Number of People

Chapter 1290: Xin Zijuan setting sun, grass and trees have profound meaning

  Chapter 1290 Xin Zijuan Sunset Grass and Trees Means Far-reaching

  When Yuanyang returned to Jiamu's room full of surprise, apprehension and disbelief, there were already several people in Jiamu's room.

   Mrs. Wang, Aunt Xue, Li Wan and Tanchun are all here.

  Since opening the year, Wang Xifeng voluntarily handed over the financial power of the public office. After persuasion was ineffective, Mrs. Wang could only hand over this power to Li Wan, and then Tanchun came to assist Li Wan in managing Rongguo Mansion affairs.

  Li Wan has an irresponsible temperament, he doesn't like to be troublesome, as long as he can get by, he is thinking about Xiao Gui and Cao Sui, and he should follow the rules originally set by Wang Xifeng.

  But the current Rongguo Mansion is struggling, and the tens of thousands of taels of silver left by the Lai family have been exhausted in a year.

   After a year, at least some of the famine that had been brought down must be repaid, so when Wang Xifeng handed over the public account, the amount left on the account was only less than seven thousand taels of silver.

Moreover, Jiamu's private house still has one or two thousand taels of property outside the mortgage. If it is not redeemed, it will be fine. If it is redeemed, the silver on the book of the public is probably less than five thousand taels. Rongguo Mansion, I am afraid that it will not be able to survive for a month. It can only support it by continuously borrowing money and mortgages, tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall.

Only after Li Wan and Tanchun took over the bad debt did they realize how difficult it is to support such a large Rongguo Mansion. More than a thousand people have their mouths open to eat, drink, and wear, and they can't owe the monthly bills. If you owe money, the rumors from outside will inevitably go out of tune, or you may not even be able to borrow money.

  In the past month since taking over, Li Wan is certainly full of worries, and Tanchun is also stretched. In the final analysis, the source is still not open, but the flow needs to be moderate, how can the flow be moderate?

  Thousands of people's food, drink, and rambling expenses, the entertainment in the mansion, and the maintenance of Rongguo Mansion's image all require careful planning and careful planning, just like walking a tightrope to maintain balance.

But even so, the holes in the paper will still be poked if you don't pay attention, especially when you face a deficit of two or three thousand taels every month. This is not counting the various extra expenses during the holidays, so these are like A boulder was crushed between Li Wan and Tan Chunxin, making them breathless.

Li Wan has told Tanchun several times that she doesn't want to take care of the family anymore, and is even willing to take the lead in lowering her monthly bill, but both she and Tanchun know that it is a drop in the bucket, and more importantly, this What is the use of one or two men coming down to save one or twenty taels of silver?

  The monthly bills of thousands of people in this mansion cannot be reduced. Once reduced, it will shake people's hearts, and that is absolutely impossible.

  This kind of situation also forced Li Wan and Tan Chun to think hard, and it was difficult to change much.

Li Wan and Tanchun have also discussed the method of open source, but this is indeed beyond the two people's ability. To open source means that capital investment is required, whether it is buying a shop, a bank, or running a certain business. Well, the first two need to have capital, while the latter needs not only money, but also suitable people.

At this time, Li Wan and Tanchun were a little envious of Xue's family. After all, they also had their own business, and Xue's family was small in population, and there were only a few dozen people in total. Thousands of people are simply incomparable, so naturally they are at ease.

Today, Li Wan and Tan Chunlai originally wanted to report to their ancestors and his wife about the difficulties they faced after the beginning of the new year. Tan Chun had already discussed with Li Wan. Going to Jiangxi can earn some money and come back to make up for it. On the other hand, it is necessary to reduce various expenses, such as the monthly bills and daily expenses of the masters, including daily food, clothing and consumption, and the Grand View Garden.

The cost of the Grand View Garden is too high, and the various daily maintenance is not a small amount. Roughly speaking, the cleaning, sweeping, maintenance and repair of various flowers, trees, pavilions and pavilions will be either this or that every month, plus so much more It costs at least several hundred taels of silver every month for servants to serve them. It's hard to say how much water is in it.

But the Grand View Garden has been repaired, and it is related to the face of the imperial concubine and empress. In addition, there are still several girls who have not left the cabinet living in it, so it is impossible to lock it up suddenly. If it loses popularity, it will become dilapidated faster. I am afraid that it will decline in a year or two, and if you want to repeat the old appearance, you will have to spend a lot of money.

  Difficulties are both left and right, which also makes Li Wan and Tanchun frown.

  I was talking about coming here to report to my ancestors, but I never thought that my ancestors were not thinking about it at all, and they were still thinking about the matter at Rongxi Hall.

  So when Yuanyang entered the door, everyone's eyes fell on her.

   "Yuanyang, what's the matter, what did the master call Baoyu and the others?" Mrs. Wang cared about Baoyu the most, and she was deeply afraid that the master would "kill Baoyu" again when he was in a bad mood.

   "Old Ancestor, Madam, don't worry, the master told Second Master Bao and Third Master Huan to talk about Uncle Feng..." Yuanyang bit her lip and said softly.

  Mother Jia had already seen a thing or two from the expression on Yuanyang's face when she entered the door, knowing that it had nothing to do with her precious grandson, she was relieved for the most part, and then opened her mouth and said, "Why are you getting involved with Brother Keng again?"

   "Master said that Uncle Feng may soon be returning to the capital, and it is said that he is going to be the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion."

  When Yuanyang said this, even Jia's mother, who had always been indifferent, was startled, Shun Tian Fu Cheng? !

   Mrs. Wang was also in shock, but Aunt Xue was overjoyed.

   "Yuanyang, where did the news come from? Brother Keng is going back to Beijing to be the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion? Is there such a good thing?" Aunt Xue's face was full of surprise, and she couldn't believe it. If it was true, this step would be a big step.

   "Improbable, isn't it?" Mrs. Wang squeezed out a smile on her dry face, "Shuntian Fucheng is a senior member of the fourth rank. Didn't Ziying be promoted to the fifth rank last year? How could it be so fast?"

Jia's mother also seemed to be a little unconvinced, she was also experienced, and knew the rules of this official's promotion very well, a look of surprise flashed across her fair and rich face, "Yuanyang, have you listened carefully, Shuntian Mansion is no better than other families. Brother Keng was only promoted from the Hanlin Academy last year to be promoted to the fifth grade Tongzhi. If he was transferred to Shuntian Mansion as the governor, it would make sense. After all, he went to Beijing, but the governor is not Namei. What is the family doing?"

Mother Jia's words aroused Aunt Xue's indignation. The repentance of the Mei family's marriage is not only a harm to Baoqin's family, but also a humiliation to the entire Xue family. , became the boss of the Mei family, the Mei family is really too ridiculous."

  Yuanyang replied: "Back to the ancestors, that's what the master said, and he said that there should be nothing wrong. This kind of news can't be hidden from people. They are all watching. It will spread all over the capital city soon."

  Li Wan and Tanchun were also stunned by the sudden news.

  Li Wan's lips could not help trembling, his body was tense, and his hands were tightly clenched together.

As the son's master, a Shuntian Mansion Prime Minister will bring great benefits to his son's future. As the daughter of Jinling Guozijian Jijiu, she certainly knows how big it will be from Yongping Mansion Tongzhi to Shuntian Mansion Cheng Cheng. It is not an exaggeration to describe the leap as a fish leaps into a dragon.

  At this time, Li Wan couldn't help feeling grateful for his decisiveness.

   Fortunately, I did not hesitate to put down my figure and face to beg Feng Ziying to accept Lan Geer as a disciple, and finally got my wish.

It's all right now, not only is Feng Ziying going back to Beijing, Brother Lan will have more opportunities to ask for advice in person, but following Feng Ziying will definitely make more contacts, which will definitely benefit his son's future development, and his son will never be able to Like Baoyu, who is addicted to storybooks and novels all day long and cannot extricate himself, the Jia family will have to rely on Lang Geer to support their appearance in the future.

Thinking of this, Li Wan couldn't help but cast a glance at Tanchun. Although Huan Lao San didn't seem to be bad at reading, he was a concubine after all. He might have a slight chance of winning against an unlearned brother like Shang Baoyu, but as long as Lan My brother can also read well, but Jia Huan has no chance of winning.

   Tanchun was still immersed in this sudden surprise.

  Brother Feng is going back to Beijing, and he is still serving as the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion!

  This news made Tanchun unable to bear the turmoil in his heart, and he didn't come back to his senses for a while.

The joy that Brother Feng brought back was mixed with the shock that Brother Feng was going to be the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion. Tanchun was filled with an indescribable sense of relief, comfort and relaxation, as if the pressure, boredom and depression of this period of time Emotions are swept away.

   It was too late to think about how Brother Feng could be promoted to the second level, and he still returned to Beijing to serve as an official. Tanchun was even more happy that Brother Feng came back.

Mother Jia calmed down for a moment, then lightly patted the kang table next to her with her hand, and then thoughtfully said: "If this is the case, then our mansion must prepare a gift and go to the Feng family. Congratulations."

   "Hey, why is the old ancestor like this, Ziying is a junior, it's a happy event for him to return to Beijing, but it's logical that he should come to the mansion first to pay a visit..." Aunt Xue was overjoyed, she pursed her lips to be humble for her son-in-law.

"It's not the same. He spends a lot of time in the mansion. It doesn't matter whether it's to visit the old man or the boss and the second child. That's his wish, but we congratulate him. It's a promotion to him on behalf of the Rongguo mansion and the Jia family. Congratulations." Mother Jia took a deep breath and calmed down, "Brother Keng is no longer the brother Keng he used to be, Shuntian Fucheng, that is a real parent official, not to mention an ordinary official, but a court official." The princes of the middle school also need to be treated with three points of courtesy."

Jia Mu's serious words made everyone present suddenly realize that it was unusual. Brother Keng was no longer the boy who used to travel to and from the mansion, and everyone could still regard himself as an elder or play as a sister. grown up.

  (end of this chapter)

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