Number of People

Chapter 1250: Is there a feast that lasts in the world of Geng Zijuan?

  Chapter 1250 Geng Scroll Is there a feast that lasts in the world?

Mrs. Wang cast a sideways glance at her still somewhat ignorant sister, "Ms. Shen became pregnant two or three months after she got married, and now it's only been a month since she gave birth to a child. She can't have **** in a short period of time. It's Baochai." The opportunity with Baoqin, if you don’t let them seize the time to conceive, after three to five months, then Shen will be able to recover, and do you know that charming girl Qingwen that the old lady put in Baoyu’s house?”

  Aunt Xue nodded, she had heard about both Xiangling and Baochai.

"Hmph, in the past, I thought that little hoof was not a good guy, but now that Hu Meizi has been seduced by Mrs. Shen as her personal servant girl. Now that she is inconvenient, she will definitely let Qingwen take her place in bed and share Baochai and Baoqin." My favorite, do you think that the Shen family is a fuel-efficient lamp? If she didn't know that Ziying liked the appearance of Qingwen's lowly maid, how could she accept her as a personal maid? The Shen family is also a scholarly family in Suzhou. How many decent maidservants are here? It's clearly for Ziying's favor, and she's just using that little maidservant as a solid favor."

Aunt Xue was startled by Wang's words. After thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was the case. Qingwen was kicked out by Wang, but somehow she went around and became Shen Yixiu's personal maid. I also heard from Xiangling that Feng Ziying treated Qingwen unusually, there must be something mysterious about it.

   "Then sister means..." She hesitated.

"Sister, you don't have to worry about that. A family like the Feng family has only Ziying, the only son. How can you not consider the health you are worried about? I'm afraid they have all kinds of nourishment and nourishment since they were young. Moreover, Ziying was very old when she was close to female sex, which also shows that the Feng family has thoughtful considerations in this regard. We are not trying to catch Baochai and Baoqin, but we just want them to take advantage of this period as much as possible. It's just time to favor you alone, after this period of time, I'm afraid you may not be able to do it if you want to be alone, and people like Ziying don't understand the truth of this?"

The Wang family is obviously more careful and thoughtful than her younger sister. Aunt Xue nodded her head again and again. Whether Baochai can give birth to the eldest son is of great importance. With the current situation of the Jia family and the relationship between the Feng family, it seems that it is a bit of a vine. It's no wonder my sister attaches so much importance to her status.

   "Sister said yes, I will definitely talk to Baochai and Baoqin again." Aunt Xue frowned.

   "Well, it's best to clarify with Baochai, Baoqin..." Wang hesitated and didn't go on, but Aunt Xue understood.

All the best, it is best to have your own niece. Although Baoqin and Baochai are sisters, they are not sisters after all, and Baoqin is a concubine who gave birth to a son. Unless Baochai has no sons in the future, she can only be regarded as a concubine. .

   "Don't worry, sister, I understand." Aunt Xue nodded knowingly.

The two sisters whispered for only a moment, but Baochai and Baoqin sat in the group of girls, talking with Yingchun, Tanchun, Daiyu, Xiangyun, Xichun and Xiuyan. Naturally, the girls will inevitably ask about their life after marriage and the situation of the Feng family. Baochai and Baoqin have also been prepared for a long time, and they will come together one by one.

Baochai and Baoqin also know that the best way to talk to these former sisters is to seek truth from facts. Don’t try to be modest and introverted, which will inevitably make people feel hypocritical. To be honest, talk about family matters, and inevitably talk about getting along with Shen Yixiu. You don't need to talk too much, just point it out, leave room, and let everyone have a sense of longing.

  Especially there is Lin Daiyu who is going to marry in next year, so it is even more necessary to grasp the propriety.

Fortunately, Lin Daiyu had already been prepared in her heart. Faced with the gentle smiles and gentle words of the Baochai and Baoqin sisters, she also changed from the sharpness of the past, becoming tactful and reserved, and she didn't even take the initiative to provoke the topic. Chai Baoqin felt a little uncomfortable, Xiangyun and Tanchun also felt a little surprised.

It’s been a long time since the bustling scene has been like this, and Mother Jia is also very comforted, clamoring that she will have lunch with the younger generation in her yard today, and she even wants to call Baoyu and Feng Ziying together lively.

   Seeing that Jia Mu was so interested, everyone naturally didn't want to spoil the fun, so they simply arranged for the back kitchen to prepare more dishes and arranged them in Jia Mu's courtyard.

After all, Mother Jia was old, and after a while of excitement, she became a little tired, and the group of girls came out naturally. Baochai and Baoqin had already left the Grand View Garden for almost a month, so the group of people took advantage of the clear weather to return to the garden together. Grand View Garden.

"Looking at the looks of Sister Bao and Sister Qin, we can rest assured that we must have a very comfortable life in the Feng family." Tanchun was the most active, walking and holding onto Baochai, "Originally I also said that we will come to see Sister Bao and Sister Qin together, but Sister Lin thinks that Sister Bao, Sister Qin and Brother Feng are newly married, and I am afraid that she does not like outsiders to disturb her, so we will not come to be such a spoiled guest. "

Baochai cast a sideways glance at Daiyu who had been smiling and saying nothing: "Young lady Lin has no conscience in her words, my husband has been thinking about you all the time, and he has to mention my sister's body every now and then, but you didn't say that you would come to the mansion... "

Baochai evaded the mention of newly married Yaner, and said that Lin Daiyu did not come to see Feng Ziying. Lin Daiyu rolled her eyes: "Sister's words are out of conscience. If I come, I am not in compliance with the rules, and I am afraid that I will also attract people." I hate it, as for Brother Feng, I just have something to say, and it’s just a letter. Besides, Brother Feng is here today, and we can meet and talk in the same way. If I go to Feng’s mansion, go to It's fine to see Sister Shen and Sister Bao, but it's inappropriate to meet Brother Feng..."

"Sister Lin's words seem to make sense, but if you consider the relationship between Xianggong and sister, saying this will hurt Xianggong's heart, right?" And a little bit like a joke.

After Lin Daiyu was slightly taken aback, the corners of her brows became a little colder, but the smile on her face remained the same, "Sister Qin seems to be a bit conservative when she says this, but I think it's better to be conservative when it comes to matters of etiquette. Alright, so that in the future, someone won’t poke my back and say that I have broken the rules and broken the family tradition.”

As soon as Lin Daiyu's words came out, she was as slow as Yingchun and could hear the tit-for-tat between the two, and quick-witted people like Tanchun and Xiuyan naturally understood it immediately, but Shi Xiangyun was still a little confused, but Without understanding the whole story, Zhiqu didn't respond.

On the contrary, Li Wan reacted quickly and continued: "Hey, this kind of thing is justified by the left and reasonable by the right. Different people have different opinions. Sister Lin and Uncle Feng have also been engaged for so many years, and we are all a family here. No matter what, it can be justified, and there is no need to worry too much about it.”

When Baoqin spoke, Baochai couldn't help frowning. Baoqin's words were too aggressive. Although she had long known that Baoqin and Daiyu were at odds, the situation was different now. Being out of place may not be of any benefit.

  Lin Daiyu has never been a magnanimous person. If Xue Baoqin wants to provoke you, she will definitely not bear it. Isn't this a tit-for-tat?

But if she wants to talk to her now, Lin Daiyu will think that she and Baoqin are working together to target her. If she doesn't talk to her, she will inevitably get out of control. Fortunately, Li Wan reacted quickly and brought the situation down. cooling down.

Baochai gave Tanchun, who was holding her arm, a hint, and Tanchun also reacted, and immediately changed the subject: "Sister-in-law is right, we are all one family, but to discuss in detail, there are only sisters Bao and Sister Bao. Sister Qin and Sister Lin will be a real family in the future. We are all outsiders, and it is still a bit sentimental to think about it. Maybe after two or three years, there will only be Sister Bao, Sister Qin and Sister Lin among our group of people. We can often talk, laugh and have banquets together. We people don’t know where we are. Maybe we won’t see each other again for ten, eight, or even a lifetime. Second sister, fourth sister, Xiangyun, Xiuyan, don’t you think so? "

Tanchun's words undoubtedly touched the hearts of this group of people. Except for the Xue family sisters and Lin Daiyu, they all have a home. Yingchun, Tanchun, Xichun, Xiangyun, and Xiuyan have not yet settled down. There were some rumors coming out of Tanchun and Xiangyun's families, but none of them were confirmed yet. They were suddenly picked away by Tanchun, and the bewilderment and fear of the future lingered in the hearts of all the women.

The past few years should be the happiest two or three years for all girls. Although Daiyu has experienced the ups and downs of Daiyu's loss of her father, Baoqin, Miaoyu, Xiuyan, and the sisters Li Coco and Li Qi who just arrived in Beijing and lived in the Grand View Garden Arriving, the entire Rongguo Mansion suddenly became much more lively.

In the past, Yuanying visited the four sisters, Yuanchun entered the palace, and only Sanchun was left. One after another, Daiyu and Baochai came to the mansion, and then Xiangyun also moved in, and Xiuyan, Miaoyu, and Baoqin also joined in successively. , the number of sisters immediately increased, especially after living in the Grand View Garden this year, it was even more lively.

The elegant and pleasant environment of the Grand View Garden, the exquisite and gorgeous buildings, together with these sisters and their maids, make this place almost become a paradise that has nothing to do with the outside world or the decline of the Jia Mansion. In addition, they only want to enjoy the good time of the sisters' reunion, and occasionally think that this kind of life cannot last for too long, which makes them cherish the fate of this reunion even more.

  Even Daiyu and Baoqin, who were tired of seeing each other, were touched by Tanchun's words, so how many times can we have a gathering together? Now that Baochai and Baoqin are lucky to marry into Feng's residence, what about Yingchun, Tanchun and Xiangyun next time?

  For a moment, the lively scene suddenly quieted down, and even the chattering maids in the background also noticed the abnormality, and kept silent, letting this sentimental touch linger in the hearts of everyone.

  (end of this chapter)

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