Number of People

Chapter 1286: Xin Zijuan setting sun, grass and trees are handy

  Chapter 1286 Xin Zijuan Grass and trees in the setting sun

The gentry and public opinion are not so easy to manipulate. These people have deep-rooted power in the local area, and they are connected with the officials of the DPRK and China. Anyone can tie down an official of the DPRK and China. The foundation of the scholars of the Great Zhou Dynasty was that even the emperor had to be scruples.

   But Feng Ziying provoked public outrage and criticism last year. Even if Qi Yongtai, the leader of the Northern Zhi scholars, suppressed her, it was only to help him barely pass the test. How could it be possible to completely silence everyone like this time?

   This is clearly what threat Feng Ziying used to keep these gentry silent. If this is the case, it would be too bad.

Zuo Guangdou felt that he seemed to have found Feng Keng's weakness, which was that he was too strong, and he was too superstitious about force and violence from the martial arts around him. I understand that the world of the Great Zhou Dynasty is based on scholars. If warriors are allowed to bully the gentlemen, the country will not be a country.

Zuo Guangdou also knew very well that the scholars in the central and northern dynasties were all focused on promoting Feng Keng so as to suppress the Jiangnan scholars such as Huang Zunsu and Zhou Yanru. He also admitted that Feng Keng did have some skills and skills, but the barriers were clear. He took the handle, and of course he would not let the Beidi scholars succeed in this.

   "Yizhi, your judgment is nothing but a conjecture without evidence..." Hui Shiyang protested.

"Suppress me, your words are too partial." Zuo Guangdou's tone became sharper, "Although we have talked one by one these two days, we all understand that it is difficult to keep everything we talk about. With Feng Ziying's method, this forefoot If you go out, I'm afraid the back foot will reach his ears,..."

  Hui Shiyang was furious, "Yizhi, are you suspecting that I have leaked the secret?"

"I didn't say that, but there are quite a few servants in this mansion, as well as the officials we brought, can they withstand the temptation of local officials?" Zuo Guangdou said lightly: "Except for them, those sent here The officials who assist us will also use various methods to spy, and the people we meet are not one or two, there are always some who are not so cautious and want to show their mouths, and they will be spied on by them."

Being blocked by Zuo Guangdou, Hui Shiyang gritted his teeth with hatred, but there was nothing he could do. In fact, he also had some doubts in his heart that Feng Ziying might have used some dirty tricks to force these gentry to silence. It is not uncommon in places, but Feng Ziying's reputation is too high, and it is inevitable that he will be in trouble if he is targeted by these Jiangnan scholars.

   Fang Zhenru didn't quite believe it.

As a classmate of Feng Ziying for several years, although his relationship with Feng Ziying is not too close, he is very clear that Feng Ziying always makes decisions before acting, and it is rare to leave such a big loophole to give others a handle. I know that he should have a more perfect method to deal with these gentry.

This can be seen from the conversations in the past two days. Originally, the gentry in Lulong, Luanzhou and Qian'an who made the most noise were almost silent, but the gentry in Laoting and Changli counties still made some noises. This is too strange Now, if Feng Ziying really did what Zuo Guangdou said, then the gentry in Leting and Changli should have kept their mouths shut.

"Brother Yi Zhi, Ziying is not like this." Fang Zhenru put forward his own opinion, "There are probably other reasons here, and we should also analyze and understand why these gentry criticize Ziying, and we should not just look at Ziying. Staying on the issue of criticizing oneself, there are many powerful and evil gentry among the gentry in the Northland, if they are such evil gentry, then naturally we cannot support such people,..."

  Fang Zhenru's fight against injustice made Zuo Guangdou a little embarrassed. He didn't expect this fellow to stand opposite him. Besides, the opponent was a student of Qingtan Academy, but the township party is the most important thing, isn't it?

   "Hail Wei, what do you think is the reason for this?" Zuo Guangdou suppressed his inner dissatisfaction and asked in a deep voice.

   "I'm afraid it will take specific investigations to understand, but based on what I know about Ziying, he certainly doesn't bother to do any sneaky tricks." Fang Zhenru said in a deep voice.

   "My child, I didn't expect you to trust your classmate so much." Zuo Guangdou couldn't help but sneered.

"I have been a classmate for a few years, and I know how Ziying's character is. I don't dare to say anything else, but I have confidence in this aspect." Fang Zhenru simply put the words aside, so as not to be caught between the two of them. Brother Zhi also has the means to find out the truth,..."

  The three of them were bickering, but they heard an outside official report that Mr. Tongzhi had come to visit.

   "Oh? If you say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there?" Zuo Guangdou sneered, "I don't know if I have a guilty conscience? Or do I just want to see one of us?"

  Hui Shiyang and Fang Zhenru were a little displeased, this Zuo Guangdou was too aggressive.

  Although he said sarcastic remarks, Zuo Guangdou still asked the officials to invite Feng Ziying in.

Although the "big plan" assessment team works independently, it is not forbidden to meet and exchange opinions with local officials, but according to the rules, they must meet in groups, which is allowed. Similarly, the assessment team can also choose to meet with one of them collectively. officials to verify the situation.

"Master Feng came to the door at this time, but there is something to reflect..." Zuo Guangdou's tone became much calmer in front of his companions. He can speak harshly in front of his companions, but when facing himself, the necessary etiquette still needs to be paid attention to. , This is the basic demeanor of a scholar.

   "No, no, the three adults misunderstood, I was entrusted by the Fu Zun, and I want to invite the three adults to participate in an event..." Feng Ziying said with a smile.

   "Is it the local poetry or literary society in Yongping Prefecture?" Zuo Guangdou suddenly realized, is this to prove the prosperity of local moral education in this way?

   "No, it's not." Feng Ziying didn't feel embarrassed at all, "It's an industry that combines mining, charcoal burning and iron smelting,..."

  Zuo Guangdou's face was slightly dark, "Oh? What does this have to do with us?"

   "This mine and workshop were jointly established by businessmen from Shanshan and Shaanxi, local gentry from Yongping, Lu family from Songjiang in the south of the Yangtze River, and Foshan Zhuangji in Guangdong. Ziying took great pains to make this a grand event." Feng Ziying said with a smile.

   All three of them were shocked.

Shanxi merchants cooperated with local gentry, but Guangdong Zhuangji Zuo Guangdou and Fang Zhenru also know that they are big iron smelters. Foshan accounts for more than half of Guangdong's iron production, and Zhuangjiyou accounts for half of Foshan's iron production. But in the enemy country, the three families cooperated. No wonder these local gentry, contrary to their previous hostile attitude, were actually "bought and surrendered" by Feng Ziying in this way.

   But why did the Songjiang Lu family get involved again?

  Songjiang Lu family is not simple, not only is it ranked among the top three in the south, but also has a good official reputation. It is also well-known in the north, and it is even more famous in the south of the Yangtze River.

  The two brothers Lu Shusheng and Lu Shude of the Lu family were important ministers during the time of Emperor Yuanxi.

Lu Shusheng's old son, Lu Yanzhang, is now the right servant of the Ministry of Rites in Nanjing. When Lu Yanzhang was young, Lu Shusheng hired Dong Qichang, a native of his hometown, to teach him. Now Dong Qichang is participating in politics in Henan. There is also a well-known figure, Yuan Keli, who was sent to study in Lu's family at that time, and now he is the doctor of the Ministry of War's Wuxuan Qinglisi.

   And the three of them were Jinshi in the 30th year of Yuanxi, and they were also famous in that subject, which caused a great shock.

  As Southern Zhili scholars, Zuo Guangdou and Fang Zhenru both visited Lu Shusheng when they were young, and they are also very aware of the influence of the Lu family in Songjiang, Nanzhili, and Jiangnan Shilin.

Even Zuo Guangdou, who was unruly and stubborn, couldn't help asking in a deep voice: "Why did Master Feng invite Jiangnan gentry to Yongping Mansion? It stands to reason that there are Shanxi merchants and Guangdong Zhuangji, plus local gentry, there is no need at all." Are you inviting the gentry and merchants from the south of the Yangtze River to go north?"

"Brother Yizhi's words are wrong. Although the Northland is not short of money and capital, and there is no shortage of technology with the cooperation of Zhuangji, the iron materials and ironware produced by iron smelting also need to find suitable sales in the south of the Yangtze River. The Lu family is in Songjiang and Suzhou. There are very well-connected people in Changzhou, Huzhou, and Hangzhou, and now that Yuguan has opened a port, it happens that a large amount of iron can be continuously transported to the southern provinces by sea, isn't it the best of both worlds?"

  Feng Ziying smiled slightly, "Brother Yizhi, don't think so narrowly of our northern gentry. Shanxi merchants can also take root in Yangzhou, and Yongping Prefecture also welcomes Jiangnan merchants to come to our northern region to seek common development."

  Zuo Guangdou and Fang Zhenru looked at each other in blank dismay. They both knew that the Shanshan businessmen had always been grouped together, but now they are so generous and open-minded? For example, the trade with the Mongols and Jurchens outside the border wall is all monopolized by Shanxi merchants, and it is difficult for Shandong and Beizhi merchants to get a share of the pie. This is a clear proof.

Seeing Zuo Guangdou's suspicious face, as if he didn't believe it, Feng Ziying smiled calmly: "Brother Yizhi, if you don't believe it, you might as well go and have a look together. The Lu family is quite famous in Songjiang and Nanzhi. ,how?"

Feng Ziying is so frank, Zuo Guangdou actually believed it in his heart, such a thing is meaningless to lie, and even if there is no Lu family, the local gentry of Yongping Mansion was bought by him with such benefits, this problem actually no longer exists up.

However, Zuo Guangdou is still very satisfied. At least Jiangnan merchants can penetrate into the hinterland of the Northland. Merchants from Shanxi Province, places like Beizhi, have few places for Jiangnan merchants to set foot in, but now they have such a breakthrough in Yongping Mansion, which is really a surprise.

"Okay, since Mr. Feng is so kind, we must take a look. It is said that Yongping Mansion has changed a lot this year, and the income of the Ministry of Industry's Jieshen treasury has increased greatly. We also want to know the details of this. Mysterious." Zuo Guangdou generously agreed.

  (end of this chapter)

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