Number of People

Chapter 1288: Xin Zijuan Setting Sun, Grass and Trees Vibrating

  Chapter 1288 Xin Zijuan Setting Sun Grass Shaking

  Jia Zheng's gang of ministers and officials have been increasing day by day in the past six months, and they all came here after learning that Jia Zheng might be appointed as Jiangxi Xuezheng.

There were only three or four of Jia Zheng’s ministers of Qing Dynasty, such as Shan Pinren, Zhan Guang, Bu Guxiu, and Cheng Rixing. Later, Hu Silai also came. Ji Haogu and Wang Erdiao learned that Jia Zheng was appointed as Jiangxi Xuezheng. Afterwards, they were summoned by Shan Pinren and Cheng Rixing, and now Jia Zheng's number of clean-up ministers increased to seven.

These Qing people have been in Jia's mansion for many years. Although they can't say that they only want to live and clothe when they follow Jia Zheng, they rarely make a fortune. Now they suddenly heard that Jia Zheng is going to be sent out to serve as a provincial student administrator, and everyone's eyes are red. They are all gearing up, ready to go to Jiangxi with Jia Zheng to do a lot of work, earn a lot of money, and enjoy the glory and wealth.

A province's education and administration is in charge of the scientific examination and education of the entire province. If it can be operated well, there will be a lot of money to be made here. Only those who have passed the exam and participated in the Qiuwei Grand Competition are familiar with the rules inside, and know the depth of the doorway here. In a word, there is a lot to do.

It's just that Jia Zheng didn't leave Beijing to take up his post for a long time, which also made several Qing Dynasty ministers feel like they were sitting on pins and needles. Therefore, during this period of time, several people were waiting in the mansion at any time. The Jubilee Hall suddenly heard such news.

   "Shuntian Mansion Prime Minister?!" All the people were stunned and speechless, and didn't dare to interrupt for a while.

  Even in this capital city, the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion is a prominent position, and he can speak with his chest straight in the face of the ministers and ministers in the court.

After so many years of hanging around in the capital, these gentlemen of the Qing Dynasty are actually quite mobile. For example, Hu Silai used to work as an aide for a certain member of the Ministry of Justice, Wailang, and left because he thought the other party was too stingy. Ji Haogu and Wang Er Before being transferred to Rongguo Mansion, one was a retainer of a certain county king, and the other served as a teacher in the home of a squire in central Beijing.

  If they want to say that they may not know much about the political situation of the court, but they are extremely proficient and sensitive to the changes in personnel in Beijing and the ranking of power.

Regardless of court officials, the composition of power in this capital city is nothing more than a few parts, Shuntian Mansion, Wanping, and Daxing County, Xuncheng Yushi, Wucheng Bingma Division, Patrol Battalion, Long Jinwei's North The Zhenfu Division, plus the Beijing Camp, the Four Guards Camp, and the Warriors Camp and other troops.

  Long Jinwei generally does not intervene in ordinary affairs, and because the Beijing Camp, Four Guards Camp, and Warriors Camp belong to the military system, it is difficult for outsiders to intervene, but it is impossible to come out in a leisurely manner.

  Then the most powerful ones are Shuntian Prefecture, the two counties and the Xuncheng Yushi, Wucheng Bingmasi and other direct management agencies.

The Xuncheng Yushi is in charge of the Wucheng Bingma Division and the Patrol Battalion, but their areas of power are relatively narrow, mainly limited to public security, while the powers involved in Shuntian Prefecture and the two counties are broader. Taxation, horse administration, and public security litigation are all-encompassing, but the two counties are more focused on specific affairs, while Shuntian Prefecture has much more power.

There are also intertwined powers and responsibilities between the Wucheng Bingmasi and the Patrol Battalion, Shuntianfu and the two counties, but in general, the final affairs still have to be settled by the local government, so it can be said that Shuntianfu is the most important place in Gyeonggi. It is not too much to be an important institution, otherwise Fu Yin would not be an important member of Zhengsanpin.

  In a sense, Shun Tian Fu Yin is more influential than an ordinary servant.

"Duke Cun, if this is true, it would be a great thing for the Jia family. It's just that Feng Langjun went to Yongping Mansion as a co-prefect for only one year, right? According to the 'big plan' standard, time and qualifications It is far from enough, and the Tongzhi of Yongping Mansion is the fifth rank, and the Chancellor of Shuntian Mansion is the fourth rank, it is unheard of for him to be promoted across two levels in this year."

Cheng Rixing is obviously a more influential voice in this group. He and Shan Pinren are the first to follow Jia Zheng, followed by Bu Guxiu and Zhan Guang. Hu Silei, Ji Haogu and Wang Erdiao are all latecomers. up.

As soon as Cheng Rixing spoke, Shan Pinren immediately followed up to express a different attitude: "Rixing's words are wrong. Feng Langjun is a proud student of Qige, or even a closed disciple. Regardless of his background as an old official in Qige, Feng Lang This honor is also unprecedented, and Feng Langjun is highly valued by the emperor. Didn't Rixing know the situation of Yongping Mansion last year? The battle of Qian'an The Mongols were beaten to death, and Feng Langjun single-handedly went to negotiate with the Mongolian noble chiefs, and made great contributions to the court's redemption of more than 60,000 soldiers in the Beijing camp. Could it be that the court is indifferent to such a great function?"

Shan Pinren and Cheng Rixing have now faintly become the two "leaders" of Jia Zhengqing's Kexianggong family. Bu Guxiu and Cheng Rixing have a good relationship, while Zhan Guang has a close relationship with Shan Pinren. I haven't figured out the situation yet, so I dare not stand aside easily.

"Feng Langjun did a good job as the Tongzhi of Yongping Mansion, but he has only been there for one year. According to the regulations of the Great Zhou Dynasty, he can be included in the inspection for three years, and Feng Langjun compiled the book in the Imperial Academy a year ago. At that time, from a sixth-rank official to Ren Tongzhi in Yongping Mansion, he was promoted to three ranks, and now a year has passed, and he will be promoted to two ranks, even the old disciples of Qi Pavilion may not be able to convince the public." Cheng Rixing said to the court. These regulatory practices are still very familiar, "If you wait until the three-year term expires, it is very likely."

"Brother Rixing said that it is true that the elder Qi Ge is powerful and powerful in the current court, but the first assistant and second assistant are scholars from the south of the Yangtze River, and the new Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Mr. Gao, is also a scholar from the Southern Zhi Dynasty. A promotion that is too shocking, I am afraid it will be difficult to get the approval of the court." Bu Guxiu also echoed Cheng Rixing's words.

"Brother Guxiu probably doesn't know something. The new Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Mr. Gao, was in charge of the affairs of the Imperial Academy before. The matter of Mr. Lang and Mr. Qi Ge are in dispute? You must know that Feng Langjun has solved the problem of redeeming the soldiers of the Beijing camp this time, and also helped the 100,000 refugees from Shuntian Mansion to go to Yongping to make a living. The emperor Longyan Dayue is "Today "News" also published, saying that Feng Langjun is a minister of the country, under such circumstances, how can Ye Fang and the two be ignorant of current affairs?"

  Seeing Bu Guxiu joining the battle group, Zhan Guang immediately stood up to defend Shan Pinren.

Jia Zheng didn't expect that just such a piece of news would attract his group of Qing guests to start arguing first, but thinking about it, the identity of Shuntian Mansion Cheng is too unusual. For the gentry, merchants and ordinary people in the capital city, they are probably a bit more prominent than the magistrates in ordinary places.

  After all, for the people under the emperor’s feet, if you leave the capital city, you are all country bumpkins. Even if you are a second-rank chief envoy, it has nothing to do with me, but if you are the Prime Minister of Shuntian, then it has a lot to do with you.

"Okay, don't argue, everyone. I have heard the news in the Ministry. I am afraid that Ziying's return to Beijing is true." Jia Zheng put away his complicated emotions and waved his hands, "I just Some feelings, Ziying grew up so fast, it makes people a little dazzled, a few years ago, she was a weak boy, she was a little shy when she came to our Rongguo Mansion, and now she has become the Prime Minister of our Shuntian Mansion , I really feel a little weird.”

"Mr. Cunzhou, if this is the case, it will be a great joy. You are going to Jiangxi soon. I am also thinking about who will take care of you when you leave Rongguo Mansion. Now it will be fine. If Feng Langjun can come back Beijing, and being the parent officer of our capital city, it’s no problem.” Shan Pinren became more and more proud and excited, “I have had the honor to meet Mr. Feng Lang when he came to our Rongguo Mansion a few times ago, and he is indeed a majestic man. Junwei is extraordinary, at first glance he looks like a high-spirited man who leaps into the deep, and now he is exactly as I expected,..."

Cheng Rixing was frowned by Shan Pinren's fear of flattery. In fact, he didn't dislike Feng Ziying's promotion. He was just worried that if such news was not true, it would be too disappointing. Now Shan Pinren snatched it away. First of all, naturally he will not show weakness: "Feng Langjun's amazing talent has long been famous in Beijing. Miss Baochai has married Feng Langjun, and Miss Lin will marry into Feng's family next year. Our Rongguo Mansion will marry Feng Langjun. The family is both prosperous and one is damaged, and the other should be congratulated in order to preserve the principles of Zhou Gong,..."

  While talking, all the people couldn't help jumping up with joy, Shuntian Fucheng, even if he goes out in the future, he can still speak loudly, and I am also a person who can talk in front of Feng Fucheng.

  A group of people were sighing and sighing, but they saw a person walking in quickly from outside the door. It was Fu Shi, Jia Zheng's most proud student.

Fu Shi came a little less in the first year or two, but he went to Rongguo Mansion more frequently in the past six months. Naturally, it was also related to Jia Zheng's possible appointment as Jiangxi Xuezheng, but seeing Fu Shi come in so hurriedly, Jia Zheng Immediately understood that this visit was mostly related to himself.

   "Fu Shi has met the boss." Fu Shi came in and saluted. Jia Zheng stroked his beard and nodded, "Qiu Sheng, sit down."

Fu Shizi Qiusheng is also Jia Zheng's most proud student in his life. Although he has never passed the Jinshi exam, he has also passed the Juren exam. After dredging the relationship, and Fu Shi himself worked hard, he was finally promoted to the general judge of Shuntian Mansion.

There are currently five judges in Shuntian Mansion. According to the Dazhou regulations, the general judges of Shuntian Mansion and Yingtian Mansion are the sixth rank, and the number of people varies from three to six. Now Fu Shi is an official in Shuntian Mansion, which can be regarded as quite Some power.

  In the past, Fu Shi had to be reserved, but this time, Fu Shi didn't sit still and asked directly: "Did you know that Master Feng is about to be our Shuntian Mansion Prime Minister!"

  (end of this chapter)

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