Number of People

Chapter 1271: The temptation of narrating achievements and discussing achievements in gengzi scroll

  Chapter 1271 The Temptation of Gengzi Juan Narrating Merit and Discussing Achievements

  Flicking the scroll and pondering for a long time, Qi Yongtai felt that his disciple was really a monster.

It's nothing more than quick wit and quick thinking, but the execution ability is also designed so brilliantly. The ordinary cadres who have been working for ten years may not be able to compare with his ease. All of them are still willing to give it to him, rushing to curry favor with him.

  The construction of roads from Qian'an and Lulong to Funing and Yuguan alone cost a lot of money, but none of these businessmen had any objections, and they really implemented orders and prohibitions, which is astonishing.

  Feng Ziying's insistence is somewhat justified. If such a large share of achievements is earned by outsiders, it will undoubtedly be a loss to the scholars in the North.

There is nothing wrong with Wei Guangwei being the magistrate, as long as he explains the whole story, he will definitely be happy, but on the side of practicing state affairs, he himself has practiced state affairs since he was a fifth-rank member of the government, and he is still in such a key position in the official department. It is indeed a pity, but considering Considering the huge benefits that may be brought about by working in Yongping Mansion for two or three years, Qi Yongtai thinks it is still worth it.

  After thinking about it, Qi Yongtai felt that Feng Ziying's proposal was still feasible, and the only obstacle might be his own attitude towards practicing state affairs. However, seeing Feng Ziying's confident posture, it is estimated that this guy can persuade him to practice state affairs.

In fact, Qi Yongtai simply thought too much. On the second day, Feng Ziying invited Lian Guo to his house to talk about the thoughts of the big bosses and his own suggestions. Lian Guo agreed without any hesitation, especially after seeing Feng Ziying. After a series of plans and intentions, Lian Guo was even more excited.

From the outside, the experience in the Ministry of Officials seems to be high-ranking, and the reputation is prominent. In the future, he will indeed have a very good future when he comes out of the Ministry of Officials. Feeling empty and boring, all kinds of complicated affairs can grind people down without any temper and desire. Compared with Feng Ziying's drastic work in Yongping Mansion, it is simply one in the sky and the other in the ground.

   Now that he has the opportunity to take over from Feng Ziying and work **** the land that has already laid the foundation, Lian Guoshi wishes he could take over Feng Ziying's work immediately and directly enter the role.

"Okay, Junyu, don't think it's an easy job. Those businessmen and gentry are not that simple. They can do whatever they want, but when it comes to profits, they won't give in. , how you play the role of arbitrator in it, you have to think carefully, I have some relevant documents here, you take it back and have a look first, familiar with it, I guess the situation will change soon after the new year Mingming, then you won’t have much time to prepare.”

   Lian Guoshi nodded fiercely: "I understand, since I want to go down to do things, I have to be willing to work hard,..."

"In addition, let me remind you that when you work in the official department, you are an official in name, but in fact you are still doing official work, nothing more than the importance of the matter, but when you go down, you are the real deal As an official, I suggest that you may need to find one or two aides, go to Yongping Mansion, and they will help you familiarize yourself with the situation, manage subordinates, and make friends with gentry and merchants, otherwise you will not be able to do it alone."

Faced with Feng Ziying's serious suggestion, Lian was stunned for a while before recalling that being an official at the bottom and being an official in the ministry are two different concepts. We must learn to let go of power and grasp the main points, and how to mobilize resources from all sides. , reasonable use is very important.

   "Ziying, it seems that you have gained a lot this year." Lian Guoshi was a little emotional.

"There is such a process, from unfamiliarity to familiarity, from being at a loss what to do to being familiar with ease, you have no problem at all, I can do it, can't you?" Feng Ziying encouraged: "If Brother Xian is appointed as the magistrate, you and he will also be able to do it. I am very familiar with it, but he may not have too much energy to focus on it, so you have to come to the specific affairs. At that time, I will also explain to the Shanshan Chamber of Commerce and some local gentry who have contacted me, and some local resources will also be handed over. for you,…"

   Lian also silently wrote down state affairs.

   "In addition, if you practitioners are interested in this trip, you might as well introduce one or two,..."

   Lian Guoshi was taken aback, and looked at Feng Ziying in surprise: "Ziying?!"

"Don't look at me with such eyes, such a big business, you really think that the Shanshan Chamber of Commerce, Foshan Zhuangji, and local gentry are so relieved to let you lead it. If there is no interest involved, how can they be at ease? I don't want you personally What to do in it, in a sense, this is more like a pledge." Feng Ziying sighed lightly, "I don't want to do this either, but you want to open the situation as soon as possible and win their approval and approval." Support, that's the only way, the convergence of interests can gather strength to the maximum extent, I don't need to say this truth,..."

   Lian Guoshi left, Feng Ziying could see that the opponent's footsteps were heavier than before, but he couldn't help the opponent.

  This kind of knot should be solved by practicing state affairs, and as a man from a prominent gentry family in Yongcheng, it was just a momentary feeling that he couldn't accept. Soon he would come to his senses and figure out the pros and cons of it.

Sometimes Feng Ziying herself is also reflecting on herself. It seems that she can’t get rid of the shackles of the times. If you don’t step in, it’s hard to take advantage of them. And times, that's too unreliable.

So he can only choose a certain degree of "collusion", and this kind of "collusion" does not even count as unspoken rules in this era, but explicit rules. Don't pay too much attention to such situations.

Based on the Dazhou salary system, it is really unimaginable for a local official to maintain a decent enough livelihood and bear the expenses of his staff by relying on salary alone. The glorious people will be widely praised, but it is really ignored that the vast majority of Jinshi Juren and officials are still from wealthy families.


  Seeing that the spring break is coming to an end, Feng Ziying is also preparing to return to Yongping Mansion.

  Although I know that I may only stay in Yongping Mansion for a month or two when I return to Yongping Mansion this time, I may come back, but I have to continue to do what I have to do.

  During this period of time, the bigwigs of various factions in Beijing and China were gathering to discuss in full swing. Obviously, everyone had to make the final effort for the personnel adjustment after the spring break.

Although the seven ministers and the head of the Metropolitan Procuratorate have been clarified, but the scale is larger, or the variables are more variable, and the competition for the seven ministers is more intense, the deputy capital imperial envoy of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the imperial censor of the capital, and many important direct provinces. The government officials are also facing adjustments after major plans. It can be said that since Emperor Yonglong ascended the throne, the ruling core group formed after Ye Xianggao, Fang Congzhe, Qi Yongtai, Li Tingji, and Li Sancai formed a cabinet. The largest and most important personnel arrangement after that.

  This timing is really not good.

The war in the Southwest is in a stalemate, and there is even a faint tendency to spread. The quarrel between the scholars of Beidi and Jiangnan because of the establishment of Jiangbei Town and Jiangshui Division is still going on. The impact of the rebuilding of the Beijing Camp and the collapse of the Wuxun Group is still brewing in Beijing,...

These are all on the bright side, and it is even more difficult to see the various hidden waves and currents under the water, but everyone, including Emperor Yonglong, knows that this situation cannot continue, otherwise there will be more and more problems. The situation will get worse and worse.

If you are not in the position, you will not seek their own politics, but if you are in the position, you will seek their own politics. This principle is applicable to everyone. Only when you give these human rights positions, can you clarify their responsibilities and make them work hard for them, so also This round of major personnel adjustments in the ninth year of Wing Long was the result.

Of course, this round of personnel adjustment cannot be completed in one step. First, the key positions must be determined, and secondly, the deputy officials, and thirdly, the lower-level officials. A person is definitely the target of all eyes.

  After talking with Lian Guo, Feng Ziying called Zheng Chongjian, Fan Jingwen, He Fengsheng, Fang Youdu, Wu Wei and others to talk.

Of course, you can’t be as open and honest with them as you are with Lian Guoshi. After all, it’s basically a high probability event that I go to Shuntian Mansion and Lian Guoshi succeeds me. The cognition between myself and Lian Guoshi on many issues is relatively relatively Convergence, that's why they can be so heart-to-heart.

Like Zheng Chongjian and the others, although their relationship is relatively close, except for Fang Youdu, they have not reached the level of practicing state affairs, and Fang Youdu is inferior to practicing state affairs in terms of knowledge, but only in personal friendship. more closely.

In the conversation with them, Feng Ziying talked more about what she did in Yongping Mansion and the huge opportunity, and also mentioned that her various actions in Yongping Mansion this year may be investigated by the Ministry of Officials and the capital. The court's narration of merits and achievements made several people envious.

   Zheng Chongjian was the most touching.

Feng Ziying, who rebelled in Ningxia, went to the grassland alone to negotiate with Bu Shitu, the leader of Tumote, and later resisted the enemy outside the city in Ganzhou. With these two credits, Feng Ziying stood out at once. The strategy of opening up the sea was proposed, which made Feng Ziying, a second-class Jinshi, directly enter the Imperial Academy to become a editor, and even overwhelmed Yang Sichang and Huang Zunsu, who were the second best among the first-class Jinshi.

You must know that proposing the strategy of opening the sea is not considered credit, but that the emperor and court officials saw Feng Ziying's foresight and recognized him. Credit, this is the real deal.

   Now Feng Ziying has stirred up huge waves in Yongping Mansion again this year, and the series of actions are dazzling. Hearing Feng Ziying mention that the Ministry of Officials is going to comment on their achievements, how can they not make them feel itchy.

  (end of this chapter)

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