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Chapter 1293: Xin Zijuan, setting sun, grass and trees, dust settled

  Chapter 1293 Xin Zijuan Setting Sun, Grass, Trees and Dust Settled

  Emperor Yonglong fell silent.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Feng Ziying, but that Feng Ziying is too young and his qualifications are too shallow. The academic qualifications of the Imperial Academy seem to be outstanding, but as Emperor Yonglong who has been immersed in the throne for nearly ten years, he knows that it is just a plan. The status of Bei's consultant can be said to be far-sighted, or it can be said to be on paper. If you want to say that you are capable, you can't say it.

Emperor Yonglong also admitted that Feng Ziying had done a great job in Yongping Mansion for one year. He did a lot of things, and all of them were done. Only one year.

  Besides, the position of Shuntian Fucheng is no different than others. It is not only the Qing army's investigation of households, repairing bridges and paving roads, or mining and building workshops, but also involves many civil affairs, taxation, water conservancy, relief, public security and other affairs, which are particularly complicated.

  If the Yin of Shuntian Fu is capable, then that’s fine. Feng Ziying has been working hard for a few years, but the cabinet firmly disagrees with the adjustment of Wu Daonan. Pushing Feng Ziying up is actually to use Feng Ziying’s vigor and skill to do things.

   This is a bit like using Feng Ziying as a gunman. Doesn’t Qi Yongtai understand this truth?

   At that time, I don't know how many blames Qi Yongtai will take for Feng Ziying and how many shots will be blocked?

  This will consume resources of contacts and damage one's own prestige.

  It seems that Qi Yongtai spared no effort in cultivating him as a disciple.

Seeing that Emperor Yonglong still refused to make a statement, Li Sancai murmured: "Your Majesty, the ministers and others understand your worries, but in fact there is no need for it. Shuntian Mansion is at the foot of the Holy Son of Heaven. If there is anything wrong, the Seven Departments of Chaoli And the Metropolitan Procuratorate can also help at any time. In addition, I think that Feng Ziying's qualifications should not only be based on the performance of Yongping Mansion this year. I don't know if the emperor still remembers the severe flood in Beijing and China in the fourth year of Yonglong. Leading a group of Qingtan disciples to help fight the epidemic in Beijing. I remember that I compiled a book called "Preparation for Epidemic Prevention", which is still considered very valuable by the Tai Hospital. It should be written by Feng Ziying and a group of classmates,... "

  Emperor Yonglong was slightly surprised by Li Sancai's interruption.

   Among the five members of the cabinet, if Ye Xianggao, Fang Congzhe, and Li Tingji are out-and-out scholars from the south of the Yangtze River, Qi Yongtai is a scholar from the north, and Li Sancai is a somewhat embarrassing character.

  He is from the north, but he has good friends with scholars from the south of the Yangtze River, but some conservative scholars from the south of the Yangtze River still refuse to trust him, but Ye Fang and Li are still very friendly to him.

Although Qi Yongtai was somewhat dissatisfied with the other party, generally speaking, Li Sancai was relatively neutral in the cabinet, and Qi Yongtai also felt that this person was a little closer to the emperor. Although he was not as good as Zhang Jingqiu and Gu Bingqian, he still faintly revealed some He didn't know if Ye Fang and the two of them were aware of this meaning.

Emperor Yonglong was naturally aware of Li Sancai's looming tendency to approach. This is a scholar who is very keen on fame and fortune, but he hides it very well. Compared with Gu Bingqian's blatantness, it is much more obscure, and Zhang Jingqiu is actually not counted, but It was nothing more than doing things in gratitude for his promotion, so of course Emperor Yonglong did not hesitate to give Li Sancai some support.

The tacit understanding and friendship between the monarch and ministers also need to be cultivated slowly. Emperor Yonglong knew that among the cabinet members, Ye Fangqi and the three were typical scholars. Interest, Li Tingji is not a pure minister, but he is not so confident, but Li Sancai is quite capable, if he can take the initiative to approach him for his own use, it will be a good **** to insert into the cabinet.

Of course, Emperor Yonglong also knew that if he was too blatant, then Li Sancai would definitely be resisted by the scholars and would be kicked out of the cabinet soon. The tacit understanding is the most important thing.

   "In your opinion, Feng Keng is qualified to be the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion?" Emperor Yonglong nodded slightly.

"Your Majesty, in addition to Fu Yin and Fu Cheng, Shuntian Mansion also has Zhizhong and five general judges, who each perform their duties and fulfill their responsibilities. Feng Keng is full of vigor and courage in doing things. This is in Yongping Mansion. The performance has also been proved. There are still Wucheng Bingmasi and Xuncheng Procuratorate in the affairs of the city, and there are also two counties in Daxing and Wanping. Therefore, I think that Feng Keng's vigor can be used to rectify the law and order in Gyeonggi, and he must also be appeased. To deal with the possible refugees and the White Lotus Sect incident,..."

  Li Sancai's reminder also made Emperor Yonglong shudder.

The land of Gyeonggi is not peaceful. The Mongolian invasion has caused the entire northern counties and prefectures of Shuntian Prefecture to become almost a piece of white land. Although the imperial court increased relief and recovery last year and moved 100,000 refugees to Yongping, there are still many Few refugees poured into the city.

  The Ministry of Punishment is also reporting that the White Lotus Sect is developing rapidly among the refugees. There are already many signs that the White Lotus Sect is very active inside and outside the capital, so we must guard against it.

If Qin Tianjian predicts that there will be a severe drought in Beizhi and Henan this year, I am afraid that there is a great possibility that the northern and southern prefectures and even the refugees from Henan will go north and south, especially in Beizhili. It is the capital, and Shuntian Mansion will face another big exam at that time, and it really needs a ruthless character with strong wrists, courage and determination to do things.

   To put it bluntly, if there is any mistake, Feng Ziying can also be blamed directly. Anyway, he is young, dismissed from office, and it will not affect much after waiting two or three years to return to office.

Thinking of this, Emperor Yonglong finally nodded: "Your words are reasonable, so according to Zhuqing's opinion, Feng Keng will be appointed as the Chancellor of Shuntian Mansion, but the governor of Yongping Mansion, Zhuqing should also consider suitable candidates to take over, don't let Yong The great momentum over there has been abandoned halfway.”

  Qi Yongtai, who had never spoken, cupped his hands at this time and said: "Go back to the emperor, the cabinet has already discussed, let the official minister Wai Lang practice state affairs as the co-prefect of Yongping Mansion."

  Emperor Yonglong was taken aback, practicing state affairs? Champion man?

  Seeing that the faces of several people in the cabinet were calm, Emperor Yonglong knew that these people had reached an agreement on the practice of state affairs, so he stopped talking and nodded in agreement.

  The following personnel arrangements appear to be calm, and these have basically reached an agreement in the internal discussions between the Ministry of Officials and the Cabinet.

  Emperor Yonglong didn't know much about officials below the fourth rank, and he didn't even know much about some prefects of the fourth rank. He could only form a general impression through the introduction of the officials and cabinet ministers as much as possible.

This is the sorrow of local officials, so why everyone is willing to squeeze in the court, even a doctor of the fifth rank is much more impressive to the emperor than a remote magistrate of the fourth rank. After all, people often have the opportunity to go to the court, what about you?

You can't go back to Beijing for three years, and you can't live or die by officials with "big plans". Unless you have deep connections and Austrian support in the court, or you can make achievements that cannot be ignored in office, otherwise, this fate In the hands of others, without even the power to struggle, how aggrieved?

  The situation of several cabinet ministers discussing with the emperor in the East Study Room quickly spread throughout the capital city.

  Compared with the previous rumors, this time it is a certainty.

  The Ministry of Officials contemplates a preliminary discussion, the Metropolitan Procuratorate reviews it, the cabinet makes a decision, and the emperor approves it. This is the necessary procedure for officials above the fourth rank.

If it is an official below the fourth rank, it will be discussed and brewed by the Wenxuan Department and the Examination Department. Then it can be submitted to the cabinet for decision, and then the emperor can directly use the seal. Of course, the emperor also has the right to veto, but the emperor may not be able to recognize officials below the fourth rank, so the chance of veto is extremely small, almost negligible.

  There are some customary rules here. For example, if the elder in charge of the Ministry of Officials rejects some or all of the opinions, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials has the right to submit them again.

  At this time, the elders in charge of the cabinet are generally submitted to the cabinet, but if the plan is rejected, then the Minister of the Ministry of Officials generally needs to resign as an expression of apology.

This veto may be vetoed by the cabinet or the emperor, so in many cases, if the emperor is not satisfied with a certain minister, he can use this situation to force the minister to resign. If you are not satisfied, you can use this method. Even if the cabinet approves it, you only need to persuade the emperor to veto it, and you can also force the minister to resign.

  For another example, officials above the third rank are basically not prepared by the Ministry of Officials, but directly prepared by the cabinet for decision-making and submitted to the emperor for approval.

Similarly, the Metropolitan Procuratorate also plays an important role in it. If the Metropolitan Procuratorate rejects the candidate from the Ministry of Officials, then specific reasons need to be put forward. If the Ministry of Officials does not accept it, it can also be submitted forcibly. Similarly, if the cabinet does not agree with the opinion of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, then the relevant officials in charge of the Metropolitan Procuratorate will also resign to show their responsibility.

Now that the Ministry of Officials, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Cabinet, and the Emperor have completed the four passes, it will be announced that a formal decision will be made. We will only wait for the Ministry of Officials to officially announce the release of official certificates and notify Feng Ziying to step down and take over the affairs of the Tongzhi of Yongping Mansion over there, and at the same time return to Beijing to take office That's it.

According to the regulations of the imperial court, it is generally necessary to complete the handover within three to five days after receiving the notice. The Yongping Mansion needs to practice state affairs to take over. Similarly, Feng Ziying needs to return to the capital city to go to the Shuntian Mansion Yamen to take over the Fucheng. affairs.

  On the second day after the decision was made by the superiors of Dongshufang, Wang Wenyan's horse quickly arrived at Yongping Mansion, and Feng Ziying confirmed that he was indeed going back to Beijing.

  Everything is basically according to the original idea, and practice state affairs to take over, which is what Feng Ziying is most satisfied with. If there is no suitable person to take over, Feng Ziying is really worried, and even would rather not leave.

   Now that the dust has settled, the news that Zhu Zhiren went to Honglu Temple to serve as the Minister of Honghe Temple has also spread, which means that almost at the same time, the prefect and the prefect will step down at the same time, and it will take some time for the shift to facilitate the handover.

   Tonight at 12 o'clock, we will strive for a wave of explosion. June is not very strong, and we will strive to make more efforts in July. Brothers, please give me a few guaranteed monthly tickets to stimulate Lao Rui!



  (end of this chapter)

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