Number of People

Chapter 1265: Geng scroll seeks balance

  Chapter 1265 Geng Scroll seeks balance

  Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia couldn't help but look at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

   Obviously, Cui Jingrong and Zhang Huaichang's attitudes have changed, and they no longer support Feng Ziying's going to Shuntian Mansion as they did before.

One of them wants to be Minister of the Ministry of Industry, and the other is from Liaodong. The other hopes that the Ministry of Industry's treasury can be more abundant, as a supplement to the treasury of the Ministry of Households, and at the same time allow the Ministry of Industry to have more room for expenditure; One is looking forward to the great development of the military industry in Yongping Prefecture, and transferring the production of guns and cannons, which have always been dependent on the south, to Yongping Prefecture. The provision of these cannons and guns can greatly improve the nine-sided defense capability and save a lot of transportation costs.

  Sun Juxiang and Han Yu were also silent.

Shanxi merchants are the most important supporters of northern gentry. Both of them are Shanxi gentry, so they naturally understand the strength of these merchants from their hometown. Assist the government to provide relief to the local area, but where does the Shanxi merchants get their money? It is not earned by these businesses.

   Now that I finally come across such a good opportunity, I definitely don’t want to have any twists and turns in the middle, but prefer to continue with an initiator who has achieved good results.

On the first day of junior high school, I felt that what Feng Ziying said was not difficult, but everyone here had worked in the state capital, and it was clear that it was not that simple when it involved specific affairs, especially the development of mining, iron smelting, iron making and building materials, The shipping industry also involves dealing with local gentry, building roads and bridges, neither of which is easy. It requires not only determination, but also planning, skills, and connections. Otherwise, these localities think that their own interests will be affected. The spoiled gentry teaches you how to be a man every minute.

  If things don’t go well with another person, I’m afraid these merchants won’t agree, which will affect the relationship between the two parties, and if it’s done with another person, wouldn’t it be a wedding dress for others? I'm afraid Feng Ziying will also feel resentment in her heart.

"Ziying, do you really have such a strong confidence that Yongping Mansion will undergo such a big change in a year or two?" Qi Yongtai was also a little shaken, after all, if Yongping Mansion can really become a model for the Northland, it will be a big change for Yongping Mansion. The hidden contest between the entire Northland and Jiangnan is also a boost, which is too rare.

"Reporting to Master Qi, this disciple is sure." Feng Ziying nodded calmly: "At present, the mine mining and iron smelting blast furnaces in Qian'an and Lulong have been built, and Luanzhou has also started construction according to the gourd painting. It's relatively simple. The expansion will be the same in the later stage. The cost and efficiency can be greatly improved. Now the only restriction is skilled craftsmen. The disciples have already agreed with Zhuangji, and hope that Zhuangji will arrange hundreds of craftsmen. Go north, so the efficiency can be greatly improved."

Feng Ziying's statement made everyone in the room a little entangled, but Wang Yongguang still insisted on his point of view: "Chengfeng, the status of Shuntian Mansion is not comparable to that of Yongping Mansion, and now Wu Daonan writes poems and Fu and participates in these essays every day. Yes, it is clear that we want to get closer and lay a good foundation in front of the princes who may become great treasures in the future, but there is just such a character in our court. If Ziying can come, and the age is close to these princes, it will definitely There are more common languages, otherwise they would not have invited Ziying many times, and the incompetence of Wu Daonan and Mei Zhiye can just show Ziying's ability, which makes Ziying not need to enter the court, but can be at any time Maintaining a certain influence and being able to have an adviser at all times can be said to kill two birds with one stone, and I think its importance is more meaningful than him in Yong Peng."

Wang Yongguang's point of view is also very representative. The status of Shuntian Mansion is much higher than that of Yongping Mansion, and the foot of the imperial city is the place where the ability of officials is most tempered. , but also to avoid the intensification of this type of conflict, affecting the situation between the DPRK and China.

   This is also a big test for any official who might occupy this position.

   "I also think Ziying is more suitable to go to Shuntian Mansion." Sun Juxiang thought twice and agreed.

  Everyone's eyes fell on him. If you know that he is a scholar from Shanxi, you should understand the stakes.

  Sun Juxiang, however, seemed very calm, a little confident.

"First of all, the current situation in Shuntian Mansion is indeed very bad. If Ziying comes to Shuntian Mansion to turn the situation around, not only can Ziying get a workout and her reputation will be improved, but it will also make the gentry people in Beijing and China and the officials of the DPRK and China treat us in the North. Scholars have stronger confidence. After all, the performance of Wu Daonan and Mei Zhiye is obvious to all. By comparing the two, we will have stronger confidence when we compete with the Jiangnan gang in the future,..."

   This point is indeed very important, and it is related to the image of the entire northern scholar group. Qi Yongtai and Han Yan also nodded slightly.

"Secondly, I also got some tips from the Ministry of Criminal Justice that the activities of the White Lotus Sect in Gyeonggi are becoming more and more rampant, especially among the refugees. Affecting the overall situation, Ziying cleared up hidden households in Yongping Mansion to clean up the law and order, especially in the mines and workshops, asking for the prohibition of social party members. I think I am afraid that the weakness of the White Lotus Sect was mobilized, so there was an assassination at Guhe Ferry , the current situation in Shuntian Mansion is probably worse than that in Yongping Mansion. If it continues, there will be serious troubles. Ziying can just go to Shuntian Mansion to arrest this matter..."

  When it came to Feng Ziying's assassination at the Guhe Ferry, everyone's faces became solemn. So far, Long Jinwei and the Ministry of Criminal Justice have not yet made a clear result, but all signs point to Yongping Mansion, and Sun Juxiang's judgment is basically reasonable.

"Three years Ziying has done so well in Yongping Mansion, why can't the story be repeated in Shuntian Mansion? The iron mines in Zunhua are not inferior to Qian'an and Lulong, and with the Zunhua Iron Works as the foundation, its craftsmen There are a lot of them, but the poor management of the Ministry of Industry will make it go from bad to worse. If Ziying can continue the policies and measures in Yongping after arriving in Shuntianfu, Shanshan businessmen may not come to Shuntianfu to open mines and build workshops, right? Isn’t there a lot of mines in Miyun? At least the iron and steel produced in Zunhua and Miyun can be sold to Jingshi City and nearby places like Baoding and Shanxi, isn’t it more convenient?”

  Sun Juxiang put forward three reasons in one breath, each of which is very pertinent, especially the third one, which moved everyone present.

Yes, the output of the Zunhua Iron Works is shrinking day by day. In addition to the chaotic management, outdated process equipment and rising mining costs, it is also due to the strong competition from Yongping Prefecture. If Miyun copied the model of Yongping Mansion, wouldn't it mean that Shuntian Mansion with more development potential can also operate according to this model, and even be firmly in the hands of scholars in the North?

You must know that Shuntian Mansion is no better than Yongping Mansion. This is the first mansion of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Scholars, officials, merchants from the north and the south are all staring at it, and even the stability of public security and people’s livelihood is better than others. If we rely on the vigorous development of the coal and iron industry to attract refugees Reducing the possible impact of homeless refugees on the security and stability of Gyeonggi will undoubtedly greatly add luster to the scholars in the North.

  Sun Juxiang's reasons and suggestions made Cui Jingrong and Zhang Huaichang change their attitudes again.

Especially Cui Jingrong, he knows very well that if Zunhua and Miyun are promoted according to the model of Yongping Prefecture, then the development momentum of Shuntian Prefecture may be revived. Zunhua and Miyun are also rich in iron ore, and there are many Yongping The advantages that the government does not have can also give the Ministry of Industry Jieshen an additional channel for harvesting.

   As the future minister of the Ministry of War, Zhang Huaichang is also very clear that if the capital is unstable, it will definitely have an impact on the defense of Xuanfu, Jizhen and Liaodong. A stable Shuntianfu is especially important for the three towns.

Qiao Yingjia took a deep breath, glanced at Qi Yongtai who was silent, and finally felt that he still needed to listen to Feng Ziying's opinion: "Ziying, what Bo Fu said is also reasonable, Yongping Mansion is of course not suitable for light touch, but along the way Tian Fu is more important to us, and this is also an opportunity, if someone else takes over Shun Tian Fu Cheng, I am afraid that our side will also be greatly affected, have you considered it?"

Sun Juxiang's opinion is also a reminder to Feng Ziying, and feeling that so many people attach great importance to this matter, Feng Ziying also realizes that this matter may not only concern herself alone, but involve the whole northern scholars Benefit.

You can't just see the benefits brought by the rapid development of Yongping Mansion, but you also need to see how great it will be if you accept the real power of Shuntian Mansion under the circumstances that Wu Daonan, the governor of Shuntian Mansion, doesn't care much about the actual affairs. benefits.

  Can't help rubbing her cheeks, Feng Ziying feels that she needs to think carefully about this matter.

Yongping Mansion is too important for the development map outlined in the future. It will not only become the most important logistics support center in Liaodong, support Lao Dad's military control in Liaodong, but also become the most perfect experimental field for him, a coal and iron project. Although Feng Ziying did not visit Xu Guangqi in person due to time constraints, he also contacted Xu Guangqi through letters, and the other party was also willing to find a test site for large-scale promotion.

Feng Ziying is also aware that the interests of herself and the group in front of her are tied together. Only when they are good can she get more support. The success she obtained in Yongping Mansion is largely due to their knowledge or understanding in various aspects. There is implicit support, so he needs to be consistent with them on this issue, and how to balance the pros and cons of this requires a comprehensive consideration.

  (end of this chapter)

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