Number of People

Chapter 1268: Sister Geng Zijuan, Ji Feng

  Chapter 1268 Sister Geng Scroll, Ji Feng

   It was already Zichu when Feng Ziying returned to the mansion.

After more than an hour of discussion, it was the first time that Feng Ziying felt the rules of procedure at the top of the scholarly community. In his opinion, this was more like a rather loose combination of regional interests. It is also necessary to talk about the official position, and the two are inseparable.

  Although people like Han Yu are in the field, as leaders among the scholars in Shanxi, they are still invited to participate. Of course, this has a lot to do with the fact that he may soon become an official.

As for juniors like myself, no matter whether it is fame, seniority or official position, they are not qualified to participate, but considering that I am the favorite student of Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia, and secondly, Qi Yongtai also intends to let myself sit in and observe. Make yourself familiar with this model as early as possible, so you will have such an opportunity.

  Before, Feng Ziying also wanted to observe and observe, but whoever thought that the topic gradually extended to herself, and then became the theme of the second half, which made Feng Ziying unexpected.

   It would be a lie to say that she has no intention of returning to the capital at all, but Feng Ziying is indeed a little reluctant to say that she will return to the capital immediately.

There are indeed too many things to do in Yongping Mansion. He is worried that once he returns to the capital, many things will go astray, and Wei Guangwei himself doesn't really understand it. The other party is barely familiar, but he has no idea what the other party's specific thoughts are.

What's more, he was still a little worried. In the history of the late Ming Dynasty, which he didn't remember much in the history of his previous life, this "Outer Wei" was also a notorious character. The power is attached to Wei Zhongxian, which shows that this person's integrity is worrying.

Of course, the world line has shifted, and history has also changed. What will happen in the Ming Dynasty may not happen in the Great Zhou Dynasty. Therefore, Feng Ziying also carefully observed Wei Guangwei on the way to Jiangnan, and he really didn't see any other abnormalities. .

  But out of insurance, Feng Ziying still hopes to have someone she knows and trusts to take over her unfinished work.

Although Lian Guoshi is currently a member of the Ministry of Officials, Feng Ziying believes that he can persuade the other party to take over his own affairs. He only needs to think of describing the future prospects of Yongping Mansion, and then look at his performance and achievements in Yongping Mansion for a year. It is absolutely impossible to refuse to practice state affairs.

Thinking of this, Feng Ziying was a little confused again. He returned to the capital city to take up the post of the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, and he had to start all over again. Moreover, he knew very well that Shuntian Mansion and Yongping Mansion were completely different, and their focus of work was completely different. If Yongping Mansion The evaluation of the government is mainly about taxation and public security, so the evaluation of Shuntian government officials is mainly about public security and education, and taxation is nothing to worry about.

  Feng Ziying regrets that she has just completed the most basic outline of an extremely beautiful picture, and when she needs to paint it with rich ink and color, she tells you that she needs to paint on a piece of cardboard that has been smeared with colorful colors.

This feeling even brought Feng Ziying a little depression and depression, although he was very clear that there was something wrong with his mood and mentality, which was not even a setback, perhaps because he went too smoothly and felt Everything is under control, and this kind of mentality is it.

   But now the reality still gave me a slap in the face, so that I can be more sober, and anyone who underestimates this era will bring me huge troubles.

  I stayed at Shen Yixiu's place last night, and I'm going back to Erxue's place tonight, but Feng Ziying went back to the study first, he needs to organize his thoughts.

  Although everything has not yet been finalized, and I need to discuss with the princes and Jiangnan scholars to become the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, but Feng Ziying is sure that it is only a matter of time before he leaves Yongping Mansion, and it is not known whether he may even leave before Zhu Zhiren.

   Baochai and Baoqin are still talking in the outer room.

   They are all a family who know their roots and backgrounds, so naturally they are not as particular about it as they are outside.

   Both of them were sitting on the kang couch, and the heat rising from the warm kang couch warmed the whole body.

  Of course there is no need to wear this coat, and the two girls only wear silk embroidered jackets inside.

   Baochai is a piece of goose yellow base mixed with black piping embroidered with patterns of phoenix and phoenix patterns. The rich and noble atmosphere is filled with a bit of comfort.

  Baoqin is a bright red red satin embroidered jacket, and on the chest are two parallel stalks twisting and winding, extending to the neckline, but this embroidery is unusual.

Although she was gossiping, Baochai's eyes fell on Baoqin's embroidered jacket. Of course, Baochai didn't care about the embroidery work. The embroidered jackets made by the famous Luoqi Embroidery Workshop, especially the pair of double lotus flowers, revealed a bit of magnificence, which made Baoqin like it the most.

Of course Baochai didn't care about Baoqin's attire, not to mention that she was used to seeing it in ordinary times, but she liked it herself, so it would be okay to call several female embroiderers from Luoqi Embroidery Workshop to her house to order a few sets individually. There is no problem, they can order clothes for Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's house, that is also their front row of Luo Qi Embroidery Workshop.

The reason why she looked at Bao Qin with burning eyes was because the embroidered jacket that was originally a good fit seemed to be a little tight now, especially where the double lotus on the chest was even more embossed. Amazing feeling.

Baoqin is not even seventeen years old, she will only be seventeenth in April, she is two years younger than herself, I didn't think so before, why now I suddenly feel that this girl looks like a girl after she gets married? It's as if it's been drawn, and the figure has changed a lot in a month?

It’s not that Baochai is careless, it’s that after being married for more than a month, Baochai and Ziying were more emotionally bonded before, but after they got married, they lived side by side, lived together day and night, and as time went by, they generally understood their love. Xianggong likes some of Xianggong's preferences, such as this chest, he likes to be stronger, although Xianggong has never said it, Baochai can feel it.

Before, she was worried that her figure was a bit plump, so she couldn't hear anyone saying that she looked like Yang Taizhen, but after marrying here in Feng's house, the wives and concubines liked it, and it could be said that she felt that her figure was fertile, but the husband often mentioned And said that this is the beauty of health, looking at Xianggong's expression and mood does not seem to be flattering himself, but from the heart, so Baochai is also very relieved.

Unexpectedly, Baoqin had a thin and slender figure before, and it has changed so much in the past month or so. Reminiscent of my husband who always likes to put it down when he sleeps, Baochai has a fever in his ears, and he looks at Baoqin a little more Complex flavors.

But Baoqin didn't notice her sister's change of mood, and said to herself: "My aunt still made a simple distribution of all kinds of New Year's goods and various incomes sent from various places a year ago, and my younger sister also got the list to see." Look, there is not much difference between our second house and the long house, that is, some of the industries that the earliest masters inherited from the long house and the second house are somewhat different,..."

   "Oh? What's the difference?" Baochai finally withdrew her thoughts.

  Baoqin is young, so maybe the change will be bigger when she is married, but thinking about her husband's habit of falling asleep with her arms around her, she feels a little...

"There are more shops in Datong for the long house, and more shops for our second house in Datong, but overall, the income is not very good. After the wife and concubine came to the capital, they lived in the capital, Yangzhou, Jinling and Suzhou also have some home buyers, but there are more three-bedroom houses, fewer long-term houses and second-bedroom houses,..."

   Baochai nodded: "It's normal, the second house of the long house is originally the ancestral property, but the house of the third house was bought by the master and his wife in the years after they came to the capital..."

  Baoqin laughed, her brows were full of confidence, her beautiful eyes looked forward, her lips curled up like fire, and her heroic hair was even more indescribably charming, even Baochai felt a little bit moved.

My cousin, how should I put it, if I can restrain some aggressive aura, it will be perfect, but this kind of temper, not to mention outsiders, even my own sister is a bit too much, but Xianggong is a bit arrogant, but Baochai doesn't think That's a good thing, now you're still in the midst of being newlyweds, honey is mixed with oil, as time goes by, this kind of temperament may become unpopular.

"Isn't my sister worried that my little sister will be jealous of something? Haha, no, my sister looks down on my little sister too much..." Baoqin raised her hand and brushed her drooping hair, and said with a calm smile: "How much can the mansion leave for us? It is our blessing, as for how to manage it in the future, that is the ability of us ladies in charge,..."

   After hearing Baochai's eyebrows frowning, she immediately unfolded, "Sisters are one body, this statement can't be wrong, but Baoqin's overconfident tone in her words made people feel a little uncomfortable after all.

"You will have to worry about these things in the future. You are very talented in this area, and you know me too. You don't have much interest in this kind of business. As long as you can start this family business..." Baochai said The tone is still warm and calm, without the slightest trace of fireworks.

"Elder sister can't say that, the second room still depends on you to run the house, and the younger sister is just helping you." Bao Qin suddenly turned back, her eyes were like stars, and she said with a smile: "How can younger sister not understand the principle of Yue Zu acting as a substitute? "

  Baochai was a little surprised. This girl flicked from left to right, and her words seemed to be probing. What was she thinking?

For this cousin, Baochai is getting more and more confused now, and was about to say something when Yinger came in: "Grandma, Second Grandma, the master is back, but he went to the study, Xiangling also asked the master , Grandpa said to come back later.”

   "Oh?" Both Baochai and Baoqin were quite surprised.

  (end of this chapter)

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