Number of People

Chapter 1280: The Coming of the Era of Xiao Feng's Compilation of the Gengzi Scroll after Yong

  Chapter 1280 The coming of the era of Xiao Feng’s compilation of the Gengzi scroll in Yongping Mansion

   "Ziying, you are married in the capital, you and I can't be absent at the same time, so I have to ask someone to bring a gift to congratulate, congratulations." Seeing Feng Ziying coming to the door, Zhu Zhiren smiled brightly.

  He has already received reliable news from Beijing and China. Although his big backer Zheng Jizhi has retired, he was recommended before he took office. If there is no accident, he will go to Beijing to take up his post in March at the latest.

It's just that the question of position has been undecided. It's impossible for Taichang Temple Minister to be the third rank. A little bit, after all, he was in charge of sacrifices, court meetings, and banquets, which was also very glamorous.

  There are two other positions, Taipu Siqing and Guanglu Siqing, but these two positions are from the third rank, which means that one must be promoted to be eligible to sit in this position.

   It turned out that Zhu Zhiren had hoped too much, but soon the people from Chaozhong Huguang Township gave up his years.

As a local official entering Beijing, unless you have made outstanding achievements or made great contributions, it is very rare to be able to arrange a position at the same level for you. A little out of date.

  So after all the calculations, the greatest possibility is Taichang Temple Shaoqing or Honglu Temple Qing, but no matter which position, Zhu Zhiren is very satisfied.

  As long as he can leave the place and go to Beijing to serve as a Beijing official, he has no shortage of money and silver, so he lacks the qualifications of this Beijing official.

  Even if he becomes an official in three to five years, he can stay in Beijing and become a rich man, or he can return to his hometown to become a country gentry, that would be great.

Zhu Zhiren also vaguely got some news that the big men in Beijing were also very satisfied with Feng Ziying's performance in Yongping Mansion, especially the strong performance of Yongping in the first battle of Qian'an compared with the disastrous defeat of the Beijing camp, which made the emperor appreciate it very much. The kid is going to be promoted after three years of dissatisfaction, which makes Zhu Zhiren feel envious as well as feeling.

  However, he is not jealous either. This feat was achieved by his ability and bravery, and he has even benefited a lot from it. What else is there to say? I am almost sixty years old, how can I compete with a twenty-year-old junior?

  For young people with a bright future like this, it is wisest to make good friends and leave a little bit of love. That is why Feng Ziying also offered a generous gift when he got married.

   "Thank you, Mr. Fu Zun, for your kindness." Feng Ziying bowed his thanks solemnly, and Zhu Zhiren stroked his beard in satisfaction, "Hey, why do you and I need to be so polite, sit, sit!"

  Feng Ziying also briefly talked about the situation in the capital city during this period, and inevitably also talked about the upcoming "Jingcha", "big plan" and possible changes to the entire court situation.

   "It is said that the "Jingcha" and "Daji" courts have clearly instructed that those who get promoted must have actual performance, and the actual performance must be verified from several aspects..."

  Zhu Zhiren listened very carefully.

  A local official like him seems to be the supreme authority of the government, but because he has been a local official for a long time, the intelligence information is not smooth enough, so he can only pass the news through the correspondence of some township parties and the same year.

   Like Feng Ziying's trip back to the capital city, and just in time for the "Jingcha" and "big plan", he must have grasped a lot of inside information, so of course Zhu Zhiren refused to let it go.

Zhu Zhiren needs to consider the new policies of "Beijing inspection" and "big plan" mentioned by Feng Ziying in comparison with his work performance in the past two years, and see what aspects he can make up for and improve, so as to facilitate his work in the bureaucracy and the capital. When the procuratorate came to investigate, I was able to hand in a more beautiful answer sheet.

  Hearing Feng Ziying's introduction, Zhu Zhiren's brows slowly relaxed.

   Obviously, this time the new policy of "big plan" is extremely beneficial to Yongping Prefecture.

  For example, among the several items listed, one is to solve the problem of refugees caused by disasters.

  Yongping Mansion not only successfully resolved the refugees brought by the "military disaster" of the Mongol invasion, but also assisted Shuntian Mansion to eliminate the livelihood problems of nearly 100,000 refugees, which can undoubtedly be a big plus.

   Another example is the tax increase mentioned in the new policy.

Although the summer and autumn taxes of Yongping Prefecture have not changed much, and even have declined due to the impact of the Mongol invasion, the tax types such as mining tax and commercial tax that have to be entered into the Treasury of the Ministry of Industry have increased significantly. Unprecedented, it far exceeds the number of declines in the summer tax and autumn tax, which is another great bonus item.

  Just for these two items, Zhu Zhiren felt that he was fully qualified to get a very good position, and this did not include the achievements of law and order, the Qing army, and the successful defeat of the Mongol invasion.

  Based on this calculation, Zhu Zhiren feels that his prospects are very bright.

  Of course there are negative factors. The hostility and criticism of the local gentry increased a lot last year compared to the previous two years. This is also a side effect of Feng Ziying's coming to Yongping Mansion.

  However, Zhu Zhiren is very open-minded. If you want to make achievements in politics, you will inevitably have conflicts with local gentry, which is expected.

  Furthermore, now Feng Ziying is using mines, workshops, roads and roads to attract businessmen from Shanshan and Shanxi, creating a huge profit, not only taking advantage of the situation to suppress local gentry merchants, but also attracting a group of flexible gentry merchants to start to move closer to his side.

   This is a very good change. Under the benefits, no one can refuse. If you want to join in and get a share of the pie, you have to be soft and obedient.

This spring break, the number of local gentry and businessmen who come to my family to pay New Year's greetings has not decreased but increased compared to previous years, and many of them used to pay New Year's greetings with little courtesy, but this year almost all the heads of the family came with gifts in person, and they also had to find opportunities to grow up. Talking about it, this change also made Zhu Zhiren feel a lot.

   On the one hand, I admire the brazenness of these gentry and merchants, on the other hand, I also have a new feeling for these guys' pursuit of interests. There is no barrier between turning enemies into friends and shaking hands with each other under the true interests.

  Of course, this also has a lot to do with the fact that the merchants from Shanshan and Shaanxi have entered Yongping Mansion more and more, and their sense of presence and influence have become stronger and stronger.

Although the Shanxi merchants are now gradually at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the Jiangnan merchants, their basic strength is not comparable to these local gentry merchants. If these Shanxi merchants are allowed to continue to grow, the real benefits will be taken up by them .

   This must be unacceptable to local gentry and merchants.

  Since we can't win, we can only cooperate, and we must cooperate as soon as possible.

  In fact, when Feng Ziying got married in the capital city, she also received some congratulatory gifts from the gentry of Yongping Mansion.

   Of course, Feng Ziying, a gentry who expressed his closeness to these soft-hearted attitudes, would not refuse. The gentry in Beizhili can be regarded as the basic base, especially if they have a deep relationship with Qi Shi and can win and make friends, Feng Ziying will not hesitate to give some benefits.

Because of this, the relationship between Feng Ziying and the gentry in Yongping Mansion also improved rapidly after becoming famous in the first battle of Qian'an, and it even improved by leaps and bounds during the spring break, especially those in Qian'an, Funing, Lulong and Luanzhou. The attitude of the gentry in several states and counties was more positive.

  The places like Changli and Laoting maintained a state of neither salty nor salty because Feng Ziying's work focus was mainly on the other four counties this year.

"Ziying, what you brought back is good news." After listening to Feng Ziying's introduction, Zhu Zhiren was overjoyed, rubbing his hands with a smile on his face, "I know that Yongping Mansion is able to have such a weather this time, thanks to you." No, don't worry, people from the Ministry of Officials and the Metropolitan Procuratorate will come, and I will definitely introduce your achievements truthfully,..."

  Feng Ziying also laughed, Zhu Zhiren was afraid that he might go ahead of him if he didn't know, but at this time he could only express his gratitude.

After talking for a while, he quickly returned to the official affairs of Yongping Mansion. The problem of the Huimin Salt Plant was imminent. Originally, Zhu Zhiren "voluntarily invited Ying" to handle the matter himself, and Feng Ziying only needed Feng Ziying to help him contact the Denglai Navy. , Unexpectedly, the situation has undergone some changes.

Not only have Changli and Leting settled down a lot recently, but the most important thing is that there is no trace of Japanese pirates on Xiangyun Island, and they disappeared into the vast sea. This made Zhu Zhiren anxious and embarrassed. Adding a lot of color to my political achievements, I didn't expect to encounter such a heart-warming thing.

   Fortunately, the news that Feng Ziying brought back this time was all happy, which diluted Zhu Zhiren's sense of loss.

"My lord, since the Japanese pirates have disappeared temporarily, we don't have to force it for a while. What is more important for you now is to seek stability and pass the inspection of the Ministry of Officials and the Metropolitan Procuratorate smoothly. Now you don't need to worry about the city and the place. It is enough for An An to go to Beijing and take office immediately."

  Feng Ziying's relief made Zhu Zhiren feel more grateful, but he didn't know Feng Ziying's inner thoughts.

From Feng Ziying's point of view, there is absolutely no need for Zhu Zhiren to earn this credit. Since Lian Guoshi is coming to Yongping Mansion soon, why not put it aside for a while, and when the time is right, Lian Guoshi will come to kill these Japanese pirates in one fell swoop. To eradicate, and by the way, clean up the powerful and evil gentry in Changli and Leting?

   This kills two birds with one stone, which can not only help practice state affairs and establish prestige, but also eradicate Japanese pirates to please the Ministry of Households and the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

  Huimin Salt Farm is affiliated to the Changlu Metropolitan Transit Salt Envoy Division, and is under the dual management of the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. As long as the Huimin Salt Farm is restored, it will surely make Minister Lian look good.

  Even Huang Ruliang and Zhang Jingqiu couldn't hide their great contribution to practicing state affairs.

  For Feng Ziying, in one or two months, he needs to plan the "post-Xiaofeng Xiuzhuan era" of Yongping Mansion.

Although he left, but this year he left his own deep imprint in Yongping Mansion. He didn't want this imprint to fade or disappear with his departure, so he strongly recommends people with the same concept and excellent personal friendship. Practice state affairs to take over your class to ensure that your efforts are not in vain.

  Then in order to strengthen the right to speak and influence in national affairs, necessary help and preparation are necessary.

   Let’s make up for it first.



  (end of this chapter)

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