Number of People

Chapter 1306: Xin Zijuan, setting sun, grass and trees show weakness, make friends

  Chapter 1306 Xin Zijuan The setting sun, grass and trees show weakness, make friends

   "Third Sister, I know you are always strong-tempered. After Brother Feng returns to Beijing, I will have a banquet at the mansion. I will go and ask Brother Feng about his thoughts..." Jia Huan saw his sister's intentions and struck while the iron was hot.

   "No!" Tanchun was ashamed, blushing, "Brother Huan, you are not allowed to do this kind of thing..."

Jia Huan didn't take it seriously, "Sister, you are such a hypocritical person, and I didn't let you go. As a younger brother, I will ask for my sister, and I will lose face? Besides, you can't trust Brother Feng's character. Even if it's an unsatisfactory answer, he won't have anything,..."

  Tanchun still couldn't help but shook his head repeatedly: "No, Brother Huan, if you go like this, then I will turn my face off."

"Third Sister, are you just quietly waiting for fate to fall on you?" Jia Huan spread his hands, "I can feel that Brother Feng is not without affection for you, Third Sister. Last time I was quietly tentative." I asked, but he just sighed,..."

   Tanchun's whole body was shocked, he couldn't believe it, looked at Jia Huan, and suspected that the other party was deceiving him.

"Third sister, how can I lie about this kind of thing, maybe Brother Feng is also very embarrassed, and it was when he was engaged to sister Xue's family that I was quite upset, so I asked him, but he didn't answer my question directly. , just sighed and shook his head, I can feel that he has feelings for Third Sister, if so, why not open the question and see how he answers, maybe there will be an answer we didn't expect?"

  Seeing that Jia Huan spoke seriously, not like empty words, Tanchun fell silent.

Hearing Jia Huan say that Brother Feng had himself in his heart, Tanchun's original determination not to allow Jia Huan to ask was immediately shaken. Thinking of Brother Feng's calm and resolute gaze and open-minded heart, Tanchun was in a state of confusion and fascination. Time does not know what to do.

How clever Jia Huan was, he immediately sensed his sister's temptation, and continued calmly: "Brother Feng returned to the capital this time, the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion has a high position, he is busy with affairs, and shoulders important responsibilities in the capital, so I feel that Brother Feng must be sure." In the position of Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, he can show his might and make even more dazzling achievements, not to mention that the younger brother is only asking tentatively from the side,..."

   Tanchun couldn't respond, so he could only remain silent.

  Jia Huan was also very knowledgeable, so he stopped talking about the matter, changed the topic and said a few gossips, then left and left, leaving only a restless Tanchun alone in the room at a loss.


Feng Ziying and his party had seven or eight horse-drawn carriages because they were dragging their families. Apart from twenty or thirty people, there were also many small and soft objects brought over from Beijing, plus a lot of property bought in Yongping, so Several cars could not be finished at all, some could only be disposed of at Yongping, and some would be pulled back later.

   It is definitely impossible for such a large convoy to spend more money. Fortunately, because Feng Ziying is handing over here, the officials have given him a lot of time, so he is not worried about not being able to catch up, so he walks slowly.

Because spring famine is always the season when bandits come and go, Feng Ziying had the experience of being assassinated in Yutian, so she didn't dare to slack off, Wu Yaoqing also sent a lot of good men, and Feng Ziying also specially invited a team of cavalry from Jizhen I came to **** because I was afraid of accidents.

  Feng Ziying is not worried about herself, but she is afraid that a lot of people like Baochai and Baoqin are helpless women. If an accident happens, it will really be irreparable.

   Fortunately, all of Feng Ziying's worries never happened. They entered Fengrun from Zhenzi Town, passed through Yutian, Jizhou, Sanhe, and traveled all the way to Tongzhou. Seeing that the capital city was already in sight, the group breathed a sigh of relief.

  Tongzhou in the early spring is very lively. The delayed autumn tax in the south of the Yangtze River and all kinds of grain, cloth, silk, medicinal materials, and southern goods from the south of the Yangtze River are gathered here.

In addition to the Jingcang here, Shenwu Zhongwei and Dingbianwei also have a large number of garrison troops stationed here. These garrison soldiers have actually been reduced to a status similar to that of the Minzhuang. They only retain their military status, but in fact they are mainly engaged in farming and handyman work. native aborigines.

  The sky is getting late, and the afterglow of the setting sun falls on the bustling pier and the surrounding streets during the day, making the entire prosperity of the Great Zhou Dynasty look extraordinarily graceful and magnificent.

This time is the busiest time, business travelers are resting at the shop one after another, preparing to rest for dinner, while hawkers are seizing the last chance to sell all kinds of groceries and snacks from the north and south, and some brokers from the service industry have shown up one after another, hardly needing to wait. Observation, they can see at a glance which ones meet the goals of their customers.

  Feng Ziying and the others came from the post road from the east, so they didn’t choose a location that was too close to the pier. There is a gathering place for merchants and guests based on waterways. For Feng Ziying and the others, it is safe, quiet and hygienic.

  Ruixiang had already arranged a place to live in advance. After working with Feng Ziying for so many years, this guy has gradually trained. He only needs Feng Ziying to make arrangements, and he can always prepare properly according to Feng Ziying's wishes.

  The inn I chose lived by the water, but kept a certain distance from the noisy pier, so I could see the pier from a distance without being too noisy.

Baochai, Baoqin, and Eryou all settled down. Qingwen, Yinger, and Xiangling saw that they were going back to the capital city soon, and they were all in a better mood. They were muttering and discussing, and they would go together after dinner. Take a look around the street to see if there are any small things you like, and you can buy a few to bring back to the house and family members, and it is not in vain to be away for more than a month.

  Sister You changed into a man's outfit, with brown hair, blue eyes and a handsome fair face. Even if she used a bust and **** to hold her back, she still couldn't hide her feminine features.

Fortunately, the aborigines in Gyeonggi have seen all kinds of exotic clothes and barbarians, and it is not uncommon to see those wealthy children disguised as men, so the third sister You looks heroic in this outfit, but outside It can still be seen that the child is running away. I'm afraid this is another concubine from the family of some high-ranking official in Beijing who is wearing makeup.

The second sister You felt uncomfortable after driving for too long, so she went to bed early, but Xue Baochai and Xue Baoqin were both in high spirits, standing on a platform at the easternmost end of the inn with Feng Ziying and the third sister You, just overlooking the canal , look at the little sail shadows, hundreds of boats fighting for the stream, but it's not a good feeling.

"Back then, my mother, brother and I abandoned the boat and went ashore from here, and then entered the capital in a carriage. It has been a few years, but it seems like yesterday." Xue Baochai wore a black fox cloak, A pointed cloak hat specially made of Firefox fur, matching black and red, and that pretty face with pink make-up and jade carving like a white jade beauty, but it has a charming charm.

Xue Baoqin was dressed again, with a squirrel leather waistcoat trimmed with white on a light green base, a brocade satin jacket inside, a sable fur coat on the outside, and a plain gold sash on her head, full of beauty. The jet-black hair was neatly combed, and the two blush on the cheeks and the corners of the eyes drawn with special charcoal pencil made the pair of handsome apricot eyes more energetic.

The beauty of Baoqin is completely different from that of Baochai and even that of Daiyu. It is exquisite and gorgeous, yet sharp and refreshing.

"My sister is like this, and so is my younger sister." Baoqin was also a little sad, and then her beautiful eyes brightened, "A year ago, my younger sister and elder brother and mother went to Beijing. The aunt's family can be relied on, and the little girl is also in a state of anxiety and anxiety. It's like a fleeting moment, and a year has passed in the blink of an eye. Everything is like yesterday,..."

"Okay, I originally brought you sisters here to see the beauty of the sunset in Tongzhou, and to feel the importance of Tongzhou as the starting point of the northern section of the canal to our Great Zhou and the capital city, but it turned out to be sad. Did it affect your mood? If I knew it, I might as well have rested earlier." Feng Ziying pretended to be annoyed.

"Please forgive me, my concubine is the one who brought up this topic." Baochai covered her mouth and smiled, "It is also rare for us to go out. When Baoqin was young, he traveled all over the world. In recent years, he has mostly stayed at home. But You San Sister and sister follow Xianggong's side, chic and at ease."

"My sister was joking. It is the most uncomfortable thing to go out with my husband. I have to worry about all kinds of dangers all day long. Moreover, my husband often acts independently. He doesn't want people to follow him. He finds it conspicuous. But there was an assassination at the ferry of Yutiangu River. , but how dare we ignore it? We have been tense all day and night, deeply afraid that something will happen."

  The third sister You is also a bold temper. Hearing Baochai mention herself, how could she expect so much?

This time when I return to Beijing, I am faced with the coexistence of the two houses. It is inevitable that there will be some entanglements in the back room. Before that, it was only a short month or so, and everyone thought that it would be over after a while, but now it will take years and months to face each other. For getting along, especially under the same roof, in addition to the master, there are so many servants, one can imagine that there is no smooth sailing in the middle.

   Sisters like You Er and You San are scumbags in these aspects, and they can't get involved at all. Even girls like Qingwen are a few ranks higher than You Er and You San in terms of combat effectiveness.

Baochai and Baoqin are also very clear about what situation they will face. That girl Qingwen followed Shen Yixiu wholeheartedly, but You Er You San is a harmless and even marginalized character like Changfang. China can win over and make friends with a good group of "friendly people", which will undoubtedly relieve a lot of pressure.

My sister is a latecomer, and Shen Yixiu was born in a scholarly family, and she has already given birth to a daughter, who is very much loved by her mother-in-law. This advantage cannot be leveled in a short time. The second wife will be under pressure for a period of time, so show weakness, make friends, etc. It is essential to hold your ground.

  (end of this chapter)

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