Number of People

Chapter 1246: The Companion of Geng Scroll, Cheng En

  Chapter 1246 The Companion of Geng Scroll, Cheng En

With a lot of thoughts, Yuanchun's Guanyin-like lotus jade face showed a smile, "It's really an opportunity for Baochai and Baoqin. The Feng family has a single family with three families, and I must be looking forward to having an heir soon. Baochai If He Baoqin can have an heir, it will indeed make Feng's family happy."

"Isn't that what? That's why everyone in the house is saying that Miss Bao and Miss Bao's marriage happened just in time, and it just happened that Mrs. Shen gave birth to a daughter. The Feng family must be very disappointed. If Miss Bao or Miss Bao If the second girl can give birth to a son, the second wife will soon overwhelm the eldest." Baoqin is also very happy for the Xue family.

Jia Shi Wang Xue and the four families are all in the same spirit, one prospers and the other loses, but it is precisely the Xue family that first declined. Coincidentally, the Xue family and the mistress are the biological sisters of the eldest girl's mother, and the relationship between the two sisters has always been the closest. It is naturally a good thing that the Xue family can regain its glory through the relationship of the Feng family.

Hearing that Baoqin said that he wanted to overwhelm the long room, Yuan Chun frowned, "Baoqin, don't talk nonsense about such things, why the second room overwhelms the long room, Ziying is the only one in Feng's family, and the second room of the long room is said to be separated , but in fact he is not alone, it is just a public statement, and if our Jia family spreads such a statement, it will definitely arouse Ziying's displeasure."

Baoqin laughed, "Your Majesty is thoughtful, but Mr. Feng is afraid that he won't pay attention to these things now. He is too busy with his official duties now. I heard that the elder master and the second sister-in-law are getting involved to help In the matter of the redemption, when the servant and maid went back this time, the master and wife both talked about it tactfully, but the master didn't say anything, but the wife may not be very happy with Lian's second sister-in-law for doing this."

Yuan Chun sighed, "The second sister-in-law also has the same difficulties as the second sister-in-law. The second brother Lian has reconciled with her. How long can she stay in Jia's house? She is also very face-saving, and she will definitely not go back to Wang's house to be angry. Mostly I want my own family to be exclusive to other places, but there is still most of my life in the future, how will I live? If I don’t earn some money while still in Jia’s family to plan for the future, how will I live in the future? If my mother is not happy, she will be unhappy. She can't help the second sister-in-law for the rest of her life."

   "Your Majesty, it's almost time, let's go back to the house first." Seeing that Yuan Chun seemed to be in a better mood, Bao Qin took the opportunity to help Yuan Chun walk into the house.

   "Let's go, it's time for Cheng En to come back." Yuan Chun raised her hands and went back into the room, the oncoming heat made her somewhat stiff cheeks suddenly feel a little bit.

"It's time to come back. In the past, he came back at this time when he went to Qiu Daban's place, but today is the New Year's Eve. Maybe Qiu Daban wants to stay with him for a while to talk?" Baoqin also stretched his neck and looked out , the two little palace maids were also laughing and playing around, and by the way, they also raised the palace lanterns, and they wanted to hang them under the cornices, so that the palace would add a little more Chinese New Year atmosphere.

  Cheng En is Yuan Chun's servant, only twelve or thirteen years old, and entered the palace five years ago. He was originally a servant under the **** Qiu Shi'an, who was inspected by the inner court. This year, he was assigned to Yuanchun's Fengzao Palace.

Although he has not been to Fengzao Palace for a long time and is young, he is honest and obedient, diligent in doing things, and loves reading and writing, which is very popular with Yuan Chun and Baoqin. A native of Xingtai, Shunde Prefecture, he is considered a villager, so Qiu Shi'an took good care of Xiao Enzi, and Yuan Chun asked Cheng En to go to Qiu Shi'an's side to inquire about news.

It turned out that Yuan Chun was treated coldly in the palace, and he didn't have many contacts to understand the situation. After Cheng En came, because of this relationship, Cheng En often went to Qiu Shi'an's place, and the gold, silver and jade brought in by the mansion The treasures were given to Qiu Shi'an, so now the situation has improved and the news has become better.

After Dai Quan went to the Daming Palace where the Supreme Emperor resided, Dai Neixiang, who had power for a while in the past, was not as good as before. Now there are only two eunuchs with the most power in the palace, one is Xia Bingzhong, the **** of Liugongdu, and the other is Qiu Shi'an , the inner court inspected the eunuchs, and both of them were companions when the current emperor was King Zhongxiao. After King Zhongxiao became Emperor Yonglong, the two naturally rose to become the two chief eunuchs in the palace.

  While the two of them were talking, they heard the voice of the little maid outside the door: "Your Majesty, Cheng En is back."

   "Let him in." Yuan Chun nodded, and sat back on the Kang with the support of Baoqin.

   "The servant Cheng En has seen the empress." The voice was clear and clear, and it didn't have the feminine taste of the little servants. The skin was a little rough and dark, but the eyebrows and eyes were very agile.

   "Well, did you go to Mr. Qiu's place to pay New Year's greetings?" Yuan Chun asked.

"Well, go back to your mother and go. There are many people at Qiu Daban's place, and the slaves waited for a long time before they got in line. The big companion talked to the slaves alone for a while, asked about the situation in their hometown, and the presents were also accepted by the big companion. , the servant also said according to the words of the empress, but the big companion didn't say much, and only chatted with the servant for a while when he was leaving..."

   Yuan Chun was refreshed and wentssiping for a while? Often there are any changes in the palace, which are spread in gossip over there, but the serious words of the real king of Zhou Wu and Zheng are meaningless.

   "Cheng En, sit down first, and speak slowly." Yuan Chun calmed down, regained his composure, and asked calmly.

   "..., the companion said that the emperor has not been in good health these past two days, and he couldn't bear the cold. I'm afraid that tomorrow's sacrifices will be replaced by King Shou and King Li..., but he also said that Prince Zhongshun suggested that King Lu and King Gong should respect and be filial,..."

  Yuan Chun tried hard to digest the hidden meaning in these words.

It is not a new thing that the emperor is in poor health. This year, the emperor often took care of his official duties, and later he could only stay in bed, but it is different like the sacrifice on the first day of the first month. I participated, and the emperor had to preside over it, but now I have to let Shou Wang and Li Wang replace it, wait, what about Fu Wang?

   Seemingly seeing Yuan Chun's doubts, Cheng En quickly explained: "I heard that King Fu's words were inappropriate when he went to greet him a few days ago, which angered the emperor. The emperor fined him to be confined in the mansion for three months and not allowed to go out."

   "What offended the emperor?" Yuan Chun asked immediately.

   "Not very clear, it seems that there were only two or three people present, and then they kept their mouths shut and were not allowed to spread. There are all kinds of rumors outside, but no one can answer what the real situation is."

  Cheng En's words made Yuan Chun a little disappointed, which means that the password ban must have been issued, otherwise such news must have spread a lot.

   "What about Concubine Su?" Yuan Chun didn't believe Concubine Su and let her go, and with Su's entanglement, she would definitely stay with Daming Palace and refused to give up, insisting on getting the emperor to release her restraint.

   "Concubine Su Gui should have gone to see the emperor, but after returning, there was no news, and I don't know what the outcome will be." Cheng En said honestly.

Yuan Chun sighed, his contacts in the palace were still too weak, except for the line of Cheng En, it was almost rare to get any news, so he waved his hand with some disinterest: "That's all? Cheng En, you have worked hard, go down and rest Bar."

   "There is one more thing, I don't know if I should..." Cheng En hesitated.

   "What's the matter?" Yuan Chun asked casually.

   "The big companion asked if the empress's younger sister is married to Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan..."

  Cheng En's words made Yuan Chun excited, Yuan Chun looked at Cheng En, and said word by word: "Why do you ask this?"

"The big companion didn't say it clearly, but only said that a distant relative in the capital camp was defeated by the Yongping Mansion, was captured by the Mongols, and has now been redeemed. bullets, to put him to death,..."

While observing Yuan Chun's expression changes, Cheng En said cautiously: "I feel that the big companion seems to want to ask the empress to help Xiao Feng to write, to help slowly, and not to pursue his distant relatives too much. This kind of thing, slave He also knew that it was not a small matter, so he didn't dare to promise, he only said that he would bring the words to the empress intact, Qiu Daban didn't say much, just said that it was difficult to write two words of Qiu, and he was also embarrassed in the palace, Many people came to the door, chattering about all kinds of things, and said a few more things about Concubine Wu and Concubine Zhou,..."

  Yuan Chun's complexion suddenly turned cold. Of course, she knew that this was Qiu Shi'an hinting at the current situation of Concubine Wu and Concubine Zhou and her, these gangsters!

   After pondering for a while, Yuan Chun didn't say anything more, just nodded, and waved his hand to signal Cheng En to go down and rest first.

Cheng En withdrew, only Baoqin and Yuan Chun were left in the room. Yuanchun sat up and got off the kang couch, feeling a little sweaty all over his body. After walking a few steps, he turned his head again: "Baoqin, What do you think I should do about this?"

Baoqin also understands that this is Qiu Shi'an's method. I don't know what happened outside, but he actually stretched his hands into the Beijing camp. It can be said to be extremely daring. To say that he is also a respectable character in this capital city, using this method, he feels embarrassed and annoyed.

"Your Majesty, you have managed to get closer to Qiu Daban through Cheng En. This servant feels that this seems to be a test of Qiu Daban to your empress. She is right. Both Wu Guifei and Zhou Guifei often ask Qiu Daban Sending all kinds of things there to please Qiu Daban, we were not as good as them here, now we have Cheng En and finally got on the line, but now we bring up this matter again, this is clearly a test of the empress and the Jia family outside The ability to..."

Baoqin sees this matter very clearly. The interests and strengths are all about matching. If you have nothing worth using, then you will lose the qualification to bargain with him. This is how it is in this palace. Reality, but which one of the concubines Wu and Zhou doesn't have some background?

  Now it's time for Qiu Shi'an to use this as an exam question to test Jia Jia and Yuan Chun.

   Ask for tickets at the third watch!



  (end of this chapter)

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