Number of People

Chapter 1249: On the third day of the first lunar month in the gengzi scroll, the red apricot branc

  Chapter 1249 On the third day of the first month of the first lunar month, the red apricot branches are full of spring

   While the girls were joking, the carriage had arrived at the gate of Rongguo Mansion.

  Since Feng Ziying knew about the situation of the other party, of course she would not be ungrateful.

   Reach out and don't hit the smiling person, even if I have complicated thoughts and feelings for Jia's house now, at least at this time the scene must be maintained, otherwise it will be regarded as contempt and humiliation.

  Feng Ziying jumped out of the car and bowed first, "Baoyu, Brother Huan, Brother Rong, why is this so? Brother Lan and Brother Cong are also here?"

Baoyu no longer has the complicated emotions of last time. After experiencing all kinds of things in the past two years, even if he is a stubborn stone with sharp edges and corners, he has also been ground to lose its sharpness. At most, he still has some self-proclaimed Just persist.

"Brother Feng and Sister Bao came to our house. The uncle and the master are very happy. It is only natural for the younger brother to come to the door to greet him. Although the younger brother closed his eyes and listened, he also knew that Brother Feng was wanted by countless people in the capital city. You can't see it at first sight,..."

   Baoyu felt the gap between himself and Feng Ziying deeply after experiencing Feng Ziying's marriage as a confidant.

Not only the high-ranking officials and dignitaries in the capital flocked in an endless stream, but also scholars from the north and south came out in full force. Even those who usually laughed at Feng Ziying's unreasonable poems, this time they all came to the door with the same smiles to congratulate. Perhaps you can say that this is etiquette, but Baoyu understands that if you try another person, who would go to a wedding congratulations to someone you don't like, and you don't have much friendship.

"Okay, Baoyu, don't make fun of brother Yu, it's just exaggeration of some troublemakers. Brother Yu has been staying in the mansion all this time, hasn't gone anywhere, and I haven't seen what you said,..." Feng Ziying and Baoyu shook hands, then turned to Jia Huan again, "How is Brother Huan studying?"

   "Well, Brother Feng, don't worry, my younger brother has never slacked off." Although Jia Huan was a little impatient with Baoyu, he still had the necessary etiquette in front of Feng Ziying.

   "Brother Lan and Brother Cong, can they work hard following Zhou Jiaoyu?" Feng Ziying looked at Jia Lan and Jia Cong again.

"Returning to the master, the disciple has been working hard, and the homework assigned by Zhou Jiaoyu has not been delayed at all." Jia Lan and Jia Cong looked much more formal, and they both bowed to the end to salute. If they were indoors, they might have to bow down. .

Nodding, Feng Ziying also heard about it from Zhou Chaozong. Not to mention, both Jia Lan and Jia Cong are good at studying. Jia Lan works hard but has mediocre aptitude. But in terms of reading, he is still inferior to Jia Huan.

  According to what Zhou Chaozong, who came to sit in the mansion a few days ago, it is estimated that Jia Lan and Jia Cong should have no problem in the examination of scholars if they continue to read like this.

  Feng Ziying also understood what Zhou Chaozong meant, probably that Jia Lan and Jia Cong were at best the embryos of a human being, and they were not as capable as Jia Huan in the Jinshi examination.

Zhou Chaozong has been teaching at Qingtan Academy for many years, and he has a good way of observing people. He has been in contact with Jia Huan, Jia Lan, and Jia Cong for so long, so he can naturally weigh one or two. He can conclude that Jialan and Jia Cong have the possibility of being admitted Sex, Feng Ziying thinks it's about the same.

There are only so many Jinshi in each subject. If everyone can pass the exam easily, it would be too much of a joke. It's too much, otherwise Jia Zhu's body will be broken, his life will be lost, and he will only pass the exam as a scholar.

"Well, Master Zhou is a famous person in Qingtan Academy, and I was the one who worked so hard to get him to teach you two alone. You two must cherish this opportunity and don't take it lightly." Feng Ziying warned: "Next year Brother Huan is about to compete in Qiu Wei, you two can also try to take the test of scholar next year, it doesn't matter if you pass or not, but you can feel it in advance,..."

   "Thank you for your guidance, Master, I will definitely work hard."

Jia Lan and Jia Cong are both in good spirits. Jia Lan is thirteen this year, he is two years younger than Jia Huan, and Jia Cong is one year younger than him. It's also a self-challenge.

  Finally, Feng Ziying smiled and said to Jia Rong: "Why is Brother Rong here? How is Brother Zhen?"

Jia Rong glanced at Feng Ziying resentfully. Originally, Feng Ziying wanted to be an acquaintance when Feng Ziying got married, but Feng Ziying declined. Of course, Feng Ziying also explained the reason. The matter of redemption is still advancing. If Jia Rong appears In the group of intellectuals, it would be too explicit, and it would definitely give some unnecessary hints to the outside world.

Jia Rong can understand it, but he just feels a little pity. He feels that in the future, the experience of becoming a close friend of Uncle Feng will definitely become a big event worth showing off for his family. It's a pity that he can only give up when encountering such things, but Fortunately, Lin Daiyu will marry Feng Ziying next year, and this time he must firmly grasp the opportunity.

   "Father is in good health, please take care of me." Jia Rong's warm and jade-like cheeks were full of smiles, "If the uncle has time to come to our Ningguo Mansion, my father must be happy."

  Feng Ziying nodded, "If I have time, I must have a good get-together with Brother Zhen. I haven't seen Brother Zhen for some days."

After the group exchanged greetings, they stepped into the door. At this time, Baochai's carriage had already entered the corner gate, the driver had already parked the car, and Baochai and Baoqin had already entered the courtyard to the ancestor's house up.

Married, naturally you can't have too many taboos like when you were a girl before, even between relatives, you have to avoid taboos, for example, when there are other men around, you need to be with other people, you can't get along alone, Of course, it depends on the situation between relatives, and they may not necessarily abide by them completely. It is impossible for housekeepers like Wang Xifeng to not show their faces at all.

It is not suitable for Baochai and Baoqin to meet people like Baoyu and Jia Huan face to face. Even if they want to meet, it is better to meet with many sisters in Jiamu's courtyard. Baoqin went straight into the yard.

As soon as they stepped into Jiamu's courtyard, Baochai and Baoqin felt so many complicated gazes on their sisters. Although the two daughters were prepared in their hearts, they were still stunned by the gaze. , kept cheering himself up in his heart to stabilize his complexion, and did not show timidity.

"I've seen my ancestors, my mother, my aunt..." Baochai and Baoqin saluted, and Jiamu's white and rich face showed a satisfied expression, she patted her legs with a smile and said, "I mean, this Bao girl and Qin girl are married. The popularity is better, Bao girl has been taking the Laoshizi Lengxiang Wan, but I heard that some diseases are brought in congenitally, but if they get married, they may be cured naturally, I think Bao girl is like this kind,…"

  The words immediately attracted the support of Yingying and Yanyan in the room, and even Mrs. Wang and Aunt Xue were all beaming with joy.

  But looking at it this way, it is true. Baochai and Baoqin's complexions are rosy, and the brows and eyes are even more shiny. At first glance, they look very good, and they are in a good mood. No wonder Jia Mu said so.

However, many of them are people who have been here, and it is estimated that at the time of the newlyweds, it seems that the Xue family's twin sisters are also the first to receive grace, and they have such a deep love with Feng Ziying. Come on, like Wang Xifeng.

But at this time, Wang Xifeng is no longer as aggressive and aggressive as in the past. She knows that she won't be able to stay in this Rongguo Mansion for long. Entering Feng's mansion, people like Yingchun and Tanchun inevitably have to leave the mansion. There is no reason for a banquet in this world, so even if you have some taste for the Xue family sisters in your heart, it is just a sneer in your nasal cavity. He snorted lightly, but didn't say much.

   But Shi Xiangyun who was next to him still heard the humming in his life. He glanced sideways at the indifferent second sister-in-law, thinking that he had heard it wrong. It seemed that the second sister-in-law did not have any opinions on Sister Bao and Bao Qin.

"Bao girl really looks much better than before. My ancestors see it well. Could it be that our family's water rice is not as good as Feng's family?" Wang Xifeng seemed to have noticed the surprised gaze of Shi Xiangyun next to him. She didn't want to When she spoke, she immediately added with a coquettish smile: "Is it the people from the Feng family who make Girl Bao and Girl Qin feel more comfortable knowing and expressing their intentions? Ancestor, I think the latter is more likely."

  Wang Xifeng's words made Baochai and Baoqin blush, and the people beside them even laughed.

   "This Feng girl!" Aunt Xue couldn't help but shook her head with a smile: "No wonder the ancestors said she was a rascal..."

  Wang's face was also full of smiles, "Well, it can be seen that Baochai Baoqin's life in Feng's family is very happy. It seems that the elders over there should be very satisfied with the two sisters..."

Aunt Xue also smiled, and lowered her voice: "Baochai and Baoqin were still in some discomfort when they came back, and I also told them to take a rest. Baochai also brought a letter back a few days ago, saying that everything is fine in the mansion. , Ziying also takes good care of the two sisters, and the relationship with the eldest house, Mrs. Chen, is also very harmonious, so I feel relieved."

"Don't worry?" Mrs. Wang shook her head, her voice became softer and softer: "Now is not the time to be relieved. You can only rest assured after Baochai gives birth to a son. Don't say anything about Shen's side..., Lin girl will also marry next year gone."

"Sister is right, I also told Baochai, but such things still have to be based on fate, even if Ziying dotes on their sisters, it is impossible to sleep in their room every night..." Aunt Xue There are not so many taboos when talking to my sister, "Although Ziying is young, if she is too obsessed with this kind of intercourse, she is afraid that it will hurt her body,..."

  (end of this chapter)

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