Number of People

Chapter 1294: The Hero in the Heart of Grass and Trees in the Xinzi Scroll (the first

  Chapter 1294 Xin Zijuan The hero in the hearts of grass trees in the setting sun

Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er also enjoy this "privilege" very much. They have to clean up twice a day and file Feng Ziying's usual books and materials. So much joy.

  It was expected, and I thought that I was about to face complex and complicated affairs full of various challenges, and I was destined to take up the post under the eyes of many doubts, contempt and resistance. This is not an easy thing.

All kinds of problems encountered by Yongping Mansion are pediatrics in comparison. The gentry, officials and even merchants in the capital city are not deeply rooted, and any one can be connected to the big bosses. Makes you jump the mouse and think twice before acting.

  Of course, Feng Ziying likes this kind of challenge. If there is no difficulty, then why let herself go?

  Difficult and complex, challenging and risky, which means huge benefits.

  Where do the benefits come from? Extensive power is on the one hand, a wider channel of network resources, the best opportunity to enhance huge influence, grab prestige, and an excellent opportunity to cultivate your own system, all of which are enough to make people salivate.

   Take ten thousand steps back, even if something goes wrong in the middle and you are forced to resign and retire, so what? I am so young, my next reply is that I have started to be the fourth rank, look at all the big men in the court, which one has never experienced resignation and resignation?

   It can be said that no big boss who has not experienced resignation and resignation is incomplete. Forbearance and dormancy are the essential qualities of big bosses. Feng Ziying has even made preparations in advance.

  Sitting in the study, Feng Ziying carefully savored the feeling of being alone before putting away the letter.

  Yu Chuaner outside the door heard the noise inside, and obediently showed her head, "Master, are you going to rest?"

   "Well, you clean it up." Feng Ziying sat in the official hat chair, leaning on a cushion behind her, and did not move lazily.

  After returning to Yongping Mansion, Yu Chuaner, who was very bored in the mansion, took the initiative to invite Ying to come with her sister Jin Chuaner.

With Xiangling's return to the second room, the sisters Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er actually acted as Feng Ziying's personal servants. For example, only Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er had the privilege of entering and leaving Feng Ziying's study, and the others included Baochai. People like Baoqin and Qingwen will not step in.

   It's not that Baochai and Baoqin can't step in, but rules are rules, and the two of them naturally understand the importance of rules.

   Sometimes there will be mistakes and omissions, but the two daughters are extremely smart and willing to learn.

  Feng Ziying would teach them how to read when she was free. Jin Chuan'er could already recognize common characters almost by accident. Even Yu Chuan'er was only a month old and could recognize hundreds of characters.

Yu Chuan'er was wearing an embroidered jacket with white flowers on a blue background, an indigo teeth-pinch vest, and plain light green floral trousers. Book case, organize the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the desk.

   "Master, you haven't returned to the house to rest, what are you doing sitting here?"

  While tidying up, Yu Chuaner also asked without raising her head.

   "Well, it's good to sit here and rest your mind. It's also a kind of enjoyment to watch Yu Chuan'er so busy cleaning up."

Feng Ziying leaned on the back of the chair, watching the beautiful woman in front of her busy tidying up, and the outside of the house was quiet and pleasant. Occasionally, a dog barked from a distance, and occasionally there were some unknown small noises. I don't know if it was a weasel or a mouse running from the roof. But, all in all, there is a quiet beauty.

  Laughed out loud with a "puchi", Yu Chuan'er still didn't raise her head, and was busy with herself, "Master, this is really interesting. How can I enjoy cleaning up the house and doing work?"

Yu Chuan'er's vigorous body and rhythmic movements have an indescribable beauty under the candlelight. The skin of the two sisters is very fair. She was born as a servant, but grew up in Jia's family, and she has always been a maid, so she has a rich and cold beauty. Feng Ziying was thinking that if this girl was born in a wealthy family, she must be a rich and beautiful girl.

  Yu Chuan'er is not as tall as her sister, her skin is not as white as Jin Chuan'er, and her brows don't have the cold and lazy aura of Jin Chuan'er, but she is a bit more lively and sweet, and her figure is slimmer and fitter, full of vitality.

  In the past two years, because of her nutrition and her happy mood, Yu Chuan'er's body has also grown rapidly, and she is far from the immature appearance of the previous two years.

   Originally, her figure was only slightly curvy, but now it is also uneven. A few days ago, I heard Jin Chuan'er muttering that Yu Chuan'er's apron and bust are too small, and her trousers are too tight, so I have to use hers.

Seeing Yu Chuan'er tidying up outside the desk, Feng Ziying moved the official hat chair, stepped back to reveal space, Yu Chuan'er didn't care, and stood directly in front of Feng Ziying, bowing Wipe and tidy up.

Suddenly an arm was hooked around the waist, so frightened that Yu Chuan'er almost lost the handkerchief in her hand, but immediately reacted, before she had time to be shy, she felt that she was being embraced by the master behind her, and sat on his lap on the legs.

  My grandfather used to tease me once in a while, but never had such intimacy. Yu Chuan'er's face was hot, her heart was beating violently, her body was tense, but she finally sat on Feng Ziying's lap.

   "Master, you..."

  Feng Ziying couldn't help herself either.

This girl has a very good body odor mixed with saponins and balsam. It is estimated that the smell of washing her hair and clothes is mixed together. The girl is full of rhythm when she bends her body in front of her and wipes the desk. The shaking of the black hair, the looming black hair, suddenly stimulated his visual nerves, the man's hormones and dopamine burst out suddenly, and he subconsciously pulled Yu Chuan'er into his arms.

In fact, Feng Ziying felt a little abrupt after she made a move. Although Yu Chuaner must be her own, there is no need to be so impulsive at this time, but since she made a move, Feng Ziying didn't care too much, and the little girl is soft and full of elasticity. The waist and tentacles are extraordinarily comfortable and feel excellent.

   "Well, that's it, it's good." Feng Ziying closed her eyes, hugged Yu Chuan'er in her arms, and made no other movements.

  Yu Chuan'er's body was a little stiff, and she just sat like this, not knowing what to do for a while, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I'm just tired, I want to hug you two sisters, close your eyes and smell the smell, take a rest, and suddenly the blood will return to life,..." Feng Ziying babbled nonsense, and Yu Chuan'er couldn't help but laugh, physically and mentally. He also relaxed, "Master, slaves don't have the ability, but during this period of time, I have worked too hard, day and night, the days will be long, and I should take care of my body..."

  Feng Ziying couldn't help but twitched the corner of her mouth. Why did Yu Chuan'er's words sound so indecent, as if she was alluding to something?

  Especially when Yu Chuan'er was still sitting on her lap, her waist was still being held by her, as if to remind herself?

God is pitiful, after knowing that he might return to the capital during this period, he began to prepare for the follow-up matters after leaving. Shanxi merchants, local gentry, and coordination and communication with the Lu family in Songjiang, new mines, factories, etc. The workshop plus the charcoal field, as well as the deployment of road construction, none of the things are simple, how much energy do you have to think about things on the bed?

To put it bluntly, not to mention that Qingwen hasn't had time to collect the house yet, Eryou's side also has a taste of it, even Baochai and Baoqin have been there for a few days, and it's just a day of loving Baoqin while taking a bath After a while, I usually sleep with my arms in my arms. It can be said that I have become a little bit pure-hearted during this time.

"Yu Chuan'er, my master has big things to do, how can I relax? Every day is tense, and I have to think about all kinds of problems that may be faced at any time, all of which are related to the livelihood of the common people in this prefecture. How dare you relax?"

  Feng Ziying let go of Yu Chuan'er's waist and rubbed her temples.

   This is not a lie.

   This month, in order to ensure that the foundation laid by her family will not be leaked after handing it over to Lian, Feng Ziying is also working overtime to check for gaps and make up for gaps.

To be honest, Lian is not the most suitable candidate for state affairs, but he is the most reliable one. Even Wei Guangwei and Feng Ziying can't believe it, so he can only do more by himself, try to be as thoughtful as possible for Lian state affairs, so that Lian can avoid accidents after taking over the state affairs. Too many mistakes.

  Feeling Feng Ziying's hand left her waist, Yu Chuan'er wanted to get up, but after a little hesitation, she still didn't get up. She just turned slightly to see Feng Ziying rubbing her temples with a tired face under the candlelight.

  Thinking that his hard work is also for the livelihood of the people of Yongping Mansion, Yu Chuan'er also feels tenderness in his heart.

This is the real heroic man, who is dedicated to the country and the people, who lives up to the grace of the king and the people, who is like the second master Bao of Rongguo Mansion who only knows to hang around the skirts of girls all day long, not to eat Rouge means to apply face powder, or to be entangled with those male and female characters of Brother Zhong, and I don’t know how girls like Xiren, Qiuwen, Sheyue, and Zixiao are so short-sighted and obsessed with A dude like Yu Bao Erye?

Having been with Feng Ziying for a few years, Yu Chuan'er's heart has grown a lot, and she feels extremely ashamed of her envious attitude towards Xiren, Zixiao, and Sheyue in the past, and she doesn't know why she was overwhelmed by lard back then. She would actually be envious of such a situation. In the past two years by the uncle's side, she has experienced all kinds of experiences, and they have made Yu Chuan'er dismiss that kind of life now.

Not to mention going back to be a maid, Yu Chuan'er would not agree to being a concubine for Second Master Bao now, but as long as she can stay by Uncle Feng's side, she will have no name and no distinction. The son is also willing, willing to be happy.

   There will be more soon, brothers, where is your guaranteed monthly pass?



  (end of this chapter)

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