Number of People

Chapter 1262: Doubts about Geng Scroll

  Chapter 1262 Doubts about Geng Scroll

  Qi Yongtai sighed, stroked his beard under his jaw, pondered for a while before saying: "It's hard to say now, I personally don't feel very good. Since last year, don't you think the situation in Jiangnan is a bit weird?"

  Cui Jingrong is the most sensitive. He is the left servant of the household department, and he knows the situation best. He hesitated and said: "Brother Chengfeng is referring to the large-scale delay in the shipment of taxes in the south of the Yangtze River?"

"Taxation in the south of the Yangtze River is the lifeblood of the imperial court, but last year there were problems with the summer tax, but it was not serious, but the autumn tax was too prominent. Suzhou, Jinling, Yangzhou, Changzhou, Huzhou, Shaoxing, Huai'an, etc. There were more or less delays, or requests to postpone the payment, and it was postponed to this year. This kind of situation did not happen before, but it only happened when there were floods and droughts. But what disasters happened last year? Their reasons are varied, of course. The most justifiable thing is the Japanese pirates' harassment, and the abnormal weather and bad harvest,..."

Qi Yongtai's face was a little cold, "This kind of situation in the south of the Yangtze River can't help but make people suspicious, and it also caught up with the imperial court's use of troops in the southwest. Almost all the taxes and taxes from Huguang have been reserved for military expenses in the southwest. It's not even enough, and we need to get it from Sichuan. One can imagine the difficulty of the imperial court this year. Bo Xiao (Zheng Jizhi) fell ill because of too much pressure and had to resign. Originally, the emperor and we all hoped that he could delay the war in the Southwest to an end, but Now…"

Han Yu was still a little puzzled: "Brother Chengfeng, do you think that the tax delays and arrears in the south of the Yangtze River and the taxes in Huguang being left for the Southwest War were not a coincidence, but someone's design? Is this possible? Yang Yinglong and the chieftains rebelled Could it be manipulated by outsiders? This is impossible. As for Jiangnan, who do you think will be responsible for it, who has such great ability to do this kind of thing, and what is the purpose?"

   Han Yu has been in the opposition for many years after all, so he is naturally not as sensitive to the changes in the court situation as these officials in the court, that's why he asked this question.

   Zhang Huaichang and Qiao Yingjia exchanged glances, and it was Qiao Yingjia who asked, "Chengfeng, do you suspect that someone in Jiangnan is planning something behind the scenes?"

"If there is a coincidence to explain it, it would be too coincidental. I never believe that there are so many coincidences in the world. I would rather think of the situation in a worse and worse direction." Qi Yongtai's tone became more and more serious: "The capital's supply is almost Come to the south of the Yangtze River, once the supply in the south of the Yangtze River is cut off, everyone can think about what will happen? Especially when the taxes in Huguang are exhausted by the Southwest War, what will happen?"

  Sun Juxiang said bluntly with a straight face: "Brother Chengfeng, why do you have to hide it, you doubt Prince Yizhong?"

One sentence shocked everyone except Feng Ziying. In fact, everyone could vaguely guess one or two things, but no one could believe it. Thinking about this kind of thing is terrifying. If it is true, it is a big Zhou's catastrophe.

Zhang Huaichang watched Qi Yongtai word by word and said: "Chengfeng, tell the truth, is it like Bofu (Sun Juxiang) said, you also suspect that Prince Yizhong is going to make trouble in the south of the Yangtze River? What does he want to do? Since you put Everyone is summoned, must have some doubts in their hearts, right?"

  Qi Yongtai stood up, paced back and forth in the center of the flower hall, but did not speak for a while.

  Feng Ziying listened with bated breath all the time, it turned out that she was not the only one who noticed the weirdness and strangeness, like Master Qi and the others, but everyone didn't understand the meaning and intention of doing this? Everyone has never thought that some people intend to divide the north from the south, or draw the river to rule, or even plan to use the south to control the north.

It is normal for everyone to be unable to accept this possibility, and only outsiders like Feng Ziying can abandon those inherent thinking, and keenly realize that if Prince Yizhong really has the full support of Jiangnan gentry, and Huguang is held back by the Southwest rebellion , It is indeed this opportunity.

As long as the supply from the capital and the north is cut off, not only the capital, but also the nine borders will suddenly become chaotic. This will not only give the Mongols and Jianzhou Jurchen an opportunity, but also ease the military pressure that Jiangnan may face. Going on for a while, relying on the wealth and money and food support in the south of the Yangtze River, it might not be possible to repeat the story of the Ming and Jingnan battles, but it was from south to north in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

   Zhang Huaichang picked up a word, and everyone shook their heads after being shocked. Obviously, they didn't agree with this point of view.

"Impossible!" Wang Yongguang was the first to categorically deny, "Now the emperor's status is stable, and the position of Prince Yizhong's former crown prince was more than ten years ago. The emperor has been on the throne for ten years. Although we cannot say how dazzling the martial arts are, but At least it can be regarded as remarkable. Ningxia suppressed the rebellion and regained Shazhou and Hami, and the situation in Liaodong has also been eased. The reputation of the government and the opposition is great. If anyone supports him, even if the Jiangnan gentry and officials do not like the emperor, it is impossible to accept this situation of dividing the north and the south. Such ambitious people will only end up in ruins. This may be the worst option.”

What Wang Yongguang said is very reasonable. Emperor Yonglong is still there, and his position is very stable. In addition, he has solved the big problem of the Beijing camp. Almost all the troops on the nine sides are loyal to the imperial court. No matter how rich and prosperous Jiangnan is, the troops are weak. Then as long as the Nine Sides army mobilizes a few elites to go south, it will be able to crush all the schemes of ambitious people.

In fact, even Qi Yongtai felt that what Wang Yongguang said was reasonable. It seemed unbelievable that Prince Yizhong wanted to use Jiangnan as a backing to fight against the imperial court. The elite frontier troops in these places may be dispatched to the south to solve the problem completely with lightning speed, and it is impossible to have any other results.

  However, the strange situation in Jiangnan and Huguang has always made him hard to let go. Prince Yizhong is not stupid.

  If he really does this, it means that he is quite sure and confident, which is quite dangerous.

  Qi Yongtai also hopes that his guess is some unrealistic speculation, but he is also very clear that the situation often happens in the direction he does not want to happen.

  The question is what if I worry about doubts? Qi Yongtai had euphemistically mentioned it to Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe before discussing with Wenyuan Pavilion. Of course, Qi Yongtai did not mention it so clearly. Ye Fang and the two thought about that.

Both of them felt that Qi Yongtai was making a big fuss, or that as the leader of the scholars in Jiangnan, they had their own confidence in Jiangnan, and they even felt that Qi Yongtai, as the leader of scholars in the north, was too narrow-minded and had a natural disposition towards Jiangnan. Prejudice, so I don't even want to think about it.

"Chengfeng, is this unlikely?" Han Yu also asked hesitantly: "The folk customs in the south of the Yangtze River are weak, and those guards are tough enough to deal with the Japanese, let alone the elite frontier army. No matter who has the wrong idea, as long as the court orders Next, the frontier army is going south along the canal, thundering, any monsters and clowns who dare to stop are like mantises, and gnats shake trees, it is not worth mentioning."

Qi Yongtai recommended himself to be Minister of the Ministry of War in Nanjing, obviously targeting something. He had worked in the Ministry of Civil Affairs in Nanjing for several years, and he had connections throughout Nanzhili and Jiangyou. , if there is really chaos in the south of the Yangtze River, then as the Minister of the Ministry of War in Nanjing, he is the most suitable candidate.

  But the situation that Qi Yongtai was worried about seemed impossible to happen to Han Yan, and it would be unavoidable for him to go to Nanjing for a few years.

  Qiao Yingjia also thought it was impossible.

The most obvious problem here is that the current emperor is the cause of righteousness. Even if the Supreme Emperor jumps out and shouts for Prince Yizhong, it is impossible to win the support of the scholars, just like Tang Gaozu Li Yuan wants to overthrow Taizong Li Shimin. Totally impossible.

Without righteousness, and the imperial court has an absolutely crushing frontier army, the south has no force support that can be resisted. No matter how emotionally inclined the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River is to Prince Yizhong, it is impossible for the fate of their own family to touch an egg against a rock. , so this is simply impossible.

Both Zhang Huaichang and Qiao Yingjia shook their heads slowly: "Chengfeng, aren't you too suspicious? Isn't the situation in Huguang the same as your cabinet and the Ministry of Household Affairs agreeing to keep it and hand it over to the Southwest counter-rebellion? But this should be caused by some Jiangnan gentry. I received a lot of bullets in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, reflecting that some of our officials from the north are pressing taxes directly in the Jiangnan provinces and the south, and there is no room for accommodation. There is a big backlash in local public opinion, is it because some gentry here are colluding to make a bad deal out of it?"

Qi Yongtai's head was swollen, he couldn't help rubbing his temples, and sighed, "I hope I'm worrying too much, maybe it's because I have been entangled in various affairs during this period, and I have been entangled with Jinqing and Zhonghan all day long." Bickering, the land of Gyeonggi is in chaos again, which makes me a little upset, so I'm suspicious, right?"

Sun Juxiang also nodded: "Brother Chengfeng has really worked hard for you during this time, but now that the officials of the Seven Ministry and the Metropolitan Procuratorate have been settled as you said, the next arrangement is relatively simple, but the capital city The land is too chaotic, the law and order are not stable, and refugees are rampant. If tens of thousands of refugees had not been sent to Ziying's Yongping Mansion, the situation would have been even worse. How could Wu Daonan, the governor of Shuntian Mansion, still have the face to continue in this situation? ? The cabinet has never considered changing people? Or are Ye Fang and Ye Fang pretending to be deaf and dumb because of their personal friendship?"

  (end of this chapter)

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