Number of People

Chapter 1308: Xin Zijuan, setting sun, grass, trees, enemies, and narrow roads

  Chapter 1308 Xinzi Scroll

  There is a shortage of food in the north. The food supplies of Jiubianjun Town, Liaodong and Jingshi City all come from Huguang and Jiangnan. Provinces like Shandong, Shanxi, and Henan can theoretically support themselves if they do not encounter disaster years.

However, since the 20th year of Yuanxi, the Little Ice Age has caused the entire Northland to present a scene of constant disasters. Two out of three years are floods and droughts, and there are occasional locust plagues, and once a drought occurs, the drought is particularly severe , coupled with the lack of water conservancy repairs, local coping capabilities have become weaker and weaker.

Every flood and drought disaster is a plundering impact on the people of the Northland. Ordinary people have no means of living and have no savings. As a result, the scale of refugees after the disaster is also increasing, especially in the three provinces of China, Shaanxi, Shanxi and Henan. It has almost become a "natural phenomenon" during winter and spring every year, but the scale varies, and the most vulnerable is Gyeonggi.

   To solve the problem of stability in Gyeonggi, it is absolutely impossible to have no food as a bottom line. Feng Ziying knows this very well.

  When Zheng Jizhi served as Minister of the Ministry of Households two years ago, although the grain storage status of the Jingcang was unknown, at least the smooth water transportation was guaranteed. As long as there was a steady stream of grain from Huguang and Jiangnan, the stability of the capital was guaranteed.

  But now that the Southwest War has dragged Huguang down, and the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River are dissatisfied with the continuous increase in taxes imposed by the imperial court, and the time bomb of Prince Yizhong is hidden in it.

  Those who do not plan for the overall situation are not enough to plan for a region; those who do not plan for the eternity are not enough to plan for a moment.

Even if she didn't serve as the Chancellor of Shuntian Mansion, Feng Ziying was ready to make this suggestion to Qi Yongtai and Huang Ruliang, Minister of the Household Department. Now that she was appointed as the Chancellor of Shuntian Mansion, some things would be more logical. No matter what others think or do, but He must do it, and do it solidly.

  Seeing that her husband didn't speak for a while, but his hand fell on his chest under his apron, Shen Yixiu was so ashamed that his face burned, and he pushed her husband: "Sir!"

   "Oh, I was thinking about food." Feng Ziying came back to her senses and withdrew her hand.

  Shen Yixiu tidied up his clothes, brushed his hair on his forehead, and said softly, "Do you think the mansion needs to buy more food and store it in case of emergencies?"

  Feng Ziying hesitated for a moment, "Now? Will it cause unnecessary panic when we buy food in this way?"

Shen Yixiu laughed, "Even if we want to store some in our house, how much can we buy? There are only a hundred people in the whole house, and the food stored for a year is only 600 shi. If we throw more, 800 shi More than enough, for the hundreds of grain shops in the huge capital city, it is just a drop in the bucket. If you still feel unsafe, you might as well send someone to buy it at Tongzhou Wharf. The grain of hundreds of shi is almost the same as in the grain shop. It’s almost like buying a stone of grain here.”

Feng Ziying couldn't help laughing, and she was a little too cautious. The millions of people in the capital city consume tens of thousands of grains of grain every day, and there are hundreds of grain shops, and which one doesn't sell hundreds of grains of rice and millet a day? ?

"In addition, if the husband still feels unsafe, didn't the sisters of Xue's family and the others have made such a living before, why not buy some rice and wheat from Tongzhou on the grounds of reopening the rice shop, and keep it as a backup? "

Shen Yixiu's words reminded Feng Ziying that although Feng's mansion has few people, there are many people in Rongguo's mansion, up to and including thousands of people. This consumption is not a small amount, almost ten times that of Feng's mansion. Most of the new grain sent by Bian Zhuangzi was purchased from the Jingzhong Grain Store, and it is usually impossible to store much.

  Once the food price rises, it will be even more difficult to settle down in Rongguo Mansion, which is already struggling.

   Is it just me going to remind the Rongguo Mansion? Feng Ziying is not so unwise, once the news leaks out, it will be a disaster. Feng Ziying doesn't think that the Rongguo Mansion can keep any secrets.

   It is advisable for the Xue family to buy some grains and store them in the name of opening a rice shop. After all, the Xue family used to run such a business in the south, so it is reasonable to resume the old business and will not arouse suspicion.

However, this also requires careful planning, so as not to cause unnecessary troubles. It’s okay to say that the food price has not risen too high. If it rises too high, the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Long Jinwei will definitely investigate the entry and exit records of large grain storage households in Beijing over the past year. So this has to be done carefully and carefully.

   "Well, I'll talk to Baochai and Baoqin about this." Feng Ziying nodded.

This casual remark made Feng Ziying's heart even heavier. This matter in the capital city is no small matter, especially in the capital city. If you don't pay attention to it, it can cause a disturbance, and it is related to people's livelihood. It has attracted the attention of countless people, and it is very easy to spread rumors, causing a trend, which is difficult to control.

  If the enemy wants to take the opportunity to cause chaos, spreading rumors and causing trouble in this capital should be the easiest way to disturb people's hearts and destroy the prestige of the court.

The Ministry of Punishment, Long Jinwei, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate may have some methods and arrangements, but Feng Ziying thinks that it may not be enough, especially considering the increasingly difficult situation and the hidden danger of Prince Yizhong. .

There was nothing to say all night, and Feng Ziying also knew that when she woke up, she might have to devote herself to complicated official affairs, and Shuntian Mansion was no better than Yongping Mansion. It just sorted out government affairs and straightened out the relationship between superiors and subordinates. It's not a simple matter, and within three to five months, it's really hard to get on the right track, especially when there is an unreliable governor.


  Wake up and open your eyes, refreshed.

  Shen Yixiu had already woken up and was going to nurse the baby, he was the only one left in the room.

  Hearing the noise, Yun Chang hurried in, and while talking, dressed Feng Ziying.

   "My lord came back from Yongping Mansion, wouldn't he just rest for a few days? The court is too inconsiderate. I heard that the Shuntian Mansion has been vacant for almost a year. Why are you in such a hurry?"

  Yun Shang babbled, and Feng Ziying also liked to listen, but she just straightened her chest and abdomen, and let Yun Shang dress and comb her hair.

"However, this Shuntian Mansion should be tidied up. A few days ago, I heard that the daughter of a family in Mingyufang Shilaoniang Hutong was only five years old, and she was playing at the door of her house. The family was kidnapped by kidnappers as soon as they turned around. I reported the case to the Wanping County Government, the county government also published it, and sent the family back home, saying that they would notify if there was any news. In Xifang, seven or eight children were kidnapped by kidnappers, and none of them were found."

  Feng Ziying didn't say anything.

There are millions of people living in this capital city, and there are three religions and nine streams, especially the influx of a large number of refugees, which has exacerbated the complexity and chaos of social security in the city, especially in Chaotian Palace Xifang, Rizhongfang, and Beijuxian near the city wall. The more remote places such as Fangfang, Xuanbeifang, and Chongnanfang became the first choice for refugees, and the places next to these places were the most likely to become victims.

   In what year will the capital city not be abducted by dozens of children? However, it is still relatively rare for them to be concentrated in Mingyufang and Hegou Xifang in the west.

Feng Ziying didn't know the inside story, so he couldn't express his opinion, but he also kept it in mind. Wanping County and Xicheng Bingma Division must be responsible, but how to divide the responsibility in detail, we still need to know the specific details to be sure.

"It's nothing more than a lot of kidnappers. The thieves on the street are also rampant. A few days ago, I met Hongyu, the daughter of Lian's second grandmother in Rongguo Mansion. She said that she went to the street and ended up with a purse hidden in her waist. Someone cut the rope and stole it, and the monthly records she had saved for several months were also wiped out, and she cried a lot.”

   "Yunshang, do you still know Lin Hongyu?" Feng Ziying was quite surprised. Yunshang is from Feng's Mansion, and has nothing to do with Rongguo Mansion.

"During this period of time, Hongyu came to our house a few times. Earlier, sister Ping'er brought her here to get acquainted. Later, Hongyu came by herself, and Qingwen was not there. She was reasonable and gradually became familiar with her." Yun Chang said casually: "Hongyu is quite honest, and this servant feels that she has the same temperament as Xiangling."

  Has the same temperament as Xiangling? Feng Ziying almost laughed out loud.

Lin Hongyu is a rare ingenuity in "A Dream of Red Mansions". Her parents are the deaf and dumb couple Lin Zhixiao, but she is like a fish in water, otherwise she would not be able to sneak into Wang Xifeng's house. Apparently, Ping'er's goal was too big, and he wanted Lin Hongyu to get acquainted with the situation and prepare for the future.

  Yun Shang is still too simple, but Feng Ziying doesn't intend to say anything more, maintaining a simple temperament may not be a bad thing, Lin Hongyu also knows that Yun Shang is her maidservant who grew up, if she is smart, she won't make any plans.

   Just listening to Yun Shang's rambling, Feng Ziying also dressed comfortably, and then the family began to have breakfast.

   After breakfast, Feng Ziying went straight into the study and started to deal with these chores.

  Ruixiang came in and brought in a lot of posts. Feng Ziying felt a headache when she saw it, but she had to answer it.

   It's okay for ordinary people to wait, but when he saw Zhang Jin's greeting post, he was still taken aback for a moment.

  Although I have some friendship with Zhang Jin, but I came back to post as soon as I came back, which obviously doesn't match my friendship with him, it means that something really happened, not a relationship.

   "Ruixiang, go reply and ask Mr. Zhang to meet." Feng Ziying reckoned that Captain Long might have news about the assassin who assassinated him, otherwise Zhang Jin would not need to come forward for other matters.

  Reminiscent of her return to the capital, Feng Ziying's face gradually turned cold. It wasn't that the enemies didn't get together. If the assassins really hid in the capital city, it would really be that the enemy's road was narrow.

  (end of this chapter)

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