden became much deserted all of a sudden." Yingchun strolled on the way back to her home Zhujinlou resentfully, and couldn't help sighing: "Siqi, you said Brother Feng Are they as lively as we are now, but I always feel that they are not very interested?"

  Siqi walked with Yingchun, while Lianhua was holding a lantern in front, Xiuju and Fangguan were chatting.

"It depends on the person. The girl finds it boring. It's because Uncle Feng is not here. If Uncle Feng is at the banquet tonight, I'm afraid the girl will be full of interest at once." Siqi did not hide the slightest in front of his girl, saying The words were right to the core, causing Yingchun's cheeks to heat up like fire, "Damn girl, are you trying to die?"

"Why can't the girl understand the words?" Siqi was not afraid of this cowardly but soft-hearted girl, pouted, "In the past years, the uncle would come to our house every few days, so I can't marry him this year. The two girls from Xue’s family won’t come here, right? Didn’t I see Mrs. Xue’s family came to live in our house? There is my son and daughter-in-law in the old alley of Li Ge, and there is a daughter and son-in-law in Fengcheng alley. It’s really rare to come to live in our Rongguo Mansion, but then Uncle Feng should come, at least Taishui is still here.”

  The sharp-tongued Siqi speaks eloquently, but Yingchun likes it a lot.

  Niannian thought that he would see his lover soon, and the lovesickness for so long would be relieved, and Yingchun looked forward to the darkness with a little more hope.

   "I don't hang a few more lanterns in this garden during the Chinese New Year. It would be nice to accidentally fall into the stream." Lianhua'er holding a lantern in front couldn't help complaining.

"Hmph, do you think it's the royal concubine visiting relatives? Lanterns are hung everywhere? A lantern needs two candles to hang overnight. This garden has to be hung. How much does it cost? Can't burn hundreds of candles in one night. , Do you really think you are a noble concubine?" Xiuju, who was walking behind, yelled at Lian Hua'er angrily.

"It's not like this every night, isn't today the New Year's Eve?" Lian Hua'er said unconvinced: "We are also the Duke's mansion, and we are not as good as those Hou's mansions without land. In previous years, when there was no garden, I think we On the contrary, the house looks brighter."

"You put it lightly, can it be the same in previous years as it is now? The second grandma Lian is going to quit. I think if Grandma Zhu takes over, I don't know if the big guy will get the monthly payment next year." Xiuju He stabbed the big guy severely.

   "Ah?! Lian's second grandma quit?!" Everyone, including Yingchun, was startled, except Siqi.

   "Who said that? Xiuju, don't talk nonsense, my sister-in-law did a good job, why didn't she stop?" Yingchun subconsciously regarded Wang Xifeng as her sister-in-law, defending.

   "I said so." Siqi said carelessly.

"Siqi, where did you hear that?" Seeing that it was Siqi, Yingchun immediately believed most of it. Siqi is Wang Shanbao's granddaughter. Although Wang Shanbao and his wife are not as good as Lin Zhixiao and Wu Xindeng in the mansion, But it can be regarded as some top-notch people.

"Girl, you are the only master who doesn't care about this, which of the other girls doesn't know?" Siqi said casually: "But this doesn't have much to do with girls, so the slaves don't bother to talk about it, if next year girls If the salary here has been lowered, or if the monthly payment cannot be obtained, then the slave must have a complaint with the steward."

  Siqi doesn't like Wang Xifeng very much, but Li Wan and Tanchun are not very close, so Siqi doesn't care who is in charge of the housekeeping. As Yingchun's personal girl, she just needs to protect Yingchun's interests.

"Sister-in-law is not willing to do it anymore, but because the second brother is coming back?" Yingchun is quite close to Wang Xifeng. Although Jia Lian is the elder brother and has a bad relationship with Wang Xifeng, Wang Xifeng treats her well, so she has been looking forward to Wang Xifeng. She and Jia Lian were able to reunite, but she never expected that Jia Lian was taking concubines and having children outside, and she refused to go home. After reconciling with Wang Xifeng, Wang Xifeng naturally has no reason to stay in Jia's house.

"I'm afraid it's not entirely true. The livelihood in this mansion is going from bad to worse. It's difficult for anyone to do this job. What can Grandma Zhu do with her kind nature? The third girl is a little fussy, but she is an unmarried girl, capable How long? Who will serve her again?"

   "Sister-in-law Zhu and Tanchun are here to take care of things?" Yingchun was even more surprised, Wang Xifeng was much better than sister-in-law Zhu, and sister-in-law Zhu could do a job that Wang Xifeng couldn't take down? As for Tanchun, how long can you do it? They all have to marry sooner or later, why bother to wade into this muddy water?

   "I heard it is, who knows?" Siqi didn't care, "Don't think too much, girl, it doesn't have much to do with us here, you should think about your own affairs, don't let the old lady really..."

  Siqi didn't go on, but Yingchun understood what it meant. If the master and wife really made up their minds to promise themselves to the Sun family, what should they do?

Although Big Brother Feng made a promise to himself, if his father refuses to accept so much money from the Sun family, Yingchun knows his father's temperament and refuses to take it out again, maybe only the Feng family will pay him. After redeeming her, she might be able to marry Brother Feng as a concubine.

  Yingchun was silent, and Siqi knew that his words were disappointing, but he couldn't explain much.

Now there are a few maids here in Zhuijin Tower to welcome the spring, and even the new Fangguan vaguely knows that the girl is unwilling to marry into the Sun family, but only Siqi knows what the girl has in mind, and the other girls Are still in the dark.

A few people were walking, and just as they walked up to the Qinfang Pavilion, they saw a figure coming out of the boat next to Xiaocuitang, as if they had seen someone coming from this side, and after a moment of surprise, they quickly approached Cuiyan. Run across the bridge.

   "Who?!" Lianhua, who was walking in front, was so startled that she almost lost her lantern, her voice changed, she yelled, and she was about to run back.

But I saw that black shadow rushed across the Cuiyan Bridge, and disappeared along the willow and bamboo forests on both sides of the creek in front of the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, but there was something left behind. It is very eye-catching under the raised lantern.

  (end of this chapter)

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