Number of People

Chapter 1266: Geng character scroll breaks the rules

  Chapter 1266 The Geng Scroll is broken

   Everyone's eyes were on Feng Ziying, which made Feng Ziying a little nervous.

   It is the first time that he has received such attention and attention as a member of this group.

Although my performance in the past has attracted the attention and attention of many people, but I am still regarded as a junior. I may be able to win a lot of attention in a certain field or a certain period of time, but in terms of overall influence, I am still very important. Young and weak, the strength exposed by the development of Yongping Mansion this time made these bigwigs finally realize their own growth speed.

"Mr. Qiao, the next two years are indeed very important for Yongping Prefecture. The students have made comprehensive preparations for this, including the construction of roads from Qian'an and Lulong via Funing to Yuguan Port, which will facilitate the construction of the entire Yongping Prefecture. The construction of the government's transportation system, the students even considered adding the road from Luanzhou to Lulong,..."

Feng Ziying weighed his words while thinking nervously: "Students and Mr. Zhu are currently cooperating very well. According to the students, Mr. Zhu may leave Yongping in the next year. The students are still considering if the new magistrate takes office. It needs to run in with the new mansion, which may affect the development of Yongping Mansion, if the students want to leave, the students are really worried that it will affect many follow-up arrangements."

  Feng Ziying's opinion made Qi Yongtai frowned and then relaxed again: "Ziying, if Zhu Zhiren leaves, how about arranging a more suitable prefect?"

  Feng Ziying hesitated for a moment, and asked: "The students don't understand what Master Qi means."

   "Since Zhu Zhiren will definitely leave, you still need to get in touch with the new prefect if you stay. Then if you and Zhu Zhiren leave, and change to a prefect and a fellow prefect, isn't it also a run-in?" Qi Yongtai said in a deep voice.

   "But it may be more difficult to run in like that. If there is no reliable candidate, everything the student has done in Yongping Mansion may be in vain." Feng Ziying raised her voice.

"Ziying, don't think that you are the only one who can do things. Could it be that you are the only one who can do things in this world?" Qi Yongtai gave Feng Ziying a displeased look: "Even though many things in Yongping Mansion are done by you Single-handed planning, but you really did it alone for such a complicated matter? Didn’t many people help you to get to this point? We may not understand the situation before, but now everyone is very familiar with it. If you pay attention, it will naturally give you greater support, but if you only limit your vision to this corner, then you will lose our expectations of you."

Qi Yongtai's words made everyone nodded slightly. Even Feng Ziying realized that something was wrong with her previous emotions. She seemed to have turned Yongping Mansion into her own taboo too much. It is neither possible nor easy to arouse the resentment of other people in the system to arrange and do things by oneself.

In fact, Feng Ziying had considered this point before, but before considering that Zhu Zhiren was going to leave, if outsiders came, it would inevitably affect the future layout of the entire Yongping Mansion, so he had to stay and stick to it, but now that the bosses are all right. The Yongping Mansion paid so much attention to it, and if Zhu Zhiren left, he would definitely arrange for a more suitable person to be the magistrate, so the situation I was worried about would no longer exist.

  Thinking of this, Feng Ziying hurriedly bowed and bowed: "The student lost his temper in a hurry, and Teacher Qi taught him well."

Seeing Feng Ziying bowed his head and admitted his mistake, Qi Yongtai was very satisfied. This guy is sometimes a little arrogant, and he still needs to be beaten at any time. Besides, you are super capable and amazing, but this involves a major event in the entire Northland. You move alone?

"Shuntian Mansion has a lot to do with it. I deeply agree with what Bo Fu said just now. What you did in Yongping Mansion may not be impossible in Shuntian Mansion. Wu Daonan is a man who doesn't care about things. He can just let you, the mansion, let him go." Work hard, and in Beijing, everyone can give you more guidance and advice, so that you don't worry too much."

   Qi Yongtai had to make a final decision.

"In addition, you should not underestimate the White Lotus Sect that Bofu just mentioned. Since they dared to risk their life to assassinate you, it shows that these desperadoes have already gained some momentum. If these people continue to spread in the capital Sitting big, I'm afraid it will really cause a disaster. Didn't the overthrow of the Northern Yuan Dynasty in the previous Ming Dynasty mean that these secret societies were used to make troubles, but in the end, Zhu Yuanzhang also realized the danger of such secret societies and included them in "" It is strictly prohibited in Ming Law? So we must not take it lightly. Bofu still has to arrange for the Ministry of Criminal Justice to continue to dig and investigate. If you Ziying arrives in Shuntian Mansion, such things are even more duty-bound. You must not let him in Gyeonggi is spreading."

  Feng Ziying smiled wryly, but she could only nod her head in agreement. After letting go of her mouth a little bit, Master Qi made a decision for herself, but what about Yongping Mansion?

Seeming to see Feng Ziying's worry and anxiety, Qi Yongtai pondered for a moment before saying: "The Yongping Mansion can't be ignored. We finally created such a model in Yongping Mansion, so naturally we must let it continue. This also requires consideration of the right candidates.”

   This is what it should be, otherwise Feng Ziying lost Yongping Mansion even if she went to Shuntian Mansion, it would be too uneconomical.

  Sun Juxiang hesitated for a moment, glanced at Cui Jingrong, and then pondered: "Ziqiang, Youfu, and Ziying, what do you think of Xianbo?"

Everyone here is well aware of the backbone of the Northern Scholars, especially the officials who served in the court. When Sun Juxiang mentioned the word "Xianbo", everyone knew that he was referring to Wei Guangwei, the son of Wei Yunzhen, the boss of the Southern Le Sanwei Central Committee. , and Cui Jingrong and Wang Yongguang are from Damingfu, but they are from different counties, and they are also the best among Beizhi scholars.

  Wei Guangwei, together with Cui Jingrong, Sun Juxiang, and Feng Ziying, went south to the south of the Yangtze River to investigate the strategy of opening the sea, so they had some contacts, so Sun Juxiang brought it up.

  Cui Jingrong thought for a while and nodded: "Uncle Xian is good. He has been in the Ministry of Industry for a long time and is familiar with court affairs, but he is now a court official, so he may not be willing to take the initiative to go down like Ziying."

Sun Juxiang shook his head: "Not necessarily, I have more contact with Uncle Xian. He has a bit of fame and fortune, but he has the ability to do things. He is now a fifth rank, and he is going to Yongping Mansion to be promoted to the second rank. Isn't he satisfied? What's more, we only need to tell him about the situation in Yongping Mansion, so can he not be tempted?"

  Scholars have a desire for fame and fortune. If you study hard in a cold window and enter the court to do things, what are you aiming for? Isn’t it the two words of fame and fortune? For poets, fame is more important than profit, and the saying has been passed down to this day. Scholars work hard in their official careers, don't they just hope to be able to stand out in the future and honor their ancestors?

Wei Guangwei has been working as a doctor in the Ministry of Industry for several years. Logically, he does have the opportunity to be promoted to a higher level in Jingchao, but it is only a first level, from the fifth rank to the fourth rank. A real magistrate of the fourth rank, especially now that the big brothers value Yongping Mansion so much, if he is not the son of Wei Yunzhen, a senior scholar in the North, if he has the status of the backbone of the Northern Zhili scholars, this would be a good idea. A good job may not be his turn.

"Bo Fu is right. Xian Bo is more concerned about fame and fortune, but his ability to do things is not bad. This just gives him a chance. Doesn't he always feel that he has missed the opportunity? Now that Ziying has laid such a good foundation, Let him go to Haosheng to manage, give him three to five years to see what Yongping Mansion can become, if he really has the ability to return to Beijing after three to five years, and recommend him to re-enter the sixth department, then we have the confidence."

Wang Yongguang also agrees, both are from the Daming Mansion, Wei Yunzhen, the father of Wei Guangwei, was the most famous scholar in the Daming Mansion in the early generation, Wang Yongguang and Cui Jingrong are both his juniors, they almost watched Wei Guangwei grow up, and they are very fond of Wei Guangwei. learn.

  Wei Guangwei is only thirty-four or five years old now, and it is quite an honor to be the magistrate of any prefecture.

  Qi Yongtai nodded, looked at Zhang Huaichang, Qiao Yingjia, and Han Yu: "Huaichang, Ru Jun, Yu Chen, what do you think?"

The three of them have no objection, so even if this matter is settled, Feng Ziying knows that it is not his turn to intervene in this kind of matter, but he feels that he still has to fight for it: "Master Qi, gentlemen, if the student arrives in Shun Tianfu, who will take over as the Tongzhi of Yongping Mansion here?"

  Qi Yongtai was surprised: "Ziying, don't you still worry about Xianbo?"

"No, Master Qi, Brother Xian is also very familiar with him, but Brother Xian is the lord of the mansion, but Yongping Mansion will be faced with a lot of business such as mining and building workshops and road construction this year, and it also involves resettlement of refugees. In addition, although Mr. Zhu is worrying about the matter of the Huimin saltworks, I am worried that I will not be able to do it overnight, so I am worried that if I want to do all these things well, I am afraid that I still need to arrange a more capable colleague. Only assist Uncle Xian to do specific things."

   At this time, everyone understood Feng Ziying's meaning. This little guy has learned to ask for a recommender now? This is interesting.

According to the practice of Shilin official circles in Dazhou, one can be called a high-ranking official from the fourth rank and above, and a minister from the third rank and above. The vast majority of officials can only hover below the fourth rank throughout their lives, and the vast majority of officials with the fourth rank and above can only come from Jinshi background. The possibility of civil servants above and above is very small, except for special cases, which is completely different from military officers.

Similarly, it is very difficult to cross the three levels from the fourth rank, the fourth rank, and the third rank to the third rank and above. Most officials from the third rank and above need to have the status of Shujishi or Hanlin Academy, and every There are only 10 or 20 Shujishi in one subject, even if you are born as Shujishi, you may not be able to enter this level.

  According to the usual practice, officials below the fourth grade are not qualified to recommend, and even in this kind of internal discussions among scholars, they can only observe.

  (end of this chapter)

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