Number of People

Chapter 1307: Xin Zijuan Setting Sun, Grass and Trees Return to Beijing

  Chapter 1307 Xin Zijuan Setting Sun Grass Returns to Beijing

   "My sister has indeed worked hard, and my husband should also understand my sister's hardships."

   Baochai glanced at her husband, who was standing with his hands behind his back, with a smile, and took two steps closer, tidying up the folds of the hem of the long gown for her husband.

"The assassination at the Guhe Ferry also frightened my concubine and Baoqin. You must be careful in the future. You must know that there are so many people who care about you in the family. You are the backbone of the family, and my concubine and sisters are all wisterias." Tree, there must be no mistakes, and don't let everyone worry about it all day long,..."

  No matter what, Baochai's words brought her relationship with Third Sister You closer, and Feng Ziying was also a little moved when she heard it.

Compared with Shen Yixiu's magnanimity and elegance, Baochai's grace is a bit more gentle and charming, especially this dimple, which can be called a model of beauty, and this body wrapped in a fur embroidered jacket, which looks like a beauty of white jade, It is even more difficult not to have a feeling of exclusiveness, Feng Ziying will feel a little uncomfortable even if other men look at her more.

   "Okay, I know I'm wrong, I must be careful in the future." Feng Ziying took Baochai's hand, patted her tenderness, and said lovingly: "It's just that I have official duties, but sometimes I have to do it."

"I don't intend to ask my husband to be cautious, and my husband is not that kind of temperament. It's just that you should be more careful when it comes to your own safety. Therefore, I have also explained to Mr. Wu. You might as well recruit more capable people in these aspects. It doesn’t matter if you spend more money on manpower, but relying on the power of the government alone will not help you.”

Baochai said calmly: "It's just that I didn't expect to meet the capital so soon. After all, the capital is the seat of the imperial court. Maybe the situation is better, but the husband shoulders more responsibilities, so I can't be careless. I heard from Mr. Wu that the capital is mainly Mr. Wang is in charge?"

   Didn't expect Baochai to be able to confess to Wu Yaoqing? Moreover, they actually asked about Wang Wenyan. Feng Ziying was a little surprised. Both Wang and Wu are equivalent to their own personal staff, but the affairs they are engaged in are closely related to public affairs. Third Sister You has contact with them because Third Sister You is considered It's a bit surprising that Baochai is a part-time "guard".

   It can’t be said that Baochai can’t intervene. After all, she is her regular wife, and it’s normal to care about her husband’s safety. Just like the Rongguo Mansion Wang family doesn’t have the right to summon Li Shi’er, Cheng Rixing, and Bu Guxiu?

Feng Ziying was just a little surprised that Baochai seemed to enter the state faster than expected, and Shen Yixiu seemed to be a bit slower in this regard, but then she thought that Third Sister You was originally Shen Yixiu's wife, and Shen Yixiu married him not long ago. When you are pregnant, you naturally don't have much energy to ask these things.

  But Baochai has started to ask about some things, presumably Shen Yixiu will not be a descendant, Feng Ziying couldn't help shaking her head thinking of this, this seems to be the beginning of the Gongdou story in some novels? But as the hero, I don't seem to feel the fun of it at all.

"Well, Wenyan really helped me a lot in Beijing. He had to take care of a lot of things for me when I was away, but after I return to Beijing, Yaoqing will also come back..." Feng Ziying smiled, "The affairs of Shuntian Mansion must be It is much more complicated than Yongping Mansion, and I am afraid that I will be late when I go home, and I am afraid that my sister and Wan Jun will have to bear more of the family affairs."

   Baochai's heart is like a mirror, and she knows that her husband is also secretly reminding herself that although Wang and Wu are private staff, they are more engaged in public affairs, and she needs to clarify the boundaries of this.

  Sister You, who was on the side, was still a little confused, but Baoqin had already heard that her sister was communicating with her husband about some matters.

  This involves the future layout of the entire Feng Mansion, Baochai can't let go easily, and the same goes for Baoqin.

They all knew that Wang and Wu were Feng Ziying's aides who had taken over from Lin Ruhai, and their relationship with the Lin family was naturally unusual. Once Lin Daiyu passed through the door in the future, Wang and Wu would definitely have a natural affinity for Lin Daiyu. Dong Weng is Lin Daiyu's father, and this guest-of-honor's affection for many years will definitely be left to Lin Daiyu.

  So it is necessary to do a good job in advance now, to get closer, and even to establish some impressions, so as not to ask about things in the future is too abrupt.

Of course, Baochai Baoqin also knows that there is a red line in the middle and cannot be happy, but she can't give up eating because of choking. Many affairs involved in her husband are also difficult to separate from public to private. For example, Haitong Yinzhuang seems to be a private matter on the surface. Both have shares, but in fact they are closely related to some of the husband's arrangements involving official affairs. Can you say this is public or private?

There is also Wang Xifeng, Jia She, Jia Rong and others who intervened in the matter of redeeming the warriors from the Mongols. They made a lot of money, and there is obviously a shadow of their husband behind it. Is it the order of the court? This is the public. Is it private? It's hard to sum it up in one word.

  There are still many unknown things behind this man, Baochai and Baoqin are very interested.

It seems that there are quite a few such things that are both public and private, including the coal-iron building materials complex in Yongping Mansion. The Feng family must have been involved. The operation of sea trade in Yuguan inevitably involves the transportation and sales of these iron coals and that cement. My husband is very calm and never hides it.

  It is precisely because of her husband's calm attitude that Baochai and Baoqin feel that her husband is not rejecting or avoiding them, so Baochai and Baoqin feel that it is necessary to choose some more tactful and appropriate ways to intervene.

  A wife who is indifferent or ignorant of all her husband's affairs is definitely not a good wife.

   "Don't worry, Xianggong, isn't Xianggong still worried that Sister Shen and my concubine still have Baoqin?" Baochai was full of smiles, and her face was as white as jade, "I won't worry Xianggong."

  Feng Ziying also knew that Baochai must have understood what she said, so she nodded. He admired Baochai's kindness and propriety, so that the husband and wife are harmonious and happy, isn't it good?

  Tongzhou had nothing to say all night. In the early morning of the second day, the convoy set off like a capital city. In the afternoon, the convoy entered the city gate and arrived at Yunchuanbo Mansion in Fengcheng Hutong smoothly.

  The entire Feng residence quickly boiled.

The master is back, although this master is accurately called the young master, but under the circumstances that Feng Tang is almost impossible to come back, everyone naturally regards Feng Ziying as the backbone, and now Feng Ziying is returning as Shuntian Fu Cheng, Of course, let the servants cheer and be ecstatic.

  Although she has only been away for more than a month, Feng Ziying still deeply feels some differences.

Shen Yixiu, who is holding her daughter in tears, the mother and aunt who is pregnant with comfort, and a group of servants who are full of energy, all show that the cohesion of the Feng family is slowly forming, and a big family is slowly forming like this. Accumulated, of course, this is more dependent on the stability of a large number of offspring.

  Back to the mansion would inevitably be all kinds of pleasantries and questions and answers. After spending an hour at the mother and aunt's place, Mrs. and Mrs. Duan reluctantly let his son go to his daughter-in-law's place.

   Baochai and Baoqin wisely did not bother, and Feng Ziying naturally rested in Shen Yixiu's room.

Of course, this is also a pure rest, there is no other meaning, Shen Yixiu has not given birth to the child for less than three months, and his body has not yet fully recovered, Feng Ziying has no shortage of women around him, so naturally there is no need to be impatient, but he just came back and stayed at the In the wife's room, it should have the meaning.

"When the husband returns to Beijing this time, I'm afraid he won't leave in a short time, right?" The daughter was finally lulled to sleep, and the nurse carried her to the next door to sleep. Only the husband and wife were left in the room, and Shen Yixiu was leaning on her husband's arms. , although she felt that her body was fine, Feng Ziying still warned Shen Yixiu to follow the doctor's advice, and it was best to wait until three months before having intercourse.

"Theoretically so, but now that the current situation is bad, who can tell clearly?" Feng Ziying shook her head, hugged his wife in his arms, tender hands and eyes, but touched a hand of milk, very helpless, amused Shen Yixiu also laughed out loud.

   "My husband is still worried about the Southwest War?" Shen Yixiu knew that her husband had always been concerned about the Southwest War.

"Well, long-term invincibility, fatigued soldiers, low morale, it is easy to cause serious trouble." Feng Ziying withdrew her hand from his wife's plump breasts, and her tone was not very good, "The consumption is increasing day by day, Huguang side The summer tax and autumn tax are almost all covered, and even a part of it needs to be allocated from Jiangnan. The food price in the whole south has risen by more than 30% compared with the same period in previous years. It is not obvious that the capital has only increased by 20%. Delay the process, let’s see, within two months, the price of food in the capital will definitely rise by more than 50%, which is very dangerous.”

   "Will it go up so much?" Shen Yixiu was taken aback, half the price? This is not something else, but grain, which every family eats every day, and even big families complain about it. How can ordinary people eat it?

   "Hmph, I'm talking about the minimum, it's not impossible to double the increase." Feng Ziying didn't know what to do, he had already made up his mind that as soon as he took over Shuntian Fucheng, he would first check Jingcang.

   Only when you have food in your hands can you not panic. The Dazhou Jingcang is divided into two parts, 70% is controlled by the Ministry of Households, which supplies the entire north, and 30% is controlled by the Shuntian Prefecture, mainly to ensure the stability of the Gyeonggi area.

   But these grains are also transported by water. Due to the large quantity, Jingcang is mainly concentrated in Tongzhou, Yangcun and Tianjin Sanwei also have a part, and Shuntianfu mainly controls Tongzhou and Yangcun.

Because grain storage and transportation are not easy, these old grains are replaced almost every two years, and they are gradually consumed and replaced by the frontier army. All in all, this is a muddled account.

  Although Shuntian Mansion has the right to allocate and use it, it is only assigned to Shuntian Mansion in emergency situations. It is usually managed by the Ministry of Households, and Shuntian Mansion's supervision power is very weak.

  (end of this chapter)

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