Number of People

Chapter 1287: Xin Zijuan, setting sun, grass and trees shocked inexplicably

  Chapter 1287 Xin Zijuan Setting Sun Grass Tree Shocked Inexplicably

   Not to mention that Zuo Guangdou and his party left and returned to Beijing after being invited to participate in the groundbreaking ceremony, but said that Beijing, China and the court have already entered a white-hot stage because of the "Beijing Cha" and the "big plan" is about to start, which is even more turbulent.

  While Feng Ziying received constant letters from Wang Wenyan, he also received a letter from his father-in-law Shen Pong in Dongchang Mansion. The letter also mentioned that he might be promoted to Shanxi Chief Envoy to participate in politics, which is considered a good promotion.

According to the current promotion speed of my father-in-law, it is possible to be promoted to the third rank to be a servant, or even to be the chief minister of the province to be a second rank chief envoy, but if you want to take a big step forward, for example It is a bit difficult to expect the positions of the seven ministers or the left and right censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. If there is no special opportunity, it is basically impossible.

  Wang Wenyan also mentioned in the letter that after the location of the Eight Great King Kongs was determined, the court really entered the head-to-head battle for the servants.

  Shangshu and Zuodu Yushi only have a few positions, but although the position of the minister is slightly inferior to Shangshu, it is extremely important, and there are more positions.

The left and right servants plus the deputy capital censor and the censor of the capital have nearly 20 positions. If you add these in Nanjing, it will be more than 20. So whether it is a scholar from the north or a scholar from the south of the Yangtze River Scholars from Huguang, even the marginalized scholars from Southwest China and Guangdong and Guangxi, all hope to make their voice heard and gain more recognition.

Moreover, when it comes to the position of minister, it is inevitable to involve some important provinces' left and right political envoys, procurators, and political envoys. Candidate.

As the various inspection teams of the "big plans" in various places have also completed their assessments and returned to Beijing, the results of the "big plans" of the assessment of local officials will also mean that the adjustment of local officials has also entered a countdown, and even some candidates who have been basically determined It was made clear in advance.

Wang Wenyan's letter mentioned that there were fierce quarrels in key positions such as the left servant of the Ministry of Industry, the left and right servant of the Ministry of War, the right servant of the household department, the right servant of the punishment department, and the right servant of the business department. In the end, Qiao Yun was promoted to the left servant of the Ministry of Industry. , Chen Yuting served as the right minister of the Ministry of Punishment, Cao Yubian served as the right minister of the Ministry of Rites, Guo Zhengyu served as the right minister of the Ministry of Households, Shi Xueqian served as the right minister of the Ministry of Commerce, Feng Congwu served as the right deputy capital censor, Sun Shenxing served as the left minister of the Ministry of War, and Yang Heguai served as the minister of the Ministry of War The right servant will be officially promoted to the right servant of the Ministry of War after the Southwest War is over.

Feng Ziying made a rough calculation. In the battle for the position of minister, the Beidi and Huguang scholars should have received some compensation. Qiao Yunsheng, Shi Xueqian, Feng Congwu, and Cao Yubian were the Beidi scholars, and Guo Zhengyu and Yang He were Huguang scholars. Scholars, but from another point of view, the two Jiangnan scholars, Chen Yuting and Sun Shenxing, still won the two positions of servants, which is enough to show how powerful the Jiangnan scholars are now.

Judging from the current situation, the candidates for ministers have basically fallen to the ground, and there are very few left, and the next ones may be the left and right political envoys, procuratorial envoys, and political envoys of various provinces, and of course some Prefect candidates for important prefectures, such as Shuntian, Yingtian, Suzhou, Yangzhou, Datong, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, and Ningbo.

When Feng Ziying received Wang Wenyan's letter, it was a bit late, because Wang Wenyan still needed to verify the information he had inquired one by one, and even had to learn about the inside story behind some potentially controversial candidates, so it was too late. For a few days, of course it was still faster than the mansion report, because the mansion report basically had to wait until the adjustment of this batch of court officials had almost come to an end before it would be issued uniformly.

In addition, it will take two days to send the letter from the capital city to Yongping Mansion, so when Feng Ziying received the letter and was still thinking about it, the DPRK and China had already started discussing the whereabouts of a large number of local officials including him and Lian's adjustment of state affairs. up.


When Jia Zheng returned to the mansion from the Ministry of Industry, he was still in a trance. He even tripped over the threshold when he entered the Neiyi Gate and nearly fell. Come on, after holding the teacup and thinking for a while, my mind slowly calmed down.

  Originally, these personnel changes in Beijing and Central China have nothing to do with him. He is just waiting to take up his post and go to Jiangxi to take up the post. There will be no change.

Who would have thought that the beginning of the year would be a series of personnel changes. The appointment of the seven ministers and the left and right censors opened the curtain of personnel adjustments. An insignificant Jiangxi Xuezheng like him was left aside. He used to go to the Ministry of Officials several times to get the official certificate so he can take office as soon as possible, but the Ministry of Officials is so busy now, there is no one to take care of such trivial matters as you, and he went twice and did not find this person. They simply asked him to wait until after he had been busy for a while, so as not to cause trouble.

In desperation, Jia Zheng had no choice but to continue to go back to the Ministry of Industry to hide. Fortunately, everyone knew that he was about to be released, and no one made things difficult for him. For more than a month, I have been at ease.

  As for saying that the quarrels and games between the big shots and important ministers in the DPRK and China have nothing to do with him, he is also happy to watch the fun, which has continued to this day.

Today, he originally went to the Ministry for a job and went home for a while, who would have thought about going there, met the new Ministry of Works Minister Cui Jingrong and the Ministry of Works Left Servant Qiao Yunsheng took office, and called the officials from various departments in the Ministry to meet, so during these visits A lot of time wasted.

Originally, this was nothing, but Lord Shang Shu somehow found out that Feng Ziying married his niece and niece, and he just watched tea and left him to sit for a while and talk for a while, which made countless people look sideways and jealous .

That's all. When talking about Feng Ziying, Jia Zheng also pretended to be modest for a while. When the other party saw off the guests, he inadvertently mentioned that Feng Ziying might return to Beijing. Jia Zheng didn't realize anything at first. He thought Cui Jingrong It meant that Feng Ziying was going back to work on business, but it wasn't until she left the house that she realized that Cui Jingrong didn't seem to mean that, but had other intentions, so she went around to inquire.

The news in the Ministry of Industry is still very well-informed. After all, except for the Ministry of Punishment, the other departments are all close together. Such a major event that has been rare for many years, it is not a competition one by one who has good ears and who has a long tongue, and shakes out all kinds of gossip during this period, which also makes Jia Zheng eat The melon crowd was dumbfounded.

Of course, this stupefaction was not for others. No matter how glamorous other outsiders are, it has nothing to do with the Jia family, but when it comes to Feng Ziying, Jia Zheng has to pay attention. I can't believe it.

  Feng Ziying might be transferred back to Beijing to serve as the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion! Is this possible?

  Not to mention that Jia Zheng couldn’t believe it, even many people in the ministry were just sighing and sighing when they heard the news, feeling a little unbelievable, and even groundless rumors.

It has only been a year since Feng Ziying became the fifth-rank magistrate of Yongping Mansion from the Hanlin Academy. Even if he made a lot of noise this year and made great contributions, he is only twenty years old, and even He is not even qualified as a "big plan", so how could he suddenly want to return to Beijing to be the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion?

  Shuntian Fucheng is a senior member of the fourth rank, and it is ridiculous to be promoted twice in a year.

  But soon this news received various confirmations. Although it cannot be said that it has been finalized, the news from various sources is that Feng Ziying is very likely to return to Beijing to Shuntian Mansion.

Fucheng should be the most suitable position, and there are no other vacancies, unless Zhizhong Mei Zhiye is transferred, and there will be a regular fifth-rank Zhizhong, but Feng Ziying is a regular fifth-rank acquaintance in Yongping Mansion, there is no reason After a year of hard work, great contributions have been made, and a flat tone has also come.

  Since it is a transfer, it must be a promotion, and the only people in Shuntian Mansion who can be called promotion are Fu Yin and Fu Cheng.

  Shun Tianfu Prime Minister? ! Will Ziying really take up such a hot and prominent position?

  A member of the fourth rank, Feng Ziying surpassed her decades of hard work and promotion in just a few years, and the position of Shuntian Fucheng is not only a great risk and challenge, but also a good place for experience.

Moreover, Shuntian Fucheng is almost one of the most powerful figures in the entire capital city. Although there are five city soldiers and horses and patrol battalions in Beijing, they only have the authority to investigate and patrol, and they are qualified to enforce the law against these behaviors and people. Only by conducting investigations and dealing with them can we achieve results.

  The words "Shun Tian Fu Cheng" echoed in Jia Zheng's head like a magic voice pouring into his brain, until he drove back to Jia's mansion in a daze, and then walked to the Rongxi Hall and sat down in a daze.

  Even Jia Zheng didn't realize how he got into this Rongxi hall to sit down. When he was still planning to go south to Jiangxi to study politics, Feng Ziying suddenly emerged.

   After sitting for a long time, Jia Zheng breathed a sigh of relief when some of his aides came after hearing the news, as if slowly recovering.

   "Why does Duke Cun Zhou look weird today, as if he has encountered something important..." Bu Guxiu asked cautiously.

Jia Zheng sighed, and the unspeakable words on his face couldn't bear to help the old brother lie: "It's nothing else, but Ziying, hey, I can't even describe it. Ziying may be appointed as the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion." .”

  When these words came out, Bu Guxiu, Zhan Guang and others were shocked immediately.

  Shun Tianfu Prime Minister? Doesn't that mean that he has become the second in charge of the million people in the capital city?

   It's not that they don't know Feng Ziying's situation, but no matter how you look at it, it should be three years old, right? Now not only is he going to be promoted, but he is also breaking the record.

  (end of this chapter)

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