Number of People

Chapter 1292: Xinzi roll, setting sun, grass and trees, small and exquisite

  Chapter 1292 Xin Zijuan Sunset Grass Tree Small Delicacy

  Shen Yixiu found out that her husband was going to be the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion later than the Jia Mansion.

  Shen Zizheng excitedly ran to his sister to report the news, only then did Shen Yixiu find out.

   "Junyong, could it be that there was a mistake?" Shen Yixiu still didn't quite believe it, "My husband has only been away for more than a month, and he didn't mention it when he left."

  The sons of officials and eunuchs, more or less know the details of this. The gap between Yongping Mansion Tongzhi and Shuntian Mansion Chancellor is too great. Even though her husband has outstanding achievements, he is suddenly promoted to the second rank, which is a bit shocking.

"I don't know the specific situation, but Ziying has always spoken steadily, and I'm afraid I won't say things that I'm not sure about. I got this news from Wen Ruo, which is absolutely accurate. Wen Ruo's father has been appointed as the right servant of the Ministry of War. , he is also very happy, but I can see that he is quite jealous of Ziying."

  Shen Zizheng is really happy for his sister from the bottom of his heart.

Married an outstanding husband, and he also heard from his sister that Ziying treated her very well and gave birth to a daughter. If it were another family like the Feng family, no one would be satisfied, but Ziying liked it very much. This daughter even invited Lian Guoshi to name her, which shows how much she values ​​her.

   "Oh? Yang Wenruo is still jealous of his husband?" Shen Yixiu also knew that his younger brother had a very good relationship with Yang Sichang and the Hou brothers.

"Sister, who wouldn't be jealous?" Shen Zizheng couldn't help but smack his lips, "Even I am also envious and jealous. At this age, I am at the fourth rank, which is unprecedented. When I was watching politics, I heard some old officials say that Ziying For this reason, as long as there are no mistakes, even through qualifications, you can become a minister."

"Then Junyong, you also need to work hard. Maybe you can surpass your brother-in-law in the future..." Shen Yixiu encouraged his younger brother, "Ziying took the initiative to go to Yongping because she felt that she could do more things in the local area. It is more difficult to exercise and sharpen yourself in the court, and if you finish watching politics, you can also learn from your brother-in-law, so that you can get better promotion and development."

   "Well, I still have to think about this matter, anyway, it's still early, there are still two years left." Shen Zizheng is still not sure.

It is a lie to say that Feng Ziying will be able to make great achievements in a year and even be promoted to two levels without jealousy. Even Yang Sichang, who has always been conceited and arrogant, is full of sourness in his words now, and the words of the Hou brothers I'm also very envious, but you can't make achievements like Feng Ziying's when you go to the local area. This requires both ability and skill, as well as opportunities.

Shen Zizheng still has some self-knowledge. Yang Sichang and the Hou brothers are all outstanding people at the moment, not to mention Feng Ziying. If he blindly compares himself to these people, he will inevitably feel disappointed. It is better to do things in a down-to-earth manner according to his preset goals. Of course, this doesn't mean that I don't accept my sister's kind suggestion, but whether I go to a place or not depends on the situation.

Shen Yixiu also heard the insincere words in his younger brother's words, so he didn't try to persuade him too much. Her husband also reminded himself not to compare him with Junyong in everything. Junyong has his own way. Always comparing, it is inevitable Hurt.

"Well, you can think about it yourself." Shen Yixiu nodded lightly, "But my sister hopes that you should also think about starting a family. A few days ago, my father also wrote about this matter, and your brother-in-law and I also talked about it But he said it depends on your own considerations, Jun Yong, what do you think?"

   This marriage is usually decided by the parents. Although Shen Yixiu is the eldest sister, she has no right to make it for Shen Zizheng, but because Shen Zong is far away in Shandong, that's why she wrote to Feng Ziying, hoping that Feng Ziying can find a good marriage for Shen Zizheng.

   "Ah?" Shen Zizheng scratched his head in embarrassment, "Ziying said so, can I do it according to my own will?"

  Shen Yixiu glared at Shen Zizheng, "What are you thinking? I'm thinking about letting your brother-in-law find one or two suitable ones for you..."

  Shen Zizheng quickly waved his hands when he heard that, "Sister, Ziying was born in a martial arts family, I will not marry those martial arts women, even if I want to marry a wife, it must be a well-matched Shilin family."

  Shen Yixiu felt a little regretful.

  In fact, ever since he got in touch with Xue Baochai, Jia Tanchun, Shi Xiangyun and other women, Shen Yixiu also felt that these Wu Xun family women were not as bad as outsiders imagined, and there were quite admirable girls among them.

Of course, it is definitely impossible for my younger brother to go to concubine girls like Jia Yingchun and Jia Tanchun, and it is not suitable for a girl like Shi Xiangyun who is a descendant but whose parents died since childhood, but there are many Wuxun families in the capital city. Wang Bagong and the Twelve Marquis might not have outstanding women, but she felt that her husband didn't seem to support her younger brother's marriage with the Wuxun family.

Having said that, it is true that a scholarly family like the Shen family is more inclined to marry a Shilin family, and it is because Feng Ziying has proved through his own efforts that he is both civil and military, and that Shen Yixiu married a martial artist like Feng Ziying. If a civil official has become an official, if he is really a pure martial artist, the Shen family would never want to marry their daughter to him.

   "The meaning of mediocrity is that there is no one you like now?" Shen Yixiu said casually with a smile.

   "Uh,..." Shen Zizheng blushed, and was a little nauseous for a while.

  Shen Yixiu was very surprised, he asked unintentionally why his younger brother behaved like this, "What's the matter, is there anything difficult to say in front of my sister?"

   "Well, actually, I heard that Mengzhang brother has a younger sister who is talented in literature..." Shen Zizheng stammered.

  Shen Yixiu still knows about her husband's classmates and close friends. Brother Mengzhang should refer to her husband's classmate Fan Jingwen.

"You want your brother-in-law to make peace?" Shen Yixiu nodded, his younger brother has always been thin-faced, and it's not easy for him to speak like this, so the elder sister should try her best to satisfy her wish, "Okay, wait until your brother-in-law comes back, So I told him, as long as the daughter of the Fan family hasn't promised someone, I will ask your brother-in-law to propose marriage on her behalf, and I will also write to my father to explain."

  Shen Zizheng didn't expect his sister to be so decisive, and he was overjoyed: "The girl from the Fan family should not marry anyone, but Brother Mengzhang has always been arrogant and arrogant, and it is difficult for ordinary scholars to see him..."

   "What about your brother-in-law?" Shen Yixiu interrupted.

   "Brother-in-law is naturally not among them. If brother-in-law comes forward, he will definitely succeed immediately." Shen Zizheng hurriedly sent flattering words. Originally, it was Ziying Ziying's title, but now he hastily changed it to brother-in-law.

   "Well, that's good, it's just Junyong, haven't you always been on good terms with Yang Wenruo and the Hou brothers? Why don't you ask Yang Wenruo and the others to speak for you?" Shen Yixiu asked curiously.

   "Brother Mengzhang has always only been friends with scholars from the northern regions, Wen Ruopu and the others are familiar with Brother Mengzhang, but I am afraid that Brother Mengzhang will not buy their face,..."

  Shen Zizheng was also worried that if the Hou brothers did not have much confidence in coming forward, Fan Jingwen might flatly refuse if the Hou brothers were invited to come forward.

  Shen Yixiu showed a satisfied smile on his face, "Well, when your brother-in-law comes back, I will also have a good talk with your brother-in-law. Since you said that the other party is so proud, don't let your brother-in-law feel ashamed."

   "Hey, that's not true. Brother Mengzhang has always respected his brother-in-law, and his prestige in their Qingtan Academy group is growing day by day..."

Shen Yixiu didn't expect his younger brother to speak so easily when he said flattering words, and the smile on his face was even bigger. It's been a long time since he was so happy. Today can be described as double happiness. Her husband may return to Beijing, and her younger brother's marriage has also seen hope. The days are getting more and more exciting.


"Feng Keng is appointed as the Chancellor of Shuntian Mansion? I heard that Wu Daonan didn't respond well. There are many censors' bullets." Emperor Yonglong propped up his body to make his tired body sit more comfortably. Tired, I don't know why this refined elixir doesn't have much effect, but it seems better to calm down and cultivate one's character.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Huifu is a bit older, and his energy is indeed a bit weak, but he is the leader of Jiangyou scholars. He has always been admired by Jiangnan gentry. He has developed a style of writing in the capital city, and the northern scholars also respect him. Full of praise, the Dingyuan Poetry Fair has become a major event in our capital city..." Ye Xianggao patiently explained to Emperor Yonglong, "Moreover, the bullets received by the Metropolitan Procuratorate did not all refer to Mr. Huifu. An important reason is that the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion has been vacant for many years, which has led to a backlog of government affairs, and last year, Gyeonggi was hit by a military disaster, and a lot of refugees flooded into the city,..."

Wu Daonan received a lot of criticism, but they were mainly focused on his negligence in government affairs, but his reputation among scholars was very good, and Emperor Yonglong knew this, otherwise why would his sons criticize the Dingyuan Poetry Association? These activities are flocking, it is a good place to add fame.

"So you think Feng Keng can take on this important task?" Emperor Yonglong also hesitated. Although Feng Keng made great contributions, this Shuntian Mansion Chancellor is no better than others. One accident, and another Wu Daonan who is lazy in government affairs, then there will really be troubles.

"Your Majesty, Feng Keng's performance in Yongping Mansion for one year is obvious to all. The Qing army checked households, organized the army to defend against the enemy, opened mines and built workshops, paved roads and repaired bridges, and appeased the refugees. , must be heavy handed, and the current Yongpingantai is enough to show its ability. Shuntian Mansion experienced the military disaster last year, and the refugees are still unabated. Refugees from these places in Daming Prefecture may go north again, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice reported that the activities of the White Lotus Sect in Gyeonggi are rampant, so there is an urgent need for a strong and pragmatic official to deal with it..."

Fang Congzhe didn't want to say too much at first, but according to the compromise reached with Qi Yongtai and the others, Feng Keng was the prime minister of the Shuntian Mansion, and to be honest, Feng Keng was indeed suitable. Except for his age and qualifications, he was impeccable, so He also had to spend a lot of time trying to convince Emperor Yonglong.

  (end of this chapter)

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