Number of People

Chapter 1263: Geng scroll unexpected

  Chapter 1263 Geng Scroll Unexpected

Scholars in the north are very dissatisfied with Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe's joint control of the imperial affairs, and this dissatisfaction is not only focused on the arrangement of personnel in this time, the Jiangnan scholars are in an absolute dominant position, but also lies in the nepotism of the Jiangnan scholars in arranging these positions. .

Seven ministers plus the eight key positions of Zuodu Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, only Cui Jingrong obtained the position of minister of the Ministry of Industry, Zhang Huaichang obtained the position of minister of the Ministry of War, Huguang official Ying Zhen obtained the position of minister of the Ministry of Commerce, The status and importance of these three positions are all in the back ranks.

Other positions such as the five ministers and Zuodu censor are all controlled by scholars in the south of the Yangtze River. Under such circumstances, even Qi Yongtai can't suppress the dissatisfaction of his colleagues in this group, although they also know that this is the original position. reflection of reality.

  The distribution of the eight positions can basically reflect the current influence of the scholars in Jiangnan, Beidi, and Huguang in the court.

For example, the two most important positions in the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Households are held by the Jiangnan scholar Gao Panlong (a native of Nanzhi) who belongs to the Nanzhili-Zhejiang Scholars Alliance, and the Ministry of Households Huang Ruliang (a scholar in Fujian) is held by Jiangnan scholars. The Central Fujian-Jiangyou (Jiangxi) Scholars Alliance is in control, and Liu Yixiu, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, is from Jiangxi and also belongs to the Fujian-Jiangyou Alliance.

On the contrary, Zhang Jingqiu, the censor of Zuodu, and Gu Bingqian, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, are both from Nanzhi, and they can be regarded as scholars from the south of the Yangtze River, but both of them have a particularly close relationship with the emperor, and Ye Fang's influence on them is limited. .

At present, most of the materials in Gyeonggi come from other cities. Most of the daily necessities such as silk, cloth, tea, medicinal materials and various southern products come from Jiangnan. Most of the food comes from Huguang, and some come from neighboring places such as North Zhili and Shandong. The other prefectures and prefectures in the country simply cannot support the supply of more than one million people in their cities who are almost entirely dependent on external support.

It can be said that if the water transportation is suspended for three days, rumors will spread everywhere in Beijing, and if it is suspended for ten days, some materials in central Beijing will start to be in short supply. Last March, that was disaster.

   Now Sun Juxiang brought up the issue of the mediocrity of Wu Daonan, governor of Shuntian Prefecture, which immediately aroused everyone's anger, and they all attacked Ye Fang's nepotism.

On the contrary, Qiao Yingjia knew the secret, and shook his head slowly: "Bo Fu, Wu Daonan's success in taking the position of Governor of Shuntian Mansion was not entirely due to the support of Ye Fang and the two of them. There was also the intention of the emperor. The capital's talents are quite famous, but it's just that they have no ability to govern the world. I don't see that Shou Wang, Fu Wang, Li Wang and Lu Wang often follow Wu Daonan to various poetry and cultural conferences in our capital city. This is to support their reputation. Well, the emperor has suffered from not being well received by the scholars, and has always been regretful. Now that he has the opportunity to let the princes follow Wu Daonan to gain fame and win the favor of the scholars in Beijing and Jiangnan, it is naturally a great thing. The law and order is not stable, and the refugees are struggling, so they can be put aside in comparison,..."

Qiao Yingjia's words made everyone in the room fall into silence. Qi Yongtai understood the truth, but he naturally couldn't say it as an elder, but Qiao Yingjia didn't have so many taboos. Danzhang, although it is impossible for him to do this, it is still okay to talk about it internally.

None of Zhang Huaichang, Cui Jingrong, Wang Yongguang, Sun Juxiang, Han Yu and others had thought of this, so they realized it. No wonder Ye Fang and the two refused to move Wu Daonan. This is also an important move to influence the next emperor, and the influence is If you want to cultivate it from now on, this skill can be called brilliant.

Wang Yongguang glanced at Feng Ziying, who sat at the end and hadn't spoken, with a complicated expression, and said slowly: "Ziying, if you have the opportunity, you might as well go to these literary and poetry meetings in the capital city. I heard that some princes I have invited you many times to participate in various literary and poetry gatherings and banquets. Even if you don't like it, you still need to make some sacrifices..."

Wang Yongguang suggested to Feng Ziying almost on behalf of the entire group of scholars in the north that the competition with the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River should be started as soon as possible in every aspect. I am afraid that the status of the northern scholars who are not as good as those in the south of the Yangtze River will be even more difficult.

   After exchanging glances, everyone including Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia nodded slowly, obviously agreeing with Wang Yongguang's opinion.

  Feng Ziying didn't expect the fire to burn herself all of a sudden, she raised her head in a daze, "Uh, gentlemen, this student's talent in poetry and prose is really unbearable..."

"Hmph, aren't you always quick-witted? Wang Xiangchun was speechless at the Enrong Banquet. I also heard that there is a pair of words in Wang Ziteng's study. The method is to open the dense places with flowers and willows; When the rain is in a hurry, stand firmly and meet your heels. You wrote these two sentences? Even I feel that there is a big atmosphere. Also, Dazhang and Boya came to me and talked about last year when you admired the plum blossoms. I made a song called "Bu Suanzi·Yong Mei", I've heard of it, and I'm afraid that no one in your subject can match the style and demeanor, right? Are you still hiding it in front of us?"

  Qiao Yingjia looked at Feng Ziying coldly, with a bad tone.

  Feng Ziying was tongue-tied, not to mention the incident at the Enrong Banquet, she knew about it, and there was nothing she could do about it, but she didn't expect Zheng Chongjian and Sun Chuanting to sell herself.

  But both of them are descendants of Shanxi scholars, so it is reasonable to go to Qiao Yingjia, the leader of Shanxi scholars, to pay a visit. As for praising yourself, it is more normal.

   But the calligraphy in Wang Ziteng's study has been done for some years, how did Qiao Yingjia know about it?

   Could it be that the Prince’s Mansion is also being watched by the Metropolitan Procuratorate?

   Shouldn't this be Long Jinwei's job?

Everyone was quite surprised. Everyone knew Feng Ziying's strengths and strengths, but they didn't expect to have such abilities. Although Wang Ziteng is a martial artist, these two sentences are excellent. ", so they all asked.

  Qiao Yingjia uttered this poem. All the scholars here are scholars with Jinshi background. Even though their poetry and prose talents are different, they are not comparable to Feng Ziying, but this poem still makes them feel amazing.

Qi Yongtai's complexion improved a lot, and his previous depressed mood eased a lot. He nodded: "Ziying, I know you don't like poetry and prose, and think it's a small way, but we scholars are also indispensable for our morality and meritorious deeds. Yes, you don't have to be too obsessed with it, but as Youfu said, you can still participate in some literature and poetry clubs, and no one will ask you to create something new every time,..."

   "That's right, just this one hand of singing plums can be sung for a long time, no one dares to provoke at will..." Sun Juxiang also nodded.

   "But Ziying is now in Yongping Mansion, and there is very little time to return to Beijing." Wang Yongguang said with regret: "Three years of watching politics, Ziying wasted a lot of opportunities."

But Cui Jingrong said thoughtfully: "Brother Chengfeng, I remember that the governor of Shuntian Mansion has been vacant all the time? Wu Daonan was preoccupied with other things, which caused the current situation of Shuntian Mansion to be in a mess. Although he came from the Mei family in Macheng, the gap between him and Mei Zhihuan is a bit big, not satisfactory, one Wu Daonan and the other Mei Zhiye, it is said that there are three horse-drawn carriages in the Shuntian Mansion, one is lame, the other is lame, and the other is absent. How can the situation in Shuntian Mansion be done well?"

  The direction of Cui Jingrong's words was very clear. Several people present were slightly moved, and Qiao Yingjia also reacted, rubbing his chin, "Ziqiang, you mean to let Ziying return to Beijing to be the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion?"

"This is a good idea!" Wang Yongguang's eyes lit up, "Shuntian Mansion was originally the center of our Northland, but it turned out that a person from Jiangnan came to be the governor, and Mei Zhiye, a Huguang scholar, also behaved disappointingly. We should let one of our serious northern scholars come to be the prime minister. If they can't do well, let Ziying do it for them to see. Besides, seeing Ziying's performance in Yongping Mansion, isn't it enough? Explain everything?"

   Qi Yongtai frowned slightly, "Ziying has only been in the fifth rank for a year, and now she has jumped two ranks to be the Chancellor of Shuntian Mansion. I'm afraid it's hard to convince the public. I'm afraid Jinqing and Zhonghan won't agree."

"Hmph, Chengfeng, you are also from the Ministry of Officials. When will our Dazhou officials have to follow the rule of every three years and every six years? Isn't Ziying's performance in Yongping Mansion not good enough? The first battle in Qian'an City was enough for him to be promoted to the third level!" Zhang Huaichang said with some dissatisfaction, "It's not that the 100,000 refugees in Shuntian Mansion were also handed over to Yongping Mansion. If there is no Ziying in Yongping If this Shuntian Mansion adds 100,000 refugees, then I think the capital city will be full of smog, and Wu Daonan can still sit still?"

   Zhang Huaichang's words immediately resonated among several other people, even Han Yu, who was not very familiar with Feng Ziying, nodded repeatedly.

A group of people who can gather strong people to compete with the Mongolian army without losing the city, but the result is that these Mongolians beat the 80,000 army of the Beijing camp to pieces. The comparison between the two shows that Feng Ziying, a colleague, is extraordinary. Now it even accepts 100,000 refugees, and no one dares to ignore this achievement.

  Qiao Yingjia also nodded slightly, Zhang Huaichang supported this opinion, and basically the attitudes of the northern scholars tended to be unified.

Compared with the Jiangnan scholars, the northern scholars are more united, but there is a slight difference. For example, at present, the northern Zhili scholars and Shanxi scholars are the main ones, followed by the Shandong and Henan scholars, and the Shaanxi scholars are again, like Qi Yongtai, Both Cui Jingrong and Wang Yongguang belonged to Beizhili, while Qiao Yingjia, Sun Juxiang and Han Yu were all scholars from Shanxi, while Zhang Huaichang was from Liaodong, which traditionally belonged to Shandong, and Feng Ziying could also be regarded as Shandong, but he sent It's all about Ji Shuntian.

"Chengfeng, I think Brother Huaichang's opinion is very pertinent. Ye Fang and the others have benefited a lot this time, and in Shuntian Mansion, we can tolerate Wu Daonan continuing to serve as governor, but we have to do things right so that Ziying, the Young people go to exercise, anyway, they are right under the eyes of the imperial court, and they can also raise some points at any time, why not?" Qiao Yingjia added to the anger, "If you don't want to come forward, I will go to see the first assistant, and you will see it for self-improvement Zhonghan, let this matter come to an end!"

  (end of this chapter)

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