Number of People

Chapter 1261: The geng scroll holds hands, responding

  Chapter 1261 Geng-character scroll to hold hands, deal with it

The long and difficult political discussion is finally over. Although it may not be satisfactory, at least it has finally reached a basic bottom line balance. Waiting for the emperor's approval, this is considered a huge achievement.

Even for these ten individual candidates, their drafts have been changed several times, including the internal disputes and entanglements among the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River. Even in the cabinet meeting, there were still back and forth. In front of "outsiders", the two still have disagreements and disputes. Of course, both of them are scholars who understand the bottom line and rules, and they will not act beyond their principles.

When Qi Yongtai returned to the mansion, it was almost Xuzheng. While sending people to notify Qiao Yingjia, Han Yu, and Sun Juxiang, he also sent people to notify Zhang Huaichang, Cui Jingrong, and Wang Yongguang. After thinking about it, he asked his servants to notify For Feng Ziying, it is also an experience for me to let my disciple come to listen.

Qiao Yingjia, Han Yu, and Sun Juxiang are all from Shanxi, and they are also representatives of Shanxi scholars. Cui Jingrong and Wang Yongguang are both from Damingfu, one is from Changyuan, the other is from Dongming, Qi Yongtai belongs to Beizhi scholars, and Zhang Huaichang He is from Liaodong. In this era, Liaodong was a military-administered area, and administratively it was classified as Shandong, so he could be regarded as a native of Shandong.

This is the biggest personnel adjustment since the current cabinet took office. After these ten candidates are confirmed, the next positions such as ministers of various ministries, deputy capital imperial envoys, and Qiandu imperial censors can basically be considered. Go to some provinces to select candidates for the left and right political envoys and procuratorial envoys.

   After eating hastily, people came one after another.

We all know that the political discussion in Wenyuan Pavilion lasted for a whole day, and all the people were waiting quietly. After all, the scholars in the Northland were not strong enough this time, and everyone expected that Qi Yongtai might not be able to take part in the cabinet political discussion. The upper hand, but Qi Yongtai has exchanged opinions with everyone before, and basically has some predictions. As long as it is not a special qualifying, then everyone thinks that tolerance is acceptable for the country.

  The atmosphere in the flower hall was a bit dignified. Qi Yongtai hadn't come out yet, and he was a little tired after a day of discussing politics in Wenyuan Pavilion.

  When Zhang Huaichang arrived, he happened to walk in with Qiao Yingjia.

   "It seems that the atmosphere is not very good. Brother Chengfeng is so eager to call us, is it tearing your face?" Zhang Huaichang joked, while looking up at the slightly old flower hall in Qi Mansion.

"Isn't it?" Qiao Yingjia shook her head, but her complexion was not very good-looking, "These few are not such brave masters, besides, they have the upper hand now, and when they meet Daofu (Li Sancai) Half-hearted guy, didn’t brother Chengfeng always want us to endure each other for the sake of our country? He must have already realized something.”

  All the servants in the flower hall were kicked out. It can be said that this discussion related to the interests of the entire northern scholars must not be spread outside the public. Poor Feng Ziying can only play the role of a servant who mixes tea and pours water.

   Most of the people in the flower hall have arrived, and for him, they are basically familiar or familiar with them.

Cui Jingrong and Sun Juxiang aside, they had the experience of traveling all the way to the south of the Yangtze River. Wang Yongguang is also an old acquaintance. The old opponent of Qingtan Academy, the head of Chongzheng Academy, met when he invited Jiangnan scholars to come to Beidi to discuss studies, and later also fought. Interacted several times.

  Feng Ziying was not very familiar with Han Yu, and had never even met him. All he knew was that he was also a leader among Shanxi scholars, and he was called the leader of Shanxi scholars along with Qiao Yingjia, but one was in the court and the other was in the field.

However, Han Yu had previously served as the head of the Nanjing Ministry of Officials and the deputy envoy of the Huguang Procuratorate, and later served as the right servant of the Ministry of Industry for a short time. But this time it is obvious that he is going to re-enter the dynasty.

  After seeing the ceremony one by one, Feng Ziying quickly devoted himself to the great cause of mixing tea and pouring water, until Qiao Yingjia and Zhang Huaichang came in.

This is basically most of the elites of the Beidi scholars in Beijing. Except for some Beidi officials who are out in the wild and traveling or not in Beijing, this group of scholars, except Feng Ziying, almost all have A person who can directly serve as a senior member of the third rank or above.

Dazhou followed some old rules of the pre-Ming Dynasty, that is, the scholars who resigned from office and resigned from the field basically will not be lower than the official position they once held, and may even be promoted one or two levels higher, that is, if you are a regular If the fourth-rank official resigns and goes down, then you may even take the position of the third-rank or the third-rank directly when you come out again. Therefore, it is not embarrassing to resign and go down in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and it will even show that you have persistence and strength of character.

As long as you have the support of party members (scholars) behind you, you can resign if you think that your superiors or colleagues have different political views or even conflicts that are too difficult to reconcile. , This is also to prepare for the comeback in the future.

Of course, in Feng Ziying's view, although the scholars of the Great Zhou Dynasty basically formed the so-called party members of the three major factions of the northern land scholars, Jiangnan scholars, and Huguang scholars, in fact these are not party members in the real sense of modern times. The cronies are mainly based on the regional township party, the same year, etc., especially the place of origin and work and life.

For example, although Li Sancai was originally from Shaanxi, he studied in Jiangnan and worked in Jinling, Huai'an and other places for a long time, so he is more inclined to the views and ideas of Jiangnan scholars, so this also makes him popular with northern scholars. Criticized and criticized, but was cited as an accomplice by scholars in the south of the Yangtze River.

The same is true of Zhang Jingqiu, although he is from Southern Zhili, but because he studied at the Chongzheng Academy in the capital, he later worked in Baoding, Jinan and other big houses in the north, and after he worked in Nanjing, he was promoted to the court by the emperor, and his attitude was more inclined to the emperor. , and Emperor Yonglong had never been welcomed by scholars in the south of the Yangtze River, so he could barely be included in the system of scholars in the north, but because of his excessive attitude towards the emperor, he was suspected by scholars, so his status was a bit embarrassing.

  Feng Ziying has been carefully pondering the relationship between the division of factions and ideas in the entire Dazhou scholar system, and he found that there is really not much clear boundary between them.

In other words, whether these so-called scholars or party members are more connected by the tendency of the villagers, because often the common regional clan interests can form a relatively consistent political philosophy. Mixed with some personal likes and dislikes.

  So these scholars and party members cannot be regarded as real party members at all, and their cohesion and centripetal force are very limited.

  Of course, as the character of scholars, they still insist on basic ethical principles such as benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trust. This should be a basic element to maintain the cohesion of the centripetal force.

   When Qi Yongtai entered the flower hall, he couldn't hide his exhaustion, and waved his hand to signal everyone to take their seats. Feng Ziying also sat at the bottom with great interest, next to Sun Juxiang.

   "Chengfeng, look at your tired face, why do you need to be in such a hurry, why don't you come back to discuss tomorrow." Qiao Yingjia couldn't help but said.

"Forget it, today's quarrel and fighting resulted in such a result. It's not satisfactory, but it's not satisfactory." Qi Yongtai waved his hand, and then cut straight to the point, "It is preliminarily agreed that Brother Huaichang will succeed Zhang Jingqiu as Minister of the Ministry of War, and Zhang Jingqiu will be the Minister of the Ministry of War. The censor of the capital, Liu Yixiu will be the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, Ru Jun, you will succeed Liu Yixiu as the censor of the right capital..."

  The one sentence that came up was a big move, which shocked everyone.

  Zhang Huaichang was mentally prepared to serve as Minister of the Ministry of War, but would the emperor agree? Also, is Zhang Jingqiu willing?

"Chengfeng, it's okay for me to go to the Ministry of War, but the emperor's side..." Zhang Huaichang is from Liaodong. If he becomes Minister of the Ministry of War, he will be the unswerving vanguard in strengthening the defense of the nine frontiers, especially the defense of Liaodong. He is more determined than Zhang Jingqiu. , but his relationship with Emperor Yonglong is not too close, far less than that of Zhang Jingqiu.

"I'll go and persuade the emperor." Qi Yongtai waved his hand firmly, "Ru Jun took over as the censor of Youdu, Zhang Jingqiu's temperament, Ru Jun, you should also pay attention to the way you get along with each other. Tolerance for the country is not a word. It really fell into place."

Qiao Yingjia was still thinking about Liu Yixiu's departure from the Metropolitan Procuratorate. He and Liu Yixiu were the biggest political enemies in the Metropolitan Procuratorate. : "Who will pick up Zuo Fudu Yushi?"

  Qi Yongtai glanced at him, and said lightly: "Don't worry, they won't make it easier for you either, either Miao Changqi or Yang Lian..."

  Qiao Yingjia frowned. Miao Changqi was a famous scholar in Jiangyou, while Yang Lian was originally from Huguang, but he was very close to scholars in Jiangnan, and he was also an unruly character.

   Qiao Yingjia's expression fell into everyone's eyes, which attracted others to purse their lips and smile.

"Ziqiang will be the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, and Brother Youfu (Wang Yongguang) will be the Minister of the Ministry of Officials in Nanjing." The former has been agreed a long time ago, but Wang Yongguang came to Nanjing as the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, which was a bit unexpected. Even Wang Yongguang felt that Surprised, "In addition, I suggested Yuchen (Han Yu) to be the Governor of Shuntian, but Jinqing and Zhonghan firmly opposed it, so I suggested Yuchen to be the Minister of the Ministry of War in Nanjing. They basically agreed, and I also nominated Shuxiang (Sun Dingxiang) ) to serve as the censor of the right capital of the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate, but they hesitated again, and this matter has not been settled for the time being.”

  Hearing this, everyone frowned and noticed something strange, Zhang Huaichang took the lead to ask: "Chengfeng, let Yuchen and Youfu go to Nanjing, is there something wrong with Jiangnan?"

  If there is no problem, Han Yu and Wang Yongguang will not be allowed to take over the Ministry of War and Officials in Nanjing, and Sun Dingxiang will be asked to take over the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate. This is obviously a very obvious gesture.

  (end of this chapter)

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