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Chapter 1303: Xin Zijuan setting sun, grass and trees face each other calmly

  Chapter 1303 Xin Zijuan Setting sun, grass and trees face each other calmly

  Busia Mara did not answer Feng Ziying's question, but asked directly: "Then Master Feng..."

"Now that you've said it, don't call me Mrs. Feng, you can call me Ziying." Feng Ziying appreciates Busia Mara's straightforwardness, "I will call you Brother Dong, and I will continue to call you Busi." Yamara?"

   "Okay, you can call me Brother Dong or Busia Mara." Busia Mara smiled happily, "Ziying, then how do you plan, um, how to treat us..."

  Busia Mara drew a circle with her hands, as if she didn't know how to describe the relationship and subsequent development between the two parties.

Feng Ziying hesitated for a while, "Brother Dong, as I said before, you and I have different identities. I am a Han Chinese and an official of the Great Zhou Dynasty. You are the noble daughter of Ye He, and you are the core of the Ye He clan and even the Haixi Jurchen." Characters, you and I shoulder our own responsibilities and obligations, so it’s not that I didn’t know the goodwill and closeness between us before, but as a man, even as a woman, you have to face the fetters of reality bondage,..."

  Busia Mara also knew what Feng Ziying said was true, and felt more and more that this man's magnanimity and responsibility were completely different from other Han people who like to talk softly. Maybe this is what heroes and heroes have in common?

   It’s not that she hasn’t thought about her future. She is not young, and will soon be thirty years old. Even an unmarried woman of this age on the grassland is unique, but what should she do?

"I haven't thought too much about it. Whether it's my uncle or my elder brother, they have no right to control my own affairs. Everything I do is worthy of Ye Hebu..." Busia Mara was a little confused, hiding a bit of helplessness help, but the stubbornness revealed at the corner of his mouth is still fierce.

   "Then what do you think we should do? I'm already married, or Dong Ge, would you like to marry in Han?" Feng Ziying also felt a headache.

  This Busia Mara is no better than a Han woman, taking a concubine can solve all problems, can Ye Hebu accept this situation?

If it is introduced into the grassland, the grassland is proud, but Haixi Mingzhu becomes a concubine of a Han official, wouldn't it be a humiliation and blow to the Yehe tribe and the Haixi Jurchen, and those tribes who can't find a reason don't take it This is the reason to focus on attacking Ye Hebu?

  Jintaishi and Buyangu will never allow this to happen, no matter how stubborn Busia Mara is, it is impossible not to return to the attitude of the elders and the same clan.

"Brother Dong, you and I were born in this era, living in our own environments, yet meeting each other again. I have a family, morality, and obligations. You have a tribe, relatives, and responsibilities. You can't get rid of all of this..." Feng Ziying sighed softly, "We still have to face countless challenges. The relationship between men and women is not everything, but I am willing to work hard for it..."

  Bushiya Mara's deep pool-like pupils suddenly flashed, and the light of joy flashed across, "Ziying, then we..."

"Brother Dong, have you considered your future?" Feng Ziying did not intend to deceive or perfunctory the other party, and asked calmly: "From my personal point of view, it is difficult for you to find a suitable marriage now. People who are interested, either come for Ye Hebu, or come for that sentence, or just for you,..."

   Busia Mara nodded slightly, agreeing with what Feng Ziying said.

"I think your uncle and elder brother have held you back for so many years. I guess they just hope to use your marriage as a goal to attract other forces, but no matter who they choose, the harm will outweigh the benefits, so they may never make a decision. choose,…"

Feng Ziying's words hit the most vulnerable side of Busia Mara's heart and the side she was least willing to face, a touch of moisture floated in her eyes, but Busia Mara quickly turned her head slightly to cover up this weakness .

  Feng Ziying saw it in his eyes, and sighed secretly in his heart. In fact, he had already seen this point. Similarly, a smart person like Busia Mara would not fail to understand, but he was unwilling to face it.

The Ula tribe admires her, the Inner Kharkhas covet her, and even the Outer Khalkhas are thinking about her like the Chahar people. The Horqin people even come to propose marriage, not to mention the Jianzhou Jurchen, Nabusiyama Who can La marry?

"Brother Dong, you actually understand that if this is the case, then you don't have to worry too much about other things, Brother Dong." Feng Ziying said leisurely, "Or you can throw away other fetters, uncle, and come back to Beijing with me to feel relaxed and relaxed." What about the cultural life of our Han people?"

   Busia Mara was surprised and at a loss for a while.

   Leave everything behind and go back to the capital city with him, but what about the three thousand Jiaqi in Yongping Mansion? To Delgler? What about Yehe's uncle and elder brother? do not care?

  Feng Ziying met the other party's bewildered eyes and opened her arms. Busia Mara stepped forward in a daze and was embraced by the other party. For a while, a touch of warm moisture soaked along Feng Ziying's shoulders.

   "Let me see,..."

   "Thinking too much may be better than not thinking about it..." Feng Ziying said softly: "You have been tired for so many years, can't you give yourself a vacation and relax for a while? I'm afraid your uncle and brother have nothing to complain about?"

  Busia Mara left, she said she had to think about it.

Feng Ziying also breathed a sigh of relief. He gave Busia Mara some hope and fulfilled the promise of his conscience. Indeed, this is all he can do. If he fails to meet too many promises, then It's too scumbag.

   As for how Busia Mara chooses after careful consideration, it depends on her. Of course, as long as Busia Mara makes a choice, he will respect and respond to it. This is a basic rule of a man.

When Baochai and Baoqin saw Feng Ziying, they couldn't see anything unusual about her husband, but they saw Busia Mara's confused and hopeful expression, which made them wonder, wondering what her husband had given her. What kind of conversation did this somewhat ambiguous lady Ye He have to make the other party have such an expression.

  Of course, they won't ask directly, and it's their ability to make their husbands willingly tell them.

   On the contrary, Qingwen, who had been watching from the sidelines like a hound, was quite aggrieved.

   Qingwen became more and more disdainful for Busia Mara's actions but the Xue family sisters didn't say anything.

In her opinion, in the face of the "invasion" of "foreign enemies", the Xue family sisters, as big women and mistresses, should take this responsibility as a matter of course, but the Xue family sisters don't know whether it is because they don't want to attract the uncle's disgust or because they are out of control. For other considerations, it is so silently ignored, which is clearly a kind of "manipulating the enemy".

   This is not only hurting their own interests, but also hurting the interests of Changfang's own grandmother.

  But Qingwen also knew that her identity was obviously inappropriate to conflict with the Xue family sisters. She could only keep it firmly in her heart, and at the same time express her dissatisfaction and doubts through other channels.

"Xiangling, what does your grandma think, just let that savage girl flirt with the uncle?" Qingwen said with a bit of hatred: "When I was in the mansion, I asked you and Yinger to remind you Grandma? Yinger is careless, don’t you know the severity? That woman’s eyes are captivating, and the uncle likes that kind of figure. In this situation, only you two grandmas are here, so you shouldn’t try to persuade her Sir?"

  Although Qingwen and Yinger are also familiar, they don't have a good relationship, and Xiangling still has some connections in Feng's residence, so she has to get closer, and she doesn't have so many scruples when talking.

However, Xiangling is honest and honest. Faced with Qingwen's doubts and criticisms, although she was a little wronged, she still carefully defended: "Qingwen, I also mentioned it to grandma, but grandma said that the woman had business dealings with the uncle. It is not advisable to inquire too much, what you said is just speculation, how dare grandma and the others ask more questions? There is no place to make the uncle hate you."

   "Why is your grandma so cautious? Miss Bao was fine when she was a girl, but Miss Qin is not like this." Qingwen sneered and snorted softly.

"When Miss Qin entered the Rongguo Mansion, did you leave? How do you know Miss Qin's temperament?" Although Xiangling is simple and honest, she is not stupid, she blinked her eyes, "You have such a temperament, you don't know how to restrain yourself after asking around. Some, let the girls know, it's annoying."

Qingwen's face turned hot. She had indeed inquired about these situations through her own channels in the Rongguo Mansion. She knew that Xue Baoqin was an unforgiving master. Even Lin Daiyu dared to bear it. She was a little favored by the uncle, in this case, she was a little annoyed why she was so indulgent to this barbarian girl.

  As Shen Yixiu's personal maid, she naturally puts her grandmother's interests first, so it's no problem to scout out future "opponents".

Qingwen roughly knew the temperaments of Baochai and Daiyu, but she had never been in touch with Baoqin because she came late, so she had to find out the situation. Although she was grateful for Xiangling's kind advice, she was not in love with it. Think I did something wrong.

   "Hmph, I know to be careful, can you still sell me?" Qingwen also knew that Xiangling would not betray herself, besides, it was not a big deal.

"Don't just rely on the fact that the uncle likes you, my second grandma Qin is not easy to provoke, let me remind you first." Xiangling kindly reminded: "As for what you said, my grandma has her own sense of propriety, and it's up to her to take her turn." Don’t worry about people like you and me.”

Seeing Xiangling like this, Qingwen also knew that it was useless to say it, and gave the other party a hard look, "You have also been opened up by the master to take over the house a long time ago. If your grandma doesn't want to say it, you dare not be favored by the master." When will you remind me?"

  Xiang Ling's face became hot, and he counterattacked: "You say me, why don't you know how to go by yourself, just let the master open your face for you,..."

  Qingwen didn't expect that Xiangling, who was always honest, would dare to use such words to fight back against herself. She was ashamed and annoyed, but she didn't speak, stomped her feet, and left.

  (end of this chapter)

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