Number of People

Chapter 1243: Geng character scroll embroidered spring sac event

  Chapter 1243 The incident of spring sac embroidered with Geng characters

  Besides these things, if it gets out, the reputation of the girls in the garden will be affected. According to Tanchun's original thought, it is best to cover it up and not spread it.

But looking at the group of people in front of me, there are four girls on the second sister's side, the servant book she brought, Cui Ling, who came here from Yun girl, and Ruhua, who was brought by the fourth sister, there are a dozen or so people here. With these girls' bad-mouthed temperament, how can they hide it?

  So Tanchun quickly put an end to this thought, this matter cannot be hidden, and he has to report to his wife, second sister-in-law, and sister-in-law Zhu.

After all, the second sister-in-law has not handed over these matters. If you say that the responsibility lies on her, but she is now a person who has little relationship with the Jia family. Before the second brother Lian comes back, she will leave the Rongguo Mansion to find another way out. Man, she has been busy with her own affairs during this time, and has no interest or enthusiasm for public affairs, what can I do?

  Will sister-in-law Kezhu be willing to take over this stall? I'm afraid it won't work if I don't take over. With Zhu's sister-in-law's temperament, I'm afraid she can only recite Amitabha, and she has to leave most things to herself. Tanchun is mentally prepared for this, but if she encounters such a thing tonight, let her While I was busy, my heart was also covered with a shadow.

  Why is Rongguo Mansion like this now?

  All kinds of thoughts flashed through his heart, but it was only for a moment. Tanchun collected his mind, glanced at the lump that was still on the side of the willow root, and didn't know what to do for a while.

   "Third sister, what should I do about this matter?" Yingchun asked timidly, Shi Xiangyun and Xichun also looked over, looking at Yingchun.

  Yeah, the top priority now is how to deal with this matter.

   You can't hide it, and you don't dare to hide it. Once you hide it, people may think that you have a guilty conscience.

  Now there are so many people living in the garden, and there are many people with mixed opinions. Except for Li Wan who is a widow, the others are all girls who have not yet left the cabinet.

Although the sisters of the Xue family got married and left, Li Wan's two younger sisters moved in again. Just two days after the sisters of the Xue family got married, the aunt of sister-in-law Zhu brought her two daughters, who were Li Wan's cousins. Coco Li and Li Qi came to the capital city from Jinling, and lived in the Rose Garden next to Daoxiang Village and Hongxiang Garden.

There are so many people, including maids, women, women, there are at least nearly a hundred people, and this is not counting the women and women in the kitchen and the night watchmen. Sewage will have to be poured on your head.

So Tanchun thought for a while and made a decision: "This matter is no small matter, no more than other things. It must be reported to the wife, eldest sister-in-law, and second sister-in-law. Maybe everyone knows it. The second sister-in-law will ask for this house after the twentieth of the first lunar month." I will assist Sister-in-Law Zhu, and I will assist Sister-in-Law Zhu. It just so happens that this is the time for the handover, so I dare not cover it up. Fortunately, Second Sister is present today with four or five people. Also, when I met Yun girl and fourth younger sister, I can explain clearly and be innocent, as for how to find out this matter, it depends on the wives and sister-in-laws to make up their minds."

   What Tanchun said was straightforward, and Yingchun, Xiangyun, and Xichun all felt that it was reasonable. If this matter is to be explained clearly, no one will be able to bear such a stigma in the future.

"Tan girl, why don't you invite your wife now?" Shi Xiangyun was a little hesitant. It was New Year's Eve, and it was really disappointing to invite his wife to deal with such dirty things. I'm afraid it will be spread all over the house immediately.

"No, it's better to invite the second sister-in-law here first. The second sister-in-law is well-informed and experienced. Why don't you ask Siqi to invite the second sister-in-law quietly, explain clearly, and see what the second sister-in-law means." Tanchun thought for a while. He shook his head, saying that it is not appropriate to invite Mrs. Wang. Although this matter cannot be covered with paper, it will spread widely sooner or later, but it can be delayed for a while, and with Wang Xifeng's sophistication, he should know how to deal with such things.

  Tanchun didn't realize the grammatical flaws in his words. He was well-informed and experienced. How could he use such words to describe this kind of thing? If Wang Xifeng was here, I'm afraid he would turn his back on him.

   Fortunately, Yingchun and Xichun didn't understand, Xiangyun had a carefree temper, but after Tanchun said it, he realized that his words were out of place.

   Fortunately, no one noticed this, and while Tanchun's face was burning hot, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

   "Then Tan girl, throw this thing here, and we will wait here? In case someone else comes again and sees us here, how should we answer the question?" Shi Xiangyun reminded.

   Tanchun shook his head: "I can't stay here, I have to find a place to wait, why don't we go to the Dicui Pavilion and wait?"

  It is inappropriate to go anywhere now, with such a large group of people, they will attract attention wherever they go, after all, there is only the lonely Dicui Pavilion hanging in the water and out of place.

Dicui Pavilion is located next to Liaoxu. It faces Xiaoxiang Pavilion across a swell of water to the east, and the Zhujin Tower of Yingchun across Zilingzhou to the northwest. From the girls, you have to walk along the road when you come from Cuiyan Bridge. Go to their respective houses via the Fengyao Bridge, but not the Dicui Pavilion. Only when you return to the Jinlou in the spring will you pass outside the Dicui Pavilion.

  A group of people immediately agreed to come down, but let Lian Huaer pick up the embroidered spring bag, and arranged for Siqi to invite Wang Xifeng.

  Wang Xifeng fell asleep, and heard Siqi call the door, and asked Xiaohong to ask, but Siqi still refused to say anything, only said that he wanted to see the second grandma.

Wang Xifeng was quite displeased, but she also knew that she was only a few days away anyway, so she got up to see her. According to Siqi's intention, she actually wanted to avoid even Ping'er, but she also knew that it would not only offend Ping'er, but also might My son Wang Xifeng refused to go, so I briefly talked about things in front of Ping'er.

  Wang Xifeng was taken aback. This embroidered spring sac actually appeared in the garden?

  As soon as she heard Siqi's hesitant introduction, she understood.

This is nothing new. The gentry and wealthy families in Jingshi City, Yangzhou, Suzhou, and Jinling often gave gifts for fun, and many of them were even made by famous masters, all of which were made according to the master's **** pictures. Embroidery, such as Qiu Shizhou, is expensive for each piece, and what is more important is to add various special aphrodisiac spices to the embroidered spring bag, which is even more expensive. Of course, this only refers to the particularly expensive high-end goods.

Where there are high-end goods, there are also ordinary goods. There are also such things in such romantic places. How many prostitutes have these things for the needs of their benefactors. Of course, there are some ordinary people who like this way, and they can also get them This kind of object is just to add to the fun and flirt.

But you must know that this thing is a flirting thing for married couples when they play in their boudoirs. Although the rich and powerful families are ashamed of it on the surface, in fact, people in the big and middle Beijing families who like to play with it are not. Rarely, it's just that they seldom show up in other people's homes, and they are all hidden in the house.

   Even Wang Xifeng and Jia Lian used to have one, but later on the relationship between Wang Xifeng and Jia Lian became colder, so naturally there is no need to have this thing to flirt with.

  Wang Xifeng didn't go to Dicui Pavilion in a hurry, but thought for a while before asking: "Siqi, you didn't see the person who jumped out of the boat?"

  Siqi shook his head, "We stayed behind with the girl, and only saw a figure, with Lianhua in the front, and we could only see clearly that it might be a woman, but the movements were quick, and the clothes were not clearly seen."

Although the image of a woman makes Wang Xifeng feel relieved, but this kind of thing itself is a bad sign. The management of the Grand View Garden is chaotic, which is why such unsightly things appear. In other words, at least some women are indiscreet. , bringing this kind of thing that girls in the boudoir must never catch their eyes into the Grand View Garden.

If the situation is bad, there are women in this garden hooking up with men outside, maybe sneaking into the garden quietly, looking for a secret place to have fun, then it is really a great shame to the Jia family, and the reputation of the girls will be greatly affected .

  Wang Xifeng wondered if the boat was being used as a place of happiness, at least that place was indeed somewhat secretive, but it was only used by imperial concubines and empresses to visit their relatives, and no one usually went up there.

   "Ping'er, what do you think should be done about this matter?" Wang Xifeng asked Ping'er with his head turned.

"Does the third girl mean to carry out a search of the Grand View Garden?" Ping'er hesitated, "But tonight is the New Year's Eve, and such a fanfare is probably inappropriate, but if someone really enters If you leave the garden, if you don’t care about it, you’re afraid that something will happen.”

  Wang Xifeng also found it difficult. The reason why she didn't go over immediately was that she would not be able to come up with any countermeasures if it passed, which would damage her prestige and face.

   "What's more, such a big movement, I'm afraid I have to report it to my wife."

  Ping'er added a sentence.

  Wang Xifeng didn't want to care about this kind of thing anymore. Anyway, after 20 days, she would completely let go of it, but now that someone came to her door, she still didn't care about it.

"I see it this way, Ping'er, go and tell Lin Zhixiao that someone saw a figure by the stream in the garden. I don't know if I saw it wrong. Organize people to patrol the garden tonight and send out double copies. Yinzi has worked hard, and by the way, he asked the girls in the garden to close the doors and be more careful..." Wang Xifeng pondered for a while, "As for this matter, I will not mention it for the time being. I will report it to my wife tomorrow and then make sense."

  At this time, Wang Xifeng would rather spend more money than have any accidents, and arrange a thorough inspection with manpower, but there are many mountains, rivers and forests in the Grand View Garden, and it is really difficult to search at night, so it is better to postpone the search until tomorrow.

She felt that Tanchun, a girl who came out of the way to give her a general, almost made her inspect the Grand View Garden, but doing so would undoubtedly cause a big disturbance, and the spearhead had to be pointed at herself in the end, besides I want to leave by myself, but I don't want to take the blame for this.

   The update in May is not effective, but I hope you will work hard in June, so please support the monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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