Number of People

Chapter 1272: Suggestions for Geng scroll

  Chapter 1272 Proposal for Geng Scroll

   "Ziying, what you said is really touching, but it may not be the case in Yongping Mansion everywhere." Zheng Chongjian was not without emotion, but he still analyzed Feng Ziying's introduction objectively.

"As you mentioned, Yuguan Port happens to be at the supply end of the Liaoxi Corridor, and it is also very close to the Eastern Mongolia region. It is the strategy of your father to win over the Haixi Jurchen and the Inner Kharkha to counter the Chahar and Jianzhou Jurchen. , just made Yuguan Port, and the rich iron mines in Yongping Prefecture are not available in other prefectures, how can there be such a condition in another place?"

However, Fan Jingwen disagreed with He Fengsheng's point of view: "Dazhang, each place has different situations, just adapt to local conditions. Yongping Prefecture has many mines and Yuguan Port, and the location is also good, so Ziying chose to leave the mine to build workshops and develop If the path of business and trade is changed to another place, there must be other advantages and disadvantages. If the law and order is not good, then it will be punished by force and eliminated with an iron fist; ,..., there is always a way to find it.”

  Zheng Chongjian smiled wryly. This Fan Jingwen spoke in an orderly manner, but he thought the problem too simply.

   Not everyone can copy Feng Ziying's model in Yongping Mansion, otherwise I really think that so many Jinshi who went to Fuzhou in various disciplines did not see a few with outstanding achievements?

Yongping Mansion can achieve such a result this year, because the right time, place and people are all gathered together. Of course, Zheng Chongjian also admits that the ability of Feng Ziying’s group also played a major role in it, but without the specific environmental conditions of Yongping Mansion, Ziying can't get such a beautiful political achievement.

Of course, Feng Ziying also knew that Fan Jingwen's ideas were somewhat idealistic, but now he just needed to arouse the willingness of these people to go to Fuzhou to polish and exercise. It is a necessary process for scholars and officials to grow up, and they cannot grow up without going through these.

This group of students should be the most supportive of his ideas and feelings. If you can let them accept many of your own ideas and apply them in practice through persistent indoctrination and transformation, you will definitely be able to achieve success with each other. It is far better than the effect brought by fighting alone, and at the same time, it can gather a group of like-minded comrades within the court system of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"What Da Zhang and Ke Yao (Fan Jingwen) said has some truth. The situation in Yongping Mansion is indeed quite special. In addition, it has caught up with the timing of the Mongol invasion. I think it's just a coincidence." Feng Ziying smiled. "Ke Yao's words of adapting measures to local conditions are also very pertinent. If we go to Jiangnan Prefecture, should we encourage agriculture and mulberry and support industry and commerce? If we go to Huguang Prefecture, then we will naturally build water conservancy and reclaim wasteland. When we go to Shanshan, we will naturally In order to improve law and order and store food for relief, all in all, there is no end to the end, how to choose, you need to make a judgment according to the actual situation of the local area, but I think that in any case, this kind of training is extremely important, and you don’t have to be too obsessed with people’s hearts and political achievements , even if we may not be able to achieve results for a while, but as long as we persevere, we will definitely see results,..."

  Feng Ziying's euphemistic reminder made everyone who was sighing and feeling a little blush.

Before, everyone was envious of Feng Ziying's achievements, but ignored what Feng Ziying did in it, and even ignored the original intention of doing things, so Feng Ziying reminded everyone not to forget the original intention of a scholar as an official. If you speak in front of your elders, you are afraid that you will be criticized and reprimanded by Haosheng again.

   "Then Ziying, you mean to suggest that we all take the initiative to apply to go to Fuzhou?" Fang Youdu directly asked the most core question.

"Well, that's not necessarily the case. If everyone thinks that the current position is very smooth, and that they have great progress and prospects, they will go to the next job immediately if they don't have to. meaning, then you can consider to try it out, and you also need to consider your own situation, including your family..." Feng Ziying paused, "But I personally strongly recommend that everyone has the opportunity to go to Fuzhou to sharpen while they are young. Over the past few years, the harvest of his experience is definitely far more than spending time in the ministry."

  Feng Ziying spoke very solemnly, and several other people nodded thoughtfully.

This is not a simple matter, it involves the future of each of them. Although they are envious of Feng Ziying's performance now, it is just an expectation. They don't know that Feng Ziying may be promoted to Shuntian Mansion by two more ranks; Second, they also have to weigh themselves, whether they can do as well as Feng Ziying in that position; third, whether there is such a suitable opportunity for them to show their strengths.

  These all need to be carefully considered. How can Feng Ziying's words make his head hot and impulsive?

But I have to say that Feng Ziying used his own example to prove that many things can be done, especially at the Fuzhou level, there may be more opportunities for him to play. The hero is young, so don't take this opportunity to fight , It is inevitable that you will not regret it for life in the future.

   This kind of heartbeat will always linger in their hearts, and it will gradually ferment and brew until they are stimulated by a certain event, or burst out suddenly at a certain time.

   A group of people left and Feng Ziying sat silently in the study.

  It seems that this group of students is not so easy to fool, it is related to their own future and destiny, and they need to be carefully considered.

  But he could also feel that several people were a little moved. After all, he had distanced himself from them now. If they didn't catch up, they would only be pushed further and further apart in the future.

Now everyone can talk and express their feelings freely together, but in the future, if they are still hovering in the ranks of sixth and seventh rank officials, but they have entered the rank of senior officials of third and fourth ranks, I am afraid that it will be impossible to express their hearts and minds as freely as they do now. up.

  As scholars, they are naturally self-motivated, which is what scholars value most. Reputation and prestige are the reliance of scholars for survival, and after becoming an official, they must rely on their advancement in official career to prove themselves.

  I was thinking about it, but when Baoxiang came to report, Zheng Chongjian and Fang Youdu left and returned.

   Zheng Chongjian and Fang Youdu met at the door, and they both smiled knowingly.

  Compared to Fan Jingwen, He Fengsheng and Wu Sheng, Zheng Chongjian and Fang Youdu have a better relationship with Feng Ziying than the three of them.

  Zheng Chongjian and Feng Ziying had a special experience of going to Ningxia to fight the rebellion together, and Fang Youdu, apart from his relationship in the academy, can now be regarded as relatives by marriage. His sister betrothed to Feng Ziying's brother-in-law Xue Bian.

   "Uncle Fang, do you still have something to ask Ziying?" Zheng Chongjian didn't care, he knew that Fang Youdu and Feng Ziying were now relatives.

"Well, I always have to ask for a letter and ask clearly. Some questions were asked too deeply before, which would make Ziying feel embarrassed, as if she was persecuting us." Fang Youdu also knew that Zheng Chongjian and Feng Ziying were very close. .

   "Then let's go together."

   When the two entered the room, they stopped being polite and asked Feng Ziying's opinion directly.

"Dazhang, Uncle Fang, there are only two of you, and I won't go into details. There will be great changes in the affairs of the court and the central government in the next year, and all the plans of the Jingchao will come to a conclusion in the next year. This may be the biggest one since the current emperor ascended the throne. Adjustments, in addition to the changes in the ministers and ministers in the court, there will also be many changes in the provinces, prefectures, and prefectures. In my opinion, you two should look for opportunities to go down instead of spending time in the ministry. There are many opportunities at the moment. Zhi, Shandong, Shaanxi, or Huguang, Jiangnan, as long as you find a suitable path, you can achieve something,..."

   Zheng Chongjian didn't go around in circles, and asked directly: "From Ziying's point of view, if I want to go to Fuzhou, where do you think I should go?"

  Zheng Chongjian is good at military affairs, and has been immersed in the Ministry of War for the past few years. Feng Ziying thought for a while, "Huguang, or Sichuan."

   "Because of the Southwest War?" Zheng Chongjian frowned, "Does Ziying think this war can last for a long time? Feixiong has already gone to Huguang, it seems..."

"I don't think it will stop in a year or two. This is just an opportunity. As long as Feixiong is going to serve as a military counselor, you are different. If you go, you may serve as a general judge of a government to support the war ahead, and you will be able to use your strengths." Feng Ziying Shake your head.

  Zheng Chongjian fell silent.

He likes military affairs, but as Feng Ziying said, he may serve as the general judge of a government, but the general judge is generally in charge of such matters as grain transportation, farming, and water conservancy. .

  Although this matter sounds like logistical support, soldiers and horses go before food and grass are used. Logistical support is very important in a war. If you do this matter well, you will definitely get credit.

  Thinking about this, Zheng Chongjian secretly made a decision: "Ziying, I understand."

"Well, it's good that you understand." Feng Ziying glanced at Fang Youdu again: "As for Uncle Fang, you have been in the Ministry of Criminal Justice for some time, and you must also understand that it is not easy for the Ministry of Criminal Justice to get credit. No peace, even if you clear it up, you should only do your duty, unless it involves rebellion..."

  Fang Youdu certainly understood this, and immediately understood, "Conspiracy? Ziying is talking about the White Lotus Sect?"

"It's not necessarily just the White Lotus Sect. Almost all the secret societies involved involve the powerful local gentry. It's not easy to investigate and deal with, and the involvement is extensive. That's why the Ministry of Punishment and Captain Long Jinwei are all responsible. I have gained something in this regard, presumably..."

  Fang Youdu rubbed his chin, "White Lotus Sect is widely spread in Beizhi, Shandong, Shanxi and even Nanzhi, but especially in Beizhi. What Ziying means is that if I go to Fuzhou, I will be elected to Beizhi?"

"Well, as far as I know, the spread of the White Lotus Sect in Suncheon, Yongping, Hejian, Guangping, Zhending, and Baoding in the important places of Beizhi and even Gyeonggi Province, you can choose one of them." Feng Ziying gave a suggestion .

  Fang Youdu readily agreed.

  (end of this chapter)

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