Number of People

Chapter 1244: Geng character scrolls are short on parents (please ask for votes for the first updat

  Chapter 1244 Geng-character scroll parents are short (please vote for the first update!)

   When the Grand View Garden of Rongguo Mansion was full of noise, Feng Ziying had already fallen asleep with Shen Yixiu in his arms.

Compared with the hustle and bustle of Rongguo Mansion, Feng Mansion = General Shenwu Mansion + Hulunhou Mansion + Uncle Yunchuan Mansion are combined into one, but they are so quiet. There are also some that are not suitable.

Even Feng Ziying herself felt that her house was still too quiet and lacked a bit of New Year's atmosphere, but this was her second New Year's Eve after she got married. Compared with last year's New Year's Eve, this New Year's Eve was still a little more lively , it seems that next year I have to find a way to create a new year atmosphere. This is not only for fun, but also a necessary measure to gather the spirit and centripetal force of the whole family.

  Now the servants of the Feng Mansion are mainly divided into several parts.

One is the servants who have followed Feng Tang and the big and small Duan family since Datong, including some sons, relatives and family members who have changed their surnames to Feng. This part is not many in number, only ten or twenty; One is the servants that the Feng family started to recruit after they moved to the capital city. This part has the largest number, probably around thirty or forty; There are about ten or twenty people.

  The rest are Shen Yixiu, Xue Baochai, Xue Baoqin and the others who married and brought in their natal servants. There are probably ten or twenty people in this part.

It can be said that such a group of servants put together from several places is still relatively scattered, especially the group that started to hire after they settled down in the capital city is the largest, but the time is only a few years, and it is far from being able to treat Feng. How loyal the family is, but these people are indispensable. If the Feng family wants to build a hundred families, it will be a very important but long process for these people to get rid of the chaff, absorb and eliminate, and gradually return to their hearts.

It is also a gradual process for those villagers from Datong and Linqing, and the servants brought by the mistresses from their natal homes to gradually accept them as the Feng family and integrate them into one. How to bring these people in as soon as possible so that They have a sense of belonging and solidarity, and even consciously become members of the Feng family, which requires various measures to achieve it.

Such as raising the monthly rate and giving more rewards is just a rough and simple method. Looking at the various things in the Rongguo Mansion, although the Jia family is declining day by day, it is more of a problem with the head of the Jia family, and some of the methods adopted by the Jia family are not. It's still worth learning from the Feng family.

For example, various rewards and food celebrations for servants during big and small festivals, as well as activities such as guessing riddles, watching lanterns, watching plays, and hosting banquets on major festivals, although the cost is not much, they can make servants excited. Joy, and can form an atmosphere of one family through this way of having fun together.

Another example is to arrange a doctor to see a doctor for the sores and illnesses of the subordinates, and to provide some necessary care and care and even comfort in medicine and money; Giving leave or even some rewards are very effective means.

"Master, Sister Baochai and Sister Baoqin can be said to have their own strengths. When we were together earlier, what Sister Baochai said made sense to me." Shen Yixiu leaned his head next to her husband. On her husband's shoulder, said softly.

   "Oh? What did Baochai say?" Feng Ziying was surprised.

"Sister Baochai said that the source of servants in the mansion is still too complicated, the rules and styles are a bit messy, and the accent is fine, but the rules of doing things are also chaotic, so she suggested to the concubine that the Feng family is also the capital now. There are some respectable families in the city, and these aspects may need to be sorted out, especially the daily procedures in the mansion. I am afraid that there must be a unified paradigm, at least not too different, so as not to cause unnecessary confusion,..."

Shen Yixiu was thinking while talking, originally it was just a New Year's Eve dinner, the two sat on opposite sides, and there were not many opportunities to talk together, but after the meal, Baochai mainly invited Shen Yixiu to sit together, Shen Yixiu was surprised and curious Naturally, he agreed, and after exchanging pleasantries, he slowly talked about this topic.

  Obviously Baochai also came prepared. Although it has been less than 20 days since she got married, Baochai also has a careful understanding of the situation of Feng's family.

She found that the internal management of the Feng family is still quite rough. The finances of the family are still managed by Xiao Duan, and they have not been handed over to the two rooms. Of course, she doesn't know. The house does retain the style of frontier martial arts, rough, direct and casual.

   I don't know whether Shen Yixiu was afraid of attracting her mother-in-law's displeasure during the year she married, or whether she didn't pay much attention to these things. All in all, in Baochai's mind, she seemed too careless and casual.

Baochai still struggled with whether to mention this matter or not, but when he noticed that Baoqin was becoming more active, especially after knowing that Xianggong and Xue Biao had to listen to Baoqin's conversation, Baochai knew that it was time for her to make her own voice and establish her own image.

  But she didn't choose to propose it to her mother-in-laws rashly, but took the method of discussing it with Shen Yixiu, the head of the house. It has to be said that this is a very clever method.

   It was precisely this method that Shen Yixiu had no choice but to raise Baochai's impression a bit.

Although I heard Qingwen mention Xue Baochai before, even though Qingwen didn't like Xue Baochai's character very much, she also said that Xue Baochai was thoughtful in doing things, thought about problems without leaking, and was like everyone else. Shen Yixiu didn't feel much. The news from Li's feedback is that Xue Baoqin speaks and acts like a big woman, and even feels a bit overwhelming. I was curious, but I didn't expect to see Xue Baochai's stunning appearance today.

Feng Ziying couldn't help but sat up straight. Hearing noises in the room, Yunshang, who was on duty outside, hurried in. Seeing Feng Ziying sitting up in draped clothes, she hurriedly took the pillow at the foot of the bed and leaned against Feng Ziying's back, touching Yunshang. Her hands were a little cold, so Feng Ziying simply pulled Yunshang onto the bed and lay down next to her.

Shen Yixiu glared at her husband reproachfully, but didn't say much. She knew that this girl had followed Feng Ziying since she was a child, and she had a different relationship. Pulling Yunshang to bed was not for doing anything, but out of pity. Blushing and about to struggle to get out of bed, he said, "Yunshang, you can lie down next to your husband, or else you will feel that I, the mistress, have a hard heart and don't know how to sympathize with you."

   "Grandma, how dare slaves..." Yun Chang panicked.

   "It's not your business, it's what Xianggong thinks in his heart..." Shen Yixiu teased, "How many years have you been with Xianggong, and I have only been married for a year, how can it compare to the friendship between you?"

Yun Shang was even more nervous and panicked, but Feng Ziying laughed nonchalantly: "Why is Wan Jun still jealous with Yun Shang? Well, Yun Shang, this is grandma joking with you, just lie down for a while, don't catch the cold , Are you here from Tiangui? You can’t stand the cold, and you don’t want to put on a jacket when you get out of bed? You don’t know how to cherish your body.”

"Listen, Yunshang, you have to take a good breath, my husband misses you." Shen Yixiu also laughed, she also likes this honest and honest girl, she has never been proud of being favored, and her temper is more than Qingwen is better.

  Yun Shang also felt that grandma was not as worried as she was worried, and she felt more at ease. After struggling for a while, she curled up beside Feng Ziying outside the bed obediently, and Feng Ziying also pulled the quilt to cover her.

   "Does Mr. Wan think what Baochai said makes sense?"

"Of course it makes sense. Does your lord think that Sister Baochai is aiming for nothing?" Shen Yixiu said: "I also heard my aunt say that before the mansion was in Datong, the master often went out to fight, and even his family moved along with him. People in the village also stay and leave from time to time, increasing or decreasing, so basically there is no decent customization. It was not until the middle of Beijing that it stabilized a little bit. As a result, the master went to Yulin again in a few days, and the husband went to Qingtan Academy. Studying, there are only wives and concubines in the family, there are not many things, so I don’t pay so much attention, but now the situation has changed, the concubine married in, and there are two concubines, Eryou, and the second house Baochai Baoqin also married in, the concubine I also gave birth to a child, and my concubine was also talking about it, and it just so happened that Sister Baochai's observation skills were more nuanced than my concubine's, so she took the initiative to bring up this matter, and my concubine felt that it was time to think about it."

"What is Wanjun going to do?" Feng Ziying felt that Shen Yixiu and Baochai seemed to have reached a certain consensus, but there seemed to be something else in it, which he hadn't figured out for a while, but he didn't intend to think too much about it. Well, since both Shen Yixiu and Baochai felt it was necessary to deal with this family matter, it should have been a matter for the two of them to be mistresses, so I left it to them to handle it.

"My concubine intends to report to his wife and concubine first, to see the thoughts and attitudes of his wife and concubine, and then to ponder over it carefully. Sister Baochai also means the same thing. At that time, my concubine and sister Baochai will make a fuss about it. "

Shen Yixiu's words made Feng Ziying laugh, "There is no need to say too much about my mother. As a son, I know my mother's temperament best. She doesn't have much thought to ask these things. In the past twenty years, the family affairs have basically My aunt is in charge, so she just listens as a bodhisattva, but don't let her make up her mind,..."

  Shen Yixiu said angrily: "Master, how could anyone say that about mother-in-law?"

"Hey, I'm telling the truth. My mother is like this, and she is so happy. You will know it a few times. My aunt said it a few times before, and my mother became impatient, so I almost told my aunt about these things, so don't come here." When I'm bored with her, my mother likes to tease the birds, listen to operas, chant Buddha's name, and then go to the temple for a while..." Feng Ziying laughed, "I really envy my mother's temperament, she is open-minded and open-minded, so I said that my mother can live to be a hundred years old because of this kind of heart, except for my marriage and the incense of the Feng family's heirs, my mother really didn't worry about other things."

  (end of this chapter)

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