Number of People

Chapter 1248: The gengzi volume is confused, respectful encounter

  Chapter 1248 The Geng scroll is lost, respectfully meet

Jia Yuanchun has already figured this out. A concubine without a prince is not of much value, so no matter how he tries to please Xia Bingzhong, Qiu Shi'an and Zhou Peisheng, they will not care too much about him. Their eyes will always be on Xu, Su, Mei, and Guo are four people, so they will only bet among these few people.

And Zhou, Wu, and Zheng who entered the palace together with him, no matter how hard they worked, it was useless. Now everyone understands that the emperor cares about his body more than anything else. He cultivated his mind and cultivated his character. Even Xia Bingzhong, Qiu Shian, and Zhou Peisheng will try their best to dissuade the emperor from favoring or staying in the womb of any concubine, because they are also unwilling to see unpredictable accidents happen, which means that their bets may fail. bigger.

Now it is nothing more than betting on Concubine Xu (Shouwang), Su Guifei (Fu Wang, Li Wang), Mei Guifei (Lu Wang), Guo Guifei (Gong Wang), if the emperor stays in the womb of which concubine, which concubine will stay? If the concubine becomes pregnant again, doesn't that mean another possibility?

  Although the possibility of this kind of prince who is difficult to reach adulthood before the death of the emperor Longyu is very small, it is still a possibility after all, and I dare not be guarded against it, so I have to put more thought and energy into it.

  So the big guys would rather bet on each of the existing princes and show their talents.

Qiu Shi'an is now vaguely inclined to form an alliance with Su Lingyao, but during this time, although the voices of Xu Junru and King Shou have declined, Mei Yuexi and the King Lu she gave birth to are quite powerful, suppressing Su Ling Yao and her gave birth to Fu Wang and Li Wang, Qiu Shi'an suddenly wanted to contact the Feng family through himself at this time, maybe it was not only his own intention, but also Su Lingyao's intention.

   It's no wonder that Su Lingyao's attitude towards herself has also changed during this period of time, she has become more gentle and enthusiastic. With her usual arrogant temperament, it is difficult for even Xu Junru to get her smiling face.

  Just yourself but what can you get out of it? Yuan Chun thought lonely.

He was actually reduced to the role of a middleman, Qiu Shi'an even just wanted to win over and make friends with the Feng family through himself, but he was still the imperial concubine appointed by the emperor and the empress dowager, to be ignored like this, Yuan Chun couldn't help but feel unacceptable .

It's just that the reality is so cruel. They have no children, and they have no chance to have children. Zhou, Wu, and Zheng have racked their brains and tried all kinds of tricks. A little more balanced.

  Maybe I just want to survive in this palace better?

  Yuan Chun sighed softly, at least he still has some use value, it is worth Qiu Shi'an or Su Lingyao's effort to win him over, what about Zhou, Wu, Zheng? Perhaps Xia Bingzhong, Xu Junru or Mei Yuexi will also find valuable or worthy objects from it.

  Do you have a choice? Yuan Chun's eyes were full of confusion.


   It was almost time when the carriage drove out of Feng Mansion.

  Although Baochai and Baoqin have already returned home, but that time they went back to the old alley of Lige, this time they went to Rongguo Mansion with their husband to visit their elders and relatives.

It can be said that for the second daughter, going to the Jia family in Rongguo Mansion to make an appearance for the first time after marriage is more important than returning home. After all, returning home is to see her mother and elder brother. Moving back and forth, but at Jia's side, all kinds of relatives, sisters and acquaintances, plus I have lived in Jia's mansion and Grand View Garden for so many years, to the two daughters, especially Baochai, it is of extraordinary significance.

  So when going out, Baochai and Baoqin lingered in the room for a long time, and Yinger, Xiangling and Lingguan carefully inspected them up and down for the two of them, and then stepped into the car.

Feng Ziying can also understand the seriousness of the second daughter of Baochai and Baoqin. After all, this time she is a married woman who returns to Jia's house as the second wife of Feng's family. The inquiring gazes of people like Li Wan and Wang Xifeng also have to accept the scrutiny of the sisters Yingchun, Tanchun, Daiyu, Xichun, and Xiuyan. They will reposition themselves with these former relatives as their wives. Consider how to get along.

  Feng Ziying can't remember how many times she has been to this Rongguo Mansion, maybe dozens of times? But one thing is clear, that is, the situation seems to be changing every time I come to Jia's house. Close, even completely beyond my original idea.

In my earliest impressions from the book "Dream of Red Mansions", the declining Wuxun family like the Jia family, especially the self-defeating people like Jia She, the mediocre Jia Zheng, Jia Lian, Jia Baoyu and Jia Huan, these mediocre people, and vicious women like Wang Shi and Wang Xifeng, I will let them die. If Jia's mansion collapses, it will be quiet, so what does it have to do with me?

   The big deal is to bring Daiyu out of Jia's house.

Well, it’s just that there are more Baochai in the back, uh, later on, I can’t control it anymore, the infatuation of Yingchun, the reluctance of Tanchun, the affection of mandarin ducks and peace, all make it hard for me to let go, let alone Sister Feng All kinds of skills on the bed make me want to stop,...

  What can I say? The plan didn't change quickly, or is peony flowering dead and being a ghost also romantic?

  But no matter what, Feng Ziying felt that she seemed to be a little bit confused with the Jia family, and the relationship between them continued to be unreasonable and chaotic.

  After gaining this understanding, Feng Ziying also carefully examined the situation of the Jia family in Rongguo Mansion.

This Jia amnesty and Jia Zheng are all characters who are not successful enough to make things worse. Looking at the stupid way of sending Jia Yuanchun to the palace, you can see how shallow the two people are, and Jia Baoyu is useless, and Jia Baoyu is useless. Huan seems to be able to read, but he is a son of a concubine, so he cannot be a family, unless Jia Baoyu is dead, and there is Jia Lian in the long house.

  Jia Lian is not satisfactory, but with Jia Lian's qualifications, he can barely do some business things. It is obviously beyond his power to carry the livelihood of hundreds of thousands of people in the Rongguo Mansion.

Under such circumstances, Feng Ziying felt a little worried for the Jia family. Fortunately, even if she married Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu in the Rongguo Mansion, she was only related to them, and it was not their turn to be the masters for them. It's really troublesome to have a relationship with him, such as being a concubine for himself.

But the matter of welcoming the spring is already on the line, and Feng Ziying on Tanchun's side is also quite a headache. What should I do if I find the right one? Could it be that he failed to live up to Tanchun's intentions?

  Feng Ziying still has some confidence in Yingchun's affairs. No matter how bad it is, it will be a matter of money and face. As long as the money is enough, Jia Amnesty's face can be put aside. Feng Ziying still knows this in her heart.

  But the matter of Tanchun hasn't been made clear at first, and Feng Ziying is still not sure about Tanchun's intentions. What if she is self-indulgent? In addition, whether Tanchun is willing to be a concubine has to be discussed; secondly, Jia Zheng is a face-saving man, but unlike Jia Amnesty, he can be stunned with money. If he really wants to accept Tanchun as a concubine, he has to figure out a suitable way The way to get through Jia Zheng.

Of course, if the Jia family is allowed to go on like this, maybe the Jia family will have to fall into certain things ignorant of current affairs, such as the rebellion of Prince Yizhong, or getting involved in some other things to lose power and be reported by others. But there are some uncertain factors in it, and it is difficult to grasp the time. What if Tanchun is allowed before that?

  So there are too many variables here, and I have to wait for an opportunity, and I really lack too much energy and time to plan these.

  The sound of horseshoes sounded, and Feng Ziying didn't open the cotton curtain in front until he felt the turn, and asked, "Where are you?"

   "Master Hui, we've arrived at Rongning Street, and we'll be at Rongguo Mansion soon." The groom replied.

   "Well, let's go directly to the corner door. Ruixiang went to fight first and stood in the front, so as not to cause such a big battle. It's unnecessary." Feng Ziying put down the cotton curtain.

   "I'm afraid it won't work. There are already a lot of people around there. It seems that the neighbors from the neighborhood have come, and people from Rongguo Mansion are waiting outside."

The groom's eyes are sharp, and he saw a lot of people gathered on the street from afar. Although there were not as many people as when Feng Ziying married his wife, today is the third day of the Lunar New Year. There were originally many people on the street. To bring the newlywed daughter-in-law back to Jia's house to "visit relatives" and visit the door, naturally attracted many idlers and busybodies to watch.

Feng Ziying was taken aback for a moment, raised her hand and opened the cotton curtain to look over, there were quite a few people around, the ones standing at the front seemed to be Jia Baoyu and Jia Huan, um, why are Jia Rong and Jia Lan also there, behind them There is one more, oh, it's Jia Cong. Almost all the younger generations of the Rongning Second Mansion have arrived, and they are all waiting in front of the door, which is a bit grand.

When Feng Ziying was in a daze, Baochai and Baoqin in the second car also knew about it. Ying'er had already stretched out her head and looked far away. He became excited, and chattered non-stop in a proud and proud manner.

"Girl, no, grandma, Second Master Bao, Third Master Huan, and Uncle Xiaorong have all come out to greet you, as well as Brother Lan and Brother Cong, all the little masters in this mansion have come out, and the maidservant is the first!" This is the first time I saw such a situation, Mr. Huan is a stubborn ass, even if the imperial envoys arrive, they may not come out, it is only when Uncle Feng is here, that's the way it is."

Ying'er's words made Baochai and Baoqin laugh. Although it was a bit exaggerated, Jia Huan's temper was indeed known to everyone in the family, especially after he went to Qingtan Academy to study and was admitted as a scholar. He often made Baoyu mad. I was speechless.

   How many monthly tickets are there?



  (end of this chapter)

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