Number of People

Chapter 1260: Game of Geng Scrolls, Deals, Compromises

  Chapter 1260 Game, deal, compromise

"This is inappropriate!" Fang Congzhe said forcefully, "Huifu is upright and peaceful, and even though he didn't have any outstanding achievements in his tenure as the governor of Shuntian Mansion, he is hardworking and well-known. Chengfeng's suggestion is not to the scholars of Jiangyou humiliation?"

Wu Daonan, governor of Shuntian Prefecture, named Huifu, is a famous scholar in Jiangyou, famous for his outstanding literary talents in the south of the Yangtze River. At the same time, he has good friends with Ye Xianggao, Fang Congzhe and Li Tingji. He is vulgar, but he lacks the ability to do things, and he doesn't like vulgar affairs. He basically belongs to the state of letting go when he is the governor of Shuntian Prefecture, which is really unsatisfactory.

If Gu Bingqian did not serve as the minister of the Ministry of Rites, it would be the best choice for everyone to be happy with Wu Daonan, but the problem is that Gu Bingqian is also famous for his literary talent in the south of the Yangtze River, and he is even more trusted by the emperor. Many are not trusted by Emperor Yonglong, so it is too difficult to be promoted to Minister of the Ministry of Rites, but it is a humiliation for him to be transferred to the left servant of the Ministry of Rites to be Gu Bingqian's deputy.

"Zhonghan's words are wrong." Qi Yongtai retorted unceremoniously: "It's ridiculous to apply the reputation of being conscientious to Huifu. I have no prejudice against Brother Huifu, but the governor of Shuntian Mansion has a lot to do with him. The current situation of Shuntian Mansion Not good, especially after the Mongolian invasion last year, the social security situation in Shuntian Prefecture has deteriorated sharply, and the refugees have not been properly resettled. According to Long Jinwei's news, there are at least 70% of the county in Shuntian Prefecture where the White Lotus Sect is rampant, and some local gentry are involved in it. The local government is unable to respond, and it is likely to cause disaster. Safe?"

Qi Yongtai's words also hit the weakness of Ye Fang and the two of them. The public security in Shuntian Mansion is not stable at present, including the emperor was also inquiring about the situation of the flood of White Lotus Sect in Gyeonggi a few days ago. The emperor would specifically bring up this matter. Under normal circumstances, the emperor rarely inquires about such specific events.

Qi Yongtai obviously refused to give up: "In addition, there is also a saying from the Ministry of Household Affairs that in the eyes of the Jingcang in Shuntian Prefecture, many of the granaries used for relief in various counties are in disordered accounts. Use it up, and there are still two months to go in this spring, there is a high possibility of a food shortage, and even the grain in the Beijing market may also be affected by this, causing a sharp rise in people's hearts in Beijing,..."

  Fang Congzhe frowned and explained: "Chengfeng, this is mainly because the autumn tax in Jiangnan and Huguang in winter has been delayed, which leads to insufficient grain storage in Beijing warehouse..."

"Zhonghan, you are in charge of the household department, don't you know the grain storage situation in Jingcang?" Qi Yongtai sneered, "Even if the autumn tax in the south of the Yangtze River has not arrived, at least 50% of the grain in Jingcang should be in stock. Needs and winter and spring grain shortages should be no problem, but why is there still two months to go, and even four or five months until the summer grain harvest, but there is not much left in the Beijing warehouse, and it is even empty? How does Shuntian Mansion usually supervise The granaries in the counties? Did you find any problems, and if so, why didn’t you take countermeasures in advance?”

"Who is in the government of Shuntian Mansion?" Ye Xianggao frowned. He knew a thing or two about this situation, but he was not as thorough as Qi Yongtai, and the situation was so serious. As the chief assistant, he didn't know it. Or Fang Congzhe deliberately concealed some information from himself. After all, Wu Daonan and Fang Congzhe had a very close personal relationship, but at the same time Wu Daonan was a Jiangyou scholar, and he and Ye Xianggao were allies in the Fujian-Jiangyou (Jiangxi) scholar alliance.

   "Mei Zhiye." Fang Congzhe was also a little embarrassed, and his voice lowered a lot.

  Zhizhong is in charge of grain storage, horse administration, military craftsmen, fuel charcoal, river canals, and tidal flat affairs. He is also an important official in Shuntian Prefecture after Fu Yin and Fu Cheng.

   "The Mei family in Macheng?" Ye Xianggao also knew that the Mei family was a famous family in Huguang.

   "Yes." Li Tingji continued: "Mei Zhiye was originally an editor of the Imperial Academy, and was promoted to the Zhizhong of Shuntian Prefecture the year before last..."

   "How does this person do things?" Ye Xianggao frowned. If this person is not capable enough to do things, and the Shuntian Mansion's prime minister has been in short supply, this Shuntian Mansion is really embarrassing.

   "It's fairly standard." Li Tingji thought for a while, "He used to study history in the Imperial Academy, and he didn't have much contact with local affairs, so..."

Ye Xianggao immediately understood that this meant that the ability of this scholar who was born in Huguangmei's family was average. Li Tingji's mediocrity was not a compliment, but a derogatory comment. Poor execution is synonymous with poor execution. Wu Daonan encountered such a government, and coupled with the absence of Fucheng, it is no wonder that Shuntian Mansion has suddenly become like this in the past year.

   "Er Zhang, if you blindly shift the responsibility to a Zhizhong, I'm afraid it's inappropriate?" Of course, Qi Yongtai would not let these guys push the responsibility to the Huguang scholars, and immediately refuted.

The Huguang scholars are basically in a semi-alliance with the Beidi scholars. If this basin of sewage is poured on Mei Zhiye, it will definitely make the Huguang scholars dissatisfied, although Mei Zhiye can only be regarded as capable in terms of ability. Ordinary, but Qi Yongtai believes that this is ultimately the problem of the governor himself. Wu Daonan is obsessed with reciting poems and painting and participating in various poetry and literature meetings in the capital city. He is basically laissez-faire in daily government affairs. Then almost all affairs were overwhelmed by Zhizhong and several judges and push officials.

Shuntian Mansion usually has three judges, and this is also the most important group of officials in Shuntian Mansion. It is the sixth rank, which is two levels lower than Zhizhong. Cheng is the fourth rank of Zhengfu and the prefect of the foreign government, which is also the difference between Shuntian Prefecture and Yingtian Prefecture (Jinling) and other ordinary residences.

"Brother Chengfeng, let me tell you the truth. Everyone has their own opinions on Mei Zhiye's level. It's time for the Beijing to investigate the big plans. I believe the Ministry of Officials and the Metropolitan Procuratorate should be able to give an objective evaluation." Li Tingji Respond with a smile.

Qi Yongtai violently attacked Wu Daonan, making it difficult for Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe to say anything, because what he said was reasonable, and Li Tingji also treated him in his own way. As a matter of course, Zhong should take on greater responsibilities, not to mention that the granary issue mentioned by Qi Yongtai just happened to be the most important responsibility in Zhi Zhong, and his counterattack can be regarded as embarrassing for Qi Yongtai.

Qi Yongtai's face was gloomy, and he didn't speak for a while, Li Sancai saw that the situation was a bit stagnant, so he interjected to ease the atmosphere: "Brother Chengfeng, there are indeed some problems with the situation in Shuntian Mansion, but I think it is caused by many reasons, but it can't be Blame it on that one..."

Qi Yongtai was even more disgusted by Li Sancai's words, and shook his head: "If this is the case, I suggest that Han Yu succeed Wu Daonan, and Mei Zhiye's government can also change people. The capital is a place, and the country is an important place. We must not go on like this. If we Blindly making do with it like this will definitely lead to serious trouble,..."

   Unexpectedly, Qi Yongtai was so serious about this matter, Ye Xianggao, Fang Congzhe and even Li Tingji felt it was difficult.

They admit that Wu Daonan is indeed not suitable for Shuntian Fuyin, but Shuntian Fuyin is already at the top of the top three officials. The assistant ministers also need to handle specific affairs, and this is exactly Wu Daonan's shortcoming.

  The only most suitable Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites is firmly controlled by Gu Bingqian, so it is really impossible to choose a suitable position for Wu Daonan, so he can only continue to let Wu Daonan be the governor of Shuntian Mansion for the time being.

  The key issue now is to choose a capable minister who is competent in all aspects and has enthusiasm and enthusiasm to serve as Wu Daonan's assistant - Shuntian Fu Cheng, which can also alleviate the current situation.

"Brother Chengfeng, Huifu is not at fault, it is inappropriate to change people like this." Ye Xianggao finally spoke, "There is no need to bring up this discussion for now, but we can consider a suitable Fu Cheng, who must be right The situation in Gyeonggi is relatively familiar, and you need to have the ability to do things and decisiveness, you can think about it, brother Chengfeng is not unreasonable to worry, if Gyeonggi is uneasy, then the world will be unstable, so we have to think about it as soon as possible."

   Seeing that Ye Xianggao was also so persistent, Qi Yongtai knew that his idea would be difficult to realize, but Han Yan is indeed a talent, and he also had other considerations, "If this is the case, then Han Yan can be the Minister of the Nanjing Military Department,..."

  This suggestion is very realistic, Ye Xianggao nodded: "Then Sun Shenxing can be called the Secretary of the Nanjing Household Department. The two of them are about the same age and are in their prime of life. They can also do a good job in rectifying Jiangnan."

  Qi Yongtai glanced at Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe coldly, and said slowly: "Wang Yongguang can be the Secretary of the Ministry of Officials in Nanjing, and Sun Dingxiang can be the Yushi of the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate."

Ye Xianggao couldn't help but gasped, and Fang Congzhe frowned. Qi Yongtai's blunt suggestion was really unacceptable, but this time Qi Yongtai obviously made up his mind. If the dispute continues like this, I am afraid that the previously reached plan will be overthrown and restarted. This is what Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe do not want to see.

The situations of Nanjing Six Ministries, Metropolitan Procuratorate and Beijing Normal University are different. Firstly, Minister of War has the greatest real power, followed by Minister of Household, Minister of Officials and Yushi of Metropolitan Procuratorate, and Minister of Punishment, such as Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Rites. They all belong to the most neglected, especially the Ministry of Rites.

  Qi Yongtai took down both the Nanjing Ministry of Officials and the Youdu Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate in one breath. It must be difficult for Ye Xianggao and Qi Yongtai to accept, but if they refuse immediately, I am afraid that there will be another disturbance.

Ye Xianggao pondered for a while, and then said: "Chengfeng, Wang Yongguang's appointment as Minister of the Ministry of Officials in Nanjing objected in the afternoon, but Prime Minister Sun Ding is now the Tongzhi of Jinling (Yingtianfu Fucheng), so he suddenly became the censor of the right capital of the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate. I still need to think about it again to see if there is a more suitable candidate, how about it?"

  Qi Yongtai also knew that this should be the bottom line acceptable to the other party, so he could only nod his head. He was the only one in the cabinet, and he was still too thin. At this time, he deeply felt the feeling of being alone and alone.

   There is something to do today, there is only one update, and we will try to restore it tomorrow.



  (end of this chapter)

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