Number of People

Chapter 1289: Xin Zijuan Sunset Grass and Trees Are Extraordinary

  Chapter 1289 Xin Zijuan Setting Sun Grass Trees Are Extraordinary

Jia Zheng nodded steadily, with a smile on his face: "Well, I also heard about it in the Ministry, and I didn't quite believe it before. It's only been a year since Ziying went to Yongping Mansion. This sudden promotion to such a high position, yes. He may not be a good thing."

Fu Shi couldn't help stomping his feet, but felt that it was not good for Jia Zheng to lose his composure in front of him, but it was absolutely impossible to make him agree with Jia Zheng's point of view, "My lord, Master Feng's performance in Yongping Mansion is the most important thing in the court. The princes and the emperor are full of praise, how can we look at it with ordinary eyes? The Mongols were defeated by him, and he relieved the 100,000 refugees in our Shuntian Prefecture, and arranged them properly. What kind of merit is this? It’s only natural to be rewarded for your merit.”

  Seeing that Fu Shi was in a hurry, Jia Zheng understood the disciple's thoughts even though he couldn't understand the matter, and smiled, "Qiu Sheng, I'm afraid Ziying will be your boss in the future, right? But there's Fu Yin at the top,..."

Fu Shi pursed his lips and sat upright. There are Jia Zheng and his gang of clean-up ministers here. It is difficult to say something at first, but it is not a secret that the prefect Wu Daonan is addicted to poetry. It doesn't matter.

"My lord, if you say that our Shuntian Prefecture is no better than other prefectures, the emperor and the court have always attached great importance to it. The post of general judge held by the students alone is a member of other prefectures, but Shuntian Prefecture has three Six members, other prefectures do not have the position of governing, but Shuntian prefecture has it,..."

Fu Shi's words can't express his pride. As a member of the officials of Shuntian Mansion, even if he meets the officials of the six departments of the imperial court, he will not be afraid. If you change officials from other prefectures, try it, even if you are Yingtian Mansion ( Jinling) officials are not good either.

  Although a group of people also live in this capital city and know the situation of Shuntian Mansion, but to understand the internal structure of this Shuntian Mansion in detail, they still have only half-knowledge and vagueness. Naturally, they cannot compare with insiders like Fu Shi.

"Currently, the Governor of the Wu Mansion attaches great importance to moral education, and the Ministry of Rites has repeatedly praised our Shuntian Mansion for doing a good job in moral education..." Fu Shi changed the subject, "Our Prime Minister has been vacant for a year, and Lord Zhizhongmei has devoted all his energy to this. My body was almost exhausted, and I was sick at home for 10 days to recuperate last month. Now the mansion is hoping that the stars and the moon will have a minister to take up the heavy responsibility of the mansion. I didn't expect it to be Lord Feng. Now we are in the mansion Outsiders are also overjoyed and rush to tell each other."

Cheng Rixing couldn't help but give Shan Pinren a bad look, learn a little bit, look at the kung fu boasted by Mr. Fu, compared to your Shan Pinren, I don't know how many ranks, if this word comes through Jia Zheng The words passed into Feng Ziying's ears, I'm afraid it will make Feng Ziying have a deep impression of Fu Shi.

Jia Zheng didn't think that Fu Shi's words were exaggerated. Feng Ziying's performance in Yongping Mansion was so shocking that everyone thought that he could secure the country when he was on the horse, and he could stabilize the country when he was off the horse. When Shan Pinren and Fu Shi said this, they also felt that it was reasonable for Feng Ziying to come to Shuntian Mansion now, and it seemed that it was not a shocking thing.

"I'm afraid Ziying may not be able to convince the public when she first came to Shuntian." Jia Zhengruo looked at Fu Shi meaningfully, and Fu Shi understood, "Boss, others dare not say it, but students know the rules. If you have ambitions, you will not be old, and if you have no ambitions, you will be a hundred years old. Mr. Feng is a young hero. He conquered Ningxia in the west, opened the sea in the south, Yongping in the east, and Mongolia in the north. There are many, if you can make good use of one or two of them, there will be no serious problems."

These words were impeccable, and anyone who heard them felt extremely comfortable, and Jia Zheng felt the same. He felt that the attitudes of the people around him had changed a lot. They were still submissive before, but now they can't suppress the flattery and flattery in their obedience. .

Thinking of this, Jia Zheng felt a little regretful. It would be great if the eldest girl hadn't entered the palace, and the eldest room could be promised to Ziying, the second room Baochai, and the third room Daiyu. Although they are still close, after all, Baochai's surname is Xue and Daiyu's surname is Lin. No matter how close they are, they are also uncle and uncle. How can they compare with the old father-in-law?

  The more he thought about it, the more regretful he felt, and the more aggrieved he felt, Jia Zheng couldn't help blaming Wang for thinking about it back then, but Wang Ziteng didn't resolutely object.

   Seeing Jia Zheng's face was changing, he was smiling before, but now it's turning from sunny to cloudy. Fu Shi didn't know where his words failed to please the other party, and he felt uneasy for a while.

But thinking that I am his disciple after all, and if I didn't speak well, there is still room for redress, so I don't worry about it. I heard that Feng Ziying often travels to Rongguo Mansion, but it's a pity that I have come so many times but never met him once. Fu Shi was also very annoyed.

If there is a chance, Mr. Feng will be familiar with him when he takes office in the future. He has been in charge of this sentence for two or three years, and this time the "big plan" seems to be useless. Ge Lao's disciples, his immediate superiors, may not be able to be promoted to a higher level.

Thinking of this, Fu Shi planned to come to Rongguo Mansion frequently in the future, even if Jia Zheng went to Jiangxi, at least Mrs. Wang and the old lady are still there, and they will come to pay a visit with some gifts every five days. Last time twice, that was an opportunity.

The Rongxi Hall was quiet for a while, and Jia Zheng came to his senses after a while, picked up his teacup and took a sip, "Qiu Sheng, you are right, although Ziying is young, he is a Shangguan after all. If someone he knows helps him, if you can make up for it, he will naturally remember your contribution."

"Don't worry, my lord, don't the students know about such things?" Fu Shi nodded again and again, "I heard that Mr. Feng often visits the house, and Fu Shi also wants to ask Mr. Feng to introduce him, so I might as well ask Mr. Feng earlier. beneficial."

This posture can be said to be so good that even Jia Zheng sighed in his heart. His protégé must be much better than himself in the future. , at least you can touch the threshold of a fourth-rank official.

While talking, he saw Baoyu, Jia Huan, Jia Cong, and Jia Lan coming in to salute one after another. Jia Zheng remembered that when he entered the door, he told Li Shi'er to call some brothers in the family, that is, he wanted Feng Ziying to return to Beijing as a shun Tianfu Cheng came to educate and motivate several people.

That's all for Baoyu, just talking about it, but Jia Huan, Jia Lan, and Jia Cong are all still studying, especially Jia Huan is quite advanced now, and I dare not say that he is like Feng Ziying in the future, but if it is true If someone can pass the examination as a Jinshi, then the Jia family of Rongguo Mansion can be regarded as an explanation to their ancestors.

Brother Jing in the East Mansion passed a Jinshi exam, which made Ningguo Mansion have to be at the top of Rongguo Mansion for decades, until Brother Jing had an accident and became a monk to practice Taoism. What, but deep down in the whole family's heart, they still hope that the children of the Jia family can produce a Jinshi.

"I've met my father (grandfather, uncle)." Except for Jia Huan, the other three of the four were also a little worried. They didn't know why the master called them here as soon as he came back. It seemed that nothing happened in the mansion during this time. The matter, could it be that the master got the news and was going south to Jiangxi?

   "Well, you guys, are you serious about studying at home these few days?" Jia Zheng coughed lightly before opening his mouth.

   Several people looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't know why this question was suddenly asked, but they all answered honestly.

  Jia Zheng just asked casually, and then got to the point: "I'm going south to Jiangxi soon, and I can't control the big and small things in this mansion. You must listen to the elder master and your mother at home..."

   After chattering for a long time, he said: "I called you here today to tell you a piece of news. Ziying will return to Beijing soon and be promoted to be the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion..."

Before Jia Zheng finished speaking, several people couldn't help screaming. They were all the sons of officials and eunuchs, so they naturally understood the identity of the Cheng of Shuntian Mansion. He was a parent official, and it was a world of difference from the Tongzhi of Yongping Mansion. .

   "Master, is this true?" Jia Huan blushed with excitement, and couldn't help shouting: "That's great."

  Jia Lan and Jia Cong were also flushed with excitement, their hands clenched into fists, and their eyes sparkled with joy and excitement.

How important is the master of a fourth-rank senior member to their future, they know very well in their hearts that this master is really the right one, and they regretted that the master has been in Yongping Mansion all along, and they didn't have much time to invite him face to face. Yi, it's all right now, and I'm going back to the capital city soon, so I can really be by my side to ask for advice and knowledge at any time.

  Only Baoyu was more surprised than happy. After a moment of surprise, a smile appeared on his face, "That's really great. I can see Brother Feng often in the future."

"Then can there be fakes?" Jia Zheng also showed a smile on his face, "I think Ziying will return to Beijing soon, and you have to prepare well. Don't wait until Ziying comes back to test your schooling, but you will lose it." If he hurts his face, then I will not forgive him."

   "Father (grandfather, uncle) rest assured, never dare..."

"Hehe, I didn't expect Brother Huan, Brother Lan, and Brother Cong to have Mr. Feng as their teacher. This is simply the blessing of the Jia family, the luck of the Jia family..." Fu Shi immediately answered the question In his heart, he felt that this trip was the right one. The Jia family and Mr. Feng were really close, and there was such a teacher-student friendship, which was even more unusual.

Here the father and son, grandparents and grandchildren are chatting lively in the Rongxi Hall. Over there, Jia's mother has got the news that Jia Zheng has sent Baoyu, Jia Huan and others to the Rongxi Hall. I don't know why. , thinking about it in my heart, but it's not easy to ask someone, so I have to let Yuanyang go over there to find out if there is something wrong with Baoyu.

  (end of this chapter)

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