Number of People

Chapter 1304: Xin Zijuan Setting Sun Grass Tree Father and Son, Siblings and Brothers

  Chapter 1304 Xin Zijuan Xiyangcaoshu father and son, siblings

   Rongguo Mansion.

  Looking at the servants busy cleaning up in the mansion, and Aunt Zhao domineeringly scolding the maid who was wiping tears with her hips on her hips, Jia Zheng became restless for no reason.

   In a few days, he was about to leave for the south, and the official documents from the Ministry of Officials had already arrived, and he would leave Beijing within five days, but Jia Zheng felt unspeakably restless.

  Li Shi'er looked at the master's face with hesitation, and wanted to remind Aunt Zhao, but when she saw Jia Huan coming in, she immediately shut up.

  As expected, Jia Huan's face darkened, and Aunt Zhao became a little embarrassed, her voice dropped a few degrees, the hand was drawn from her waist, her face became cloudy, and she greeted her son kindly.

   Jia Huan said a few words indifferently, and then said something to his biological mother, but Aunt Zhao murmured and didn't dare to reply.

   Obviously, this woman who dared to speak up in front of her wife and ancestors now feels a little in awe of her son who is getting older and more powerful.

  Jia Zheng, who watched all this through the window lattice, couldn't help but stroked his beard, both comforted and worried.

  The consolation is naturally that this **** is regarded as the first person to study after Jia Jing in the Eastern Mansion. Next year, Jia Huan will participate in the Autumn Competition. It is said that even Feng Ziying is very optimistic.

   As for whether it can compete with the Chinese style in the next spring, Jia Zheng thinks it is not important.

As long as next year's autumn exams pass the exam, it will be the second one in the whole Jia family in decades. His eldest son, Jia Zhuna, studied so hard that he even failed to pass the exam. Now Brother Huan If he can pass the exam, it will undoubtedly be enough to honor his ancestors.

   It was Jia Huan who was worried. Of course it was a good thing for this **** to be able to study well, but Baoyu's appearance made Jia Zheng have to worry about how the two brothers would get along in the future.

If Jia Huan had a brotherly and respectful temperament, Jia Zheng would naturally be happy, but Brother Huan's temper was too arrogant, and even Feng Ziying said that Jia Huan's official career would be better if he went to the Imperial History of the Metropolitan Procuratorate or the Sixth Division Official. Originally, Jia Huan and Baoyu had a bad relationship, but now that Brother Huan has become a weapon, how will Baoyu deal with himself?

   It is inevitable that the story of the strong and the weak in the big family will be staged again, which makes Jia Zheng also very worried.

The key lies in Jia Huan's indistinctly unruly demeanor, even he can't control himself, it seems that he can barely listen to a few words from his sister Sanyatou. , who can hold him down?

  Mixed joys and sorrows have always been intertwined in Jia Zheng's heart, which made his mood fluctuate during this period of time.

Seeing Jia Huan coming towards his study, Jia Zheng guessed that there must be something wrong, so he returned to his seat and pretended to read a book, but he heard Li Shi'er's respectful voice outside the door: "The third master is here, the master is in the room." Reading a book."

   "Well, father is here? I have something to report to the master."

  Li Shi'er hurriedly opened the door for Jia Huan, and then stepped back cautiously.

   This is the most dazzling reading seed in Jia's mansion. The whole family's attitude towards Third Lord Huan is changing day by day. Even the ancestor and wife are much kinder to him now.

  However, the attitude of the third master Huan is still the same. Of course, he has the qualifications.

   "Meet my father." Jia Huan saluted. Jia Zheng put down the book in satisfaction and nodded, "Sit down."

   "Father, I heard that Brother Feng is about to take office as the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, and he will return to Beijing in a few days?" Jia Huan cut to the chase.

"Well, I have already heard about my father. It was originally said that he should return to Beijing to take over a few days earlier, but the court in Yongping Mansion attaches great importance to it. In addition, the prefect and the same prefect have changed hands at the same time. It turns out that Master Zhu, the prefect, has already As the minister of Honglu Temple, the imperial court asked Ziying to stay in Yongping for a few more days, to settle the relevant matters before returning to Beijing, counting the days, that is, these two days."

  Jia Zheng knew that his son had a very close relationship with Feng Ziying, so of course he was happy to see the success.

  Besides, he is a concubine, no matter how unruly, but he is a child of the Jia family after all, and he can't write two characters of Jia in one stroke. If he can rely on Feng Ziying to make a fortune, he can take care of the Jia family at least, right?

"Father will go south to the right of the river in a few days. My son thinks that elder brother Feng has been kind to Jia's family, second brother Bao and his son, as well as brother Lan and brother Cong. The Jia family has also benefited a lot. Son I want to ask my father to hold a banquet for Brother Feng in the mansion after Brother Feng returns to the capital, before his father goes south,..."

   Jia Huan spoke seriously, and Jia Zheng felt pleasantly surprised that his son had really grown up.

  The theory should have been said by Baoyu. Jia Zhu passed away and Jia Lian was not around.

Stroking his beard and nodding, Jia Zheng pondered for a while: "This is what it should be, and I also have this idea as a father. If so, you should pay attention to Feng's house. If Ziying returns to Beijing, you will come to invite Ziying immediately and set a time. I might as well make some arrangements with your uncle. Ziying has just returned to Beijing and is holding an important position. As a father, I am afraid that too many people will come to invite people, and he may not be busy."

"What my father said is very true. My son has asked Zhao Guoji to wait at Feng's residence for the past two days. My son has to go back to the academy. Once Brother Feng returns to Beijing, let him pass it on to me, and I will go back to Brother Feng's residence. Invitation."

  Jia Huan did not give Jia Baoyu such an opportunity at all, and would rather visit the door in person when he came back from the suburban academy. Brother Feng will soon be the Chancellor of Shuntian Mansion, thinking of this, Jia Huan felt hot.

  He also knew for a long time that Big Brother Feng was going to jump into the dragon's gate sooner or later, but he didn't expect that he would go back to Beijing so quickly.

  That's all, the key is that after returning to Beijing, he can be promoted two levels in a row, and directly enter the important position of Shuntian Fu Cheng.

  Twenty-year-old senior member of the fourth rank, the entire academy was in a state of eruption, and many students rushed to tell each other to celebrate this feat.

  This is another big boost to the reputation of the entire academy, even though most of the students in the academy are arrogant and arrogant, and there are more people around him.

Jia Zheng didn't expect this to happen, but he just thought that Brother Huan was sensible, so he nodded, "You've thought carefully, that's all, let's talk to your sister-in-law and sister in this mansion, and ask them to arrange more food in the kitchen. Prepare some high-quality ingredients,…”

   "My son understands." Satisfied, Jia Huan left and went straight to Qiushuangzhai.

   Men are not allowed in or out of this Grand View Garden. Except for Baoyu’s Yihong Courtyard, all other men have to be passed on first, and then brought in by the lady at the gate.

  Tanchun was a little surprised when he heard Jia Huan came, but he was his younger brother, and Tanchun was very happy to see him when he came back from the academy.

   "Brother Huan is here, when did you come back?"

   Waiting until Cuimo brought tea, Tanchun asked.

   "I came back last night. I just came from my father, and I also told my father about Brother Feng's return to Beijing. My father and I both intend to hold a banquet for Brother Feng in the mansion,..."

Jia Huan briefly explained the purpose of his visit, and Tanchun had no objection, and asked Jia Huan's expression in the academy. Jia Huan responded a few words, and then he was a little impatient. He was about to say goodbye, but saw his sister's face. A little lonely, my heart skipped a beat.

   "Third Sister, Big Brother Feng is going back to Beijing in two days, and father is going to go south soon. This trip will take at least three years, but sister, your marriage,..."

   Before Jia Huan finished speaking, Tan Chunfeng opened his eyes wide and said sharply: "Brother Huan, take care of your own affairs, you don't need to worry about mine!"

"Third Sister, you are my older sister. How could I worry about other people? How can I not worry about your affairs?!" Jia Huan protested, his gaze equally sharp, "Sanjie likes Big Brother Feng It's not something shameful, so there are not many people in this garden who like Big Brother Feng?"

Tanchun was taken aback, and subconsciously looked around, but saw Cuimo, the servant, and the others knowingly didn't come in when they saw that it was the siblings talking, so they lowered their voice nervously, "Brother Huan, do you want to die? Do you dare to talk nonsense like this?"

"Third sister, when did I talk nonsense? I, Jia Huan, have that kind of temper?" Jia Huan didn't take it seriously, and took a sip of tea, "Second sister is madly in love with Brother Feng, she would rather give it to Feng. The eldest brother is unwilling to marry into the Sun family even if he is a concubine. Many people know about it, right? And the sister of the Xing family, uncle also wants her to be a concubine for Brother Feng? With the nature of the elder sister of the Xing family, if she If you don’t want to, I’m afraid there’s nothing you can do, uncle?”

   Here are some things that Jia Huan heard about, and some are just hearsay and his own speculation.

But Tanchun knew that the second sister was unrequitedly in love with Brother Feng, but the uncle was all about betrotting her to the Sun family and took a lot of money from the Sun family. This matter is also unclear. As for the matter of Xiuyan But Tanchun doesn't know.

"Brother Huan, how do you know about these things?" Tanchun sat up straight, she didn't want her younger brother to pay attention to these trivial matters all day long, reading is what Jia Huan should do best, if If it is affected, that is the greatest crime.

"Third sister, I am also from the Jia family, and I have to come back often. There are still some familiar people in the mansion, right?" Interested in caring about these things, except for your affairs, Third Sister."

   "Is it Zhao Guoji?" Tanchun snorted softly.

Zhao Guoji is Aunt Zhao, who is the younger brother of their biological mother. To be precise, he is their uncle. Aunt Zhao has arranged for Jia Huan to be the long-term follower in the mansion, but Jia Huan will not take him with him when he is studying at Qingtan Academy. Zhao Guoji went, but let Zhao Guoji stay in the mansion, which was regarded as a nail for Jia Huan in the mansion.

"Sister, why worry about these nosy things?" Jia Huan said impatiently: "You should worry about your own affairs, and take care of Brother Feng's affairs! Is my sister worse than the Xue family sisters? I just don't feel angry with Xue How can the family sisters be so beautiful, but the third sister is here dejected!"

  (end of this chapter)

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