Number of People

Chapter 1281: Geng character volume Shun Tianfu Cheng!

  Chapter 1281 Geng Scroll Shun Tianfu Cheng!

   Zhu Zhiren also pretended to look regretful, Feng Ziying also found it funny.

This Lord Fu Zun is actually good, but his ability to do things is indeed still a bit weak. Although he is not pedantic, he is also a little black-bellied, but when it comes to actual work, he still needs to pay attention to means and ability. He obviously lacks these practical experience, so this It is normal to procrastinate and procrastinate until the opportunity is lost.

  Of course, this is also a good thing, and Feng Ziying is happy to see it succeed.

  He believed that the Japanese pirates would come back eventually.

Huimin Salt Farm brought such a large amount of benefits to Laoting and Changli, the villainous tyrants who had been closely entangled with the Japanese pirates, that they could not give up such a large amount of benefits. To deal with it in the old way, this will also give a chance to do meritorious service in the future.

Feng Ziying realizes more and more how difficult it would be for her to fight alone in a world that does not belong to her at all. He needs comrades, partners, allies and friends, and the higher the status and power of these people, the more important they are to him. favorable.

As far as I am concerned, at present, I still rely more on the blood relationship between my teachers and my parents and my own talents to win the recognition of the other party to exert influence. I am really willing to actively support myself or directly exert influence. .

  The main reason for this is that I have been an official for too short a time, and there are too few opportunities to cultivate my own system. In addition, my classmates are still in the initial stage of their careers, and they are more passive and subordinate in each field.

   Then now I should seize every opportunity to promote the rapid growth of my comrades, companions, and allies.

  Practicing state affairs is undoubtedly the most important and opportunity.

   Zhu Zhiren naturally accepted Feng Ziying's advice.

  There are only two or three months now, the opportunity is not suitable, and it is obviously inappropriate to forcibly attack these evil gentry in Changli and Laoting, and Zhu Zhiren has also lost his fighting spirit.

"By the way, Ziying, haven't your family members considered returning to Yongping Mansion?" Zhu Zhiren kindly reminded, "Although the Ministry of Officials and the Metropolitan Procuratorate have no special requirements on whether your family members accompany you, it's better to have one or two family members with you. This is more suitable. Didn’t you have two orchid concubines? Why didn’t you come back this time? Years ago, Su Miao, the **** of the Jiangdong Qin, was very interested in Ziying. I thought you intended to accept her as a concubine. Also, the Haixi Jurchen girl has been here in Lulong, I think I admire you a lot, why don't you take her as a concubine, it will be of great benefit to your father's situation in Liaodong."

  Feng Ziying didn't expect Master Zhu to be so concerned about the affairs of her back house, but the other party also had good intentions.

A scholar who is an official with a lonely family is absolutely not in line with the customs of officials in this era. Either you are old and weak, or you like masculinity. You are young and strong, but you did not bring your family. It also makes sense to have one or two concubines in the local area. There is absolutely no such thing as a single person with only one or two servants.

"Uh, my lord is joking, Su Miao is a famous courtesan, how can I have much friendship with her? As for Busia Mara, it is even more difficult to say, she is the pearl of the Haixi Jurchen, so she naturally has her marriage, How can you be a concubine with me?"

  Feng Ziying quickly explained clearly, Su Miao was fine with that, but this Busia Mara was not a good person, and it was hard to say who the rumors about the Haixi Jurchen clan would fall to, whether it would be a blessing or a curse.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple?" Zhu Zhiren laughed, "The woman from Haixi didn't even bother to come to our government office for half a step when you returned to Beijing. Once you came back, she came to the door every three days. How could it be you?" So easy to say? But let me tell the truth, although this woman is a bit older, she has big hips and breasts, and she is fertile at first glance. Your Feng family has only one daughter with three families. Is your family Don't be in a hurry? Why don't you accept this woman, if you can give birth to a son or two, it will also make your parents feel at ease."

Feng Ziying was still a little hard to answer. Within two days after returning to Yongping Mansion, Busia Mara had visited the door three times. It's true that I'm not young, and many people have done it many times, but they all failed to break the contract, which makes it a little difficult now.

However, Feng Ziying also knows that Buzhantai of the Ulab tribe, who is now accepted by the Yehe tribe, still has intentions to marry Busia Mara, but now the Yehe tribe has the tendency to annex and integrate the Ulab tribe. How could Ra be willing to marry each other? Even if Busia Mara is willing, Jintaishi and Buyangu will not agree.

   "My lord, this matter is just a joke." Feng Ziying didn't bother to explain. The more you explain this kind of thing, the more likely everyone thinks it is possible. It's better to let it cool down and fade away.

  After coming out from Zhu Zhiren's side and returning to Tongzhigong, Wu Yaoqing was already waiting there.

During this period, Feng Ziying returned to Beijing, but the affairs of the Yongping Mansion could not be delayed at all. Feng Ziying entrusted Wu Yaoqing, who could only be regarded as his personal staff, to take care of it. Fortunately, this was also a local practice. The local officials will not look down on Wu Yaoqing just because he is a private aide, and sometimes they even value it more.

   "My lord, there are some clues about that matter." Wu Yaoqing said as soon as Feng Ziying came in, he stepped forward and saluted.

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying cheered up, "Long Jinwei and the people from the Ministry of Punishment failed to give me an explanation, but we found the clues ourselves?"

"Uh, no, Captain Long and the Ministry of Justice still gave us a lot of clues, and our cooperation is still very pleasant, but they have too many things to do, so it is inevitable that they are sometimes distracted by other things, so we just concentrate on digging up these clues , so hard work pays off, and I finally found something of value.”

  Wu Yaoqing reported the results of careful investigation with a group of people during this period of time, and also introduced some of his proud points. Feng Ziying was also quite satisfied with how he made a breakthrough.

"Well, according to what you said, that group of people may still be based in Yongping, but some of them may have sneaked into Gyeonggi, or even entered the capital?" Feng Ziying pinched the bridge of her nose, thoughtfully , "They did not return to Yongping Mansion after they made a move, but went straight to the capital, but judging from the situation we have, all of these people who can get evidence have stayed in Yongping Mansion for several years Oh, and suddenly went directly to the capital?"

  It is not easy for people in this era to move across states and government offices. Unless they are refugees who have encountered a famine, ordinary business travelers have to go through official procedures. Ordinary people may never leave the county or even the countryside in their entire lives.

This kind of people who stayed in one place for a few years suddenly went out, committed crimes and assassinated on the road, but did not return to their old nest, but went to Gyeonggi, and they were not afraid of being searched by the government. This shows that they have already arranged to settle down in Gyeonggi. .

  If you think of Feng Ziying’s temporary trip to the Nagu River Ferry in Yutian County, then this assassination seems even more strange.

  It is unreasonable to encounter an assassination on the road, and then go straight to Gyeonggi to hide after missing.

No matter how you say it, Gyeonggi is the most benevolent place, and the law and order control is the most strict in the world. Ordinary bandits dare not enter Gyeonggi, and even the gentry in Yongping who hate themselves seem to be unable to do such an unreasonable thing. Come on, or is it true that the background is so big that you are not afraid of being arrested in Gyeonggi, and someone can solve it even if you are caught?

"As far as the situation we have found so far is indeed a bit weird, further verification is needed, but they have already entered the capital, and there are millions of people in the capital city, so it is much more difficult to investigate, even with Ni Er's help, it is not easy ..."

  Wu Yaoqing pondered: "Wanping and Daxing counties each have half. I'm afraid we still need to use some people from the government of these two counties and people from the patrol camp to find out slowly. If it is outside the city, it may be easier."

"Jingshi City?" Feng Ziying smiled thoughtfully: "There is no rush, there will always be a chance, I really want to see why these people are targeting me, and whether there are other people behind them. "

  Feng Ziying already has a vague guess in her mind, but she is still not completely sure. If she really stays in Yongping Mansion, then the situation in the capital is too complicated.

  But if he becomes the Chancellor of Shuntian Mansion, many problems will be solved, even in the mansion of Heavenly King Lao Tzu, he dares to touch it and check it out.

   "Yaoqing, you need to sort out the situation here, especially the ones related to Gyeonggi, you must sort it out carefully..." Feng Ziying nodded.

   "Huh?" Wu Yaoqing raised his head in surprise, but didn't understand for a while.

   "Perhaps it won't be long before we can return to the capital." Feng Ziying didn't intend to hide from her most important assistants and staff.

   "Ah?! My lord is going back to Beijing, is he entering the court?" Wu Yaoqing was shocked.

  Feng Ziying was released from the Imperial Academy for less than a year, and then returned to the court?

Although the more prominent reputation in the imperial court is better, for their staff, especially those who are more practical like them, there is much less room to play, such as the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Officials, and the Ministry of Industry. It is even narrower, but the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Punishment still have some opportunities.

   "No, it's returning to Beijing but not entering the court." Feng Ziying smiled, "It's Shuntian Mansion."

   "Shuntian Mansion?" Wu Yaoqing can be regarded as half an official, and he understands the tastes of officials in Shuntian Mansion.

  Fu Yin needless to mention, definitely not, Shuntian Mansion Zhizhong is the top five grade, transferred from Yongping Mansion Tongzhi to Ren Shuntian Mansion Zhizhong, it can be regarded as mediocre, it should look more glamorous, after all, it is Shuntian Mansion.

But there are still two people above Zhizhong, Fu Yin and Fu Cheng, who can only be regarded as No. 3 figures, and there are many judges below, each of whom is in charge of one side, which is equivalent to deputy assistants of Zhizhong. Judgment, that's a little tricky.

   "What?" Feng Ziying smiled.

   "If you are in the middle of the government, I am afraid that you will be busy in the future." Wu Yaoqing laughed, "But this is also good. If you are in the government of Shuntian Prefecture, you can go anywhere."

   "Who said that I went to be the governor? I have done so many things in Yongping Mansion. Could it be that the imperial court rewarded me with a governor?" Feng Ziying asked proudly.

   "Ah?" Wu Yaoqing suddenly understood, and was overjoyed: "It would be great if your lord is appointed as the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion. It's almost born for you. I will be able to do things for you even more..."

  Shun Tianfu Prime Minister! A member of the fourth rank! Twenty years old!

   The Geng character roll is over!



  (end of this chapter)

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