Number of People

Chapter 1305: Xin Zijuan Setting Sun, Grass and Trees High-ranking Speech Skills

  Chapter 1305 Xin Zijuan Setting Sun, Grass and Trees, High Rank Speaking Skills

Tanchun, who has always been strong, was also wet from the corners of her eyes by her younger brother's words. She tilted her head slightly submissively, and calmly avoided Jia Huan's gaze, then quietly wiped her cheeks with a sweat towel pretending to wipe the With tears in the corners of his eyes, he calmed down and said, "Brother Huan, it's a match made in heaven for Sister Bao and Sister Qin to marry Brother Feng..."

"What a match made in heaven!" Jia Huan couldn't help being furious, "If the Xue family hadn't established a relationship with Brother Feng in Linqing, if the sisters of the Xue family hadn't been descended from the direct descendants, when would it be their turn? It’s just the Royal Shang family, third sister, why are you worse than them? Isn’t it because the master and wife refused to promise you to Brother Feng before Brother Feng didn’t have a Chinese style, otherwise there would be nothing to do with the Shen family and the Xue family?”

   Tanchun was taken aback, where did Jia Huan hear such news?

"Brother Huan, what nonsense are you talking about there?" Tanchun's voice trembled a little, and he subconsciously clenched his sweat towel, "Where did our family ever have such an idea, when Brother Feng and I were young,... "

"Hmph, it was my uncle who brought it up to me. He said that at that time, it was his wife who made things difficult for him. He said that brother Feng might not be able to read books. Brother Feng's father was also at home at that time, and the Feng family would not be able to survive in the capital. Maybe I will sneak back to Linqing in despair,..."

  Jia Huan's words are half true and half false.

It was indeed Jia She who mentioned to him that Jia Zheng and his wife had mentioned this idea unintentionally, and also mentioned it with Wang Ziteng, but they were still young at that time, and they were indeed not very optimistic about Feng Ziying. Wang Ziteng didn't have any attitude, and Jia Amnesty didn't know about it until a few years later, but why the Feng family returned to Linqing in disgrace was Jia Huan's own imagination.

  Tan Chun's hand trembled, and just as he was about to pick up the teacup, it almost fell to the ground.

  She knew that her status as a concubine was the biggest obstacle, but if five or six years ago, before Big Brother Feng went to Qingtan Academy to study, the two families got engaged, maybe the Feng family would accept such a marriage.

No matter which house it is, it can also occupy the status of a big wife. With the status and friendship of the two families, even if Brother Feng later passed the examination and promoted people to become an official, he would not be able to regret the marriage. It's just that the vision has formed a good marriage early.

Tanchun was a little upset for a while, she never thought that there would be such a thing, and Jia Huan would not come here to tell such a lie to deceive herself, but it is a pity that such an opportunity is fleeting, when Brother Feng went to Qingtan The possibility is very small when you are studying in the academy, and it is almost impossible after you pass the exam.

  Maybe everything is fate? Feeling sad and lonely in Tanchun's heart, is it true that he and Brother Feng are destined for each other?

  Brother Huan's thoughts are known to Tanchun, but even if he really doesn't care about being a concubine, what about the mansion? How can the master and wife agree? This is undoubtedly a damage to the Jia family's reputation.

   Moreover, Tanchun's heart is full of resentment, dissatisfaction and stubbornness just like Brother Huan said.

  That's all for Xue Baochai, why even Xue Baoqin can have the identity of a concubine?

  How much worse than their sisters?

  Is it true that the status of a concubine is an insurmountable chasm, and even reduced to being a concubine who can only wait for a lifetime to compromise?

Looking at the situation of my biological mother, Aunt Zhao, if it wasn't for the fact that the master still has a bit of husband and wife love to protect her, I'm afraid she might be picked up by the ancestors and his wife at any time and cry bitterly. Tanchun can't accept such a result. .

   "Brother Huan, even if such things happened, they are in the past. What's the point of talking about them now?" Tanchun calmed down and said calmly.

"Third sister, I just want to explain a truth. You could have married Brother Feng, but your luck was bad and some people took advantage of it. But I thought that with Sanjie's heart, why couldn't you earn it back?" What belongs to you?" Jia Huan said every word.

Tanchun's face became more and more cold, and he looked at Jia Huan: "Brother Huan, do you know what you are talking about? Brother Feng's three wives have already been confirmed, you mean me to be a concubine for Brother Feng? Even if it is me If I want to, your master and wife can't agree. Do you want to save the face of the Jia family? Whether it's the second sister or the sister Xiuyan, they are them, I am me,..."

Jia Huan also sighed, "Third Sister, I understand what you said, as I said before, you are no better than the sisters of the Xue family to check anything, they can be wives, why can't you, it's a pity that the luck is not good, being a concubine is of course It's unacceptable, but what if Big Brother Feng can earn an imperial order for you?"

   After Tanchun was stunned for a moment, his eyes suddenly lit up, but then they immediately darkened, and shook his head: "I have never heard that an official's concubine can be ordered by the court."

"Hmph, the third sister has never heard of it, so it doesn't mean she doesn't have one." Jia Huan curled her lips, "In the twelfth year of Guangyuan, the mother of Yu Qingdong, the left servant of the Ministry of War, was appointed by the imperial court to be a lady, and her mother was a concubine. ..."

  Tan Chun was taken aback for a moment, then realized, and frowned: "That's because his son won the government and made meritorious service, so the imperial court made an exception for his mother and ordered him to order..."

In the twelfth year of Guangyuan, the Mongols invaded the border, and the Tumed people teamed up with the Ordos people to fight all the way to the capital city, surrounded the capital city, and the capital trembled. The situation was even more dangerous than last year. The suburbs fought with the Mongols for several days, and finally repelled the Mongolian army and made great achievements.

  Afterwards, Emperor Guangyuan asked Yu Qingdong for a gift, and Yu Qingdong asked for an imperial order for his biological mother. This also caused a huge controversy in the court at that time.

The Ministry of Rites resolutely refused, and even threatened to resign from the Minister of Rites at that time, but in the end, in order to fulfill his promise, Emperor Guangyuan still broke the rules and granted Yu Qingdong's biological mother as a noble lady. He resigned, and the Minister of Rites was even vacant for three years, and no scholar was willing to take over, because he believed that Emperor Guangyuan had violated the imperial regulations.

   Until the death of Emperor Guangyuan, the ascension of Emperor Tianping, and the reorganization of the cabinet and the six ministries, the Minister of Rites was considered as a supplementary candidate.

   "Since the imperial court can make an exception to confer imperial orders on Yu Qingdong's biological mother because of his great achievements, then if Brother Feng makes great contributions, can't the imperial court make an exception and confer imperial orders on his concubine's room?" Jia Huan said leisurely.

The practice of this dynasty follows the Song and Ming Dynasties. Except for the wife who is eligible to obtain the imperial order, not to mention the concubine, even the concubine is not eligible to obtain the imperial order. However, Yu Qingdong's exception to obtain the imperial order is a special case, because his meritorious service is hard to be rewarded. , and he also put forward such a special request to get such a special reward.

   Tanchun shook his head lightly. Jia Huan said this lightly, but Tanchun knew how difficult it was.

Rescuing King Yuqing Dongqin almost saved the sky. At that time, the capital city was besieged by 300,000 Mongolian troops for two months, and the people in the capital were in turmoil. There are five or six armies known as King Qin outside, but most of them are thunderous and rainy, and they only dare to wave their flags and shouts outside the capital, but it is all kinds of dodging and delaying to let them actually fight the Mongolian army.

Only when Yu Qingdong led the 50,000 recruited Huaiyang Town (Jiangbei Army) all the way north, and finally launched a fierce battle with the Mongols outside the capital, did the morale of the capital city be boosted, so that the capital city could be preserved. After several setbacks, he was forced to withdraw from the army.

As a result, Huaiyang Town became famous, but it also encountered the envy and hostility of many border towns and generals in the Beijing camp. As a result, fifteen years later, in the twelfth year of Tianping, three years after Yu Qingdong resigned from the cabinet and became an official , Huaiyang Town was eliminated and dissolved.

  The story of Yu Shilang rescued the Gyeonggi soldiers in Huaiyang Town for thousands of miles was also put on the stage by theater troupes and storytellers inside and outside Dajiang, and it was widely sung on the stage and in teahouses and restaurants.

Such a great achievement can be said to be rich and powerful, but Yu Qingdong only asked for an imperial order for his biological mother, but he still encountered such strong resistance, and even caused a minister of the Ministry of Rites to be stranded for several years without anyone taking up his post. How great is the resistance to this kind of thing.

"Brother Huan, don't you use such words to comfort me. We have heard the story of Yu Shilang's rescue since we were young. What kind of achievement is that?" Tan Chun's mouth floated a faint smile, "Brother Feng No matter how great your ability is, if you want to encounter such a dangerous thing, from my heart, I would rather not. Besides, even if Brother Feng really has the opportunity to make such contributions, how can I, Jia Tanchun and He De, let Feng Big brother can ask for this troublesome order for me? How can such a precedent that breaks the rules be set so easily?"

However, Jia Huan was not repelled by her sister's words, and still shook her head stubbornly: "If it is someone else, what the third sister said is reasonable, but Brother Feng is different. How did the sisters of the Xue family get the title of second wife? I really think Is it the court and the emperor's compensation for the debts owed to the Feng family? Brother Feng's second uncle died of illness, hmph, isn't that the emperor's compensation for the series of credits owed by Brother Feng in suppressing the rebellion and opening the sea? Have you heard of it? There is a family with three concurrent families, and is there such thing as the succession of the titles of the three families? Not to mention that there was no such thing as the Zhou Dynasty, even hundreds of years ago, the Song Dynasty and the former Ming Dynasty also did not have such a thing, but Brother Feng It's a matter of course! Even the Ministry of Rites didn't dare to say anything more."

  Jia Huan still used his usual half-truth and half-fiction to deal with his sister.

  He knows that his third sister is very smart and intelligent. It is impossible for you to rely solely on fooling around, so you must have solid evidence.

Feng Ziying is a famous person in Qingtan Academy. Now the teachers and students in the academy have dug up the source of his legendary story, and they are familiar with all the details, so that he can follow suit in the future, so Jia Huan put himself in the academy. I processed some of the stories I heard in the book, and when I said it like this, it really looked like this.

Tanchun was a little moved for a while, it seems that what Brother Huan said is indeed reasonable, what kind of person is Brother Feng, then Yu Qingdong is also close to forty to be the Minister of the Ministry of War, and Brother Feng is only 20 years old and is four years old. Pinshun is Tianfu Chengcheng, maybe in three to five years, he will be the servant.

  (end of this chapter)

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