Number of People

Chapter 1247: Geng-zi scroll internal and external phase system

  Chapter 1247 The internal and external phases of the Geng scroll

Yuan Chun unbuttoned the upper part of the skirt a little irritably, revealing a white and greasy neck and chest. The earth dragon in the palace was too hot, and she, who was originally slightly plump, was a little impatient with heat. Tired of sweat.

   "Hold the piano, let someone boil the water, I want to take a bath."

When the hot water boiled up, Yuan Chun took off his outer skirt while Bao Qin was serving him, and stood in front of the bathtub in only a small coat. Bao Qin stepped forward to take off the small coat for Yuan Chun. Di's carcass is presented in the surrounding red candlelight, jade-clear and icy-clear, shining brightly.

Stepping into the barrel from the wooden ladder, Yuan Chun couldn't help but sigh comfortably due to the warm and moderate hot water. The sound that came out from the depths of his throat had some inexplicable magical power, which scared Yuan Chun himself a lot. Jump.

Slowly sat down, the petals floated on the water, and the faint mist lingered around the body, Yuan Chun couldn't help but feel a little self-pity, rubbing his slender hands on the smooth body of the chest and abdomen, until finally Embracing his shoulders and sighing, Yuan Chun untied his bun, letting his long hair hang loose, and slowly leaned against the wall of the bathtub, letting the warm water slowly flow over his chest and neck to his jaw.

   Is such a day what I want?

Throughout the year, in this endless gossip, rumors and insinuations, even if you don't want to get involved, no one will let you go, Yuan Chun feels that he is really too tired and too tired , I wish I could let this moment last forever and never wake up.

  The most important thing is that Yuanchun can't see her future, she doesn't know what her future will be, what is the goal of her struggle, and where is her destination.

The emperor's body is just like that. Apart from dealing with court affairs, he spends almost all his time cultivating morality and self-cultivation. He has a clear attitude towards the concubines in the palace. For him, he has enough heirs. King Fu, King Li and King Lu, plus Prince Gong who is about to come of age in two years, the five sons are now fighting secretly for the throne. This is already an undisclosed secret in the palace.

  The three imperial concubines, Xu, Su, and Mei, are fighting openly and secretly, while Concubine Guo is secretly accumulating strength, but does all this have anything to do with me?

  It's ridiculous that Zhou, Zheng, and Wu were still attacking each other with various means and tricks, but is it meaningful?

  Up to now, everyone still can’t see the purpose of the emperor’s concubines including himself, then they are really too stupid.

Yuan Chun didn't know if the emperor's going to the three palaces was the same as coming to his own place, it was just superficial, said a few words, drank a cup of tea and left in a hurry, and didn't even bother to stop for a meal, but it was probably the same, And in this year, I didn't even bother to come to Fengzao Palace. I went to the emperor's side several times to have an audience, but I just sat there and chatted a few words, and even ended up with those few people. We met together.

   When will this life end? Maybe it's the emperor's death? But what about after this end?

  Yuan Chun couldn't think of what would be behind this end.

   Gently flick the water to flow down from the shoulders and neck, and the petals fall on the shoulders, forming a strong contrast with the jade snow powdery skin, the red is redder, and the white is whiter.

Perhaps it was a lonely old life in a remote and cold palace in the palace, sitting on the palace gate with those white-haired palace ladies every day watching the sunset, and listening to all kinds of anecdotes and anecdotes from outside. , It is to live through the day, and go back to my house at night with a lonely lamp and a cold bed to live through the night, day after day, year after year, is this the life I will live in the rest of my life?

  Thinking of this, Yuan Chun shuddered, she was not reconciled.

   What if you are not reconciled?

  Escape from the palace?

   This is unimaginable.

   Or imitate Wu Yan, seduce a certain prince, and finally rise to the top, such as King Shou, take a risk?

Not to mention that I don't even look down on that guy with great ambition and talent, he doesn't look like a gentleman, that guy may not have such courage now, even if the other party has such courage, Yuan Chun doesn't think highly of this guy at all. He won among several princes, even if he had the support of Concubine Xu Huanggui.

  Concubine Su and Concubine Mei are now gaining momentum, especially Concubine Mei is very active in the palace, and King Nalu is said to be quite famous outside the palace, far better than King Nashou.

  There is also Prince Gong, the power behind Concubine Guo is not comparable to other imperial concubines and noble concubines. Governor Chen Jingxuan of the three sides, Minister of the Ministry of War Zhang Jingqiu, if you think about it, you can know what is behind this kind of strength.

   Unless Emperor Yonglong directly appoints or even supports a certain prince to take the throne before his death, it is really hard to say how the ministers will stand in line at the last moment.

   Thoughts were chaotic, the more he thought about it, the more he thought about it, and suddenly he retracted it. Only then did Yuan Chun realize what all this had to do with him?

Even if it is impossible to seduce a certain prince now, these princes are now cautious in their words and deeds, fearing that they will be caught, even if they enter the palace, they will go straight to the emperor accompanied by their own mother and concubine. Greetings, report, and then wait for the order, and then go straight out of the palace, where there is no time to think about other things.

  I heard that when Feng Ziying married Baochai and Baoqin, even King Zhongshun, King Lu, and King Gong came to the mansion to congratulate her in person. No wonder Qiu Shi'an got this idea and wanted to contact Ziying.

Baoqin has been standing by the side of the barrel, the empress is not in a good mood for a day or two, since she entered the palace and became a noble concubine, the empress has never been in a good mood. Time to visit the family, but it was too short.

Every time I go out of the palace and return to Jia's mansion, I can make the empress feel better for a while, but soon it will return to the usual lifeless state, even Baoqin feels that the empress will really go crazy if she endures this kind of life .

  How can it be otherwise?

The Rongguo Mansion has also tried its best to support the palace, but now the situation of the Jia family is not good. Every time Baoqin goes back, he will bring some gold and silver back to the palace. Although the master and wife have never said anything, Baoqin is still Knowing that the mansion is very difficult, and the Eldest Master and the Eldest Wife have already complained about the continuous support for the palace lady, thinking that the Jia Mansion is now very difficult to maintain itself, and there is no way to support it.

  Yuan Chun stood up, but didn't feel Baoqin wiping his body, and said in surprise, "Huaqin?"

   "Ah, empress, have you finished washing?" Baoqin came back to his senses, quickly wrapped Yuanchun in a cloth towel, and then began to wipe it carefully.

"Tomorrow, the ancestor and the two wives will come to the palace, but there are some things that are inconvenient to say, so I want you to go back again in the third year of junior high school." Yuan Chun took a deep breath, and her body felt a little cool after wiping. He raised his foot and stretched out his hand to let Baoqin put on his clothes for him.

   "Ah? The servant will go back again, the third day of junior high school, you mean..."

"Yes, Ziying will come to Jia's mansion every year on the third day of the lunar new year. This year she will definitely come back after marrying Baochai and Baoqin. Baochai and Baoqin will probably come back as well, so you should find a chance to meet Ziying. Tell Ziying about Qiu Shian's request, and see what he thinks..."

   Baoqin was a little surprised, "Madam, will Uncle Feng agree? I'm afraid..."

"Promise or not, let's pass on the words. Ziying has her own ideas. He is no different than before, and his father is now in Liaodong. Their identities are different now. Maybe they will have some ideas. Although Qiu Shian I can't compare to Xia Bingzhong, but he is also considered one of the most capable people around the emperor. Cheng En is quite trusted by him, and he may also feel that he is sure of me. He dared to say some things that he dared not say in the past, so he made this request Hand it out, maybe you have some ideas."

  At this time, Yuan Chun had put aside some unrealistic emotions, and regained his former clarity and wisdom, with clear eyes, as if he wanted to gain insight into everything behind this sudden situation.

  Holding the piano was still a little confused, frowning, "Madam, what do you mean that Qiu Daban and Uncle Feng may have any intentions? I don't understand,..."

Yuanchun and Baoqin have been in the palace for many years, and they have actually become like sisters. Yuanchun even trusts Baoqin far more than sisters like Tanchun and Yingchun. In a place like the palace, if there is no reliable and caring person, Yuan Chun felt that he really couldn't make it through, so Yuan Chun almost never shy away from holding the piano.

"Baoqin, you have been in the palace for so many years. Dai Neixiang went to Daming Palace. In this palace, Director Xia and Qiu Shi'an are actually fighting for influence. The emperor is not in the palace now, and Xu Junru is getting more and more out of control. The situation of living in the inner palace, coupled with the poor performance of King Shou, had to rely more and more on Xia Bingzhong, while Su Lingyao relied on the two sons of King Fu and King Li to compete more and more with Xu Junru for favor, Qiu Shi'an was on her side On the other hand, but Mei Yuexi is also very favored now, I heard that the emperor now thinks that King Lu is the most like him, so Xia Bingzhong hooked up with Mei Yuexi again, and the originally sluggish momentum rose again..."

It was only then that Baoqin realized that this was actually a combination of various forces in the palace. Qiu Shi'an originally felt that he was a little crazy because of the favor of Concubine Su and King Fu, but now Concubine Mei and King Lu seem to be more favored by the emperor. Beloved, she was suppressed all of a sudden, and only then did she start looking for a way out.

   "But why didn't Qiu Daban look for Concubine Guo Gui?" Baoqin asked a little puzzled.

   "Guo Qinyun may not be willing, not to mention that Zhou Peisheng is also very favored in front of the emperor now. I think Guo Qinyun seems to be very close to Zhou Peisheng during this period of time." Yuan Chun's eyebrows showed a touch of coldness.

None of the four concubines with princes in the palace is a fuel-efficient lamp. They are young concubines like myself and Zhou, Wu, and Zheng who have no heirs. Jia, but fell in love with the Feng family, which is inextricably linked with the Jia family.

  Similarly, for Feng Ziying now, a chief **** like Qiu Shian, who is second only to Xia Bingzhong in the palace, may not be worthless and meaningful.

  (end of this chapter)

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