Number of People

Chapter 1267: Geng Zijuan seeks and works at the grassroots level

  Chapter 1267 Geng Zijuan seeks and works at the grassroots level

It was Han Yu who laughed, "Well, if Ziying is really appointed as the Chancellor of Shuntian Mansion, it makes sense, she is a senior member of the fourth rank, besides, the layout of Yongping Mansion can be considered to be created by him. There should be some right to speak,..."

He is not familiar with Feng Ziying, but he knows that this young man can be regarded as the most outstanding person of the younger generation. Sun Chengzong and Zheng Chongjian who he valued the most are not only closely related to Feng Ziying, but also highly respect Feng Ziying. There was some discord, but he could also feel that Chen Qiyu still admired the other party, but there was some jealousy mixed in the admiration.

  A person who can be respected and admired by the three outstanding students of Shanxi in the fifth year of Yonglong, Han Yu has to look up to him.

  Qi Yongtai suppressed the anger on his face, and glanced at his colleagues around him. It would be better if he recommended it to himself in private, but if he proposed it publicly, it seemed that Qi Yongtai was a little too arrogant and indulged this disciple without knowing etiquette.

  You, Feng Ziying, have only been an official for a few days, and now you are actually thinking about recommending talents to make friends?

Qi Yongtai let out a foul breath, and Qi Yongtai didn't make a sound, but Cui Jingrong smiled and agreed with Han Yu: "Well, it's understandable, only Ziying knows the situation in Yongping Mansion best, so it's good to talk about it, let's listen to it It doesn't hurt to listen."

   "Then tell me, who do you want to recommend?" Qi Yongtai said in a deep voice.

   "If Dazhang (Zheng Chongjian) can do it, why not let him serve as the general judge of Yongping Mansion, assisting in general affairs..." Feng Ziying thought for a while before saying.

   It is definitely not possible to let Zheng Chongjian be the co-prefect, the gap is too big, but it is justified to be the general judge who happens to be in charge of food, tax and general affairs.

"Dazhang?" Qiao Yingjia shook his head: "Dazhang has only been in the Ministry of War for a few days? Ziying, do you really think that this kind of extraordinary promotion can be done by anyone? He is the vice-principal, right? Zheng Qipin, Yongping Futong judge is the sixth rank, promoted two ranks in a row, Dazhang is excellent, but his achievements are far from enough, if he really wants to do this, I am afraid that the officials will not pass, Gao Panlong is not a good match of,…"

Zheng Chongjian mentioned by Feng Ziying was born as a top-ranked Jinshi, and now he is the deputy director of the Ministry of War. look good.

"Ziying, we know that you have a good relationship with Dazhang, and Dazhang has indeed done a good job in the Ministry of War, but brother Ru Jun also said that this kind of extraordinary promotion needs to be promoted based on real merit and achievements, not casually. Anyone can do it."

  Sun Juxiang shook his head. He also admired Zheng Chongjian, but he knew that this kind of extraordinary promotion was not that simple.

"In the year you were in Yongping, defeating the Mongols in the first battle of Qian'an was counted as merit, helping to accept refugees from Shuntian Prefecture was counted as merit, clearing up military households and hidden households was counted as half success, opening mines, setting up factories and building roads, and at the same time mining taxes, business The big increase in taxes can be considered half the work, and it can be counted as three merits when added up. In addition, this negotiating redemption for the imperial court and the Ministry of War with the Neikalka people. There is no doubt that either the court will have to pay a large sum of money, or it will have to bear the grievances of the people in Beijing, so this can also be counted as a merit, of course, this can only be counted in the heart, and cannot be said on the face. But Based on your previous merits, we brought it up in the court, and no one can say that you are half bad, and the officials have to recognize it, so you went to Shuntian Mansion to be promoted to the second level, no one can say anything, but Dazhang is in the Ministry of War, even though he is a subordinate, he can be promoted to a higher level according to the usual practice, but he can only be from the sixth rank, how can he be a general judge of the fifth rank?"

Feng Ziying felt that it seemed easy for her to be promoted, and unknowingly, the first-level soldier rushed to the fourth rank. Then, it should be easy for her classmates to win the sixth rank, but she didn't expect that after careful calculation of this reason, she even won the sixth rank. Unknowingly, the gap between myself and these classmates has become so big.

In fact, the distance has started to widen since I entered the Imperial Academy as editor, not to mention Zheng Chongjian and others, even Yang Sichang and Huang Zunsu, who are the second-best candidates, are only awarded the editor of the Imperial Academy. First level, of course, if Yang Sichang and Huang Zunsu are willing to go down now, they can also have the opportunity to be promoted to level with themselves according to the usual practice, but obviously these two are unwilling.

  But his first choice was not Zheng Chongjian, but another person.

   "The disciple hopes that Jun Yu (practicing state affairs) will come to Yongping to replace my fellow acquaintance." Feng Ziying revealed her real purpose.

   "Junyu?!" Several people were surprised: "How can I do that? No way!"

   Several people spoke in unison, and the rest of the people who didn't make a sound also showed dissatisfaction on their faces.

Practicing state affairs was the number one scholar in the fifth year of Yonglong, and now he is a member of the Ministry of Officials. This is why the big bosses specially put the practice of state affairs in the key position of the Ministry of Officials after Feng Ziying went to the local government to train and experience. Now Feng Ziying actually asked Let Lian Guoshi replace him.

"Master Qi, I know that you have deep intentions in placing Junyu in the Ministry of Officials. In fact, I also communicated with Junyu when I left the capital for Yongping, and I also agree with this consideration. After all, the Ministry of Officials is related to personnel affairs. The layout also requires a step-by-step talent training, but I still think that if an official from the bureaucracy has not worked in a local prefecture in the long run, then his experience is incomplete, and he has no way to understand it. And understand the various problems and difficulties faced and experienced by the grassroots at the state and county levels, and can't understand the hardships of the common people below, and also have no way of knowing the cunning and viciousness of the evil gentry and local tyrants below, then even if he becomes an official in the future How does the minister or Lang Zhong inspect and evaluate the officials below? Does he only look at taxes, second, public security, and third, education? Well, even if he only looks at these three things, how much can he see through the methods of the officials and subordinates? What? You will gain a lot of wisdom if you suffer from it. If you don’t have the experience of working in the lower level, I don’t think you will be able to gain a wisdom even if you suffer a few times. This may not be a blessing for Jun Yu.”

  Feng Ziying's words were not shocking, but they were profound, and this was something he slowly realized during the year of fighting wits and courage with the local gentry.

All the people present here are officials who have been officials for decades. Of course they understand what Feng Ziying said, but when they understand it, they can make a person who has done a good job in the center of the official department and everyone regards it as worthy of the next generation. Feng Ziying's shoulder-to-shoulder role goes to Yongping to replace Feng Ziying, even though he knows that Yongping really needs such a talent to stabilize the situation, he still feels reluctant.

   Qi Yongtai still asked thoughtfully: "Ziying, have you discussed it with Junyu?"

"I said it." Feng Ziying didn't hide it, "and I said it more than once. The disciple talked about what he gained in Yongping Mansion. Junyu still envied the disciple to have such an opportunity to do things according to his own ideas and intentions. He also I agree with many of my disciple's ideas and viewpoints, so I will bring it up today. As for the official department, it may not be a big problem without Brother Junyu, but if there are more Junyu in Yongping Mansion, go help Brother Xian , I believe the situation will be much better.”

  Qi Yongtai fell silent.

Feng Ziying strikes while the iron is hot: "Master Qi, gentlemen, in fact, I still have another idea, that is, I hope that the students and scholars of our subjects will not be constrained or eager to stay in the Sixth Ministry and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Going to prefectures and counties to practice and polish is definitely more beneficial to everyone's growth than being in court. After three to five years of experience in the lower prefectures, you can deeply understand and comprehend the most urgent problems and most difficult affairs in the lower prefectures and counties. The most difficult troubles, after learning how to eliminate or solve these difficult troubles and problems, go back to the Sixth Ministry and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and you will be able to understand how to combine reality when formulating strategic policies.”

In fact, Feng Ziying mentioned this suggestion two or three times in front of Qi Yongtai explicitly or secretly, but Qi Yongtai did not pay attention to it. He also mentioned it in front of Qiao Yingjia and Guan Yingzhen. They all prefer to go to the center of the imperial court. As long as they are born as Jinshi, they will have some regrets at the provincial level, let alone prefectures and counties.

It's not that these bigwigs don't understand the truth of this, but it involves personal interests, and you have the opportunity to stay in the center, but you want others to go down and tell them that you need to experience, no one will think it's good intentions, like Few people like Feng Ziying actively asked to go down, so when he went down, so many people were touched and shocked.

"It's only been a year since I went to Yongping Mansion this time, and I have achieved some achievements. I don't think that I can't do it if I change to other students and officials. They can achieve these achievements as well. The achievements of Bofu's disciples in Yongping are sufficient as the basis and reason for promotion. This actually shows that there is a lot to do at the grassroots level, and there may be more opportunities for promotion. Let more officials take the initiative to come down to plan and do things."

This remark touched the hearts of everyone, especially Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia. One of them was from the Ministry of Officials, and the other had served in the Metropolitan Procuratorate for a long time. Understand the mentality of officials at all levels.

  If this model is followed, it will undoubtedly greatly promote officials to go down to find work and do things. Now that Feng Ziying has made a start, if Lian Guoshi follows suit, it will undoubtedly be a gesture and can play a very good leading role.

  The two exchanged glances and nodded slowly: "I've said this in advance, and I need to discuss it carefully, but Ziying, there is no need to discuss your return to Shuntian Mansion. There will be a result in the next year."

  (end of this chapter)

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