Number of People

Chapter 1285: Xin Zijuan Setting Sun, Grass and Trees Questioning

  Chapter 1285 Xin Zijuan Sunset Grass and Tree Questions

  In the other courtyard, Zuo Guangdou picked up the teacup and took a sip.

This "big plan" inspection of the four prefectures in the east and south of Beizhi was led by him as the head of the Ministry of Civil Affairs Examinations Division. In addition, he was assisted by a right-hand officer from the engineering department and a person from the Ministry of Punishment. The three vice-principals formed the inspection team.

  According to the usual practice, the lead investigator and the assistant must be one scholar from the north and the south, and the other person is random.

   Sitting obliquely opposite him was Hui Shiyang, the right teacher of the engineering department, looking at Zuo Guangdou with a sullen face.

   On the other side is Fang Zhenru, the deputy director of the Ministry of Punishment with a calm face.

"I (Hui Shiyang's word) brother, let's talk about the situation now?" Zuo Guangdou was also a little helpless. Facing this guy with a weird temper, he also had a headache. Those who come from the north start with Daming Mansion, then Guangping Mansion, then Hejian Mansion, and finally Yongping Mansion.

  When they were in Daming Mansion, the assessment of the three of them went smoothly. Starting from Guangping Mansion, the contradictions began to emerge.

This guy Hui Shiyang always felt that he was targeting the scholars from the Northlands, arguing for those officials from the Northlands everywhere. Zuo Guangdou still tolerated it before, but later he found that the result of this was that the opponents made progress. If this continues, the assessment It will only deviate from the direction, which Zuo Guangdou cannot tolerate.

So in the Hejian Mansion, the two faced each other **** for tat. They quarreled several times. Zuo Guangdou no longer backed down and argued hard. After several arguments, Hui Shiyang lost the wind, while Fang Zhenru, who was the last in the ranking, basically The government supported Zuo Guangdou's opinion, which made Hui Shiyang feel angry several times, and fell behind in the determination of the inspection opinions of many officials.

"Then tell me, Yi Zhi (Zuo Guangdou), I will not back down this time. If you keep suppressing and bullying, I will go back and ask for punishment, and I will not sign again." Hui Shiyang He gritted his teeth bitterly.

   "My brother, why is this?" Zuo Guangdou didn't want to quarrel with the other party, but the other party went too far, and he couldn't give in too much, otherwise, wouldn't this "big plan" be a joke? "If my brother really thinks that my brother and I have done something wrong, you can report it to the Metropolitan Procuratorate after returning to Beijing. Anyway, isn't my brother an official of the Sixth Division?"

   Zuo Guangdou's words also contained a hint of teasing.

  If it is said that the scholars from the south of the Yangtze River are dominant among the seven ministries, then it is obvious that the scholars from the north have the upper hand in the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Although the Six Divisions do not belong to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, they belong to the same line of speech officials and censors, and they are connected with each other. That is to go to the sixth department to practice as a speech officer first, and then transfer to the Metropolitan Procuratorate system for promotion after the experience is mature, so this area is also dominated by scholars from the north.

  Hui Shiyang snorted softly, "Yi Zhi, what you said is really embarrassing. The imperial court rules and regulations, it's your turn to speak up? As a scholar, you should serve the public wholeheartedly. How can you tell the difference?"

   Unexpectedly, this guy would beat him up, Zuo Guangdou was so annoyed that he shook his head.

There is no point in breaking it up any longer, we still have to cooperate in the end, because the dispute in Hejian Mansion wasted a lot of time, Zuo Guangdou didn't want to tear himself apart at the last stop in Yongping Mansion to delay the business. It's just that if the opponent is too aggressive, Zuo Guangdou's temperament is not easy to provoke, and he will never back down without a bottom line.

"Brother Yi Zhi, my brother, the time is running out, and the princes in the court are still waiting for us to go back and report as soon as possible. Our journey is already too long, and we will be delayed on the way. If we continue to procrastinate like this, I'm afraid It’s to slow you down, the two of you should bear with each other for the sake of the country, so let’s bear with each other.”

  Fang Zhenru is the youngest of the three, and most of the time he listens to the two bickering, but whenever there is a stalemate, he has to express his opinion.

Along the way, he felt that Zuo Guangdou and Hui Shiyang did not actually have much conflict and conflict. Most of the time, it was some side-to-side vindictiveness, especially Hui Shiyang, who was sometimes too fussy. It might make Zuo Guangdou feel that it was too much, so he fought back.

  Before Fang Zhenru still fought with each other, but later he couldn't take the reins when he saw that there was no winner, so he could only bite the bullet and show his attitude, which naturally made Hui Shiyang feel a little bit grudge against himself.

Hearing Fang Zhenru's interjection, Hui Shiyang snorted, Zuo Guangdou stopped talking, and then let the two officials who had been huddling aside carry out the relevant books, "Let's start then, For my brother and child, let’s start with Zhu Zhiren.”

The inspection and evaluation practice of Dazhou is from top to bottom, and then everyone conducts inspection and evaluation from the three levels of conduct, performance, and qualifications, and the first two of these three aspects need to be divided into several parts, similar to In the assessment of modern civil servants, there are several pieces of virtue, ability, diligence, and low performance. Among them, morality and integrity are the fastest, ability and performance are the second, and diligence is in between.

   There is not much controversy about Zhu Zhiren's assessment.

Sufficient qualifications, in terms of performance, two of the first three years were lackluster, but last year was a blockbuster. Although everyone knows what's going on, as the supreme leader of the family, no matter what the achievements are, he has to give the first credit Of course, he also has to bear the first responsibility for the risk. As for conduct, as long as no one reports and there is no special bad deed, he can basically pass the test.

   It took less than half an hour for Zhu Zhiren's evaluation to come to an end, and a consensus was formed, which was signed and signed.

  The next one was fellow acquaintance Feng Keng.

Previously, the three of them had different opinions on Feng Keng's assessment. According to Zuo Guangdou's opinion, Feng Keng had just served for one year from the Imperial Academy to Yongping Mansion, so he was not subject to assessment anyway, and asked to be removed directly. But this was firmly opposed by Hui Shiyang.

  Hui Shiyang's attitude is very clear. Although this "big plan" clearly requires the evaluation of officials who have reached the age of three years, those with outstanding talents and outstanding achievements can also be evaluated for consultants.

Zuo Guangdou found it inconceivable. He was very clear about the circumstances of this exceptional evaluation. Generally speaking, only those who had been in office for three to five months and performed well would be included in this exceptional treatment. Feng Ziying did indeed perform outstandingly, but this It's only been a year, and it's too far away from the regulations of the Ministry of Officials, so it's absolutely impossible to be included.

  Hui Shiyang's mind is naturally clear to Zuo Guangdou, he just hopes to use Feng Ziying's popularity to add luster to the northern scholars, but this is too much.

The two had argued a few days ago, but this time Hui Shiyang was determined not to give in, and Zuo Guangdou also did not back down. In the end, Fang Zhenru reconciled with the mud and proposed to evaluate first, but in the end whether to report it or not? The evaluation team does not take the initiative to submit, but it is left to the Ministry of Officials to decide.

Zuo Guangdou was also forced to accept such a somewhat humiliating proposal, but he also knew that Hui Shiyang had made up his mind this time. If he didn't agree to this condition, he might definitely not sign a single word in the evaluation later on. up.

There were not many objections to Feng Keng's evaluation. The performance was solid, and even Zuo Guangdou did not deny it. In terms of conduct, there were not many criticisms from the local gentry, mainly concentrated in the two counties of Leting and Changli. Zuo Guangdou was very surprised.

As far as he knows, Feng Keng's big actions last year angered the local gentry in Yongping Prefecture, and he also received a lot of bullets from the Central Capital Procuratorate. According to what I heard, I originally thought about coming to Yongping Mansion this time to make a fuss about it, but I didn't expect that the situation reflected was far from what I expected.

Flicking his fingers on the book, Zuo Guangdou said softly with a somewhat indifferent expression: "Boy, this Feng Tongzhi is said to be the outstanding student of your Qingtan Academy, and he has also broken through the huge competition written by Xiao Feng Xiu in Beijing." Fame, but I never thought that the place is so vigorous. The Qing army checked households and defeated Mongolia, opened mines and built workshops to promote commercial ports. What a small Feng Xiuzhuan. I heard that last year the Yongping government overturned the mining tax for the Jieshen Treasury of the Ministry of Industry. How many times? But I don’t know how much water there is?”

  Hui Shiyang was furious immediately, and even Fang Zhenru was a little displeased, so he said before Hui Shiyang: "Brother Yizhi's words are wrong."

  Zuo Guangdou smiled half-smile, squinting at Fang Zhenru: "Oh?"

   "The accounts of Shenku in this section can be verified after returning to Beijing. No one would dare to cheat like this. It only needs a little reconciliation of the accounts, and that is a serious crime."

Although Fang Zhenru and Feng Ziying are classmates of Qingtan Academy, they actually have a normal relationship, and he and Zuo Guangdou are both from Nanzhi, and they are both from Tongcheng, but Fang Zhenru moved to Shouzhou when he was young. , so the relationship between the township party at this level is still very close, which is why Hui Shiyang is so worried about the arrangement between the DPRK and China.

Fang Zhenru also disapproved of Zuo Guangdou's prejudice. What Feng Ziying did in Yongping Mansion is obvious to all. Just repelling the Mongols and keeping Yongping Mansion safe is worthy of special mention, but Zuo Guangdou Guangdou was originally from Shuangqiao Academy, so he was prejudiced against Qingtan Academy, a Northern scholar who was born in the Northern Academy.

"My boy, what you said is also reasonable, but how do you feel about the gentry we have met in the past two days? Last year, Yongping Mansion was filled with dissatisfaction, and the gentry criticized Feng Ziying, but what is the result of our discussion?" Zuo Guangdou's eyes were cold.

  Hui Shiyang couldn't hold back any longer, and looked straight at him: "Yi Zhi, what do you mean?"

"If the bullets and criticisms received by the Metropolitan Procuratorate last year are true, then what we saw this time was deliberately suppressed and covered up by some people!" Zuo Guangdou said with certainty: "Besides, No explanation!"

  Zuo Guangdou's words made Hui Shiyang and Fang Zhenru silent for a while.

  They had also heard about this situation, but it gradually faded away and did not cause much impact. There are different opinions about the specific reasons, but Zuo Guangdou's suspicion is indeed justified.

  (end of this chapter)

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