Number of People

Chapter 1251: Geng Scroll Wang Xifeng's Ambition

  Chapter 1251 Geng Scroll Wang Xifeng’s Ambition

Wang Xifeng shuffled lazily towards her yard. Before she knew it, she was no longer interested in going to the grand reunion dinner in Jiamu's Courtyard, and she was even a little reluctant to go, wearing a mask Falsely socializing with each other, and having to talk meaningless nonsense, I was exhausted.

Of course, the more important thing is that she doesn't want to praise anyone else. She doesn't have much affection for Baochai and Baoqin, and of course she doesn't have any bad feelings. And too sharp.

  But she also knew that even if she wanted to leave Jia's house, there was no need to do so, and she still had to deal with the necessary scenes.

She also did not go to the Grand View Garden with Li Wan and the other girls. Li Wan had two younger sisters, and she presumably came to Beijing to find a good marriage. Not only the two younger sisters Li Wan, but Wang Xifeng could even feel the anxiety and longing of Yingchun, Tanchun and Xiangyun.

  Watching the sisters and best friends around me getting married one by one, and finding someone they like very much, no matter who it is, I am afraid that their hearts are complicated and unspeakable.

  Wang Xifeng had heard Jia Lian mention that Yingchun seemed to be interested in Ziying, but Jia Amnesty refused, and if Yingchun was Feng Ziying's concubine, I'm afraid her reputation would be a bit of a hindrance.

"Ping'er, you are talking about the second girl, how will the master deal with it in the end? The Sun family is not a cheap lamp. If he wants to swallow the family's money but refuses to give the second girl to the other party, I'm afraid it will be unfair. "Wang Xifeng said casually while walking.

"If the second girl becomes Uncle Feng's concubine, it will be a big deal, and naturally Uncle Feng will settle it. The servant feels that the purpose of the Elder Master seems to be to get more money from this marriage, no matter where it is from. Bian'er, he doesn't care about that." Ping'er hit the nail on the head.

  Turning into the gate of the courtyard, Wang Xifeng nodded, "Then in the end, Ziying will have to be the one who has been wronged, but Ziying may not care about a little money. In this way, the second girl can have a happy ending in the end..."

   It seemed that she could hear the sadness in Wang Xifeng's words, and Ping'er felt a little uncomfortable: "Didn't grandma always say that women can get ahead without relying on men? She also planned to be different and stand alone for a while, why is her tone so sad now?"

"You little hoof, you were still trying to persuade me not to act recklessly a few days ago, but now you are here to cheer me up again?" Wang Xifeng snorted lightly, with an unsteady expression on his face, "Go Let’s take it step by step, this world is dominated by men after all, it’s just that I have all kinds of ideas, but it’s a pity that I gave birth to a daughter.”

"Grandma, don't underestimate yourself. Don't you also say that Mrs. Huarui's poems are all men in the world are incompetent, but she is the only one who can show her demeanor. What about reputation. Look at the matter of redemption. Although it is relying on Uncle Feng's courage, if it is not for Grandma's skill and planning, how can it be so smooth and successful to achieve today's step? The old man is always bluffing, But this time, we can only bow down and bow down."

Although the matter of redemption is still in progress, it has generally been on the right track. Those military officers and generals are returning from the grassland one after another. After this battle, Wang Xifeng's reputation has taken off in the Wuxun family in Beijing. Of course there are reasons for Feng Ziying, but Wang Xifeng's judging the situation and one person's strategy, the effect is really good, even Jia Rong and Jia Rui have to admire.

  Ping'er's words made Wang Xifeng both proud and dissatisfied. This matter was done beautifully and gained a lot, but after all, this is just a matter, and it will eventually be settled. What will happen in the future?

   Could it be that he just stayed in the high courtyard like this, living in a simple way, calculating his income and expenses all day long? This is obviously not a life that Wang Xifeng can accept.

She longs for a wider stage and a richer life, not even purely for money, she finds herself more and more enjoying those people who come to visit, or give advice on current affairs, or discuss affairs, or plead for help, or verbal confrontation, or hand in hand All kinds of talk and joy, the taste is far better than the life in this Rongguo mansion where penny and penny count.

"Hmph, Jia Shen was just a step ahead. I don't know how Brother Keng could fall in love with him? I'm afraid it's not because of the second girl's affairs, so I can handle Jia Shen in the future?" Now that he has decided to leave However, Wang Xifeng didn't have much respect for Jia Amnesty, and when there were only two of them, they even called each other by their first names.

   "I don't know about it. Only grandma can ask Uncle Feng." Ping'er covered her mouth and smiled.

Hearing the subtext of Ping'er's words, thinking that Feng Ziying was in the mansion at this moment, Wang Xifeng's body felt hot for no reason, her legs couldn't help being clamped, her cheeks became hot involuntarily, Feng's eyes were a little more expectant, but thinking of The second daughter of Baochai and Baoqin was also there, and Wang Xifeng couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

   "By the way, the day before yesterday after handing over to Li Wan the things they picked up in Thirty Nights, didn't Li Wan say that he would tell his wife to make further fuss. Did the wife say anything?" Wang Xifeng suddenly remembered something.

"Didn't grandma know? Grandma Zhu told the wife about this matter, and the wife even recruited grandma to inquire, but there was no news after that. Grandma, you don't seem to have much interest, so the wife seems to be a little undecided about this matter. I heard that I asked Grandma Zhu again, but Grandma Zhu couldn't come up with any countermeasures, and since it's Chinese New Year these two days, I guess my wife doesn't want to make a fuss for the time being, so let's put this matter aside."

Ping'er is very concerned about this matter, it is related to the reputation of the girls in the Grand View Garden, if it is not strictly investigated, it will only be a thief for a thousand days, how can there be a thief for a thousand days, if the truth is not found out, I am afraid that it will eventually come to light. Something bad is going to happen.

"Hmph, put it aside? Do you still want the girls' reputation in the future?" Wang Xifeng snorted coldly, "Since my wife wants to hand over this burden to Li Wan, why doesn't Li Wan care about it at all, and asks his wife to decide everything. Then what's the use of her? If Tan Yatou is not a girl who has not left the cabinet, and this matter happens to happen to her, I should ask my wife to hand this matter over to Tan Yatou to investigate."

This question made it difficult for Ping'er to answer. Sister-in-law Zhu was originally a harmless person to humans and animals. She was neither willing nor capable of being a housekeeper, but there was no one in the house. Well, grandma's picks made the mansion a little immobile all of a sudden.

  The two went back to the house while talking, Xiaohong and Feng'er came out to greet her, "Grandma is back?"

   "Well, what's the matter?" Wang Xifeng waited lazily for Feng'er to change her shoes, and then leaned on the kang couch, "seeing you like this, what's interesting?"

"Grandma, do you still remember that Grandma Liu?" Xiaohong laughed before saying a word, covering her mouth and gasping for breath: "Grandma, forgive me, but this slave girl can't help laughing when she thinks of grandma's appearance, and she took her grandson with her again today. Here it comes, Aunt Zhou is sending a message, asking grandma how to deal with it?"

  Wang Xifeng also laughed, "Is this old rammer coming to play the autumn wind again?"

   "It's not good for grandma to say that, but grandma is still somewhat related to his wife." Ping'er also pursed his lips and said with a smile: "My wife is not happy to hear that."

"What kind of relationship does she have with the wife? The wife and my family, if the wife is a relative, they are also relatives of our Wang family. It's just that her son-in-law, Wang Gou'er, knew my grandfather from the ancestors, and I can't write two words of Wang in one stroke." , so this has something to do with it, anyway, while Jia's family is still breathing, I'm thinking about coming here to yell something nice, just to win the prize."

  When Wang Xifeng thought that this mansion would have nothing to do with him, his interest faded, he might as well be a good person, why bother to offend others?

   "What does grandma mean...?" Xiaohong asked cautiously.

"Why don't you ask your mother, to see what the wife thinks, I shouldn't be in charge now, I should ask Sister-in-Law Zhu, but it is estimated that Sister-in-law Zhu's arrangement may not be in line with the wishes of the wife and the old ancestor. It just so happened that the ancestor was in a good mood today, so Zhou Rui's family took it to the ancestor's yard to have fun, and it was lively."

Wang Xifeng thought about it for a while and still felt that standing on the last post and arranging the affairs of Grandma Liu was a good relationship: "Xiaohong, go and talk to your father, just tell me what I said, or prepare for Grandma Liu. Twenty taels of silver, and you can also prepare some novelty items at will, so that Grandma Liu can bring them back to open the eyes of the farmers, it is not easy for Grandma Liu to come this time, we have to make people remember our family."

   "Grandma is also hard-spoken and soft-hearted. I have learned a lot from grandma, so I will go back to Aunt Zhou and my father." Xiaohong complimented.

"Little hooves, you don't need to sell well here. I'm already a person who is about to eat idle food. I might go out tomorrow, and you should serve the new master. You don't need to look at my annoying face and accept me. I'm so angry, Ping'er followed me since childhood, you and Feng'er are from the Jia family,..."

Hearing what Wang Xifeng said, Xiaohong and Feng'er quickly knelt down, "Grandma, please don't say that. After we follow grandma, we will be grandma's people for the rest of our lives. We will follow grandma wherever grandma goes. We will never complain. ..."

Wang Xifeng cast a sideways glance at the two of them, "Xiaohong, your parents and I are the most prestigious people in the Rongguo Mansion, so why should you go wandering with me? I'm not trying to provoke you, I'm telling the truth, Feng Er, the same as you,…"

   "Grandma, we are all sincere,..." Xiaohong and Feng'er exchanged glances, and swore: "If we lie, we will be hit by thunder, and we will die badly when we go out,..."

"It's okay, it's okay, don't make such a poisonous oath, I can't stand it..." Although she said this, Wang Xifeng felt very happy in her heart. The more she was faced with leaving Jia's house, the more she valued her subordinates People's loyalty, "Speaking of which, if you follow me, I will naturally not let you fail,..."

  (end of this chapter)

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