Number of People

Chapter 1270: Geng Zi Juan practice brings true knowledge

  Chapter 1270 Geng Zijuan practice brings true knowledge

  Bao Qin's words made Feng Ziying laugh dumbfounded. This girl's intentions are too obvious, but she chose well, lively and transparent, and she is a concubine, and she is asking questions for Baochai, which is reasonable.

Shaking her head, Feng Ziying thought for a while before saying: "The situation in the court is not very good. After the beginning of the new year, it may involve a series of personnel changes, including the six departments of the court. I have heard some possibilities, and I am also considering what may be related to my next official duties in Yongping Mansion."

  The second daughter breathed a sigh of relief, if it was just these circumstances, it wouldn't matter.

The two daughters are already planning to go to Yongping Mansion with their husbands at the beginning of the new year. Although they are still reluctant to live a convenient and comfortable life in the capital city, they marry a chicken as a chicken and a dog as a dog, and this time going to Yongping Mansion does not mean monopolizing their pets. , but as Shen Yixiu, he can't go to Yongping Mansion, and there are only two concubines to accompany him, so the second room will naturally take advantage of the right time, place, and harmony. For the second daughter who wants to conceive and have children as soon as possible to continue the incense for the Feng family, this is undoubtedly the case. best chance.

"In fact, you don't have to worry too much, Xianggong. You are still young, and many things need to be done step by step. You don't have to demand too much of yourself and put too much pressure on yourself. Looking at the century-old state of the Zhou Dynasty, you are like a 20-year-old Xianggong. You are the first one to be a member of the fifth rank, some things have more haste than speed, and too much haste will bring some unexpected problems.”

  Feng Ziying admired Baoqin's words. This girl has been traveling with her father for so many years, and she has a lot of knowledge. These words sound like chicken soup, but they are also sincere words to forgive herself.

"Well, I know it well, but the current situation is not good, and internal and external troubles make me subconsciously anxious sometimes. If I want to do more things as soon as possible, I will inevitably feel a little impatient." Feng Ziying took a deep breath. , "But my sister's words are like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, which makes my heart open up a lot."

"My husband is too well-reputed, and I also know that these words are just to forgive my husband, and my husband has already made up my mind." Baoqin smiled sweetly, "But I am still very happy to hear what my husband said. "

The demure elegance of Baochai and the liveliness and playfulness of Baoqin are in stark contrast. In terms of appearance, Baochai's plumpness and elegance, and Baoqin's graceful beauty, both have their own advantages and disadvantages. But this pair of twin lotus sisters can both belong to themselves. Feng Ziying herself felt incredible.

  In this situation, it would be too boring to talk about those annoying things in detail. Feng Ziying stood up: "Let's go, a spring night is worth a thousand gold, and a cold night is more accompanied by love sleep..."

  Under the shy and coquettish eyes of the second daughter, Feng Ziying put aside her inner troubles, took the second daughter's hand, and walked out quickly.


   After several happy times, Feng Ziying watched Baochai beside her fall into a deep sleep, and then Feng Ziying took a pillow and leaned against her back, thinking seriously.

  He couldn't help but think about it early.

He has some understanding of Wu Daonan's situation. After all, in the capital city, the situation in the capital city has not been good in recent years, and the situation in the city has been better. The situation is very bad. Feng Ziying even heard some arguments from Grandma Liu about this. This family belongs to the outskirts of Beijing.

Wu Daonan is a typical scholar of the Qing Dynasty. He is handsome, personable, eloquent, and has a good temper. No matter how you look at it, he is a typical scholar. There is only one thing that is not good, that is, he does not like vulgar affairs, or likes Being unrealistic and not practical, lacking the ability to do things, when seeing things, you will feel overwhelmed and panic, so you have pushed all the practical affairs to Fucheng, Zhizhong, Tuiguan and Tongju.

Unfortunately, there is a vacancy in the Fucheng, and Mei Zhiye is a rigid and upright person in Zhizhong. It would be an exaggeration to say that he has no ability to do things at all, but this Mei Zhiye has some problems in his character, rigid and rigid, and he is incompatible with him. The relationship between colleagues is not handled well, and the coordination ability is even worse. I can only handle some routine affairs, and slightly complicated or challenging affairs are enough.

But Shuntian Mansion is the center of the world, and the affairs that need to be dealt with are so complicated. It is obviously difficult for Mei Zhiye to have the support and guidance of the Fu Cheng above. Feng Ziying is not clear about the situation of several promoted officials, but Feng Ziying believes that There are some problems. If the promotion is effective, it can also share a lot of pressure for the Shangguan. If the promotion is not effective or has ulterior motives, then the problem is complicated.

Shuntian Mansion is no better than Yongping Mansion. As several bigwigs said, this is a challenge, but also a tempering. If you can train in Shuntian Mansion for a few years, basically you can go anywhere in the world. The Prime Minister of Shuntian Prefecture is not even inferior to the chief envoy of a province.

   It's just that Feng Ziying really can't let go of Yongping Mansion. The business that he finally started has already taken shape, and his sudden withdrawal will inevitably bring some delay and confusion.

He doesn't know much about Wei Guangwei's behavior, but it shouldn't be too bad. On the side of practicing state affairs, Feng Ziying will win him to Yongping Mansion no matter what. See if Lian Guoshi is his future like-minded person, or just a talkative king who stays in words.

  Actually, if there are other suitable ones, there are, such as Yang Sichang and Huang Zunsu.

  These two are now Yuanwailang from the fifth grade, but Yang Sichang is unlikely to accept such an arrangement, and he himself is unwilling to give him this opportunity. Why not give him such an opportunity?

   Not to mention Huang Zunsu, he is a scholar in the south of the Yangtze River, how could he make wedding clothes for others, and the big brothers would never agree.

   Just when Feng Ziying and Baochai were upside down, Qi Yongtai stayed up all night.

  The fish candles in the study were almost burnt out, but he re-read the two suggestions given to him by Feng Ziying a year ago several times.

  One suggestion is to hope that the cabinet can consider adjusting the period of Jinshi's political observation period every year, and arrange more proposals to serve as second officials in some complex prefectures after the end of the political observation period.

In her proposal, Feng Ziying introduced in detail the basic status of Jinshi who observe politics, and believes that these Jinshi already have the basic literacy of classics, current affairs and laws, so they should not be limited to a certain department in three years, but should be familiar with the six departments. The operation of each ministry is the main focus, so one year can basically allow a hard-working Jinshi to master the general operating rules of a certain ministry, and three years is enough for them to have a general understanding of the entire imperial court's operating mode.

As for why it is recommended to serve as the second official in complex prefectures, it is also considering that although Jinshi have experienced three years of training, they are mainly observational, with high eyesight and low skills, and going to those prefectures with more complicated situations can make them most intuitive. Recently, I have been exposed to the methods and strategies for handling various affairs, and as the second officer, there is also the guidance and supervision of the chief officer, so I don’t want to make too much trouble, and two or three years of polishing is enough for them to grow up quickly. .

Feng Ziying specifically mentioned in the suggestion that the more difficult and complex the prefecture, the more outstanding Jinshi should be sent there. Of course, the court, especially the officials, should pay special attention to this group. They should be more rewarded and given priority in selection and appointment.

It should be said that this suggestion is quite pertinent and practical, and it will be a huge adjustment to the entire Jinshi system in the future, but Qi Yongtai is also very clear that as a court elder, he is not the chief assistant, so he will undoubtedly make such a suggestion. They are not understood or even hated by the Jinshi group.

  Which of the current Jinshi is willing to take the initiative to go to difficult and complicated places to exercise, unless he has great perseverance and determination, and he is the only one like Feng Ziying who volunteers to go to Yongping Mansion.

Even if this is implemented among scholars in the northern regions, it will definitely attract a lot of incomprehension and resentment. They all try their best to help their disciples stay in Beijing, but you have to push the outstanding ones to go to Fuzhou, and you still go to the prefecture. What is the intention of the most complicated and dangerous prefecture?

  As for the reasons Feng Ziying put forward, they all sound justified, but if it falls on me, I'm afraid it won't be so pleasant.

  So all of this needs to be based on the ideological work of the Jinshi group itself and the protection of the court's preferential treatment system, but now there are difficulties in either point, and it is difficult for people to accept.

  Qi Yongtai thought about being able to do some people's work on a small scale and on a small scale, and then give some care to the best of his ability, and cultivate some capable ministers for the Northland, which is what he can do now.

   It is the second suggestion. Qi Yongtai dismissed it at first, but now he thinks it is quite innovative and even valuable, because Feng Ziying's practice in Yongping Mansion has proved this point.

   In short, it is to reward agriculture, industry and commerce.

Rewarding farmers is to encourage new land expansion, encourage emigration, open up wasteland, increase land and grain, oil, cotton and hemp production, and encourage the planting of new crops. Taking the example of expanding land and reclaiming Dongfan, it is believed that it can greatly alleviate the inland population. Few difficult problems, put forward the strategy of going south, north, up and east.

Rewarding workers is to encourage the folks to vigorously develop industries such as mining and workshops. Several major industries that are closely related to people's livelihood are listed, such as coal mining, gold, silver, copper and iron ore, iron and steel smelting, iron making, ceramics, silk, cotton spinning, For tea making, medicinal material planting and processing, new workshops can consider tax exemption for three years, and support banks and banks to provide support for these industries. At the same time, the imperial court should increase the construction of water conservancy and roads, reduce refugees,…

  Rewarding merchants is to encourage domestic and foreign trade, increase circulation, encourage the opening of new land and sea business routes, and reward military merits,...

At first glance, Qi Yongtai felt that these suggestions were either nothing new, lacking in operability, or just a sensationalist move, but now looking at the movement of Yongping Mansion, he knew that Feng Ziying was definitely prepared, and it was Yongping. Pingfu has become an experimental field.

  (end of this chapter)

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