Number of People

Chapter 1269: Geng scroll treasure boy

  Chapter 1269 Geng Scroll Treasure Boy

After Feng Ziying returned to the mansion, she did not go back to the second room to rest, but went to the study room. This was originally an unintentional move because she was a little restless and needed to calm down and sort out carefully, but it caused a circle of ripples in the backyard, slowly It spread out in all directions.

"Oh?" Shen Yixiu had just finished feeding his daughter, and handed the sleeping daughter to the nurse, who took her down. Yun Shang carefully wiped Shen Yixiu's exposed **** with a silk scarf soaked in warm water, and asked carefully Said: "Grandma feels uncomfortable, do you need to squeeze..."

   Not to mention, Shen Yixiu's body is taking good care of her body, she has plenty of milk, and sometimes even engorges her milk.

Nowadays, after giving birth, all housewives basically ask a wet nurse to breastfeed, and there are not many breastfeeding themselves. However, Feng Ziying has always advocated breastfeeding by herself, so Shen Yixiu also accepted this suggestion. As her husband said, this can further deepen the relationship between mother and daughter. emotion.

And the husband almost spends half an hour every day hugging and teasing his daughter for a while, or sitting on the kang bed with her for a while after the daughter fell asleep, saying that it is to cultivate the relationship between father and daughter. It also made Shen Yixiu both surprised and puzzled, but also quite moved.

She could see that her husband was not just perfunctory, but he liked to do it from the bottom of his heart. The anxiety of giving birth to a daughter had long been forgotten, but she was worried that if the husband continued to spoil his daughter like this, the daughter would gradually grow up. Big, I don't know what it will become, will it become extremely arrogant and domineering, if I develop that kind of temperament, how will I marry in the future?

  Sometimes, even Shen Yixiu himself felt that he seemed a little unreasonable to worry about. After more than ten years, he could actually start to worry about it, but in any case, the husband's affection for his daughter still made Shen Yixiu very happy in his heart.

"No need, today is fine." Shen Yixiu sat up straight, and Yun Shang carefully tied Shen Yixiu's emerald green breast wrap. After giving birth, Shen Yixiu's figure changed a lot, even the chest wrap was difficult to completely cover, a deep groove dazzled in the white It is very attractive in one piece.

   "Sister-in-law went to the study? What time is this?" Shen Yixiu took the white fungus and red date soup handed over by Qingwen, took a sip, and put it down, "Who invited you tonight?"

"I heard it's someone from Qige's old mansion." Seeing Shen Yixiu put down the bowl, Qingwen said again: "Grandma, please have a drink, you are responsible for the lives of two people now, it's a good idea to invite this wet nurse in our mansion." Got a great deal."

Shen Yixiu smiled, Qingwen and Yunshangshen took the majestic and beautiful yet gentle and elegant aura, and accepted the suggestion, picked up the bowl and took another sip, "I have milk, feed more What's wrong with my daughter? Hasn't Mr. Xiang always advocated doing this?"

Husband has many habits in the house that are very different from others, like breastfeeding himself, he doesn't like breastfeeding, and for example, servants are not allowed to drink raw water, they have to be boiled and then let it cool Drink, for example, the corners and damp places in the house must be sprinkled with lime, and the clothes that the daughter wears next to her body must be soaked in boiling water and dried after washing, or...

Thinking of this, Shen Yi couldn't help but feel feverish on his face, and he didn't know why Xianggong had such fantastic ideas, he could even think about the matters of Tiangui in a woman's house so carefully, and even personally designed objects for Tiangui himself , although it is a bit embarrassing, but it is indeed very suitable and practical, making women feel much more comfortable during Tiangui.

Seeing that her grandmother seemed to be distracted, Qingwen didn't want to ask more questions, so she could only wait quietly. After a while, Shen Yixiu came back to her senses, put down the bowl and thought for a while and said, "Mr. I don't seem to be in charge of military affairs, what could be such an urgent matter, and my husband would take more than an hour to come back after leaving."

"But I don't know. The servant girl met Xiangling, and Xiangling only said that the husband looked serious, and she didn't dare to ask." Today Feng Ziying should go to the second room. It is reasonable to say that it is so late, and if there is anything, she should come tomorrow He couldn't deal with it, and it was still during the spring break, but he went straight to the study, which inevitably made everyone suspicious.

"Could it be that the master has a rift with the other side?" Qingwen couldn't help but add, "I can't see it, the servant girl met the second grandma Qin at noon, and she even talked to the servant girl for a while, and the words in her words Still very proud,…”

Shen Yixiu shook her head helplessly. She knew that Qingwen didn't like sisters Baochai and Baoqin very much. It was sharp and compelling, even I could feel it, let alone Qingwen who was already a little irritable.

"Master's temperament is used to not bringing home his business from outside. Yesterday, Master rested at Aunt You's side. Today, the servants are still looking good at Master. It can be seen that this is probably a matter of going out tonight. "Yun Shang put forward her own opinion.

"Yeah." Shen Yixiu also felt that it was mostly about going to Mr. Qige's place at night, but he couldn't figure out what could make the gentleman so dignified. In the past, after returning from emergency military affairs, the gentleman should eat and sleep as he should. Sleep, rarely affected.

   When Baochai and Baoqin brought the lotus seed soup to the study, Feng Ziying had already calmed down. When she saw the second daughter coming, she quickly got up: "Why are you two here too?"

   "Sir, what time is it? You come to the study to sit quietly when you get home. How can I sit still with Baoqin?" Baochai smiled gently, with affectionate eyes, and personally offered the lotus seed soup.

   "Hey, I was a little negligent. I should talk to you. I just feel a little irritated, so I came to the study to write something. It's ready now." Feng Ziying motioned the two girls to sit down.

  Feng Ziying's study has hardly changed. After he went to Yongping Mansion, he handed it over to Yu Chuan'er.

There is a rest room at the back of the room. Sometimes Feng Ziying also takes a rest here at noon, and no one is allowed to come in. Of course, people like Baochai and Baoqin come in freely, but they both understand the rules and understand that this is her husband. I won't come to the space where I'm alone, and it's the first time I came here today, and I also greeted Yu Chuan outside.

Baochai and Baoqin are looking at her husband's study room, looking at the books on the bookshelves and desks, there are actually not many books, and there are not many books like classics and history collections. There are a lot of books on Hegewu, and even some novels, and more of them are things written by the husband himself, compiled and bound into volumes and placed on them.

   "Xianggong is in a bad mood, but it has something to do with Qi Ge's old recruiting you today?" Baochai hesitated, but asked this question anyway.

In the past, although my husband didn't talk much about official affairs, he could maintain this kind of peace of mind to evaluate and discuss. Baochai and Baoqin would occasionally listen and agree, but today my husband bluntly said that he was irritable. It can be seen that such things must not be trivial, and they will disturb the husband's state of mind.

Although they have only been married for one year, both Baochai and Baoqin feel more and more that this man, who is not a few years older than himself, has a huge energy hidden in his restraint, like a hidden rock under the water, and it is enough to only see the point on the surface of the water. To be awe-inspiring, and unknown underwater is even greater.

It can be said that for more than a month, Baochai and Baoqin can feel something new almost every day. In the past, I had more love and admiration for my husband at a superficial level. It was only then that Baochai and Baoqin discovered that their husband was like an inexhaustible treasure, bringing countless new things and cognitions that made them unable to extricate themselves.

Just like the woman Tiangui, they didn't know until they got married that women in Feng's mansion had long since stopped using those unspeakable items, and instead wore a kind of underwear that was similar to a small coat directly next to the body, and the crotch The waist is fastened with a buckle, which is close to the body and can be easily disassembled. It is no longer like the past where you need to be careful when walking around Tiangui, and you can almost only stay in the house.

   There is also the specially tanned breast support made of fish skin and fish bones, which can not only shape and protect the body, but also have rich and colorful styles, which made Xue's twin sisters feel ashamed when they saw it in the first day of junior high school.

But later I found out that not only the inventor - Aunt You and Aunt You who often go out with her husband are using it, but also sister Shen who is like the long house is using it. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. Baochai Only then did He Baoqin slowly accept this change, but at first he still felt uncomfortable wearing it on his body, but after ten and a half months, he soon forgot what was inappropriate.

Because of this, the two daughters of Baochai and Baoqin are also becoming more and more interested in their husbands. Every time their husbands come home, they will look forward to choosing some topics to discuss with him, and the husband's extensive knowledge and many ingenious ideas The point of view always makes them mesmerized, and then they have endless aftertastes.

  That's why Baochai and Baoqin were so surprised and curious when her husband talked about his upset, and they paid so much attention to it.

"Well, it has something to do with it." Feng Ziying pondered for a moment, if what I talked about today is implemented in the next year, I'm afraid I won't be able to stay in Yongping Mansion for a few days. Is there any need for Baochai and Baoqin to go with me? ? But after thinking about it, I'm afraid I still have to go, at least I have to look like it, and give people a posture that I don't know at all.

"Oh?" Baochai looked at her husband, and felt that the husband seemed a little reluctant to mention it, so she didn't ask any more, but Baoqin's eyes were bright, and she pursed her lips and continued: "It really shocked my concubine and my sister. , During the spring break, Xianggong went out for so long, and when he came back, he went directly into the study, and my sister thought that something was not done well, so that Xianggong was not allowed to enter my sister's room."

  Bao Qin's half-truths and half-false words made Baochai blush, but she had to admire Bao Qin for being a clever little ghost, and the words she found were quite suitable.

  (end of this chapter)

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